Phoenix Empire

Chapter 89 Love is not obedience

The man was Liu Yingxi. The woman was as cold as before. She stepped on the back of the hand of the young man in black lying on the ground and howled, and scolded, "Who are you? What are the ghosts doing in the military policy mansion?

"Oh, good sister, I'm just a subordinate of the Military Policy Mansion. What can I do?" The teenager crawled on the ground, weakly begging for mercy, and his voice was quite feminine.

"Since you are a subordinate, why climb the wall and enter the military palace? Don't you have to enter the gate?"

"Oh, there's nothing I can do. Now the door is closed, and no one is allowed to enter or leave the gate, or even speak loudly."


"Why else? Now the moon master Lingyue lives in the military policy mansion. If anyone dares to talk nonsense and reveal any news to the moon lord's ears, it is a serious crime to be killed by the soldiers!"

"What's the big deal? Are you afraid that it will reach the ears of the moon lord?" Liu Yingxi frowned and asked.

"What's the matter? There are so many things to do!" A cunning light flashed in the teenager's eyes and looked at her and begged, "Oh, good sister, can you move your feet away first and let me stand up and talk?"

Liu Yingxi looked at the teenager coldly with vigilant eyes and said sharply, "Okay, get up and talk!"

The teenager stood up lazily, looked at Liu Yingxi and smiled, "Well, why do you think I should tell you? What I said was the risk of killing my head!"

A sharp green light flashed, and a tube of bamboo flute spotted on the teenager's throat. The woman asked, "If you don't say it, I will let you die immediately!"

The teenager's pupils suddenly opened wide, his voice was hoarse, and he repeatedly begged, "Okay, I said, can't I still do it?" Zhu Xiao left, and the teenager stroked his neck and took a few breaths. He stammered, "Because the soldier has done a lot of things that the moon owner doesn't want to see without telling the moon owner." The teenager still wanted to sell his business, and Liu Yingxi asked, "What's the matter?"

"For example, send people to privately seal down the Rongcheng Mansion and deal with the whole family of the writer Shurong, as well as all the people in the Dragon Pavilion. Any courtiers who are against the court will be sentenced to death and kill the nine clans. Ah - good sister, can you listen to me before doing it?"

Before the teenager's words fell, Liu Yingxi's face was suddenly sinking, and he stuck the teenager's neck with some indignation. He scolded, "There is evidence of what you said. If a word is false, I will kill you first to vent my anger!"

"Yes, of course there is evidence. Oh, aunt, I'm not the only one who knows about this. Don't you understand everything when you go outside the Rongcheng Mansion? As for the Dragon Pavilion, didn't you get burned out by the fire a month ago?

The teenager begged for mercy, and Liu Yingxi snorted angrily, grabbed the teenager's clothes and threw him out of the wall.

The woman's expression suddenly became cold and terrible, and the jade flute suddenly flashed a cold and dazzling light in her hand. The vines and flowers in other courtyards rose lightly, and the sun faded slightly, and even became lonely because of the light of the bamboo flute.

"Oh no, Yingxi seems to be murderous." Youqi said worriedly, "I have to stop her!"

"Don't be tricked, Miss Youqi--" Yu Shuziyi shouted loudly and turned back in surprise. Seeing that there seemed to be something hidden in Yu Shuziyi's look, he asked, "Mr. He, what did you just say? "What's the plan?"

Yu Shu Ziyi nodded: "Yes, does the girl believe what the slave just said?"

"Of course I don't believe it. I get along with the soldiers day and night. How can I not know what he did? However, why did the slave deceive Liu Yingxi? Did he want to..." Youri's eyes suddenly changed, "to provoke discord, he wants to use Liu Yingxi's mouth to alienate the feelings of the soldier and the moon lord?"

"The Youqi girl is really smart. It seems that there is no need to explain everything."

"Mr. He, is there anything else you haven't said? I don't look like a servant of the military policy government just now. Do you know that person?

Yu Shuzi's eyes condensed and stared at the faint eyes. It is no wonder that she can survive around Hua Che for so long and get thousands of favors. He has also heard that the military division Hua Che has become a powerful minister in the world since he took control of the military power of the musk moon country. In the game, there are countless concubines who have been rewarded by Lord Taiyue, but since they had Youqi, all their concubines have been reduced to slaves. Since then, they have not been close to any other woman except Youqian. Youqian has been favored by Hua Che for five years and lasted for a long time until Lingyue, the owner of the small palace, grew up and succeeded to become the moon lord.

"Yes, I know that person." Yu Shuziyi answered in a low voice, with a complex look in his eyes.

"Who the hell is he?" Youqi asked eagerly.

As soon as Yushu Ziyi was about to answer, he saw the sound of fighting in the main hall of the Military Policy Mansion, and several figures walked through the eaves.

