Phoenix Empire

Chapter 73 Fox Love

There was a trace of comfort and sadness in the spring rain. At night, when a lightning flashed across the night sky, the prince Lianxi, who was far away, also had a strange headache.

Nearly half a month after the destruction of the Shenlong Pavilion, the prince Lianxi has lived a hunted and killed escape life with her brothers and sisters who have adopted and signed a contractual relationship. It is common to spend the night in the wild. Some disciples with a poorer physique can't even survive the poor life and get sick. In order to take care of the sick disciples, their journey is also a little slower, which exposes their whereabouts and attracts countless enemies who assassinate them.

In fact, where did these enemies come from and why did they destroy her Dragon Pavilion and kill them all? Prince Lianxi didn't understand at all. She also thought of the fifth brother Hua Che, but Hua Che was a soldier of the musk moon country. Although he acted too decisive and cruel, it did not only have this measure, because a few The game was defeated by her and chased all of them.

I remember the night the fire in the Shenlong Pavilion, she slept very deeply. Not only she, but also all the disciples in the Shenlong Pavilion slept deeply. Fortunately, the concubine woke her up and pulled her to the backyard to put out the fire. I thought it was just a small fire in the backyard, but I didn't expect that when all the disciples of the Shenlong Pavilion When she gathered in the backyard to grab the fire, the front hall mansion was attacked by countless fire arrows, all of which collapsed in the sea of fire. She watched the Shenlong Pavilion, which she painstakingly managed, was swallowed up by thick smoke and fire and gradually turned into a pile of ruins. But she was powerless to rescue and had no time to rescue, because then they encountered the siege and pursuit of a group of masked men. In order to save the lives of all the disciples of the Dragon Pavilion, she had to abandon the first pavilion in the world, break through the siege with her disciples and escape from the Dragon Pavilion.

From then on, he embarked on the road of escape and lived a life of hiding his name and even hiding from the east.

The night wind blew open the door of the dilapidated house. At the moment when the reincarnation dropped a cursed kiss on Lingyue's forehead, the prince Lianxi also felt a strange headache and shouted with her head in her arms. The concubine, Yun folded smoke, Liu Yingxi and Yutian rushed to the room of the prince Lianxi in fear and saw the prince Lianxi's head full of his head. Sweating, his expression was painful and trance, and he was actually fragile that had never been shown.

"Sister Lianxi, what's wrong with you?" The four asked in one voice.

"I don't know what's going on. My head suddenly hurts. It hurts..." He pounded his forehead hard, and Gongzi Lianxi muttered, "I seem to have a strange feeling..."

"How do you feel?"

"It seems that... it seems that there is another person I am struggling painfully. It's strange how can I feel this way and feel that another person is in danger."

"Another you?" The four of them were surprised again.

"Yes, this feeling has happened several times, either in a dream or in a fantasy, as if as long as that person is in danger or hurt, I will have a strong sense."

"How can you feel this way? Sister Lianxi, aren't you excited and crazy about the destruction of the Dragon Pavilion? Yun Zheyan's heart was straight and anxious.

The concubine quickly pulled the smoke and said, "Sister Lianxi, don't listen to Yun'er's nonsense. Although the former Dragon Pavilion is gone, we are still there. As long as the four goddess dragons are still there and the prince Lianxi is still there, then the Dragon Pavilion will definitely be there."

"Feir is right. The Dragon Pavilion was originally created by Sister Lianxi. It has fallen down one. Why is it difficult for us to build another one? It may be better than the glory of the past." On a rainy day, he shook the peach blossom fan and said with a smile, with obvious encouragement in his words.

"I don't think you need to say that Sister Lianxi has already been psychologically prepared." This time, Liu Yingxi answered, "How can Sister Lianxi's will be defeated by those robbers, right?"

"Don't quarrel!" Prince Lianxi frowned, wiped the sweat on his forehead, sat up from the lying down and asked, "How is Beckham's condition now?"

