Phoenix Empire

Chapter 71 Secret

He was very reluctant to cover the tiles, and Feicheng put on his mask again. He wanted to return to Bai Shaolang's mansion before dawn. Unexpectedly, as soon as he stood up, he was surrounded by four masked swordsmen who were also dressed in night clothes.

The sword was bright, pouring out the chill of the night and the blood of killing. Feicheng saw the four people walking steadily and gradually approaching. He raised the corners of his lips and smiled and said, "The eldest brothers are vigorous, calm and murderous. At first glance, they are extraordinary masters. They must be the big guards under Hua Che. Such a good talent is only Isn't it a pity to be a shadow guard here?"

"brush--" Four sword lights pointed at him at the same time, and one of them shouted, "Who are you? Report it by your name?"

What a cold sword, what a cold tone, is this the so-called master, the killer swordsman trained by Hua Che?

Feicheng frowned and smiled, "The name of my little brother is really not worth mentioning, but if several big brothers really want to hear it, I am also very honored to report my name - God, Thief, Fei, Fairy!"

After saying that, Feicheng turned around and shot into the dark night like an arrow from the string. The four shadow swordsmen immediately pulled out and chased after Feicheng, but a hundred steps away, they could not see the figure of Feicheng at all.

Several people searched for a week in the place where Feicheng disappeared, but found nothing. They couldn't help but have a headache. They gave Hua Che's order to guard Jingyang Palace at night. If they couldn't even catch a small thief, wouldn't it lose their identity?

"When did a thief flying fairy appear in the world?" One of them said to himself angrily.

"There was a prodigal son named Flying City, but this boy has died at the hands of Bai Shaolang. The thief flying fairy seems to be a new character in the world.

"Have you heard of this person?"

"I heard a little. In the past six months, I heard that the largest restaurant, teahouse, restaurant and inn in Kyoto have been stolen by a man called the Flying Fairy, each losing thousands of taels of gold and silver. This person is another person who has a headache for rich businessmen and nobles after the Flying City.

"Another thief who steals with the slogan of robbing the rich and helping the poor, but why did this person sneak into the palace - no, I'm afraid this is a plan to move the tiger away from the mountain, and we will go back immediately! If the moon lord has something to do, none of us can bear it!"

The four people looked at each other and turned around and ran to Jingyang Palace.

In Jingyang Palace, everything is calm, but there is still a bright light in the bedroom of Lingxiao Hall.

Yushuziyi has been cut off for Lingyue's disease for a long time and has not found the cause of the disease. So he took advantage of the light to read the medical book given to him by Qiushuihe. The magic doctor Qiushuihe has been nearly old, but he has maintained a constant face with his skill of staying on his face. It is rumored that this person has practiced the art of immortality. He lives in the Wanggu of Teng, and several people visited him. If you get back, you must have become immortals.

Half a month ago, through many inquires and was lucky enough to find a map of Qiuyuan Valley, he found the magic doctor Qiushui Crane who has lived in the deep valley for a long time, but unexpectedly coincided with Mr. Qiushuihe's oil and withered. For a doctor, he can inherit the medical skills he has developed forever and live forever. The greatest wish. Qiu Shuihe taught only two or three disciples in his life, but none of them could pass on his manor. Unexpectedly, he took a fancy to his qualifications in the end. He was willing to accept him as the last proud disciple and deliver the medical books he wrote in his life to teach him.

He brought all the medical books and precious medicine passed to him by the Qiu Shuihe to the palace, because he had made up his mind to understand every medical technique. In fact, he had never thought of being a magic doctor before, but he gradually embarked on this road because he wanted to cure Lingyue's illness. .

Looking for a medical book similar to Lingyue's illness, when he was fascinated, a woman's voice came to his ear: "So tireless, be careful to tire your body. If you have something to do, I won't feel uncomfortable."

No one can hear the sound of the spiritual rain. Yushu Ziyi closed the scroll, looked up at the enchanting woman who was walking towards him, and said coldly, "How did you get in?"

"Doesn't cousin Ziyi know that the art of five-e elements of transportation and the art of digging tunnels are the specialty of my spiritual rain!" Ling Yuxiang said and deliberately patted the dust on his body. Seeing Yu Shuziyi looking out of the bedroom uneasily, he laughed and said, "Don't worry, those big masters have been led away by your brother Shufei City. Even if they will come back soon, there are other people playing with them!"

Yu Shuziyi's face changed: "You've been here just now. Did you overhear what I said to Feicheng?"

"Well, yes, although you two men are not brothers, they really have a little similarity. You are really infatuated with your beloved woman, which makes me so moved!" As she spoke, she walked to Lingyue's bedside, and her face flashed with a vicious light. "Therefore, I can't help but be jealous of my little cousin. There are so many men who care and love her in every way. Ziyi, you are so desperate to cure her illness, won't you fall in love with her?"

