Wind moves the world

Chapter 21 is not available!

Shortly after James and Alfred left, on the other side, Feng Xuan had already got the competition certificate given to him by Melissa.

The so-called competition certificate is just a red magic badge, and there is a black digital code name 106 on the surface of the badge.

On the way back to the dormitory, Feng Xuan thought about his plans for the next two weeks.

Now there are still two weeks before the "Middle-level Magic Competition". Fengxuan doesn't want to go to class in these two weeks. Originally, he came to the college just to complete the organizational tasks, not to mention the courses in the college are also very free. Feng Xuan then decided to study independently and experience some bloody baptism.

So he plans to go back to the dormitory first and pack up something.

When Feng Xuan came to the gate of the boys' dormitory area, he found that there were two figures who had just seen him this morning.

Daisy and Angelia.

They obviously dressed carefully and changed their student clothes: Daisy put on a super kawaii pink dress, coupled with her pure and delicate face, which directly caught the eyes of the boys; and Angelia, standing beside her, had a good attraction effect, and she changed Wearing a slightly noble blue aristocratic backless dress, she directly highlights her family's upbringing.

Feng Xuan's constant vigilance of the surrounding environment made him see them at the first time, but his eyes were no different from looking at the stones on the road without any fluctuation!

But when the two women saw the coming Fengxuan, their faces showed a happy smile. Angela took Daisy's jade hand and ran lightly in front of Fengxuan.

The wind brushed Fengxuan's face. It has been fragrant with two different flavors. One is like a pale yellow daisy, and the other is like a purple Roland.

"Hehe, Fengxuan! We have been waiting for you for a long time! Thank you for saving us this morning! My name is Angelia and she is Daisy. You seem to have seen it a long time ago," Angelia said, with a touch of crimson on her face, and Daisy had already buried her head in her chest, and her neck was already pink. From time to time, some boys passed by and stared at him and swallowed his saliva fiercely.

Angelia looked at Fengxuan without any expression, biting her red lips, and said with a little uneasiness in her wings, "Well...we...can we invite you to dinner?"

After saying this, Angelia also lowered her head, and now her cheeks are red.

"This is the first time someone has made a sincere invitation to a boy!" Angelia thought shyly in her heart. But after waiting for a long time, he didn't hear Feng Xuan's response. He couldn't help thinking sweetly, "Is this fool stunned?"

So Angelia glanced up, couldn't help but be stunned, and then looked up. There was no Fengxuan in front of her. Angelia hurriedly turned her head and looked around, and finally saw Fengxuan's back ten meters behind her.

"I'm not free."

Fengxuan took an eternal step and did not even look back. He only said a faint and calm "no time".

After hearing this sentence, the crimson on the faces of the two women had faded to pale. Angelia bit her lips, her eyes flashed, and tears kept accumulating in her eyes.

And beside her, Daisy had squatted down, hugged herself into a ball, and cried silently.


I'm not free.

Of course, Fengxuan is not available. How can he, who has used his time harshly, spend time eating meaningless dinner? I'm afraid that for Fengxuan, it's better to have dinner with the beautiful girls than to nibble bread by himself!

So he said, "I'm not free."

But if there is another person, even if he is really not free, the word "sorry" will be added.

But Fengxuan will never say these three words! Because he thinks that he has made no mistakes at all!

Since you didn't make a mistake, why do you say "sorry"?

So he didn't say anything.

Even for Fengxuan, who is not free, I'm afraid it's a waste of time to say that it's meaningless "sorry".

And, more likely, for Feng Xuan, saying the word "not available" is already a good expression of attitude!

At this moment, Feng Xuan returned to the dormitory.

The other three people in the dormitory were all there. When Feng Xuan came back, they were in a circle, bowing their heads, pouting their buttocks, and discussing excitedly about something.

Fengxuan did not say hello to them, but went straight to his bed, slightly cleaned up the things on the bedside table, and then turned away.

Suddenly, Coster raised his head and saw Feng Xuan, who was about to open the door and leave. He couldn't help shouting Feng Xuan's name.

The other two were stunned when they heard it and also looked at Feng Xuan.

A burst of excitement appeared on Coster's face and said happily, "Feng Xuan, go to the taboo forest hunting with us!" During this period, there is a beast hunting competition. The competition time is two weeks, and it is only for the first graders to sign up! Hey hey... With you, a middle-level magician, we will definitely achieve a good result! Hey...Hey...Fengxuan..."

Custer spoke and suddenly found that Feng Xuan didn't seem to hear himself talking at all. His footsteps did not stop at all, and he had reached the door.

The door opened, the door closed, and there was nostalgia. Only a faint voice came:

"I'm not free."

When the three people in the dormitory heard these two words, they all looked at each other in condescenuous. For a long time, Ivan said melancholy and uneasily, "We...are we not in the same dormitory? ......”

Coster gritted his teeth, suddenly clenched his fists, and the smile of the fascinated woman appeared on his face, saying, "It doesn't matter! Even without Fengxuan, we can achieve a good result by ourselves! Come on, let's sign up now!"


When Feng Xuan came out of the gate of the boys' dormitory, Daisy and Angelia were no longer there, but there were still women waiting for Fengxuan!

Not Melissa.

It's Joanna and the twins!

To be precise, the twins came with Joanna. Joanna is coming to find Fengxuan.

When Joanna saw Feng Xuan coming, her eyes flashed with worship and love in an instant, so she could no longer control her body. After a few big steps, she passed through the door of the boys' dormitory area and came to Feng Xuan.

"Feng Xuan, be my boyfriend!" Joanna said to Feng Xuan with a bright face.

"I'm not free."

Feng Xuan's footsteps did not change at all, leaving only two words. After that, he didn't even look at Joanna's reaction and still took his own steps.

In fact, Joanna was stunned. When she thought about the situation of girls sticking upside down to boys, didn't boys accept it with great joy? Damn it! That's what it says in that novel! Unexpectedly, I was disappointed in love!

However, Joanna deserves to have the character of becoming a boss, but she reacted in a moment. She turned her head and looked at Feng Xuan. Seeing him walking in front of the twin sisters, she immediately exerted the power of her queen:

"Clauris, Claurie! Catch Fengxuan immediately!" Joanna shouted.

As a result... As a result, the twin sisters lowered their heads together, as if they had not seen their boss Joanna, and did not move at all.

Fengxuan has disappeared from Joanna's vision.

The twin sisters breathed a sigh of relief. As soon as they looked up, they were so scared that they took a step back. They only met, standing in front of a female Tyrannosaurus Rex on the edge of the volcanic eruption!

"Why did you let him go?" Joanna seemed to be patient, but her words came word by word.

The twin sisters looked at each other and immediately bowed left and right. After a while, she said the first half of the sentence, and she took the second half of the sentence, or the two said a sentence at the same time.

Listening to their words is just "can't hurt the future brother-in-law", "let's save face for the boss", "we still have a lot of opportunities" and so on.

Joanna's temper is simply like a child. After listening to the twin sisters' "flattery + explanation + blessing + etc.", she smiled happily again. She waved her hand and said carelessly, "Tomorrow we will continue to pursue Fengxuan! Humph! Let's see if you can escape from the palm of my hand!"

But what she didn't expect was that Feng Xuan did not appear in her vision for 14 consecutive days!

And Fengxuan's failure to appear made the twin sisters suffer from Joanna's complaint. There was nothing they could do. Who called them younger brothers? If the boss wants to speak his mind, the younger brother has to listen...

But as soon as Joanna said it, it was only a few hours, and then a few hours! Ah!" The twin sisters made a life-saving sound in their hearts: "Don't let people sleep!"