Phoenix Empire

Chapter 175 Manslaughter

The last tear slid down from the corner of Lingyun's eyes, like a water mist, with beads and jade, reflecting the past, the wind and rain of the past, the love or hatred of the past, and the gorgeous shadow of the past...

"Sister, no matter what mistakes you make, you will always be my sister..."

She pressed her fingerprint into the heart of "her" and branded the memory of the next life in the heart of "her", so that she could live in the heart of "her" forever, even if she died. But why don't you hate me? Why can't you do anything to me? You always use your benevolence to reflect my ugliness and viciousness, but you don't know that it hurts me more deeply. Sister, nearly eight snows have fallen for you this spring, summer, autumn and winter. It's so beautiful, but it's so empty. I stand alone on the peak of the cliff, overlooking this vast world, as if I'm far away from the world and living sadly. In the dream, the almost desperate emptiness and the almost desperate loneliness. Although I look at the world, I am the only one. If you don't share it with me, what does it mean?

"Sister, whose heart has been eroded and poisoned? For 18 years, I have been unable to awaken your conscience. Now, I can only give you my kindness and love. I hope you can let go of my daughter and your own children... They are all innocent... Our country and our people are also Innocent...stop it!"

"Let's stop! Sister, if it goes on like this, you will only suffer more and make others more painful!"

The white fog under the cliff drowned the falling figure, ice skin and snow skin, white sarong jade, her voice was ethereal and wonderful, like the clearest water in the world, washing away her inner resentment and gloom, right? Who poisoned her heart, so she always walked alone on the edge of the cliff, proving her love and her existence in the worst and most ferocious way?

Who poisoned her?

"You killed my mother, you killed my mother..."

Suddenly, a cry sounded in her ear. She was shocked and silently stared at the "tears" in the palm of her hand, while the other hand hugged Lingyue tightly. My sister has fallen to the mountains, but she is the only one who leaves her a tear, crystal clear, like mountains and springs. She can feel that her sister's soul is also staring at her, calling her, and living in her heart!

"You are really cruel. You killed my sister, and now you kill my mother. You are really cruel... Are you human..." Lingyue's crying is like a reply from another world. She has been immersed in the memory of the past and can't wake up. Is it a conscience rebuke? Is it really just a dream?

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in her wrist. In her arms, Lingyue pushed her away, like a smooth moon falling, and her white veil floated around, which once again evoked the memory of her sister in her mind.

"Sister Yuezhu--" Ling Safeng ran over and happened to catch up with the place where she fell. Her light body fell to the ground like a butterfly. Ling Safeng helped her up in surprise and asked with concern, "Sister Lingyue, are you all right?" Lingyue looked at him in a surprised way, but he turned his body to Lingqi with a smile and begged, "Mother, don't kill the moon master sister. Feng'er likes her and leaves her to Feng'er as the best gift for Feng'er, okay?"

"Fenger, what are you talking about?" Ling Yufei hurried over, grabbed her brother and scolded him, "Don't make your mother angry. Lingyue's life and death have nothing to do with you. Go quickly--" As she pulled her brother away, she also saluted to her mother hanging high in mid-air: "Mother, the wind is still small and a little wayward. Forgive Feng's unreasonable troubles!"

"This is not unreasonable, sister, you..." I don't know what plans you have. Obviously, you and your mother will get the Ling family, and I only need a living Lingyue.

"Oh, although Feng'er is young, he already has someone he likes?" Lingyun suddenly woke up and smiled kindly like a god. This smile of fraternity has nothing to do with love, even for his children. She landed in the air and drifted like a ghost. With a long skirt behind her, she walked to Lingyue. Lingyue got up from the ground. Hua Che suddenly stood between the two of them and sneered, "Lord of the palace, you have killed your sister Linghui. What else do you want to do now?"

Lingyun slowly turned around and looked at Hua Che with a smile. She shook her water sleeves and sprinkled thousands of golden flowers on the ground, which became patterns. She appreciated them and whispered, "Wanli rivers and mountains, just wait for unification, supreme supreme, just waiting for this moment, Hua Che, you have dedicated 18 years of wisdom and painstaking efforts to the musk moon country, and help I have removed those mediocre judges and thieves, and such merits will be rewarded..."

"Teacher, what did she say?" Lingyue looked at Hua Che in surprise. His mentor used to be Lingyun's military division. Has everything he done in the past 18 years been instructed by Lingyun? How is this possible? How is that possible?

"Do you think I would only obey your children back then?" Hua Che sneered, "I do everything I like, without your praise and appreciation. Lord, you can put away your kindness as much as possible. I have been waiting for you to appear for too long. In fact, since 18 years ago, I have no longer been your military master!"