Lingyue's sleeping appearance seemed even more pitiful, and I couldn't help but want to cherish it. Lingyu looked at each other and grabbed her long nails to her face with some angrily. Yu Shu Ziyi immediately stopped her and said coldly, "Take your hand and don't touch her!" Lingyu was stunned, and his face was intertwined with sarcasm and hatred. "Why, I hurt her so distressed?"

Yu Shuziyi turned his words around and said, "What's the matter with you coming to me? Say it quickly and leave immediately after saying it!"

"Of course I came to you to talk about our relationship." Ling Yuxiang was a little angry, but he still reluctantly pretended to be noble and elegant. He sat on another Xiangfei chair and smiled and said, "Since you have come to this palace, of course you have to do the planned things, instead of talking about soldiers on paper, cousin Ziyi, don't you think?"

"So what do you want to do now?"

"Hua Che." Lingyu's charming eyes turned, threw it to Yushu Ziyi, and said with a meaningful smile, "I found a secret of Hua Che."

"What secret?" Yu Shuziyi asked indifferently.

"His background, his ideals, and what he is about to do." Ling Yuxiang said, looking at the changes in Yu Shuziyi's face and smiled proudly, "If you want to defeat a person, you must first understand him, and our understanding of him is limited to his current status and power. Hua Che's background has always been an unknown mystery for all people in the musk moon country. Don't you want to know where he comes from? ?"

"Hua Che was already an orphan when he was 12 years old. His parents died in the war. What else is there to investigate his background?" Yu Shuziyi said, "What's more, the more you want to know him, the more you will be exposed. Don't beg me to help you when you can't save yourself!"

"Yushu Ziyi, what do you mean? Do you want to overturn the boat?" Lingyu immediately tore his smiling face and said angrily, "If you really want to overturn the boat, don't blame me for being cruel. You can definitely do what I said!"

What did you say? What does it mean? Do you want to ruin his reputation?

Yu Shuziyi smiled coldly: "Whatever you want, if there is nothing else, you should go back to your place immediately!"

"Okay, okay - Yushu Ziyi, on the first day of entering the palace, are you going to part ways with me? Well, from now on, you will take your Yangguan Road and I will cross my single-plank bridge. At that time, don't blame me for pulling you down hell together!" After saying indignantly, Lingyu shook his sleeves fiercely, turned his head and went out of the palace. He didn't go far, turned back and smiled, "Oh, by the way, I heard that Prince Lianxi and others were being chased and killed by several people, hiding in the east and west. As you know, the four sisters of Shenlong Pavilion will never fall in Prince Lianxi. Leave her in difficult times. I'm here to tell you the news.

After saying this, she smiled and tucked her skirt away. Yu Shu Ziyi suddenly shouted, "Sh on--"

As expected, Lingyu turned around proudly and smiled, "Why, is cousin Ziyi interested in listening to me now?"

"Did you send someone to kill them?" Yu Shuziyi asked coldly, and his eyes were obviously worried.

"Yushu Ziyi, you are just like that. You are holding a woman while thinking about another woman. I really don't know who you love in your heart?"

Yu Shuziyi said impatiently, "Who I love has nothing to do with you, but if you break our agreement and hurt anyone in the Dragon Pavilion, I will never let you go!"

"Okay, I'll wait and see who wins. Do you really think I can't fight Hua Che without you?" Lingyu's expression suddenly changed and snorted coldly. Suddenly, he heard the sound of footsteps on the roof, so he immediately escaped and got into the tunnel. When he left, there was no trace left. At this time, several black shadow guards broke into the bedroom and saw Yu Shuzi sitting by Lingyue's bed, and he could no longer be found in the whole bedroom. The man bowed his hand to Yu Shuziyi, who seemed to be disturbed and woke up, and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. He, I'll disturb your rest when I hear the sound."

"It doesn't matter. You are also responsible, not to mention to protect the safety of me and the moon owner."

"I don't know if Mr. He just saw someone break into Jingyang Palace?"

"Forgive me for not knowing it. I just slept too deeply and didn't see any vision or hear it."

The leader in black think for a moment and arched his hand again, "Thank you, Mr. He, we are still guarding outside the palace. If Mr. He finds any movement, he can immediately ask us to come in to protect the Lord."

"If an assassin really breaks into the bedroom, Qiu Shuihe will call your savior in time. Thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard. Mr. Nahe, have a good rest and I'll wait to leave.

When several people walked out of the bedroom, they did not forget to glance at all corners and closed the door after making sure that there was no one.

Yushu Ziyi went through several twists and turns overnight. He was very tired, but he was sleepy at all. He thought about the words of the spiritual rain,

Huache's secret? His background, his ideals, what he is about to do?

Yu Shuziyi suddenly thought that Hua Che had the power to fall in the musk moon country. What other ideals does he have? What is he about to do? What does Ling Yuxiang know?