Phoenix Empire

Chapter 116 Family?

"The slave maidservant Xiaoyu welcomes the lord of the palace." When the group approached, the rainy day quickly greeted them and saluted.

"Are you the celebrity around the moon owner, and Si Zhen from Zhuhaifang makes Xiaoyu?"

On a rainy day, her eyes were lowered, and a gorgeous suit approached, which was fragrant. On a rainy day, she felt numb, and she felt a little dizzy for no reason. However, the next moment, she immediately woke up: bad, this woman actually dyed musk with her own intention to kill the moon owner. What a vicious woman, good A spiritual rain!

The fierce woman who is famous as a blood witch in the world has already investigated her deeds, and since the beginning of the vicissitudes of life, the competition between them has begun.

According to the rules in the palace, she did not look up, but bowed respectfully and whispered, "The palace master is really good to remember the name of the slave."

"The day after tomorrow is the wedding of the moon lord and the soldier. I heard that you have also been rewarded by the future moon king. Since the first day you are elected to the palace, you have been promoted to the position of first-class maid in the palace and given the position of Sizhenfang. Now you are waiting beside the moon lord all day long to tailor gold and silver jewelry for her." Speaking of this, Ling Yuxiang deliberately took a step closer to the rainy day, lowered his head and whispered, "I don't know that you are really just an excellent maidservant? Or is there another identity? What is your purpose of approaching the moon lord?

On a rainy day, she was shocked. Fortunately, the temperament that had been cultivated in the face of danger made her laugh calmly: "The palace master laughed. The maidservant is just a servant who relies on Sizhen's craftsmanship to support herself. The other identity that the palace owner refers to is probably that the maidservant is just a poor girl without father and mother, right? Of course, if you are close to the moon owner, you want to do your job. How can you talk about the purpose? Instead, you, the lord of the palace, heard that the lord of the palace has never come to see the lord of the moon since he returned to the palace. I don't know what the wind is today, and he actually blew you here?

"Bold!" Suddenly, with a crackling sound, Lingyu slapped the face of the rainy day and scolded fiercely, "What a sharp-toothed bitch, but she learned to use her own power and scolded me."

This slap was very loud. He was shocked by the cold news of hiding near the White Tower. His face was so angry that he was about to run out impulsively. He grabbed him and said, "What's the hurry? It's not the right time for you to think heroes to save the beauty. What's more, I may not be able to suffer losses when I see this maidservant... What do I think of your expression is better than hitting yourself. Does your face still hurt?"

"Of course, it hurts. It needless to say that this bitch, wearing a fake skin, is here pretending to be a tiger. If there is a chance, I must teach her a lesson and dare to beat my sister--"

"Your sister?" Tong Bo was stunned and asked in astonishment, "What fake skin?"

Leng Safeng came to his senses and realized that he had leaked his mouth. He quickly smiled and changed his words and said, "Brother Lingbo, as you know, I am as romantic as Brother Feicheng. When I see a beautiful woman smaller than myself, I call her sister. Of course, when I see a beautiful woman older than myself, I call her sister. And when I see an old woman with bad water, no matter how beautiful she is, I think she is an old fox wearing a fake skin. How about it, Brother Tongbo, my description is still appropriate!"

"Adeed!" Wei Bo answered, but thought to himself: What a cunning boy, how can he take it for granted! He shook his head and smiled. Seeing the cold wind full of thoughts, he stared at the maidservant in white and no longer answered him.

At this time, the rainy day also looked up and spoke. Her gentle face and smile was still like flowers shining. She said, "I have also heard that the lord of the palace is tolerant and generous, with self-restraint and wisdom that no woman in the world can match. How can she be so heavy on such a lowly maid in the world today? Aren't you afraid of hurting your hand?"

"You--" Lingyu is angry, blue veins are violent, and he can't wait to slap him again on a rainy day.

On the rainy day, he also raised his face and laughed, "If the palace owner is not afraid of people's jokes, then slap him more!" How noble the identity of the palace master is, and it is an honor for the maidservant to be slapped by the palace owner! Ask which subordinate in the palace can teach you a lesson by yourself, right?

What a powerful girl! What she said is not unreasonable. If she doesn't even measure this, it will really damage her image as the spiritual master of the palace!

