Phoenix Empire

Chapter 126 Interception

Leng Safeng's eyes moved and stared intently at the place pointed by Lingbo's eyes. Is there anyone hiding here?

Sure enough, the wind brushed the leaves, the grass waves rolled, and a line of dark shadows appeared from the woods and the red walls and green tiles, like ape climbing the wall, flying the trees, and the last row fell to the ground one after another, half kneeling in front of the mooring.

They are all masked people with bows and arrows in their hands, pointing to the cold wind.

"Brother Lingbo, is this the variable you expected?" Leng Safeng hugged his arms and asked with a smile, "I have to believe that you are really like a god and stuffed the immortals."

Langbo nodded: "This person is only one of them. There must be an ambush of such a killer on the road that Yushu Ziyi must pass. Not only Yushu Ziyi, but I'm afraid that Yuejun will also ambush such a killer on the only way to Fengyu Mountain. Feng'er, I didn't expect it, but analyzed the current situation and came to make such a guess. The result."

"I understand that this is a precursor of someone's rebellion, killing people, assassinating the king, choosing the sky, and the right place. Today, the moon lord, is not in the palace, and the judge who has been peeping at the throne for a long time just seized this opportunity - conspiracy!"

"There will not be a rebellion. If there is a soldier Hua Che in the world for a day, those people will not dare to act rashly, let alone plot a rebellion."

"Therefore, Brother Lubo guessed that Yuejun would also encounter assassins like these masked men on the way out of the city. However, the elite soldiers led by Hua Che are not useless people. How difficult it is to assassinate Hua Che. I'm afraid that this rebel is too anxious."

"It is indeed unwise to assassinate Hua Che. If this conspirator is not too stupid, he will choose to assassinate... Moon Lord Lingyue-"

"What?" Leng Safeng's body shook violently, and his face suddenly sank. Seeing that he looked different, he then comforted, "What are you worried about? Yuezhu is not only protected by such a powerful person as Hua Che, but also by others secretly assisting him. Even if he is assassinated halfway, I think there is no danger at most."

Leng Safeng thought for a while, and finally laughed, so he pretended to be jokingly, "I'm afraid this 'other' mentioned by Brother Lubo is Brother Feicheng, right?"

He sighed deeply and whispered to himself, "I hope the disaster won't be too big--"

Under the situation pointed out by ten thousand arrows, the two of them can still talk and laugh freely, and are completely regarded these black killers as nothing. The leading man in black sighed when they saw them, and vaguely seemed to hear something. They shouted coldly, "What are you two muttering about?"

Leng Safeng glanced at Lingbo, smiled, raised his voice, and shouted, "Say you are stupid! Being used by women has no effect--"

What does it mean? The leader in black didn't understand his intention and only felt ashamed and angry. Leng Safeng raised his hands again and made a gesture in mid-air and laughed, "The soldier has expected that your master will take this opportunity to rebel. He has handed over half of his military power to me and Mr. Lubo. We are stationed in the palace and have been waiting here for our brothers for a long time!"

After all, he was just a 15-year-old teenager, and there was still a little childishness between his words and behavior. The more he seemed to be naive and joking, the more scared the black killers were. They seemed to be confident when they smiled. They were more afraid and stammered, and the whole team took a step back. .

The leader subconsciously looked around and saw no one, but saw leaves swaying on a treetop, which made him more suspicious.

Leng Safeng still looked angry and shouted at them, "Do you want to fight with the 5,000 elite guards in our palace, or do you want to turn to seek the way to be promoted to the throne? I and Mr. Lubo ordered me to suppress the enemy, but the king's order is not given. If there are people who abandoning the dark and return to my soldiers, Mr. Tongbo can also let you live. ."

"Lord, what should we do? If these two people really lead troops here, then we..."

"What are you afraid of? The palace owner has told us a long time ago that Mr. Lingbo's city is extremely deep and scheming. What they said must not be trusted without being verified."

"Yes, Lord!"

"Don't talk nonsense with them. Let's go together and kill these two people first!"

"Yes, leader, let's go together and kill them--"

With a shout to break the silence, the tail of the group echoed. All the masked killers bowed and pulled their bows like a full moon, ready to shoot arrows. However, at this time, a rapid and heavy footsteps came, like soldiers and horses galloping, and the black leader was shocked and quickly ordered all his men to put down their arrows and retreat quickly.

"Brother Lingbo, they left so soon!" Leng Safeng watched the people in black escape and snickered, "It turned out to be just a group of timid and stupid rats. I thought that woman had trained what a powerful elite warrior!"

"Feng'er, these killers really can't be underestimated. If there is a hard fight, the two of us can't be their opponents, but just now, where did you hear the sound?"

"Yes! It seemed that soldiers and horses were really coming to us just now!" Leng Safeng doubted and looked around, "But why is it gone now?"

The sun shines, the trees reflect the silhouette, and only the birds sing low. Where can I see the soldiers and horses? The cold wind couldn't help mocking, and the voice fell, but it smelled a short and rushing footsteps, mixed with a girl's crisp and delicate smile.

"Who is it?"

The cold wind shouted loudly, and a red coat floated down from the treetops, as light as red leaves and like smoke.

"The concubine has met Mr. Lingbo." The girl curled up in front of the park, leaned down and smiled.

Leng Safeng looked at the delicate woman in surprise and asked, "Did you imitate the voice of thousands of troops and horses just now?"

The girl's concubine looked up and smiled: "That's right, this is called oral skills, boy. You just sang an empty city trick and almost failed. If I hadn't helped you, you wouldn't even know if you could save your life now!"

