Phoenix Empire

Chapter 34 The Crime of Rumors

"The first day, I sent a butterfly rain box. Each rain butterfly wrote blessings to her and promised to make her happy every day.

"On the second day, send a moonlight paper crane with a smiling face on each paper crane and promise to tell her a story every day.

"The third day, send flying flowers, each flower engraved with Lan'er's name, and promised to engrave the name in my heart forever.

"The fourth day, I sent a portrait of a doll, a pair of dolls, a man and a woman, saying that two people holding hands, that is a lifetime.

"The fifth day, send the god statue jade pendant, and the jade is divided into two. Xu Ding will live up to the afterlife for the rest of his life..."

In the music room of Bing Ce Mansion, Xue Yan reported truthfully, and Hua Che's face sank little by little. Finally, she couldn't help interrupting: "Well, needless to say, have we been together for five days?"

"Yes." Xue Yan saw Hua Che's cold and solemn expression and bowed her head slightly in fear.

"Have you found out his origin?" Hua Che sat at the table, picked up a cup of wine, and asked coldly.

"The thief's book flying city, he has been wandering around the world for ten years, robbing the rich and helping the poor. He has close contacts with major gangs in the world, makes a wide range of friends, and is deeply loved by the people. He is also a little famous, but he still has another identity..."

Xue Yan seemed to have concerns and paused. Suddenly, she felt that Hua Che's cold eyes came and carefully answered: "Shu Feicheng is also the second son of Shang Shu Rong. Because of his stubborn temperament and does not like reading, his father hates his incompetence and tends to run away from the family. Therefore, Shu Feicheng wanders in the rivers and lakes and broke into the name of the name of the thief. However, recently, he seems to have returned home.

"That's just Shurong realized that he was in a risk of life, and found his son to entrust his last words." Hua Che said lightly.

Xue Yan listened, and her face suddenly turned white. She could never measure how insight he was!

Huache continued: "Shufei City is indeed a very good young talent!" With admiration, he looked at the girl with her head down and asked, "Xueyan, are you moved when you hear what he said?"

Xue Yan was suddenly shocked, her long eyelashes flashed with a trace of fear, and her slightly frightened eyes implied a trace of worry.

"It seems that you are really moved?" Hua Che smiled coldly and strangely, "Ye'er is also a girl like you. How can she resist **? Can the two of them act too much when they are together?

"No!" Xue Yan blurted out, "Although he is loose and unruly, he is still a real gentleman." At this point, she suddenly thought of something. She looked at Hua Che's smiling eyes and immediately knelt down and said, "Xue Yan has a lot of words. Xue Yan shouldn't talk for him. Everything needs to be ordered by the military division."

"I didn't say anything. You don't have to be nervous. Get up!" Under the indifferent order, Hua Che also stood up and said, "It's rare for Yueer to be happy. Let him live for a few more days. You go down first!"


After Xue Yan left, Hua Che called Youqi and ordered him to dress up for him and pack up some salutes.

"Is the soldier preparing to go out of the palace for a tour?" Youqi asked with a smile as he folded some clothes and accessories in the golden embroidery package according to his instructions.

"There is a temporary chaos in the DPRK, and it's time to go out on patrol. I also want to know what the world outside the palace has become now?

"Micro-service patrol?" The enchanting and charming pupils lit up, "When the old moon lord was alive, the soldiers stayed in the palace all day to shelter him from the wind and rain, and there was no chance to go out of the palace to play. Now it's just right. After leaving the palace, you must have enough fun!"

"I'm not going to play, Youqi. You should know where I want to go?"

The quiet movement gradually slowed down, restrained his smile, and looked at Hua Che: "Does the soldier really want to go to the Dragon Pavilion to see Prince Lianxi?"

"It's a visit." Hua Che smiled and said, "Change a suit for Yueer and let her go out with us."

"Silicon, it seems inappropriate to bring Lingyue's little palace master." Youqi suddenly interrupted seriously, "Now that there are rumors about her background outside the palace, I'm afraid that an 18-year-old girl can't bear it. What's more, there are countless people who want to assassinate her now. Soldiers, you can kill one person or even destroy its nine races, but can you block the mouth of the whole world?"

"For her!" Hua Che interrupted harshly, "It doesn't matter if you kill all the people in the world!"

He raised his head in surprise, his eyes darkened, maybe a little shocked, maybe a little lost, but finally there was nothing to say.

"It's also unsafe in the palace. I will arrange for my puppet to stay in the palace." Hua Che's voice sank, with a slight sigh, "From today on, Yue'er can't leave me for half a step. Go and call her!"

"Yes." A faint sadness flashed through his eyes, and he retreated.

Lingyue walked alone on a water corridor in the palace. The palace is so big that she doesn't seem to have tried to complete every road. Due to the strict discipline of her grandmother before her death, she seldom wandered around all day long, and even unfamiliar with the faces of most of the guards in the palace. Of course, there are also Some new maids or maids with low status who have a chance to meet Yuejun will not know her.

