Wind moves the world

Chapter 34 Gasson's Way Out!

Blood fire!

The famous skill of Blood and Fire Wolf! At the same time, it is also the most powerful trick of its body!

The red and purple fireball is the size of a basketball. The surface of the ball is constantly spewing flames as short as little fingers. The flames are woven from red and purple, which looks extremely unstable, like two naughty children who can release super-order magic and chase each other at any time! No one knows which of them will burst into a crisis of destroying the world as soon as they are naughty!

But at this moment, when the blood fire spewed out of the mouth of the blood wolf, it seemed silent, and the voice was not revealed at all, as if it was not worthy of the seemingly horrible appearance at all!

Even the red flame and purple flames intertwined on the surface of the blood and fire did not make any sound!

But if anyone sees it, it seems to hear the endless "sneer" sound again! Just like those two alternating flames are burning the world!

The speed of blood and fire looks extremely gentle, but just as Sylvia's holy spear is one meter away from the blood and fire wolf and wants to go further, the blood and fire is just right in front of it!

To be precise, it's six balls of blood fire! After Sylvia killed three blood and fire wolves, there were six wolves in the east!

Six balls of blood and fire, at this moment, came together and hit the tip of the fierce holy spear!

At this moment, did the holy spear that killed the god and melt everything through the stunt of the blood and fire wolf, or did the frightening blood fire melt the Lord?!

The two collide!

But there are no ups and downs in the field of vision!

The two seemingly extremely dangerous magics collided, and there was no fluctuation at all!

It's like the well water touched the river and intertwined with each other, but there was no outbreak! Even the splash didn't splash! So much so that all this happened in a world without sound!

But they are not only like well water and river water. It should be said that the current scene is like putting a flame with a temperature of 30,000 degrees Celsius under two intertwined water! And those two water are constantly disappearing at this moment!

However, the reduction of the holy spear and blood fire is not because of the 30,000-degree flame below, but because of their interaction!

The two magics actually stopped one meter away from the blood and fire wolf!

Visible to the naked eye, the holy spear and blood fire are consumed by each other under the attack of the other party!

Obviously, whoever lasts longer is the winner this time!


Sylvia gave a soft sound, and as soon as the magic wand in her hand was sent forward, she saw the light of the holy spear attached to it, like a streamer. In the blink of an eye, she shot at the six blood fires of blood!

Like a huge stone, thrown into the originally calm lake!

In an instant, I saw layers of ripples when I met the blood fire from the holy spear!

But he was stunned to let the holy spear pass through from beginning to end, and the blood and fire rippled constantly, but he was stunned and did not see the blood and fire disappear!

Although the six clusters of blood fire, at this moment, after the final battle with the Holy Spear, the light color can hardly be ignored, but after all, it is still there!

And the holy spear, at this moment, can no longer emit any light!

High-level light magic Jehovah's holy spear VS six middle-level fire blood fire! The latter won with a slight advantage!

Although Sylvia has felt bad, when she saw this result, her heart still thumped and her expression became dim in an instant!

Silvia really feels hopeless now!

"I didn't expect... This time, before I found the blood of the butterfly dog for her, I left earlier than her... Little Tower, I think I have tried my best!! ......”

Just as Sylvia felt desperate, Martin and Garson came to Silvia ahead of the mercenaries behind them.

Martin looked at the red and purple flame that was almost invisible ten meters away, but slowly floated over, and looked at the bloody wolf behind the flame, but seemed extremely wary of the bloody wolf, and then glanced at the wolf corpse around him, and asked urgently:

"Virable Silvia magician, how is the situation now?"

Silvia turned slightly and looked at the mercenaries behind her. Seeing that they were still some distance away from here, she shook her head helplessly at Martin and sighed:

"I think the truth is that as the head of the mercenary regiment who accepts this mission, you must know something... So let me tell you the truth... Now, the situation is very bad. We didn't break out... and I'm afraid we can't..."

Sylvia didn't go on, but Martin, the other two mercenaries and even Garson, have understood what Sylvia means! That is to say - I'm afraid they won't see the sun tomorrow!

Martin swallowed his saliva with some difficulty, and his face still looked a little unwilling. He asked, "But...that...but, I clearly saw the magic you just now, and now it has disappeared... Can't it be released again?"

Silvia shook her head and replied garrasly, "That's a high-level magic. It takes a while from the beginning to release, and the Blood Fire Wolf will definitely not give us this time..."

Although the high-level magic released by Sylvia, the Holy Spear of the Lord, is very effective, it has an obvious flaw, that is, "preparation time"! The reason why the front can be released is that there is a dirt castle released by Garson in an instant as a cover. Otherwise, she may not even be able to release an attack magic!

