Phoenix Empire

Chapter 108 Don't you love me?

This kiss is as tender as water, but the liver is broken.

It seems that he has traveled through several generations of reincarnation, waiting for thousands of years, thousands of vows, holding this promise, a moment of gentleness, Lingyue's tenderness not only melted the coldness of his body, but also melted his heart.

He could feel that the frozen blood had begun to boil, and the toxins in his body were pulled out of the body by some force. His perception gradually recovered, and the tears in his eyes also gathered, moistening Lingyue's eyelashes.

The piercing cold made Lingyue's body numb. Looking at Feicheng's eyes, her red lips trembled, and her crystal white cheeks were like frost, but she smiled and said softly, "Brother Feicheng, I succeeded. Although Yue'er only practiced to the second floor, she could save Brother Feicheng. Yue'er is really happy..."

Fee that Lingyue's body was gradually getting cold, and there was unspeakable pain in Feicheng's heart. He hugged her tightly, as if he was holding a fragile porcelain doll. He dared not use too hard, but he was afraid that she would disappear. suddenly, he shouted out with a rebuke in sadness: "Why did you save me? I said I'm fine. Why did you save me--"

"Brother Feicheng has saved Yueer so many times, and it's time to give Yueer a chance to save Brother Feicheng once, and Brother Feicheng is so good to Yueer. He sacrificed so much that he did not hesitate to fight against his mentor, and even his family was even tired..." The tears at the corners of his eyes quickly condensed into ice beads, and Lingyue's mouth exhaled a faint fog. Feicheng She immediately sat up and held her tightly in her arms, trying to warm her face with her chest. Ling Yue continued, "Yue'er is sorry for Feicheng brother too much, but she can't give anything to Feicheng brother, and it always makes Feicheng brother sad... Yue'er remembers the first time she saw Feicheng brother, Feicheng My brother always likes to laugh, and he looks so beautiful..."

Maybe because it was too cold, Lingyue couldn't continue here. She curled up and kept rubbing into Feicheng's arms. Feicheng simply took off his cloak, wrapped her tightly, and sobbed in a low voice, "Yeer, I love you, so I'm willing to do anything for you. I'm willing to do anything. I don't need you in return. What, you didn't feel sorry for me..."

"However, because of Yueer, the life of Brother Feicheng has been disrupted. There is no joy and no freedom. Now he is even involved in the dark struggle in the palace. Therefore, Yueer thought that it would be great if Brother Feicheng did not meet Yueer... or didn't like Yueer..."

"Yeer, I don't allow you to talk nonsense. It's my blessing for me to meet you in this life. If I don't meet you, I may never understand what love is..." As if laughing, Feicheng gently pinched Lingyue's Lingyue's nose and smiled, "Maybe this is God's destiny. It's doomed to you in this life. You will definitely meet me..."

"Gig..." Lingyue couldn't help laughing, but still shed tears with a smile. She sighed sadly and almost and resolutely pleaded, "Brother Feicheng, this time it's Yue'er's return to your love. From now on, we won't owe each other and forget Yue'er, okay?"

"What did you say?" Feicheng's heart seemed to have been hit hard, and he could hardly believe his ears. He was afraid and asked, "Yeer, don't you love me in your heart?"

Don't you love it? Lingyue's heart hurts. Can you say she doesn't love her? If she didn't love, how could he often appear in her mind? If she didn't love, how could she suck the cold poison in her body without hesitation? At that moment, she didn't even think about the child in her womb, but can she say love?

can't. Not to mention that she has long been a teacher, she has missed the fate with him in this world. Moreover, the price of such love is really too high. No one can afford to bear the family of Brother Feicheng and her responsibility to the musk moon country...

So, she smiled sadly and said the most ruthless sentence: "I'm sorry, Brother Feicheng, Yueer just thinks that she will be very happy to be with Brother Feicheng, but the person she really loves may be the teacher, the soldier Hua Che——

The person I love... is him, and I have his child now.

Yueer has made a national marriage with him, which is a couple respected by thousands of people. Therefore, Brother Feicheng, forget me!"

You should find a girl who can also bring you happiness. You should have a better life. You will have a better love, a long time, a world of the earth, and a lifetime of happiness--

What Yueer can give you is just an illusory afterlife. I can't miss you in this life!

"Yeer, what you said is not true! I don't believe... I don't believe..." Feicheng muttered comfortingly, "If you don't love me, why do you save me? If you don't love me, why did you stab Hua Che to avenge me? If you don't love me..."