The four people looked at each other's words and bowed their heads without saying a word.

Half a sound, Liu Yingxi said directly, "Xiaobei's girl is too weak and seems to be getting more and more serious."

"Then go to the pharmacy and get her more medicine!" Prince Lianxi ordered to look at the four women and asked, "Which one of you is going?"

"Sister Lianxi, Xiaobei is so sick that we are all anxious, but..." Yun Zheyan said.

"But what?" Prince Lianxi asked.

"But we have no money." Liu Yingxi simply answered, "The silver brought out from the Dragon Pavilion has been used up in this half a month. Sister Lianxi, should we find a way to get some money first?

"Silver two, don't I still have it here?" Suddenly, a gust of fragrant wind blew into the hut, and a wheelchair was pushed in. On the wheelchair sat a beautiful man who could compete with flowers.

Fox falls in love with Xiang.

The first time I saw Fox Lianxiang was on the stage of the martial arts competition. The prince Lianxi chose him as her husband and recruited him into the Shenlong Pavilion to set up a pavilion for him. Fox Lianxiang's incense refining technique was also unique and did not disappoint her. However, this woman-like man is always haunted, invisible all day long, and always suddenly appears at the most unexpected time.

The second time I saw Hu Lianxiang was at the foot of Noga Mountain in Shufei City. Youqi asked Liu Yingxi to hand over a letter to the prince Lianxi, which said: Shufei City and Beiyang Bai Shao fought in Nuoga Mountain. Both of them fell to the cliff, and their life and death were uncertain. I hope that the prince can save my brother Feicheng. I am very grateful. After seeing this letter, Lianxi naturally rushed to the river in the Noga Valley to look for Feicheng, but she did not find Feicheng, but met Hu Lianxiang again on the way. At that time, Hu Lianxiang asked to accompany her and was willing to give thousands of silver for free use on the road of the owner of the Dragon Pavilion, but the prince Lianxi refused without hesitation.

Later, the third, fourth and fifth time, after she experienced a desperate struggle with a batch of masked killers, he appeared on time and took the initiative to offer her affection, not only to give him money, but also meticulously took care of her to heal her wounds.

Prince Lianxi only felt that this person's nerves were abnormal and unreasonable, so he scolded him every time and drove him away.

I didn't expect that although this man's skin was well-proportioned, white and delicate, but his skin was unusually thick. After being scolded or even beaten by her, he could come back.

And every time it appears, it is either in a sedan chair or a wheelchair.

"Don't you have legs?" I don't know why, every time Prince Lianxi saw him, he couldn't help but be furious. He stared angrily and asked harshly.

Hu Lianxiang's beautiful fingers held the crane feather fan. With a sweep of the strong wind, the fragrance overflowed. His face always showed a smile like a hundred flowers and said softly, "I have legs, but madam, your eyes are not looking down."

"With legs, why do you have to sit in a chair? Can't you walk?" Prince Lianxi was even more angry.

"Madam, you must understand me. Lianxiang's feet are weak, and it will be unbearable to walk a hundred steps, so I can only sit in this chair. What's more, although Lianxiang's feet are not easy to walk, they can still be used for viewing."

"Isn't your brother a human? A pair of long embroidered legs are not useful, aren't they? After losing his temper, Mr. Lianxi immediately reacted, "Wait, what did you call me just now?"

"Why did you forget so soon?" Fox Lianxiang's face was aggrieved, and it seemed that even tears were about to fall out. "In the martial arts ring, you said in person that you want me, Hu Lianxiang, and that thief prince's book Feicheng. Since then on, I have been your husband. Of course, you are my wife, and we have had skin relatives. , Lianxiang is unforgettable! How can madam forget Lianxiang so quickly?

