Phoenix Empire

Chapter 100 Joint

The spring breeze sent warmth, drunkenness, and a feast of flower appreciation lasted until dusk. Lingyue has been drunk into a dream, drunken into sorrow, and turned into tears of lovesickness. She seems to have seen the young man in blue again in her dream. The first beautiful encounter is also like this mellow wine, which makes people endless feelings and continuous missing.

If loving someone will only hurt him, then you can't love him anymore!

Brother Feicheng, I'm sorry, Yueer is no longer qualified to love you anymore. In this life, I will return the love of my teacher, and I just want to promise you for the next life. In the afterlife, Yueer will definitely repay you well - Yueer has no choice but to offend the rebellious scales of her mentor. Only by dedicating everything I have, including my soul, to him, can I get a trace of kindness and mercy.

Love is really a punishment! Punished you and me, and also punished him——

I Lingyue have no choice but to sell my love to restrain him.

The wedding dress was stained with a little wine color, and the veil was like a floating cloud. Lingyue lay in the wedding dress, like a water lily sleeping in the fragrance of rain and dew. Hua Che picked her up and went straight to the bedroom. This night, he did not stay, but pecked gently on her shallow dimples. After covering her quilt, he turned around and left.

Before he left, he only said one sentence: "Yueer, you have to believe that whatever I do is for your own good."

The lotus lamp in the bedroom was blown out by a wisp of sigh, and Lingyue's clear eyes suddenly opened in the dark. Looking at Hua Che's departure back, she couldn't help sighing.

Lying quietly for a long time, suddenly, a woman's voice came to her ear: "I didn't expect that the cruel and unkind soldier Hua Che could be so infatuated with a woman and conquer his heart. The charm of the moon lord is really extraordinary!"

Who? Who are you?" Lingyue immediately sat up from ** and looked around.

Suddenly, the extinguished lotus lamp lit up again. A woman dressed in palace makeup came out from behind her bed, stood in front of her, smiled and leaned down and said, "I am Xiaoyu, the maid of honor who made a special trip to design dowry jewelry for the moon lord. During the day, we met in the Youmeng Yayuan of the Military Strategy Mansion. Do you still remember? ?"

"It's you--" Lingyue was surprised, "Of course I remember you. How did you hide in my bedroom? What do you want to do? Come——”

As soon as Lingyue wanted to call someone, Xiaoyu, the maid of honor, immediately interrupted, "You don't have to call someone, because no one can hear you, and there is no malice when I come to you. I just want to ask you a few questions."

No one can hear it. Is it that this woman has done something to the bodyguard guard outside the door? Lingyue had a trace of fear and reluctantly calmed down and asked, "What do you want to ask me?"

Xiaoyu, the maid of honor, smiled gently, walked to Lingyue's bedside, sat on a Xiangfei chair, and quietly looked at Lingyue and said, "I want to ask you, as the son of the Ling family and the moon lord of the musk moon kingdom, what have you done for our Ling family and what have you done for this musk moon kingdom?"

Lingyue was stunned, looked at the maid Xiaoyu doubtfully, and asked coldly, "What do you mean?"

Xiaoyu still smiled and said softly, "Lord, are you too weak? Therefore, you have always been a tool used by the military division Hua Che in politics. You don't have your own real power and dare not compete with it. You even sold yourself to him. How many people in our Ling clan have been buried He is in the hands of Hua Che alone, and now you are still pregnant with a child for him. Don't you think you are very cowardly and useless?

Under the gentle appearance, it was such a sharp and sharp language. Ling Yue's face turned white, her eyes fixed on Xiaoyu's face, and she asked again, "My Ling family? Who the hell are you?"

"I also have a surname of Ling--" Xiaoyu, a maid of honor, suddenly tore off a fake skin from her face, revealing a more gentle and beautiful face. Her eyes flashed with wisdom and said word by word, "It's Ling, Yu, Xiao."

"You--" Seeing the woman's true face, Lingyue was even more surprised, "Aren't you the rainy day in the Dragon Pavilion?"

"Yes, I'm Yutian, the talented god of the Dragon Pavilion, but I'm also Ling Yufei, the eldest daughter of Lingyu, a descendant of the Ling family." With a smile, the woman added, "It's your cousin Lingyue."

"Cousin?" Lingyue's eyes were moist, and she didn't believe it, but with a trace of surprise and hope, she asked, "What evidence do you have to prove that you are from my Ling family?"

"Evidence?" On a rainy day, his eyes narrowed slightly, "You want evidence." Suddenly dressed in white, she took a small jade porcelain bowl from nowhere. A dagger suddenly appeared in her hand and gently stroked her white lotus arm. Blood fell into the bowl like rouge. Then she brought the small bowl with blood beads to Lingyue and smiled, "The people of my Ling family have the same blood, and the blood is thick. Yu Shui, do you want to have a try?

