Phoenix Empire

Chapter 162 Lock Soul Introduction

Walk into the wind and leave, the backyard is empty, insects and sparrows chirp, look at the blue sky, and birds fly in groups.

When I feel it, I burst into tears and hate other birds.

The final song echoes in time and space and sings for the last time.

Yunhua will be dew among the flowers, and he must dream for a lifetime,

A few places to find a bosom friend, who will protect the beauty tomb,

The empty fragrance turns into soil, and the strings cover the heartache,

Dreamers rely on the osmanthus tree, and the afterlife is not wrong,

Where has been buried since ancient times? It is difficult to express ruthless things in a thousand words,

It's too late to forget, and the hatred has come to an end.

"I don't know how to cherish it when I'm alive. What's the point of mourning after losing it?"

Lang Bo's expression was as plain and solemn as water. Hua Che stopped in front of him. He gently turned the wheelchair, turned to him, and sighed, "You did give her the crown of queen, the supreme glory of a woman, but for you, she is still a tool that can be sacrificed at any time, right? ?"

Hua Che said nothing. He knew that the reason why the man stayed in the palace to obey his orders was all because of the protection in his heart, and their vows were all maintained by a woman. Now that the flowers have passed away and the heroes are like strangers, what choice should this man make?

"A long time ago, I have calculated her fate. I know that she is not happy around you and may die at any time, but I still have a trace of luck and believe that you have enough ability to protect her..." As if he whispered to himself through time and space, he has ignored it. Hua Che's identity said, "She also told me that you are very good to her, but fate... is fate, even if you know the ending, you can't change it..."

"I want to know, how on earth did she die?"

The sound of the lingering sound calmed down, staring at Hua Che, with a trace of inexplicable hatred.

They are all geniuses, with the style of a king. They hold the world with their bare hands and dream of the world. If they can become friends, why worry about the dream of the world?

Unfortunately, it is destined to go against the road and turn against the enemy because of the beauty!

"Is there really nothing to say about the emperor?"

Hua Che sneered and said, "No matter how she died, you won't forgive the fact that she died beside me, will you?"

Her eyes became sharp and bright. Yes, no matter how she died, he couldn't change the fact that she was dead. What could he do if he knew why she died? Can he avenge her?

"Where is her mausoleum?"

"She is the queen of my musk moon kingdom. Of course, she is in the imperial mausoleum cemetery in the northwest city."

"Thank you!" Lingbo turned his wheelchair again, turned his back to him, and said lightly, "Today's farewell, we are not friends or enemies. He will meet each other every day. I can't guarantee that we won't meet each other..."

Even Shulangbo left him. His father, Wenshi Shurong, insulted him in the dynasty. He forgave his family for his words. His brother Shufeicheng rebelled, and he did not find him guilty and killed him, just because he really regarded Shuqibo as a like-minded friend, regretting that he was a rare talent in the world.

Today's farewell, he is a friend or an enemy. He sees each other day and the swords meet each other.

It's true that everyone betrayed him and left him. In the huge palace, on the corridor, he was left alone. I don't know why he, who had always been domineering and decisive, actually let the book go. He knew that he would return the tiger to the mountain, but he had no intention of killing.

"It seems to have collapsed!"

When the last curtain fell, the girl in white who sat at the highest place of the Meihuan Palace and played with the lamp laughed: "Now, all the people loyal to him, except for reincarnation, have left. As long as we wait for the end of the last scene, we can easily take down the Lingshi country and drive him out of my musk and Yueguo. From now on, it will be the business of your two brothers.

"Oh, what did you arrange for the last scene?"

The cunning eyes of the girl in white turned and fell at the intersection of water in the palace. There stood a girl in snow clothes. She called out, "Xueyan, you have been recognized by Shufei City, and you don't have to be sad. I can give you a medicine. As long as you feed him, he will always be your husband. Others can't take it away!"

The girl's eyes, which had been silent, lit up, looked at the girl in white and said happily, "Is it? Auntie, is there still this medicine in the world that can make his heart completely belong to me?

The girl in white nodded, ordered someone to bring a plate, lifted a piece of silk, and threw a flower vase at her.

Xue Yan took the bottle and looked at it, but her face changed greatly. Suddenly, she knelt down and said, "Auntie, no, although Xue Yan wants to be with him forever, she can't take his soul and make him look like an empty shell!"