"I knew that raising a tiger would be a big trouble, but it's enough for me to get out of a tiger like you!"

Lingyue looked at the smile of the two of them, from the disguised gentleness to the coldness. At the same time, the two built a pagoda of light and shadow. When the ice and the bright moon blended and mutually repelled, they burst into the broken feathers. They used to be the main ministers, but now they regard each other as their opponents as their sworn enemies.

"When I picked you up from a slaughtered deserted village, I knew that you must have today. You are powerful, famous all over the world, and even famous overseas. I knew that raising tigers would be a problem, but I still took you in. Do you know why?" Lingyun smiled, and was as gentle as his mother. Hua Che sneered: "You just want an assistant--"

"Yes, from your eyes, I saw infinite power and wisdom. At that time, I really needed an assistant, but there is another reason..."

Hua Che stared, listened quietly, and said with a smile, "Do you know that you look like your mother Hua Shiqin? When your mother was young, in the Muyue Kingdom, she could play with power as you did now. Her wisdom and beauty are unparalleled. Her reputation has also spread to overseas countries, attracting the admiration of the Emperor of the Central Plains Royal Dragon Kingdom. And the war in my musk moon country also started because of her. It did not start from a war of resistance 12 years ago, but an unprecedented naval battle. In that battle, my mother personally led the army to fight against each other. She only took 6,000 iron and potassium soldiers and floated to the sea on the water to fight against the enemy forces of all sides. My mother, in order to protect the people of Muyue Kingdom, Using the skill of fog and snow silkworm to conquer the sea, the enemy's momentum was too turbulent, and my mother was almost buried in the Bohai Sea. Your mother Hua Shiqin, as a female military munist of the musk moon country, became a heroine hero of our country at this time, but she was also a traitor. She abandoned us, threw herself to the enemy camp, and made Emperor Long Jie withdraw her army. After that, she became a dragon Emperor Jie's imperial concubine later gave birth to you..."

"This story is not recorded in the musk moon country. Is it fictional or true? No one can prove it?" After hearing this, Hua Che was shocked, but he didn't want to believe it.

"A history unknown to anyone is really unbelievable. In those years, in order to preserve Hua Shiqin's reputation, my mother completely covered up her life's deeds and left no comments from future generations, but my sister Linghui and I will never forget her. From the first time I saw you, although you were ragged, But I can find your mother's shadow from a face, that is to say, from the beginning, I knew your true identity, so I took you in!"

"You took me in because of my mother?"

"It's because of your mother, but also because you are the prince of the Central Plains Royal Dragon Kingdom..."

Hua Che's eyes condensed, staring at Lingyun suspiciously, and asked, "What do you mean?"

"When I know your background, I will naturally investigate the story of you and your mother in the Royal Dragon Kingdom. As the prince of the Royal Dragon Kingdom of the Central Plains, you will also be a good pawn in my musk moon kingdom. For example, in the battle of resistance 12 years ago, you helped the musk moon kingdom to repel your father brought. The enemy, isn't it?" Lingyun laughed and had a proud light in his eyes, "Huache, you also chose to be in the musk moon country because you hate your father and your royal brother, and I happened to use your hatred to let you fight with your father and brother. You have always regarded others as chess pieces, but have you ever thought that you are trapped in a chess game?"

Hua Che smiled gently: "It turns out that the lord of the palace likes to play this kind of game of tiger fighting, but even if I compete with my father and brother, what does it have to do with you?"

"Hahaha... Father and son compete with each other, and brothers are cruel. How cruel it is. I like to play such games, but now, you have to join hands with your eldest brother Yao Guang to treat me, right?"

Hua Che's face changed, and Ling Yu laughed again. The long-sleeved dragon danced, the flowers fell, and the white snow and dead leaves were all rolled over by her long sleeves. The hurricane came to her face. Lingyue suddenly shouted. Hua Che changed color in horror. When he looked at Lingyue, he saw that the wind rushed to Lingyue and was facing his mother.


Seeing the blood spit out from Ling Safeng's mouth, Ling Yu exclaimed and almost ran to him with tears in his eyes.

In this sudden change, no one would have thought that Lingyun would suddenly take action and point his murderous spirit to Lingyue, but Ling Safeng grabbed Lingyue and blocked the weapons made by snowflakes all over the sky for her. Her whole body was pierced by the strength of the snow and drenched with blood. Lingyue looked at him in a daze, shook her head, her eyelashes trembled, and suddenly fell a little crystal.

Lingyun stroked his son's face and asked sadly, "Why?"

"Mother, you promised me not to kill her. I should ask you why?"

Looking at his son's stubborn and resentful eyes, Lingyun was silent for a long time and sighed, "I didn't want to kill her. I just want to pull her to me and take a good look at her!"