When Prince Lianxi saw this evil man pretending to be pitiful, he couldn't wait to dig a hole and get in immediately, but he couldn't hurt him, and he couldn't beat him. As soon as you hit him, he could immediately cooperate with the pig-killing screams, which made your eardrums ache, confused, heartbroken, and thrilling.

Seeing that the prince Lianxi no longer answered, Hu Lianxiang called the little man behind him to push the wheelchair and came to the front of the prince Lianxi. A pair of fox-like charming eyes flashed wisps of light. He stood up and threw his hands full of amorous feelings. He raised the prince Lianxi's chin with a crane feather fan. Fox Lianxiang almost cried like a fool: "Madam This is the eighth time I've come to you. Please don't drive me away, okay? I know that you have run out of entanglement on the way. I brought a box of silver, which should allow you to eat for a few more days. If it is not enough, how about sending another box?

"Why do we eat silver? Oh, take away your fan." The prince Lianxi suddenly pushed the fox Lianxiang's fan away. Unexpectedly, he pushed the weak evil man down on the wheelchair. Hu Lianxiang cried aggrievedly and cried, "I've been here. Can't you feel my sincerity? I, a playboy, love Xiang, but I really want to take my son Lianxi as my wife. This heart can be seen. I can swear!"

"Swear to you!" Prince Lianxi was so embarrassed that he couldn't even speak well. He avoided Fox Lianxiang and took the four sisters of the Dragon Pavilion to run to the dilapidated hut.

When Fox Lianxiang saw several women running away, he couldn't help covering his mouth with a crane feather fan and secretly smiling.

"Sir, I really don't understand that there are many beautiful women in the world. Take the women in the Dragon Pavilion as an example, those four sisters are more emotional than this prince Lianxi. Why do you fall in love with her?"

Who said I fell in like her? I said that you can't be tough to deal with this kind of woman, you can only be soft. You can't compare her with wisdom, fierceness and fierceness. You can only be soft and tough.

"Oh, prince, you are a strong man, a unique move!"

"Well, then again, this woman is really difficult to deal with. I have been courting for her eight times, and even the iron heart should melt, right?" A fan patted the little man on the head, and Hu Lianxiang released the man's domineering little by little and asked again, "Isn't it? Are you giving me an answer?

"Yes, yes, sir, you have said everything. I don't know what else to say?"

"That's why you listen to me, idiot. Compared with me, you are really far worse."

"Yes, yes, small difference, how can a small one be as good as you!"

"Oh, it's been a month, and there hasn't been any progress in the matter, and the task assigned by the military division is difficult to complete!" Saying to himself, the evil man shook his fan twice and bent down to put on his shoes.

Seeing that he bowed hard, the squatted under his knees and began to help. He knew that the owner had a habit of wearing shoes when standing and taking off shoes when sitting. Now it was obvious that he was going to stand up, so the little boy quickly squatted over to put shoes on him.

Hu Lianxiang was also happy to enjoy the pleasure of someone putting on shoes, pretending to be a boss and asked, "by the way, is there any progress in the secret recipe of the twelfth flavor essence that my mother asked us to find?"

"You son, don't lie, there is no progress."

"Pig head, can't you lie to comfort me? You also know my mother's nature, and there is no good news at all. How can you let me reply to her?

"So, what do you say?"

"What should I do? Keep looking! The twelf flavor essence is said to be a kind of poison that can make men only interested in a woman**. Its medicinal properties can last a lifetime. If you see a woman that is particularly easy to attract men, then this woman must have this poison, that is, the twelfth flavor essence.

"Well, this kind of woman is easy to find. There are a lot of people in the brothel!"

"Bag, you don't insult my family's secret recipe by saying this. You can think about anything about the woman in the brothel. Why did I accept such a promising thing from you to be a personal bodyguard!"

"Yes, sir, you scolded."

"What are you waiting for? Go on, keep looking, and start with the beautiful woman."

"Oh, yes." The little servant's eyes turned sharply and was unconvinced. He secretly said to himself, "Sir, you are no better than me.