The medicine in her hand was the "locking soul guide" that can control the human soul. On the day the Yue Palace caught fire, she pretended to be Lingyue and waited for help in the palace. Sure enough, as expected, she waited for Ling Yue, the first swordsman of Musk Moon Kingdom. She obeyed her aunt's order, plotted Ling Yue and brought him into the Meihuan Palace. At that time, Her aunt gave him this poison "locking the soul guide". From then on, Ling Yue, who was the best in swordsmanship, turned her puppet killer and a walking corpse.

She took advantage of Ling Yue's hand to capture the heroes of the world and turned one righteous man after another into her puppet army for her use. Now she actually wants to use this medicine on Shufei City. Xue Yan hurriedly begged, "Auntie, you promised Xue Yan to use him to summon martial arts heroes to deal with Hua Che, but not It will hurt his life, let alone give him this kind of 'lock soul guide' that controls people's souls. You have promised Xueyan before. How can you go back on your word?

"But he doesn't seem to have any useful value now? Can you let him return to Wulin, sit on the position of the leader of Wulin League, and then hand over all his people to me?

Xue Yan's eyes stopped, and did she want him to deal with Hua Che? Every time he confronted Hua Che, he was injured all over, and the last uprising against Zhou, and the decisive battle of leading troops to attack the city made him lose his reputation and lose everything. She thought, he must be very tired! Love someone at all costs and loves him so much that he is desperate. He can't set foot in the world to stir up a storm!

The girl looked at her sadly, but smiled with satisfaction: "Xueyan, even you know that Shufeicheng has no power to fight against Hua Che now, but his heart is still worried about Lingyue. He will still save his love, and you have deceived his stand-in all the time. If you want me to keep his sex Life, and infatuated with you, first of all, is to ask him to lose his soul, give up himself, and change a person's heart. It's better to change his soul..."

"No, if you change his soul, it's not him. Xue Yan loves his soul!" The girl's words were powerful, and she kowtowed several times and said, "Auntie, I beg you to let him go. As long as you can let him go, Xueyan can do anything. I beg you to let him go!"

"Hahaha..." The girl laughed, and her voice became distant and long. Suddenly, she said in a cold voice, "Then you can kill Lingyue and let yourself really replace her and become her!"

"Isn't Lingyue dead?" Xueyan asked in surprise, but the girl smiled and said, "She is dead now. On the night of the moon eclipse, Hua Che must have thought that he raped her to death and killed her by mistake, but he could never find out that Lingyue was poisoned!"


"Yes, that poison is called 'Removing Soul', which will only leave her soul from the body, but not real death..." The girl in white's eyes moved and sighed softly, "I just want to test what Hua Che will become without Lingyue, and what will this musk moon country be like?"

"Sure enough, the hearts of the people are lax and the lives are ruined!" The girl sighed, and there was a trace of regret in her sigh. Prince Yaoguang heard her sigh and couldn't help laughing: "Sometimes, I really don't understand what kind of woman you are, covering up your hypocrisy with tears and sighs, as if from the bottom of your heart. He collapsed and became a tyrant in the hearts of the whole people. The whole musk moon country regarded him as a national thief and exposed the uprising one after another. He is now under the enemy and has become the target of public criticism. Isn't this the result you want?

"It's also the result you want!" The girl in white took a sentence and said sadly, "It has defeated all his will. Now he should be vulnerable, but I can't bear to kill him at this time..."

"Puff--" A mouthful of wine splashed out, and Prince Yaoguang laughed as if listening to a joke, "Then when do you want to choose to kill him?"

"There is always a fierce battle, after my sister wakes up!"

After the girl in white's words fell, there was a sudden thunder outside the Meihuan Palace. Lightning tore through the starry sky, and there was a burst of rain. The rain was like silk, and the smoke curled up. She seemed to see a shadow coming from the rain curtain. With her clothes wet and her skirt flipping, the woman's slender legs looked more and more white under the moisture of the rain. A pair of soulful eyes seemed to condense the smoke. She looked at her quietly and called her with a smile: "Sister..."

Sister, if I let your two daughters kill each other, will you break through the seal and wake up to fight with my last battle? Every time I see you becoming a goddess statue, I always think you can wake up and talk to me again!

18 years ago, I found you from the Royal Dragon Kingdom of the Central Plains, and I wanted you to be with me forever!