Phoenix Empire

Chapter 154 Soul

That night, the moonlight seemed to be broken, and it sprinkled light rain after another in the pavilion illuminated by the palace lamp. The flying meteors broke the calm night sky, and there were glowing birds like waves in the water, flying around the round of full moon.

Some people sit in the pavilion to enjoy the moon, some people sing poems, some people play, and some people sing and dance lightly.

"That star is finally going to fall..." A sigh of compassion sounded in the pavilion, and purple butterflies flew in the palm of a girl's hand. The girl listened to this sigh and looked at Prince Yaoguang, who was sitting in the pavilion drinking with a smile, sighing, saying, "Some people say that every butterfly is after the flowers are after the flowers. Soul, so whose soul should this broken moonlight be?

"You always like to sigh with the mercy of a good goddess to lament those lost lives, but those lives are all lost because of you. Lingyun, you are the most hypocritical woman in the world I have ever seen."

"My hypocrisy is worthy of your false righteousness. To get back to the point, was my little niece poisoned by you?

"But you gave me the poison..."

"So I have some regrets now." The girl suddenly looked up at the sky and saw that the bright moon was blurred, clear and blurred, and tears flowed in her eyes. "She is the daughter of the person I love most. I'm very sad."

Hypocrisy. You are obviously afraid that Hua Che will find out your identity. You know, since Yushu Ziyi was released from the prison, he has smelled your smell.

"Where is the real Yushu Ziyi now?"

Yao Guang looked at the girl's nervous expression. Before speaking, he never forgot to drink a large pot of wine, enjoy the pleasure of drinking all over his body, and then smiled: "He has been among us since he joined you..."

"Yushu Ziyi rescued from the court is the real Yushu Ziyi. Although Hua Che made rumors that this Yushu Ziyi was fake, even he himself said that he was fake, how could he hide it from my eyes."

The girl's eyes changed, cold and fierce. She knew that there was a counselor beside Prince Yaoguang who had never appeared or said a word. Could it be said that the counselor was Yushu Ziyi?

"Impossible." The girl suddenly raised her voice, and her voice was hoarse and low. "Yu Shuziyi can never be a real traitor. His charges were fabricated by Hua Che in order to take it for his own use, in order to force him to contribute to the court of my musk moon country. And..." The girl's eyes lit up and went out like a light, and she trembled with some fear. "Moreover, when you feed Lingyue poison, he should also stand up and stop him, if he was there at that time?"

Yao Guang laughed again, as if he felt that the girl's words were too naive. He patiently explained, "If I say that Yushu Ziyi is also from our Royal Dragon Kingdom, do you believe it?"

The girl's eyes showed great shock, and Prince Yaoguang said, "Yes, his mother is indeed Ling Zilu, and she is also your sister. She is from the Muyue Kingdom, but his father Yushu Linfeng is from our Yulong Kingdom. My atomic name follows my father's surname, and his surname is also jade, and he has been educated by his father since he was a child, learning the culture and history of our Royal Dragon Kingdom. He is a child who has been influenced and influenced by China's literature and history since he was a child. Who do you think he will be loyal to when he grows up?

The girl finally had nothing to say. In the applause of Prince Yaoguang, a man quietly came behind her.

"Who?" She turned alertly and saw a bucket of people in white walking from the moonlight. She had never doubted the identity of the counselor around Yao Guang, but she didn't expect that he was Yushu Ziyi.

Yushu Ziyi walked over from her side, knelt down on the pavilion steps, and saluted Prince Yaoguang: "Yushuziyi meets His Royal Highness!"

"When your true identity can no longer be concealed, you can only be truly loyal to me. Whether you are for the musk moon country or for my Zhongyuan Yulong country, we all have a common purpose, which is to defeat my second brother Hua Che.

Yao Guang strode to him, a virtuous comoral like a king, pulled him up and said with a smile, "Get up!" I have never regarded you as my subordinate. Your father, Yushu Linfeng, is still the cavalry general of my Royal Dragon Kingdom. When my father fought in all directions, he still had the reputation for being invincible. My father still praises it so far.

"Thank you, Emperor of the Central Plains, for remembering my father. It is the glory of my generation that my father can be appreciated by the emperor."

Yushu Ziyi's voice was calm and calm. Prince Yaoguang seemed to be unhappy and sighed, "Your words are a little unpleasant. I have said that I didn't think of you as my subordinate. We can become friends or become brothers. It's better..." Yao Guang seemed to be in high spirits and pulled Yu Shuzi. Yi sat down and quickly greeted people to bring a few jars of wine. While pouring wine for Yushu Ziyi, he laughed and said, "Come here, we will become an alliance today and become brothers with different surnames..."

"Your Highness..." Yushuziyi just wanted to stop it, but he didn't expect that the prince of the Central Plains was bold. Before he could react, Yao Guang had cut his wrist with a knife, dripped a large piece of blood in a large bowl of wine, and then handed him the knife. Yushu Ziyi couldn't refuse, so he had to do so and drink with him.