Leng Safeng couldn't help blushing and stunned when he saw the girl's charming smile. He pointed to the concubine and asked, "Brother Lubo, do you know her?"

"Why don't you know me? I'm also his sister." Fei'er grabbed the way, turned around and looked at Tongbo and smiled, "Brother Tongbo, Fei'er still wants to thank you for covering the sky, but it hasn't been useful yet. If the eldest brother hadn't appeared just now, the concubine might have tried the power of this umbrella..."

"sister?" Leng Safeng interrupted and looked at Tongbo, "Brother Tongbo, how many sisters do you have?"

The concubine stared at him: "Why, there are still too many sisters? I entered Rongcheng Mansion before you. Although I was sold, my adoptive father treated me like a biological child and recognized me as a goddaughter. In terms of age, you should call me sister!"

"Hmm, another goblin-like sister!" Leng Safeng turned his head and snorted coldly, "Brother Lubo, how can you always attract these charming women! A ghost has made you tired enough. What's the flying now? Oh, by the way, sister, which 'fly' is your name?

"What kind of fairy sister?" The concubine suddenly stood up angrily, her eyes were like needles, and she stared at the cold wind. "I hate it most when people say that I am a goblin. Don't think that you are young and can speak freely. If I am angry, I must make hundreds of holes in you with a needle. Are you afraid?"

"Cut--" Leng Safeng is funny, "I haven't been afraid of anyone since I was born. If you want to fight with me, I will accompany you at any time!"

"Well, we quarreled when we met for the first time. What's the style?" The sound was interrupted, and the concubine lowered her head, put away the joke, and whispered, "Big brother--"

"Is it Mr. Lianxi who asked you to follow Ziyi?" He asked.

The concubine nodded: "Yes, Sister Lianxi said that even if Ziyi is going to be executed today, as long as he is alive, someone will definitely kill him. The concubine should ensure his safety along the way."

"If someone really wants to assassinate Ziyi, they will not be afraid of failure. After his group of people return after failure, they will definitely send another master. Concubine, can you bear this heavy responsibility with only one person?"

The concubine's face changed slightly, as if she was happy and a touch of indifferent worry, and then smiled and said, "Brother Lubo, please rest assured. Although the concubine is not as good as others, with a smart brain infected by the eldest brother, Bao Ziyi should arrive at the execution ground safely. There should be no problem! Just like Fei'er's oral skills just now, she performed well, didn't she?

Fei'er shook her head innocently, but said with a worried face, "No matter how smart a person is, there are times when they fail. There are people outside, and there is a sky outside the sky. Concubine, you can't underestimate the enemy. People who dare to do great things must also have certain strength."

After learning a lesson, the concubine immediately lowered her head, said, and said, "Big brother can only secretly deal with the enemy in the palace now. You can't go out of the palace to help you. You should be careful along the way."

After listening to this, the concubine said happily, "It doesn't matter. The magic weapons given to me by the eldest brother have been enough." Suddenly thinking of something, she exclaimed, "Oh, there is too much time here. I have to go after them quickly. Big brother, the concubine is leaving now. When this is over, the concubine will come to see the eldest brother again--"

The long and delicate voice went away, looking at the red dress and nodding thoughtfully.

After being quiet for a long time, Leng Safeng shook his shoulder and asked, "Brother Tongbo, what are you thinking?"

"Feng'er, those servants given to us by Hua Che, go and choose some skilled martial arts, send the palace, and give orders so that they must protect the safety of Ziyi and the concubine. You can do this quickly!"

"It's okay for those servants to bring you tea and pour water. If you let them be fat, you might as well send me!"

"Would you like to go?" He turned his head and looked at the cold wind and asked.

Leng Safeng was stunned and asked half-heartedly, "Are you really going to send me?" But I went, what should you do? Who will protect you?

"Don't worry, my ability is more than enough to protect myself." Bo smiled and pondered, "The real goal of the enemy is Fengyu Mountain, which is in the west of the city. The chaos in this palace has begun."

In the west of Xingyang City, the long bridge of Han Baiyu crossed the river. The public car has crossed the long bridge, and the long dragon team accompanied it. After ten miles, it can reach Fengyu Mountain. Lingyue sat in the car driver and faintly heard a noise. A string in her heart immediately tightened. This is her agreement with the rainy day. As long as the public car out of the city, there will be People stop and sue, which will be the best opportunity to redress the grievances of cousin Ziyi. With the people in Kyoto testifying and plead, no matter how well the teacher can speak, he will not resist the power of the people, and she can order to plead guilty to cousin Ziyi.

"Teacher, what seems to have happened outside?"

She looked at Hua Che with a pair of questioning eyes, but she actually wanted him to order him to stop the sedan chair. Hua Che smiled and nodded, "I asked someone to ask." He opened the curtain of the sedan chair, and the attendant immediately bowed and said, "What's the order of the soldier?"

"Call Lan Shaolang here. I have something to ask him!"

"Yes." After responding to the order, the attendant immediately ran to the front of the team. There seemed to be crowds on both sides of the street who wanted to crowd, and there was no noise, and Lan Shaolang was commanding some soldiers to stop the rioting people.

In the boiling noise, a clear female voice came out: "Lord Moon, the people have grievances--" The voice was crisp and sad, but it was drowned out by the noises of one after another. Lan Shaolang tightened his eyebrows and said harshly, "Whoever shouts here, immediately arrest people for me. Today, Yuezhu Yuejun went up the mountain to pray for good luck and asked for good luck. If something bad things affect Yuejun's mood, everyone will be imprisoned and sentenced--

"Master Lan of Nanyang, the soldier has an order, and I order you to go there."