Phoenix Empire

Chapter 111 Beauty

Lingyue returned with a smile, and a wisp of silent thoughts flowed in her clear eyes. Hua Che found for the first time that there was no smile in Lingyue's smiling eyes.

"The lonely king heard that Shurong, a writer, has a son who is good at building organs. His creation can be famous all over the world, and he is even more unprecedented. He must be this prince in the hall?"

Lingyue stared at the handsome man in the wheelchair and smiled. The young man couldn't help but move and marveled secretly. Shu Lubo was silent for a while before he nodded and replied, "It's right here!"

"Sure enough, I am a person who hides Huiying at first sight. My musk moon country is only living in a small island in the southern island of Ximengchuan. In terms of financial resources and manpower, it is far less than the vast and material Central Plains. The country needs to develop. In addition to economy, politics, military and culture, the lonely king always feels that there is something missing?" Lingyue said thoughtfully and looked down at Shuqibo with a smile, "But now when the lonely king saw Mr. Pengbo, he suddenly understood that what our country lacks is exactly the talents who know how to create and invent like Mr. Pengbo. I am weak in people and things, and I can't grow rapidly in a short period of time. If I have talents like Mr. Bo, I can revitalize some mechanical dead things and make use of some manpower, which can also strengthen China's military strength and strengthen national defense. Speaking of this, she turned to Hua Che and asked, "What do you think of the teacher?"

Hua Che smiled and nodded: "It's a very good idea. What the moon lord thinks is exactly what I think."

"Well, thank you for your support." Lingyue still said this politely, then looked at Shu Wanbo and asked with a smile, "The lonely king and Yuejun jointly believe that Mr. Wanbo has the ability to serve as the head of the Ministry of National Weapons. If he can contribute to the country to serve the country, he can atone for his father's merits. Scholar Shurong is not only acquitted, but also restores his position. Work with hundreds of officials in the same dynasty.

When Lingyue said this, she saw a trace of joy on her face, and the officials were afraid to speak. Although Hua Che had a smile on her face, there was already a dark color in her eyes.

"Teacher, Shurong, a literary scholar, is the elder of the two dynasties, loyal to the country, honest and upright. Even the people say that he is a rare good official. If we kill him regardless, will the people in the world call us as a faint monarch?"

Hua Che looked at Lingyue with some surprise, and his indifferent smile showed a trace of wisdom. He was not speechless, but always had a trace of irrefutable pity for the views expounded by Lingyue.

"Yes, the scholar's honor does not die, and his son is famous for his filial piety. He is an example of my dynasty. He is not only innocent, but also wants to give his son a good way to teach his son, be loyal to the country, and immediately tell the world." After saying these words in a loud voice, Hua Che looked at Lingyue and smiled, "The Moon Lord is satisfied."

Lingyue was slightly stunned, and then turned her head and said to the civil and military officials, "As Yuejun said, release the scholar Shurong, restore his original position, and order him to go to the palace tomorrow morning."

"Month Lord Moon King Shengming!" The officials nod their heads and shouted in unison, mixed with the cold and sassy voice, and a smile of appreciation gradually unfolded on the book's face.

In the early morning today, Lingyue made an arbitrary decision after looking at the memorials of the officials one by one, but Hua Che did not make any objections. He stood on Lingyue's side and always agreed to any order she issued. This was the first time that Lingyue showed her talent and prestige in politics and metallurgy. The situation has obviously reversed, and the officials have never mentioned the deposed of the moon lord and made himself king.

"Brother Tongbo, what do you think of the ability of this small country lord?" After the court meeting, Shubo and Leng Safeng were arranged to rest in a natural guest house, and all kinds of rewards were placed together in this guest house with natural scenery.

He pushed his wheelchair and walked in the palace with books. Occasionally, when he was interested, he made comments on what happened at today's court meeting. Shubo smiled implicitly: "In terms of human nature, she is indeed a benevolent and kind-hearted master. If in terms of political and metallurgical talents, she is far less than Hua Che! A queen without real power, if it is only supported by emotions..."

"It's just supported by emotions, Brother Lingbo, what do you mean by this?"

The book smiled and his face darkened, as if he was lost in thought and sighed, "Yes! At today's court meeting, although the decision made by the moon lord decisively shocked all officials, and there was no mistake, which was enough to show his ability to smelt the country, but he was talented and unable to support the heavy responsibility of a country. Hua Che just loved her and let him do it. If it was true, the moon lord Lingyue must not be Hua Che's opponent. "

"Brother Lubo's words are really sharp, so he has no confidence in our little queen, and he will die in one sentence."

Leng Safeng deliberately smiled and asked, and the book smiled indifferently: "It's not that I don't have confidence, but that everything is doomed. This little queen's life is not good. Anyone who stutters with her fate will have an extraordinary life, but it will also be an unfortunate life, and her life will not be too long..."

"You mean, she will be beautiful?" Leng Safeng was shocked, and suddenly heard a woman shouting in her ear, "Lord of the Moon, there is the Military Strategy Mansion in front of us. Shall we go back to the palace to rest first, or..."

The Yanliu painted bridge, with hundreds of flowers on the ground. In the red wind, a girl in fairy phoenix clothes came curling up. The maidservant in white behind her held up the haze on the ground for her, smiling face like a warm breeze.

Lingyue held the bridge railing and quietly looked at the water under the bridge, with a calm and happy light on her face: "I won't go back now. I want to see the fish in the water here."

"Fish?" The maidservant was a little surprised on the rainy day. She also looked down at the water and saw a small red fish jumping up and startled with a splash. When she looked up at Lingyue again, she saw a surprised and envious smile on Lingyue's face.

"What a beautiful fish, so free! Sister Yufei..." Lingyue sighed and looked back at the rainy day, as if she wanted to share her happiness with her, but suddenly felt that the sky suddenly dark. The power of her whole body disappeared in an instant. Her whole body shook a little. Seeing that she was about to faint, the rainy day quickly helped her to herself and asked worriedly. "Master of the Moon, what's wrong with you? Are you not feeling well?"

Lingyue shook her head and pushed the rainy day away with all her strength. She insisted on standing firmly and slowly walking along the bridge railing towards the bridge.

Leng Safeng looked at her from afar, and his always playful smiling face was also stained with a trace of solemnity. He whispered to himself, "It seems that this beautiful and lovely little cousin really won't live long!"

The book saw him meditating and interrupted, "What are you muttering?"

"Oh, Brother Tongbo, I'm about to praise your ability to watch the stars and watch your life. It's really smart!"

The teenager pretended to smile again. Shubo shook his head and said, "At a young age, I don't know where I learned the habit."

"Hey, of course, it's best to learn from Brother Tongbo. If you learn to fight and pick up beautiful women, then you have to find Brother Feicheng. My habits are not brought by your brother Feicheng."

After listening to the book, I felt speechless. At this time, Lingyue unconsciously walked to them. Before she could see them clearly, she suddenly fell down weakly with her skirt.

"Oh, moon lord, don't fall on me. Anyway, you are the lord of a country. Why is this body so weak and not domineering at all?"

I faintly heard a young man's clear and joking voice, and it soon flashed in Lingyue's memory that when he first met Shufei City, he seemed to have said such a thing. Leng Safeng picked her up, but she grabbed his hand tightly and muttered softly, "Brother Feicheng--"