She wiped the dagger with white silk and handed it to Lingyue. As she said, Lingyue also cut a blood stain on her arm and fell into the small porcelain bowl on a rainy day. There was also blood in the bowl. When the two drops of blood touched each other, they really melted. Lingyue did not notice that her hands were shaking slightly on a rainy day, but He looked at the rainy day in surprise and asked in disbelief, "Are you really Aunt Lingyun's daughter, my cousin?"

"Not bad. In the year when you were born, there was a great chaos in the palace. My mother, your aunt, escaped from the palace to avoid disaster, and I left the palace at that time and hid my name with my mother. Later, my mother gave birth to my brother and left us without a trace, while I wandered in the world. Finally, he entered the Dragon Pavilion and became famous all over the world with his talent and ability. Speaking of this on a rainy day, there was a little sadness in his pupils, but a compassionate smile appeared on the corners of his lips, "My real name is Ling Yufei."

"The year I was born, that is, the year my mother died?" Lingyue's longing for her mother surged into her heart again and shook her head sadly. She asked, "How many things happened that year? Why did so many people suffer misfortune as soon as I was born?

"Who said your mother died that year?" Suddenly, Lingyue raised her head in surprise, with doubts in her eyes, and heard Yutian say, "After you were born, the moon lord Linghui was demoted to a commoner and left the palace. She and her husband did encounter many people on the way to escape, but my mother Lingyun sent people to save them, so, That year, your mother did not die..."

"No death, that is to say, is my mother still alive? So where is she?" Lingyue's eyes burst into joy and asked impatiently.

The rainy day looked gloomy and sighed, "I don't know where she is now? The year my brother was born, that is, three years later, my mother left us and said that she would go to find her, but since then there has been no news, his whereabouts are unknown, and his life and death are uncertain.

Lingyue's eyes suddenly darkened again, extremely disappointed, and she lowered her head and asked, "When the road was chased and killed, his life and death were uncertain, and his whereabouts were unknown. Is all this related to his mentor?"

The rainy day smiled and said, "You finally thought of him. If I guess correctly, the disappearance of my mother and your mother is related to the soldier Hua Che. Therefore, my sister Yueer, we are all from the Ling family. The Ling family was beaten down by our ancestors, but now they are held by Hua Che alone. Should you join hands with me to deal with him and save us from him? Mother. I can give you the army, you just need to give me your power.

"What are you talking about? Is our mother in his hands?" Lingyue looked up in shock and asked, with a suspicious light in her eyes. She shook her head, "It's impossible. If our mother is really in his hands, it's impossible for me to have been with him for so many years, not to know?"

"It's not easy for him to hide it from you." Yu Tian smiled and suddenly answered, "Just like this time, didn't he also put Yu Shu Ziyi into the heavenly prison without telling you, issued a general order to Shufei City, searched the whole country, and sent someone to seal up Rongcheng Mansion?"

She asked tentatively on a rainy day and looked at Lingyue's reaction. In fact, she didn't know how much Lingyue knew about this matter, but gambled on her own guess.

"What are you talking about--" Before she finished a sentence on a rainy day, she saw Lingyue's face change greatly, and her eyes condensed with fear, anger and even disappointment to the peak of hatred. "It turned out that he was lying to me and lie to me again--"

"Why? I have given him everything I have. Is he still using me? Lingyue's eyes suddenly became desolate and dull, muttering to herself, and even sneering, "I even gave him my body and feelings completely. Can't I get anything in the end? What is my Lingyue in his heart? What is it--

Looking at Lingyue grabbing the curtain, bending down and crying bitterly, she was so sad and desperate that she seemed to vomit her heart. On a rainy day, she felt a trace of unbearable. She quickly helped Lingyue and let her lie at the head of the bed and comforted her, "Cousin Yueer, crying is not the only way. Now do I understand that you originally want to affect him with emotion? You are too naive. For a man, a woman is nothing at all, not to mention such a powerful man as Hua Che. He may really love you, but he can never regard you as the whole of his life. A man's ideal is too far-reaching to occupy a corner of his heart at all!"

"What do you want me to do? I have nothing. What can I use to fight with him and what can I use to restrain him? I'm just a moon lord without real power. I'm just a puppet..."

"You still have me!" The rainy day suddenly shook her hand, met her eyes, and comforted with a smile, "You still have Yushu Ziyi, and Shufei City, or I can also ask Lianxi, the son of Shenlong Pavilion, to help you. The strength needs to be found and collected! Don't give everything to ask for his mercy. It's too costly.

"I still have cousin Ziyi and brother Feicheng..." Lingyue's blank eyes also showed a trace of hope, "And you, cousin Yufei?"

"Yes, you still have us, and I have some loyal subordinates, and we will help you. From now on, you are no longer alone, and you will have many friends-"

"I'm not alone anymore?" Lingyue muttered to herself, seemed to be happy, but seemed to be more desperate and sad. "It turns out that I have always been alone--" At the moment when tears gushed out, her eyes also cooled down, "Okay, Sister Yufei, I would like to join hands with you--but please help me, be sure to save cousin Ziyi and Brother Feicheng first. "