Phoenix Empire

Chapter 152 Concubine

And the last treasure, what is it?

A dance queen has fascinated everyone, so how amazing will this last treasure be?

In the expectation of everyone, the last huge box full of dragonflies was opened, and the laughter fell silent in a moment of surprise. The scene became strange and murder for a moment, and no one dared to laugh and speak.

When the box was torn apart, there was a huge iron cage, and there was a person lying in the cage, and there was a phoenix in the stunning color. It was a girl dressed in a colorful phoenix palace, gorgeous but charming, like a sky. The woman's eyes were covered by a black cloth, and her slender hands were bound. He was trying his best to find a strong iron fence for help, and the silent begging and forbearance of pride made the civil and military officials look thrilling.

This is the phoenix after folding feathers. No one will forget that the wedding dress on the moon owner's body at the national wedding ceremony is this gorgeous white embroidered phoenix dress.

The so-called phoenix in the cage is the moon lord of their musk moon country, Lingyue.

No matter how magnificent it is, how humiliating is it for the musk moon country to be trapped in a cage by the enemy?

Hundreds of officials are either furious or cicada, waiting for the emperor Hua Che's reaction.

Prince Yaoguang quietly observed Hua Che. He was sure that this second brother, who had been calm and pretending to be harmonious, would not calm down again. As expected, Hua Che suddenly stood up from the dragon, clenched his fists, and couldn't help exude his long hair to render his anger.

Lingyue couldn't see anything and kept shouting, "Who the hell are you?" Let go of me, let go of me..."

"Emperor, are you satisfied with this phoenix given to you?"

Prince Yaoguang smiled and looked at him fiercely: "Do you know who she is?"

"Of course." Prince Yaoguang drank another glass of wine and laughed, "The emperor's marriage and accession to the throne have now spread all over the world. It is well known to everyone. After deposed Lingyue, the first beauty in the world, he changed the name of the country and year, claiming to be the emperor, and the country and the beauty are both. It is a good example envied by all kings!"

"I just want to ask you, who is she?" The anger on Hua Che's face can no longer be concealed, and the string break can be imminent.

"The last generation of Yuezhu Lingyue, the last generation of the musk moon kingdom, since the emperor has destroyed the Ling clan, dominates the musk moon and flattens the world. Why isn't it better to leave the last unique seedling of the Ling clan and cut the grass and eradicate it?"

The way he spoke meant that I was helping you as a big brother.

"However, I also heard that the emperor and the subjugated lord also have a history of love, and the emperor regards this woman as very important as he is to his own woman, so I have another suggestion..."


"Abandoned her and let her only be a woman, not the lord of Ling's unique secret art."

"bol--" Hua Che's anger finally burst out, full of encouragement. A gust of wind blew in the Xinyang Hall. "Don't think it's the messenger of the Central Plains powerful country, I dare not kill you..." His words shocked the civil and military officials present on the spot. The population of the Central Plains Royal Dragon Kingdom is as many as ten times that of the musk Moon Kingdom. If there is really a war against it, how many human and material resources can be fought against it? Twenty years ago, the 100,000 army of the Royal Dragon Kingdom were broken in one fell swoop, and it was indeed a successful plan, but how long can a small musk moon country last in a protracted war?

It is not that they have no confidence in their emperor, but that war is an unwise choice considering the world.

Prince Yaoguang still drank and laughed, but his rough and heroic demeanor suppressed the momentum of many people. The only possibility that he would not be shocked was Hua Che.

The voices of Hua Che and Yao Guang came to Lingyue's ears. Ling Yue was suddenly shocked and muttered, "It seems to be the voice of a teacher. Where is this? What the hell is this place? Let go of me--

"Let go of me, let go of me~~" After not receiving a response for a long time, Lingyue, who was humiliated and rushed to her heart, also shouted angrily. The crisp and desperate delicate voice shocked the sky, and Lingyue's whole body also burst out a powerful force, which seemed to be a force hidden in her body for a long time. At this moment Let go, it can be like the wind and clouds, and the earth will shake!

Once again, there was a hurricane in the Xinyang Hall, and the people present were so blown that they couldn't even open their eyes, but the obsidian smiled eagerly looking forward to seeing something like admiring the phoenix in the cage.

"Finally, it broke out! When Phoenix folds the feather, the pride of that day is trampled under her feet, only the most real power can make her strong, just like the wisdom of those years!"

Yao Guang sighed and seemed to think of a certain time in those years. There was a person who made him have an eternal heartbeat for a moment, but when he saw Lingyue, he couldn't help but be a little disappointed. This woman was not very similar to her!