What's more, Sylvia didn't say that she was not a magician who was good at attacking! Although there are many attack magic in the light magic, Sylvia is not good at attack, but assistance!

What's more - as Feng Xuan guessed, Silvia must keep half of her magic! Because of her own half of magic, there is a place that must be used!

After listening to this, Martin's unwillingness gradually disappeared. He looked at Sylvia with a little apologetically and seemed to wake up. The question just asked was a little inappropriate. After all, wouldn't Silvia, a high-level magician, be as powerful as Martin, a layman?!

Martin sighed slightly, thought of the ups and downs he has gone through in the past decades, and thought, "Maybe... that's it..."

And just as Sylvia and Martin were talking, the two dark-eyed people didn't notice that Garson, who was supported by two equally dim-faced mercenaries, quickly became gloomy and sharp!

Although Garson released the magic of the earth castle in an instant, causing his magic to be almost empty, but it did not damage his body!

So from the beginning, his physical condition was just pretending! And I'm afraid only one person can see this! - But even if that person can see it, I'm afraid he won't have time to talk about it by himself without anyone else asking! Of course, it depends on who asks!

And this person is naturally Fengxuan!

But at that time, everyone except him was more or less grateful to Garson! So even if he said it, I'm afraid he won't believe it, and I'm afraid that everyone will doubt Feng Xuan and even have a worse effect!

So, Garson was successfully supported by two mercenaries!

And now, his hands are on the shoulders of the two mercenaries, one left and one right, and his palms are naturally hanging, as if they have no strength at all.

But at the moment when Gasson's eyes became cloudy, no one noticed that his drooping palms had been slightly lifted, forming the prototype of a claw, and - close to the necks of the two mercenaries!

Gerson's eyes glanced at the situation around him, as if he was looking for some time...

At this time, the faint blood fire is about five meters away from Sylvia and others, and immediately after the blood fire, it is the six extremely vigilant blood fire wolves!

Although Sylvia has looked gloomy and even feels desperate in her heart, the magician's habits over the years are still warning her that she must not let magic be too close to her! Even if the other party is a small fireball that is so simple that it will disappear at any time!

Because it is very likely that the enemy deliberately released it to mislead you! And one of your omissions may cause yourself and even your companions to lose their lives!

So Sylvia waved her magic wand and saw a white light shining on the magic wand. It hit the faint blood fire and disappeared at the same time.

But just as Sylvia shot the white light, the corners of Garson's mouth were slightly raised, showing a cruel smile!

In an instant, Garson's weak palms suddenly became claws, and then grabbed the necks of the left and right two mercenaries like an eagle catching chickens!

No one would have thought that the idol on his shoulder would suddenly do something to himself!

So the two mercenaries were caught by Garson at once! What's more, Garson is already in good health. In addition, most of the magicians are very strong, and the mercenaries are losing their souls, so Garson's actions are not hindered at all!

The two mercenaries were suddenly stuck in their necks and suddenly felt uncomfortable and wanted to shout, but unfortunately their necks had been deeply held by Garson, which could not be shouted in any way!

What's more, the next moment he grabbed the two people's necks, Garson grabbed them as he had planned and rushed to the six bloody wolves in the east!

When Garson held the two and came to the blood and fire wolf, Sylvia's magic was just neutral with the remaining blood and fire!

And at this moment, Garson's arm was fiercely exerted, and with a clever swing, he saw the two mercenaries he caught in his hand thrown to both sides of the blood and fire wolves one left and one right!

"Ah..." The voices of the two mercenaries were shouting hoarsely in the air the next moment they broke away from Gassen's palm!

But at the next moment, they can't call any more! Because they have been torn into limbs and broken legs by blood and fire wolves!

How vigilant the blood and fire wolves are, but they are also extremely interested in the mercenaries they use as food! So when Gasson threw two mercenaries, a greed flashed in the eyes of the blood wolf!

They were divided into two batches, one left and one right, and they ran to the mercenary's landing point like that, and then waited for the body of the mercenary thrown by Garson!

And as soon as they moved, the middle road that was originally guarded by them was empty!

On the other side, Martin and Sylvia woke up at the moment when Garson rushed with the two of them!

At this time, Martin was still confused about Garson's behavior, and Sylvia had been on guard against Garson, so when she saw Garson running so fast, her heart thumped!

The woman's sixth sense tells her that Garson will do very bad things!

But she is powerless to chase! On the one, Garson is ready to explode, and on the other, after releasing a few magics and sprinting, she is already a little out of breath!

So Garson's action is like no one's land!

Neither Sylvia, Martin and other mercenaries, or the blood wolves in the east, could not stop Garson from escaping in a despicable and shameless way!

At this moment, Gasson looked at the empty escape road, and the smile on his face was getting bigger and bigger...