Phoenix Empire

Chapter 122 Kill the Lord

When Lingyue walked to the fragrant forest of bell fruit, Lingyu was already waiting for her there.

"Lord Moon, you are late." With a charming smile, Lingyu held the canopy above his head and approached Lingyue, "It's been more than half of the night since we met at the appointed time of Hai, and you just came here. It seems that the married life of Yuezhu and the future Yuejun is very loving? Ha..."

"Auntie, you don't have to satirize Yueer. Yes, if you don't want the teacher find out, I have to do this. Now that the teacher has been drugged by me, he should not wake up all night. We will go to the forbidden place you mentioned now. I hope you don't play anything?"

Lingyue said she wanted to leave, but when she saw Lingyu standing still, she urged coldly, "Why don't you go?"

"I'm wondering if you have brought anyone here?" Lingyu smiled meaningfully and looked around as if he could penetrate the dark curtain at night. Finally, he rippled on the luminous bird on a big tree. Then he turned around and smiled at Lingyue, "After all, it's a secret forbidden place for soldiers. It's always not good for too many people to go."

Lingyue naturally heard the outside meaning of Ling Yuxiang and said with a little unhappiness, "Don't worry, since I have agreed to this appointment, I won't bring anyone here, but you can't think of any wrong ideas on me."

Seeing Lingyue's domineering face, Lingyu couldn't help smiling and answered, "Okay, how dare I hit the idea of the Moon Lord? What's more, I'm not a man. No matter how beautiful you are, I won't be interested in you."

"You--" Ling Yue became angry, but Ling Yuxiang shook her sleeves, hurried forward, and turned back to urge Ling Yue, "Let's go! Time is really running out, but it's still a long way to go!"

Lingyue had no choice but to follow her and cross several flowerbed paths. The two did not know at all that there was a dark shadow behind them, and in addition to this dark shadow, there was also a strange bird that glowed at night - night talk.

The night bird is like a shadow, bright and as bright as the moonlight, especially when it rises.

Lingyu took Lingyue into an underground tunnel. After walking through a dark road, they arrived at a mysterious underground palace. The palace was not very gorgeous, but it was strangely arranged like a starry sky.

When Lingyue entered the door of the palace, she saw countless stars shining in mid-air, presenting various constellations, illuminating everything arranged in the palace. Marble columns, quartz beams, and a huge ink painting across the wall directly opposite. The picture shows the signs of mountains and rivers, and the veins are complex. And clearly, the connection points are decorated like silver gem-like pebbles, with words on them, as if they are one place name after another.

Three colorful characters flashing above the middle of the whole picture - Ximengchuan.

"Xi Mengchuan!" Lingyue blurted out and searched every corner of the map, "Is this?"

"Yes, it is the Ximengchuan map collected by the soldier Hua Che. What do you see when you see the route marked by the arrows on the map and every place on the road, from the musk moon to the large and small towns in the Central Plains?"

There seemed to be something in Lingyu's words. Lingyue was confused and said, "Every arrow is engraved with a word 'broken'. What does this mean?"

"Isn't that clear? The route marked on this map is Hua Che's planned route of intending to conquer the whole Ximengchuan. The starting point is the Moyue Kingdom, which drives all the way up the Bohai Sea. Dongxinyu Kingdom may serve as a springboard for his favorable terrain, but he will first use the power of Xinyan, Fengluo and Moxue, which are located in Ximengchuan, to break through first. Central Plains, then destroy other three countries and some affiliated small countries, and finally unify Ximengchuan and dominate the whole world.

Does your teacher really have such a big ambition? Lingyue remembered what Yushu Ziyi said to her when she visited Yushu Ziyi in the heavenly prison: his ambition is far more than this musk moon country. Lingyue looked at the map on the wall in a daze and was stunned for a long time, as if she still shook her head in disbelief, "No, this is your inference, and there is no basis at all..."

"Is that right? You still believe in him so much. No matter how he treats you, do you still believe in him so much? Lingyu smiled and said, "My little niece, you really don't deserve to be the head of a country. What else can you do except to impress men with tenderness?"

"You--" Lingyue was insulted by him, and her heart hurt, and her eyes were almost red and wet. "What are you talking about..."

"I said, you are really an incompetent moon owner! Or wait for Hua Che to become emperor, you just be one of his women, the country of our Ling family..." Lingyu's eyes moved, and the irony in his eyes was like a heavy hammer in Lingyue's heart. "It was destroyed in your Lingyue's hands. Yes, you are the moon master identified by our musk moon god blood appraisal ceremony, but also He is the last moon owner of the Ling family.

Hearing this, Lingyue shook her body violently and couldn't help taking a step back. Lingyu laughed: "Hahaha, I haven't finished my words yet. Yueer's little niece, as the lord of a country, can't you even bear the blow of this sentence?"

She walked to Lingyue, gently picked up Lingyue's hand with both hands, and smiled softly, "I also want to tell you that the real origin of Hua Che is - a person from the Central Plains Royal Dragon Kingdom!"

"What did you say?" Lingyue suddenly looked up and said, "It's impossible. My teacher has been your military teacher at the age of 12. At that time, he was still so young. How could he come from the Royal Dragon Kingdom of the Central Plains?"

"What does it have to do with whether he is from the Royal Dragon Kingdom or not at that time?" Ling Yuxiang said with great contempt, took Lingyue's hand, pulled her to a huge guqin platform, took out a dark grid from the body of the piano, and handed it to Lingyue, "Look what's in this box?"