So, along the way, she also heard some rumors.

"Another traitor was ordered by Yuejun to kill him. It seems that the royal family of the Ling clan is about to die, and there is only one Lingyue small palace owner who can't speak. Hey, in fact, today's world has been in the hands of Yuejun Hua Che, and he has the final say on major affairs in the court. Yuezhu Lingyue is just one It's just a puppet with real power.

"Yes! What a poor little palace owner. The Ling clan has passed on to her generation, and the country has fallen into the hands of others. How can she, an 18-year-old girl, turn the world around? I don't know how long she can last?

"For 3,000 years, the moon kingdom has been in charge of the power of the world. The moon lord is in charge of national politics. The two complement each other and create a peaceful and prosperous world. Now I'm afraid that the power and the leaders will gather one."

"Hua Che, a military division, is wise and scheming. He will take care of our musk moon country. I'm afraid that no enemy dares to invade it. In fact, as long as the people live and work in peace and contentment, what does it matter if anyone is the head of the country?"

"Yes, as long as the people are happy, it is not the concern of the people. Alas, it doesn't matter whether there is a moon master Lingyue or not!"

"Shh, lower your voice, don't let anyone hear you!"


When the two maidservant saw Lingyue from afar, they couldn't help shivering and immediately turned their heads and ran to the other side of the bridge.

Suddenly, a guard in blue stood in front of them: "You two, what were you muttering just now?"

"The maidservant saw Mr. Xianyu, the maidservants just..." The two maidservants hesitated. Before they finished a word, the bodyguard in green suddenly cut it with a knife, and a maidservant's head fell to the ground. Another maid suddenly screamed and immediately fell to the ground and cried, "Please spare my life. I don't dare to talk nonsense anymore, and I don't dare to talk nonsense anymore..."

"Tell all the people in the palace that if anyone dares to talk about the soldier and the moon master Lingyue, they will be sentenced to death and punished on the spot!"

"Yes, yes, yes." The maidservant was horrified and suddenly felt a sharp light falling, and she was so scared that she fainted.

When Lingyue saw it, she couldn't help taking a step back and immediately ran to the fallen maidservant.

When the bodyguard in blue saw Lingyue, he quickly arched his hand and said, "I am loyal to see the moon lord."

Lingyue pushed the maidservant's body, but there was no response. She raised her head angrily and looked coldly at the bodyguard in Qingyi: "Why did you kill her? There is no my will in the palace. Why did you kill people indiscriminately?

"I will reply to the Lord of the Moon, and I will obey the order of the Lord of the Moon." The bodyguard in blue replied unhurtly and bowed and saluted, "Please go back to the military policy house immediately. The soldier has something to do with you."

"Immediately?" Lingyue shook her head and smiled bitterly and took a step back. "The Military Policy Mansion is not the place I should go. You have no right to order me to go there!" So is he."

A little annoyed and helpless, Ling Yue endured her grievances and anger and turned to run away from the way from the military policy government.

When she passed by Fengya Pavilion, she met Youqi. She didn't have a good impression on such an enchanting and gorgeous woman, not to mention that this woman was still the lover of her teacher Hua Che.

But when Youqi saw her, her face was full of smiles and was almost amiable. First, she saluted Lingyue, and then enthusiastically took Lingyue's hand and said, "Although I can see that the moon lord doesn't like me very much, I can treat the moon lord as a sister in my heart. Any predeprejugation is because I don't know enough. Maybe you should give me time to prove that I can make you like me.

Lingyue ignored her, shook off her hand, took a detour, and continued to walk forward.

Where can you go? Yue Palace has been destroyed, and now the Bingce Mansion is the only place you can go. The soft voice called Lingyue's footsteps. Hearing the sound of her breathing quickly because of anger, she still smiled charmingly. He walked to her and held her hand again, "Come with me!" If I say that everything the military division has done is for you, you certainly can't accept it, then I will tell you again, if I am willing to help you, will you refuse?

Lingyue looked at her in a surprised way: "What do you mean?"

Her slightly condensed eyes rippled like a charming wave. She smiled indifferently: "Actually, it doesn't mean anything else. I think we should be friends, and my friends will also be your friends. Don't you feel alone and helpless now?"

Isolated? Lingyue was stunned again. She didn't expect that this woman could speak her heart in one word.

Yes, very isolated and helpless, which is a kind of pain that you want to vent but can't find a partner.

"Get out of the palace with us. In one place, you will find your friends."

The gentleness seduced her, and in fact, her heart did move slightly because of these words.

After thinking for a long time, she finally raised her eyes and looked at Youqi: "Okay, I'll leave the palace with you."

Will there really be friends belonging to her in the world outside the palace?

If you don't try to find it, why do you expect it? There is no waiting fate, but you have to fight for it by yourself.