Phoenix Empire

Chapter 118 Chess Talk

Lingyue ordered people to set up the flower bed wine table, hundreds of gardens, Jingxiu Pavilion, and the breeze blew the fragrance of wine. She sat under the wisteria tree and waited. Her whole body was purple in the wind. The clear wine reflected her smile as shallow as the moon, and a fragrance between her fingers touched a wisp of cool memory in her heart.

Dozens of maids arranged everything around her, such as flower table and wine, pen, ink and paper research, piano and flute chessboard, and a dagger placed between the mirror table. The dagger is engraved with three big golden characters - fog and snow silkworm!

She held a wine bottle in her hand, drank a wisp of sadness, and squeezed her lips slightly. She looked at the exit of the fence of Baihua Pavilion Garden again. At that time, the woman who was the "Lord of the Palace" would break the appointment. Isn't it too much to pay attention to her?

Anyway, everyone knows that she is just a puppet of her mentor Hua Che. Who will really fear her in his heart?

"Cousin Yufei, why do you think the brothers and sisters of our Ling clan have to fight to the death? Is the kingship really more important to them than family affection? Aunt Zishuang rebelled for the king's power, and Aunt Zilu did not hesitate to kill Yue's grandmother for the king's power. Now this cousin Lingyu, who pretends to be Aunt Lingyun, also ruined his reputation and was unjustly imprisoned in order to put me at a disadvantage..."

"Moon Lord..."

"I really don't understand what kind of existence I am for all my relatives? Is it a relative? Or the enemy? In the future..." Lingyue smiled, looked at her and asked, "Will you be like them?"

When it was raining, she didn't expect her to become so suspicious. She reluctantly smiled and said gently, "Lord of the moon, we are good sisters. The most precious thing in the world is family affection. I will not be like them."

"Is that right? I was relieved to hear Cousin Yufei's words. Lingyue smiled, held the wine bottle, and lowered her eyes. "How many people's hearts can the king power corrupt? What else can I do to save the hearts of these people besides killing?

Except for killing? What does this sentence mean?

"The Lord of the Moon--" On the rainy day, I was shocked to see the wine bottle held by Lingyue shaking slightly. The clear wine reflected the clear eyes, beautiful and unfathomable, but it was bottomless. "Why did you order people to put several jars of wine here?"

"Wine can intoxicate people and confuse people. Will drunk people say all the words hidden in their hearts?" Lingyue raised her head and looked at the rainy day and asked meaningfully, "Are the words she said in person the most powerful evidence?"

"Moon Lord, do you want to..." The rainy day was shocked and suddenly felt a chill. It turned out that Lingyue was not as weak and simple as she thought. Will she also calculate or kill people in order to save people?

"Not bad. I want to get all the evidence out of her mouth, and I also need cousin Yufei to write down everything she said and ask her to press her fingerprints on the paper, which will be an indispensable thing to save cousin Yi.

The rainy day was stunned again. Under Lingyue's gaze, she was shocked, but couldn't help nodding her head.

At this time, a maid said, "The Lord of the Moon, the Lord of the Upper Palace has come to the Jingyang Palace and will then go to the Hundred Garden."

"Please--" Ling Yue ordered with a smile, throwing the wine bottle in her hand and tightening her heartstrings.

"Cousin Yufei, I heard that she is an extremely cruel woman, right? Have you ever heard of her name in the world? On a rainy day, Lingyue suddenly asked.

"Yes, Lingyuxiang has an extremely appalling name in the world - the blood witch. It is rumored that the blood witch not only has the magic of escape armor and the five-e elements of transportation, but also one of the best in the world in terms of poison. Since she became famous in the world, she has killed countless people, and her means are extremely vicious, especially with a kind of Lust confuses men. Any man who has approached her will be poisoned by her. Because of this poison, they have to work for her for life. Her mind is also extremely deep. Many men accidentally fall into her trap and lose their freedom forever..."

"Color and fragrance? Confused men?" Lingyue was shocked again and again by these words on a rainy day, and a trace of fear appeared in her surprise. Lingyue asked in horror, "Is there such a poison in the world? Can a man have to work for her for life?

She suddenly thought of cousin Ziyi? Has he also been coerced and exploited by her because of this poison?

"In fact, I haven't seen this kind of poison. This is just a rumor in the world. However, most of the organizations established by Ling Yuxiang in the world are men, and only a few women are the tools she uses to confuse men."

"How many people did she hurt? Is cousin Ziyi also..."

"Listening to what Yu Shuziyi said to Yun'er girl in prison that day, it is not difficult to guess that he has also fallen into the trap of Lingyuxiang. Otherwise, with his arrogant personality, how can he be willing to be used by a woman?"

"Lingyuxiang..." Lingyue couldn't help biting her lips, clenching her fists, and suddenly loosening. The wine splashed, and bright red dots fell on her white jade-like skin. On a rainy day, she gently patted Lingyue's shoulder and reminded her: "She has entered the hundred gardens--"

Lingyue nod her head slightly, stood up, and looked at the spiritual rain facing her.

Even to go to her appointment, Lingyu also brought an extremely beautiful teenager Yaotong beside him.