Lingyu's mysterious appearance naturally aroused Lingyue's great doubts and interest. Lingyue slid open the lid of the wooden box and saw a sheepskin scroll book in it, so she took it out and unfolded it. Unexpectedly, she saw that the book was full of things about the male monarchy of the Royal Dragon Kingdom and the imperial concubines, among which also It mainly talked about a woman named Hua noble concubine. Before Emperor Long Jie sent troops to attack the South China Sea, there was also a civil strife in the imperial palace of the Royal Dragon Kingdom. The noble concubine Hua, who had been favored by Emperor Long Jie, was somehow suspected of her ambition to kill the king and help her son ascend to the throne. Emperor Long Jie ordered the death of Hua noble concubine without verification, but Just as the imperial concubine Hua walked on the gallows, the sky suddenly changed, and a hurricane invaded the imperial city, turned into a white dragonfly, and saved the imperial concubine Hua. From then on, the imperial concubine Hua and her son disappeared in the Central Plains and became an unsolved mystery in the history of the Royal Dragon Kingdom.

"Hua Guifei...Bai Jiao?" Lingyue seemed to be suspicious and muttered in a low voice, "Is this the background of the teacher?"

"You finally stole it. If what is contained in this book has nothing to do with his life, why did he treasure the foundation here? Perhaps this history is the pain in his heart!"

"The son of Hua Guifei, is it possible that the teacher is actually the prince of the Royal Dragon Kingdom and the son of Emperor Long Jie?"

"It's very likely." Lingyu smiled and said, "You should now understand why the military division Hua Che has such a great ambition to control the musk moon country, build the Great Wall, and recruit and train cavalry and sailors. Do you think he is really just trying to strengthen military defense and defend our country? Absolutely not, because he wants to use our musk moon country as a sacrificial tool to achieve his ideal of returning to the Central Plains to regain imperial power and unify Xi Mengchuan.

Lingyue's face turned pale, as if she was enlightened, and she didn't seem to believe it. After a long silence, she held the sheepskin tightly in her arms and whispered to herself, "The people need a stable life. Twenty years ago, I experienced a war. The life was ruined, and the economy and population plummeted sharply. After ten years of land reclamation, the economy was revived. Ji, encourage the people to have more children and have a good education, and then slowly restore the living standards of the people before that war. If there is a war again..." Lingyue shook her head, "I don't want to see that day. If he really has a plan to unify the Central Plains, I must stop it... My musk moon country can't be shocked by the war now..."

"Then how are you going to stop it?" Lingyu grabbed the line and then asked, "My innocent little niece, don't you want to use your tenderness to affect him again?"

"No!" Lingyue suddenly looked up and said, "Teacher, he will never change his ideals for anyone. I can understand this. I will stop him and do everything I can."

"So..." Lingyu's eyes narrowed and flashed a cunning light. "Let's join hands together, okay?"

"Hand in hand with you?" Lingyue turned around and looked at Lingyu in a dazment. She didn't know what it was in her eyes. For a long time, she smiled bitterly and said, "The joint cooperation is based on mutual trust. Is there trust between us?"

"Why doesn't it exist? Trust also starts from the moment we join hands. As long as we high-five, trust can start from this moment."

"No, if this incident hadn't happened with cousin Ziyi, I might still be able to trust you, but..." Lingyue's words turned around, "Can you first give me a promise to prove your sincerity between working with me?"

"How do you want me to promise you? Swear to God, or..."

"I really don't need a promise to you. I want you to be innocent. That day, you put a kind of ** in the medicine given by cousin Ziyi, didn't you?" Lingyu's face turned white sharply, and Lingyue said, "You used such an ambiguous means to frame me and cousin Ziyi, causing Ziyi to be unjustly imprisoned, and I was banned by my teacher and failed to step out of the military strategy house for seven days. Don't you feel guilty until now?"

"Shame?" Lingyuxiang didn't seem to understand this word and laughed sneer, "My Lingyuxiang is not more indecisive than you. If you dare to do something, you have to do it. Now that you have done it, you will never regret it."

"So, will you promise me cousin Ziyi to be innocent?"

"How do you want me to return his innocence?"

"What you did that day, what the truth is, you have to say it."

"Then won't I bear his crime and be put in prison and wait to die? Yueer's little niece, do you think I will be so stupid?

"You--" Lingyue was extremely angry and endured for a moment, and finally said in a low voice, "Well, since you can't show your sincerity, then we can never join hands, and I will sooner or later help him redress the grievances suffered by cousin Ziyi. Whoever commits the crime should accept his due punishment."

Lingyue said coldly and turned around to leave. At this time, Lingyuxiang laughed behind her: "Yuer's little niece, I didn't expect that you knew a lot of truth. You know, I brought you here, and I didn't intend to let you go out alive!" Before the words fell, a red light suddenly appeared. Lingyue turned around in shock, but she felt that she was dressed in red like a ghost and had time to react. Suddenly, a luminous bird shot like an arrow. Her long mouth clamped Lingyu's right hand holding the short blade like a pliers. Lingyu screamed in pain and immediately shook off the short in her hand. Blade, to grab the luminous bird, Lingyue was terrified, and the strange bird flying through the window in the soldier's bedroom soon flashed in her mind.

Is this luminous bird...

Just as Lingyue thought so, the underground palace, which looked like a starry sky, suddenly darkened, and countless ghost shadows jumped out from behind the surrounding scenes, holding long swords and surrounded Lingyue.

The masked man in black suddenly brushed his sword and stabbed the luminous bird that bit Lingyu's wrist tightly. The bird sang in pain, flapped its wings and flew, and his feathers were scattered. After swirling in mid-air for several weeks, he suddenly shot out of the palace. The man in black stared at Lingyue with cold eyes and said to Lingyu, "Lord of the palace, you go first. This kind of killing of the king and the master is still left to your subordinates!"