Youqi and Yu Shuziyi looked at each other and expected something. They sighed in their hearts and rushed to the lobby where Hua Che and Lingyue were. Sure enough, countless killers had gathered in the lobby and fought together, and Liu Yingxi was forced to the corner by all the blades, and the murderous spirit of the peach blossom card was like a surging tide to the surroundings. It spread, but finally couldn't stop the siege of the top masters in Hua Che's mansion. When all the blades stabbed Liu Yingxi, Youqi called urgently, " Stop it!"

The moment when Liu Yingxi closed his eyes and waited for death, it was the faint cry that saved her, and all the blades were nailed to the wall.

Youqi ran into the lobby with Yu Shuziyi. The anger between Hua Che's eyebrows was also more aroused by her call. Youqi knelt down and begged, "Master, show mercy. Liu Yingxi's impulsive move must have her own reasons. Why don't the soldier ask clearly first, and it's not too late to kill."

Hua Che listened to Youyi's words, and the anger on his face gradually faded a little. After ordering the guards to retreat, he cast his eyes on Liu Yingxi and asked, "Why did you assassinate me?"

Liu Yingxi stroked the almost fatal wound of the sword on his chest and said coldly, "We have exchanged conditions, and I will dedicate my life to you, and you must promise to let everyone in the Dragon Pavilion, but why... why did you order them to be killed?"

After hearing this sentence, Lingyue's face also became depressed. She looked at Hua Che, and her eyes almost showed a complete despair of distrust of him. She asked, "Teacher, is what she said true? Are you still killing people? Hua Che also met her clear and sad eyes. For a moment, he didn't know how to explain, not to mention that he was not a person who liked to explain more. Seeing that he was not discernible, Lingyue suddenly brushed the table full of memorials and the painting of the "scented" wedding dress to the ground, glared at Hua Che and said, "I will never believe you again. You will never change your blood-eating nature. I will never change it. I will never believe you again--"

As Lingyue said these words, she retreated. She looked at Hua Che's eyes not only to despair, but also pain and hatred to the extreme. Her purple clothes suddenly turned around. Her delicate body was a little trance. Yu Shuziyi saw her pale face and quickly supported her. The body.

"Yeer--" Hua Che suddenly called, flew away, grabbed Lingyue from Yu Shuziyi's side and hugged her tightly in her arms, "Yeer, I'm sorry, but I didn't kill people indiscriminately. Is your trust in the master really only a little less?"

"You lied to me, lied to me..." Lingyue struggled and almost roared delicately, "Don't touch me again, don't touch me again, or I Lingyue will definitely die in front of you..."

He hugged her with domineering power, but after this sentence, he suddenly let go. Lingyue's sad and desperate eyes were not a fatal pain for him, but what else could he say? No matter how much he explained, it was useless. Her distrust of him did not start at this moment.

"From today on, every time you kill one person, I, Lingyue, will save ten people, my teacher. As long as Yueer is still alive for a day, I will not let you kill again. Unless you even kill Yue'er together--" Lingyue turned around, wiped away the tears in her eyes, looked at Yu Shu Ziyi, who was staring at her, and said with a wry smile, "Mr. He, Yue'er hasn't returned to Jingyang Palace for several days, right? Let's go back now, okay?"

Yu Shuziyi nodded. When he was about to leave, Youqi suddenly stopped Lingyue and said, "Lord, the soldiers did not lie to you. He has been watching you day and night for the past ten days, accompanying you, and has not even reviewed the medal, let alone order to kill people. Can you just trust him this time?

Lingyue smiled bitterly and said, "Sister, I know you love him very much, so you will help him cover up all his sins and stains, right? However, if you love someone, you don't have to obey, and you don't have to love what he loves and everything he has. If there is anything wrong with him, you must point it out for him. Even if he doesn't want to listen or change it, you must also help him point it out, persuade him to listen and help him change it. This is for his good. ?"

She was stunned and stared at this simple and weak girl in astonishment. It turned out that she was not completely naive, not knowing anything, but insisted on herself and loved others with her own heart and soul.

She knows how to love someone better than anyone else.

A near-inaudible sigh passed by like the wind, and Lingyue and Yushu Ziyi walked out of the gate of the military policy mansion together.

Hua Che looked at Lingyue step by step away from sight, and his eyes gradually revealed sadness and despair. Why did the hearts of the two people have to be separated when they are about to get close together?

With a click--" sound, another sandalwood table was cut off by his palm. Hua Che sat down in the chair with his hand and began to meditate alone.

"I'm sorry, I blame you. If you kill me, then kill me."

This is the sound of Liu Yingxi. Hua Che originally deeply hated this woman. If it hadn't been for her, the gap between him and Yueer would not have been so serious. However, the conflict between him and Yue'er had existed for a long time, and even if the cracked feelings were temporarily healed, it would be difficult to completely recover.

"You go! I don't want to kill people where she is."

Liu Yingxi's eyes darkened, and she was a little moved by the man's affection and pain, and there was no need to say anything more. She went out silently.