"Good! What you said today, I think your master is not disciplined. You are the celebrity around the moon lord, and I don't care about you. However, I came here today to visit my little sick little niece. As the maidservant of the moon lord, you don't take care of her. What are you doing here? Didn't you expect that this palace would come and wait here specially?

"I'm sorry, Lord of the palace, the person waiting here is the soldier, not you. As you know, the military division has recently guarded the moon master tightly. Anyone who wants to get close to her must first obtain his permission. Therefore, I'm very sorry to tell the Lord of the palace that the Lord of the Moon is inconvenient to meet guests now. You'd better go back!"

At this moment, Lingyue's cold poison relapsed and was dizzy. Although Shufeicheng took the medicine and fed her, she reluctantly hugged her together and did not want to leave for a long time. She reluctantly persuaded the stubborn and infatuated teenager, so she had to stay under the white tower to control the wind for them.

In fact, what she is most afraid of is that Hua Che will come at this time, but she didn't expect to meet this woman.

"Is it the order of the soldier or your false oracle?" Ling Yuxiang still asked questions without let go.

On a rainy day, Lingyu became proud and aggravated his tone again and asked, "If you don't have the imperial edict, I can think that you are a false oracle." On a rainy day, he had no idea for a moment. Lingyu grabbed the empty space and continued, "The moon lord is my little niece. I came to see her. Who dares to stop her?" Her tone revealed a threat, and then she waved to the maidservants behind her and ordered, "Come with me, take away the things you brought, and present them to the moon lord one by one later--"

The servants led by Yaotong each took a jade plate and responded with their heads and loudly.

On a rainy day, I saw that these people's faces were full of strange expressions, and the jade plates in their hands were covered by a piece of white cloth. They didn't know what it was, so they said suspiciously and urgently, "Wait - what are you holding in your hands?"

Lingyu turned around and asked with disgust and mockery, "You said it yourself. You are just a cheap maidservant. Are you qualified to ask this question?"

"Who said she was not qualified!" A moist cough came. On the same rainy day as Lingyu, she turned around and looked up and saw Lingyue still standing in the Cuizhu Pavilion in front of Jingyang Palace not far away.

When Lingyu saw her as if she was about to come over, he immediately smiled, showed a face of kindness, ran to her quickly, and called her kindly, "How can you let the Moon Lord come to greet her in person? I haven't seen her for many days, and I don't want my lovely little niece to lose a lot of weight again. My aunt came today to bring some good medicine to nourish Yue'er..."

"Hight!" Lingyu moved very fast and wanted to say something endlessly. On the rainy day, he suddenly grabbed himself in front of Lingyu and turned to Lingyue and said, "Lord of the moon, you can't get close to her!" Her whole body smells of musk!"

"Mice?" Lingyue was also stunned. "I have seen this kind of spice that can be used as a medicinal material in the medical book of Ziyi's watch song, but pregnant women can't smell its fragrance, otherwise it will lead to mismilcim and life-threate..." On a rainy day, Lingyue nodded to Lingyu and asked, "Auntie, you don't know the harm of this fragrance. Or..."

"No, I don't know--" Lingyu replied in a panic without thinking about it.

Lingyue's expression was very calm, but the still water also had very fine ripples. She smiled softly and slightly meaningfully and said, "I hope my aunt really doesn't know. Otherwise, Yueer will definitely reveal her aunt's true face.

Lingyu was stunned and stared at Lingyue's pure smile, which was completely incompetual, and suddenly felt inexplicably afraid. What does she mean by this? Does she already know it?

"Aunt Wan, did you really come to visit Yue'er today? If you really care about Yueer, please take off your coat and clean this musk. Let's get together in Jingyang Palace and talk about it in detail, okay?

"What do you want to talk to me about?" Lingyu had no idea in his heart and asked with some fear.

"Family, of course, talk about the family." Lingyue still smiled, with a trace of warmth and gloom in her eyes. "Aunt Wan, you don't have to suspect anything anymore. You should know who I mean by the family I'm talking about. Why should we kill each other? Auntie, what do you think?

Lingyu's face turned pale, and he saw that Lingyue's eyes were still smiling, but there was some spiritual yin, which made people shudder.

"It doesn't matter, aunt, you can't answer me now. I can wait. After you change this dress, come back to my Jingyang Palace. Yueer will definitely treat you and enhance some feelings with Aunt Wan. As my aunt once said, we haven't seen each other for many years! My aunt doesn't know Yueer very well, and Yueer doesn't know much about my aunt..."