The sudden burst of force on Lingyue's body shook the iron cage that trapped her. The iron bars fell one by one, the rope in her hand broke, and the black cloth on her eyes fell down. She finally untied the shackles, slowly raised her eyes and looked around.

The Xinyang Hall she is familiar with, the environment she is familiar with, her home, no, it is no longer her home...

People she knows well. When her eyes turned with Hua Che, the most familiar face she had been with for more than ten years made her feel strange and palpitated in an instant.

No, that is no longer her relative-like teacher, but... the enemy who dominates her fate!

She no longer has tears. Although she wants to cry when she sees the person who once spoiled her and sheltered her at this moment, her family, her responsibility, her life and her most terrible loneliness at this moment remind her not to cry.

Don't cry. At least don't cry in front of them.

Lingyue's hand pressed on the ground gradually grasped. Although her hands were trembling, she tried her best to hide her panic and fear.

Have you come back to this place? You can't flinch, you can't flinch anymore. You have to face it. What should she do and what can she do?

Hua Che looked at her helpless expression and wanted to run over to hold her in his arms, but the resolute and hateful eyes in her eyes made him retreat.

Yao Guang looked at all this like a drama. As a bystander, although he could not feel the pain and hesitation in their hearts, such a sad silence was really shocking and sad.

He is used to being a connoisseur, using his own bureau to appreciate the pain of others, and then laughing contentedly.

Just like watching the beautiful concubine die in his hands, I feel happy!

Lingyue slowly stood up, and her figure was swaying. Although she seemed to be shaky, she still walked to Hua Che step by step. The crown had already fallen, her temples were loose and drooping, and a blue silk brushed down, covering the pathological red on her cheeks. She frowned, stroked her abdomen, and stag one step at a time.

Everyone actually saw the road she had traveled, and a long blood stain was dragged out.

Hua Che's eyes fell on her. He didn't pay attention to the road she had walked, but he had been restraining his heart. Although at this time, he really wanted to hold her hand and immediately wanted to hold her in his arms, scold her, comfort her, or kiss her face. He really wanted to...

However, the dignity of the emperor is a deadly imprisonment. Insurmountable.

In the last step, she seemed to have exhausted all her strength and fell at his feet or knelt at his feet.

"People's daughter Lingyue, see the emperor, long live the emperor, long live, long live."

Her words are like throwing a plate of jade, but their words are like tapping in his heart. His outstretched hand was about to hold her softness, but he took it back like an electric shock. Reason made him extremely indifferent, because he must not let Yao Guang see his weakness. More than 20 years ago, his brothers competed, and he had lost his mother the most. More than 20 years later, he would never lose to this sinister and cunning brother. Long.

The tenderness in his eyes was also sealed little by little by himself.

"Teacher, this is the last time Yueer calls you a teacher." She suddenly said, "The Ling family has died, and only I, Lingyue, are now changing the dynasty. There is no war and no rebellion. The emperor will win the world, and he mustye the country with benevolence, so that he can win the hearts of the people. As long as the people can live and work in peace and contentment, I, Lingyue, am willing to sacrifice the soul of the dead to achieve your eternal reputation!"

"Teacher, love me, musk moon, okay? Love me, no matter who you are..."

She looked up, her pale smile was heartbreaking, and then she smiled relievedly and resolutely. Suddenly, she stood up, dance sleeves in the wind, pulled out the jasper hairpin between her buns and wanted to stab her throat. Her movements were extremely fast, but she could not escape Hua Che's hand. Her wrists were held in his hand. Her whole body was driven by his strength and attached to him, and he could also take this opportunity to His lips touched her ear and whispered, "I don't love the musk moon. I only love you, Lingyue. If you die, the country will die."

With a click, the jasper hairpin fell to the ground and broke into powder foam. Lingyue's body softened and knelt on the ground again.

"What do you want me to do? What the hell do you want me to do..."

"I wanted to give you an unparalleled wedding and let you wear the crown of the queen, but you fled with others at the national wedding ceremony, regardless of the consequences and dignity, so..." Hua Che's voice suddenly became cold and suddenly raised, "You can be one of my concubines! From now on, there will be no more Lingyue in the world!"

The ministers were shocked, and Ling Yue also trembled all over and looked at him in surprise. This was the best way to protect her life, but it was also the most harmful way to make her live without giving her dignity to live.

Even though Hua Che had worries and sadness in his heart, he resolutely gave an order: "Take her down! Move to Qingluan Pavilion and be grounded. From now on, you can't let her step out of Qingluan Pavilion for half a step!"