No one saw his tears falling in the wine. The tears and blood were drunk into his stomach, so he had to forget everything and let go. "Dry, come on, dry..." Prince Yaoguang kept shouting in his ear. Yu Shuziyi did not reject it and drank a jar of wine. But in the process of drinking, he woke up more. Why did Prince Yaoguang drink with him so affectionately? Isn't it...

Would you like to trap his words and explore his heart?

Sure enough, when he pretended to be drunk, Prince Yaoguang began to ask him questions. Fortunately, he was psychologically prepared so that his nerves would not be too paralyzed, so he could deal with the questions he raised.

"The country your father and mother are loyal to is different. Do you love the musk moon country more, or do you love the dragon kingdom more? Which side are you on?"

"My father taught me that men should aim to be in all directions, so it has nothing to do with the musk moon country and the imperial dragon country. What I love is Xi Mengchuan!"

"Okay, ambitious, I like this ideal!"

"So, are you the undercover agent sent by Hua Che? Or do you really want to rely on me?

"Hua Che killed my mother and hurt my cousin. I am not at war with him..."

"That means, stand on my side, cooperate with me, and be loyal to me?"


It's dawn. When the sound of the morning sounded, there was a sad roar in Wolongju.

All the guards who heard the sound rushed to the door of Wolongju in panic. No one dared to enter except for Youqi. After entering, the door of Wolongju was locked and could no longer be opened.

"What the hell happened? Why are you still standing outside? If the emperor is assassinated and something happens, what should you bear? Among the guards, Gong'e stood up and spoke to Zi Shaoyi, the dance queen who had just been included in the harem. She was still dressed in a sparrow, enchanting and gorgeous, charming and dust-free.

"Without the emperor's order, no one dares to enter Wolongju." Finally, the bodyguard answered cautiously.

"You are all pig heads! Now that the emperor meets the assassin and his life is at a long time, how can he have time to order you? What are you ministers and slaves for? Do you have to wait until people are about to die before you save them?

"Princess Zi, this is the Military Strategy Mansion. You should be careful when you talk in the future, otherwise your life will be insurable!"

Lan Shaolang scolded the lively and flamboyant woman, then went to the door of Wolongju, gently knocked on the door and asked, "Your Majesty, what happened? Can I come in?"

He waited for a long time and did not respond. He knocked several times in a row, but still didn't hear any movement in the room. He was really worried and scared. He was ready to hit the door and enter, but he didn't expect that the door suddenly opened again, and the person who opened the door was a ghost.

There were still undry tears on his face. Lan Shaolang bowed and said, "See the lord of the palace, I don't know the emperor..."

"The emperor is well. Don't worry about Lan Shaolang. Don't disobey the emperor's order. No one can get one step closer to Wolongju. After the emperor's diet and living, I will be fully responsible for it. If others don't get orders, they can no longer step into Wolongju, including..." Sweeping the beautiful dancer, "This newly sealed purple princess."

"Okay, everyone, let's go! There is nothing about you here."

The guards are all second-in-law monks who are confused. Did they hear it wrong? Obviously, the shout came from Wolong Curly, but it's impossible to hear it wrong!

"Alas!" The sound of sighs followed the morning breeze, and the people gathered in front of the door of Wolongju dispersed again. Zi Shaoyi looked at the Wolongju before leaving. His eyes seemed to penetrate the door and see something. The starlight lit up and slowly walked away.

Lan Shaolang wanted to leave, so he stopped him and said, "Mr. Lan, the emperor asked me to send an order on his behalf."

"Lord of Youqi Palace, please order!"

"The whole city is searching for Prince Lianxi!"

Lan Shaolang showed a puzzled look and said solemnly, "You don't have to ask why? No matter what method you use? Please invite Prince Lianxi to the palace!"

"Yes." Lan Shaolang took the order and left.

Looking that Lan Shaolang had gone far away, you finally couldn't help covering his mouth and sobbing in a low voice. She closed the door of Wolongju and looked at the man whose hair was messy and looked extremely decadent in the room. Suddenly, she felt that her heart was broken and she couldn't feel the pain. She walked to him and knelt down with him.

"Your Majesty, it will get better. Everything is just a nightmare. She will get better."

"Last night, she has been begging me and begging me..."

"..." If it were secluded, would you be so sad?

In fact, I can only spend the rest of my life with you. Although the reincarnation magician saved me and helped me continue my life, I only need three months to live. Three months is enough for me. I promise him that with the last time, it is also my most prosperous time. I sincerely love you once.

"Emperor..." His eyes had a light like a rhinestone, as if he was about to fall into tears, and he couldn't help hugging him into his arms.

Out of the window, a snow-colored girl figure suddenly flashed.