"That's all because I owe you!" Lingyue interrupted, and the last trace of affection was hidden in her eyes, "Because you sacrificed everything for me, I want to pay you back, so Brother Feicheng, don't treat me well anymore..."

"No... I don't believe it... I don't believe it..." Feicheng almost roared and left Lingyue, as if he couldn't help punching the iron door. Why do I want your reward? I just hope you can be happy and hope you can be happy. If Hua Che can really give you happiness, I will also Will let go, but can he?

What the hell is this? What the hell is this? Is it really my wishful thinking?

Flying City shouted, knocked on the door, and shouted angrily at someone outside, "Open the door for me, old monster, open the door for me, I'm going out--"

Lingyue's whole body seemed to be frozen, especially her pale face was covered with a thin layer of frost. The cold pain made her hesitate to grab the ground, and the slightly open Sakura's mouth spit out a dense fog.

I'm sorry, Brother Feicheng, if I don't be cruel, you will always fall into it. Yueer really can't give you anything, but she will never watch you fall into an eternal situation.

You will still be the Flying City brother who likes to laugh, be handsome and tease people. It will be very good...

Fly City pounded the iron gate until a pair of fists were bloody, almost all of the iron fences were transformed, and a slightly dull and hoarse voice suddenly came: "Well, have you thought about it? Do you want the antidote or not?

Feicheng raised his eyes angrily and saw a short girl in white with a hood. Seven days ago, after he was stunned by Yushuzi, he was stunned. When he woke up, he saw this strange girl in white, who forced him to eat the sky. Down to the cold "Tianquan Eye" and imprisoned him in this underground secret room.

The child's figure is very sophisticated and vicious. Feicheng can't help cursing when he sees her: "Old monster, how long are you going to sleep me? If you want to absorb men's spirit and maintain your ten-year-old face, just kill me quickly. Don't procrastinate. Let me see you for a day longer... ..."

Feicheng said this, and the girl in snow clothes who came with the girl in white couldn't help changing her face, but the girl in white laughed: "It's really an unforgiving child. How long can you be stubborn? Can you not take your life, and your pet doesn't care?"

Feicheng's face changed and suddenly realized something. He turned his head and looked at Lingyue, but saw that Lingyue was full of coldness. His whole body was shrouded in smoke. He was anxious and immediately picked up Lingyue and called her name with great fear. However, Lingyue seemed to be frozen and stiff and did not move. Moved.

"Her physique is not as good as you. She can endure the pain of seven days of extreme cold in a row. Whether it is an antidote or not, it is up to you." The girl in white spoke as if coaxing a child, with a trace of compassionate tenderness in her deep voice.

Feicheng suddenly shot his eyes at her, with extreme hatred in his eyes: "You are really insidious. You can't seduce me, so use her to threaten me, okay..." Feicheng endured and almost roared, "Okay, I want the antidote. I can do anything you to do, I want the antidote..."

"What a good child. The person who knows the current affairs is a handsome man, not to mention the woman you love?" The girl in white seemed to laugh very happily, "Only you, Shufeicheng, can do this by using the world's heroes for a woman, hehe..." She waved her hand and called the tall maidservant in white behind her and ordered, "give him the antidote!" However, only one bottle of antidote is given.

"Yes, master." The maidservant responded and shot a crystal clear pill between her fingers. Shufeicheng reached out to catch it, and couldn't wait to feed Lingyue, hugged her and woke her up.

"What else? When will you give me any other antidotes?

"When she is poisoned again, if you perform well enough, I will give you the antidote again."

Shufeicheng clenched his fist fiercely. If it hadn't been for Lingyue, according to his former temper, he would have beaten the strange girl out of face, but he could actually bear it. For the sake of Lingyue's safety, he would bear it.

"Go, child, go and fulfill your promise. I believe you have enough ability to gather together."

"What exactly do you need? Do you need soldiers and horses? Or do you just need some pieces to sacrifice at any time.

"Knowing that sacrifice is the most noble and proud virtue of people. History will write down their names, children, you are still too young to see through many things. What is life? Eternal reputation is the eternal existence."

"I'm bullshit! Do you know the meaning of life again?

"Okay! There is always a generation gap between elders and descendants. I won't argue with you, as long as you report your achievements truthfully from now on. The girl in white waved her hand impatiently. Shufeicheng picked up Lingyue and asked the girl in white, "Open the door. I'll take her back!"

"Yes, as you wish." The girl in white's voice was smiling and charming. In her laughter, the iron door suddenly opened.