"Aunt came late and let Yueer's little niece wait for a long time--" Seeing Lingyue, she still smiled arrogantly and disapprovingly. Yaotong behind her also had a strange smile. After looking at Lingyue for a long time, Yaotong suddenly smiled evilly, knelt down and arched her hand and said loudly, "I hope the moon master is a thousand years old. Thousands of years old!"

For a long time, Lingyue didn't say anything, but Lingyuxiang found a seat to sit down, held a cup of wine, looked at Lingyue, and said with a smile, "Ye's niece, why don't you sit down? Shall we talk while drinking together?"

"Lord of the palace, you should call me the Lord of the moon like your slave!"

"Bang--" The wine cup held by Lingyu accidentally fell to the ground. She looked at Lingyue in astonishment, as if she couldn't believe that this was said from Lingyue. But Lingyue looked at her with a real solemn face and added, "Yes, I'm your little niece, but today I ordered you to enter my palace as the Lord of the moon. The hundred gardens are the holy place of Jingyang Palace. I chose this place not to invite you to enjoy leisurely. You should also understand the etiquette between monarchs and ministers."

Lingyu looked at her in a stunned manner, still with a stunned face, as if she took Lingyue's words as a joke. At this time, Yaotong gently pulled her sleeve behind her, and then she got up, knelt down and bowed to the king and minister.

also suppressed her arrogant arrogance. Lingyue asked her to kneel for a long time before asking her to sit down.

After drinking three cups, Lingyue ordered people to set up a chessboard on the table and smiled, "Yue'er has read the history of the musk moon. Among all the palace owners of the previous generation, your military talent is the best. Yue'er believes that her aunt is also familiar with the book of military tactics. Yue'er has long admired her talent and wants to play this chess today. The bureau came to ask my aunt for advice. I don't know if she can give me advice?

Lingyu was stunned and smiled stiffly at the hint of Yaotong: "Of course, the moon lord is so elegant, how can I not accompany him?"

"It's not accompanied, but you must defeat me, otherwise..." Lingyue also smiled indifferently, "The lonely king will suspect that his aunt is not worthy of being the master of the palace."

Lingyu's face was gloomy, and her face stiff with a smile. Lingyue has been watching her expression. She put her slender hand on the chessboard, picked up a white son, and smiled and said, "Yue'er has taught the soldier Hua Che since she was a child. She has not learned much and has no military practical experience. It's just the ability to talk about soldiers on paper. It's definitely not your aunt's right. Hand, so, please allow me to take the first step and decide the winner within three steps, which is enough to show my aunt's talent. What do you think?

"Within three steps?" Lingyu was slightly shocked, felt that Yaotong poked gently behind her, pretended to be dignified and calm, and said with a smile, "Of course, my aunt will definitely let the moon lord."

"If my aunt modestly asks me, I just don't pay attention to my Lingyue. Please do your best. Gu Wang wants to see what his aunt's real strength is? Is it as amazing as recorded in history books?

Lingyu's face was gray, nodded, and said with a stiff smile, "Then let the moon master take the first step."

"Good." With a resolute word, Lingyue dropped the white son she picked up in the whole game, waiting for Lingyu to fight against each other. In fact, her move had no intention at all. It was just a random fall, no offensive and no defense, but Yaotong, who had been planning for Lingyu, had been thinking hard for a long time, and also thought Without a wonderful countermeasure, Lingyu was anxious and even picked up a chess piece that intended to stop Lingyue. Lingyue saw the uneasiness and anxiety in her heart, so she deliberately stopped her and said, "Auntie made this move. Didn't she set herself a way and fall into a disadvantage?" Lingyu was stunned, and Lingyue continued, "Aunt's military ability is not inferior to that of the military division, and her chess skills should also be outstanding. Although your step seems to cut my strength and kill my power on the surface, it also weakens your own strength and general's talent. If you only use it to sacrifice from the beginning, then, as Commander, what should you do in the future?

Lingyu was stunned, looked at Lingyue's eyes, and said for a while, "Maybe the Moon Lord still doesn't understand that there is a move to kill him and then live."

"Is that right? Does that also depends on what the situation is? If you put it to death, you won't necessarily have a future life. When Lingyue saw her fall, she also picked up another son and fell down, which actually turned the situation on the chessboard from black man to white man. Ling Yu looked at this move and almost broke out in a cold sweat. For a moment, Ling Yue said again, "Aunt, is it cruel to you and exchange some people' lives? Is your temporary victory a real victory? The chess pieces still have no feelings, but people have feelings! How can you ask how many people around you can sacrifice in order to achieve your goal?

Lingyu's eyes changed and he asked in fear, "What do you mean?"

"Ye'er really wants to talk about people in chess." Lingyue ordered people to withdraw the chessboard on the table, put the flute on the table, and said, "This piano and flute are made of ancient psychic treasures. There have been transplants in history. The heart-reading piano and lie detection flute are the artifacts left by the moon god to the musk moon country. Reading the heart piano can read what people think. The lie flute can test whether people are lying? From now on, my conversation with my aunt will be recorded by this piano. I hope my aunt won't deceive me.