Wind moves the world

Chapter 37 Killing 2

Silvia looked at the growing wolf's mouth, which was very strange, and the five senses gradually disappeared...

In the back, Sylvia even closed her eyes directly and gave up all resistance, leaving only one idea, wandering in her mind:

"Is everything over like this?"

But at this moment, suddenly, as if in a blank heart, a figure and a series of pictures flashed!

The cardamom girl with a long ponytail is wearing a sky-blue cotton jacket and a red face. Her eyes are watery, full of spirituality and curiosity about the outside world, and she is very cute!

But at this moment, the girl's external environment is blazing!

The cardamom girl actually wore her bulge as if she were in a three-foot cold place under the scorching sun!

But at the next moment, the cardamom girl's body suddenly curled up! The girl squatted on the ground and curled up with difficulty. Visible to the naked eye, her body was still trembling violently!

At this moment, the girl's face is no longer as cute as before, but with a pale look and no aura at all! Even the girl's teeth are still trembling!

Gradually, the degree of trembling of the girl's teeth is getting lower and lower, and the trembling of the body is becoming less and less obvious...

But the girl's anger showed no sign of increasing!

On the contrary, the cardamom girl's eyes are slowly and weakly closed, and even the breath is sometimes there! Slowly - it seems that after a few years, it seems that it is only a few seconds - the girl can no longer open her eyes!

"No! Small tower! No! ......”

Sylvia suddenly shouted at herself almost crazily in her heart!

"Little Tower!"

Sylvia opened her mouth and suddenly shouted, and then opened her closed eyes, and at this moment, her eyes were full of fighting spirit!

"How can I give up here? How can you simply die here? sister is wrong! I will definitely bring back the blood of the butterfly dog! You wait! Waiting for my sister!"

Silvia almost flashed her self-reproach in her heart, and then lowered her head and waved the magic wand in her hand without looking at the front!

But before Sylvia finished describing the magic trajectory she was about to launch, she heard several short and painful screams ahead!

"Wow! ......”

Is it a blood and fire wolf!?

How is that possible?!

Silvia just listened to the sound and knew that it must be the bloody wolf screaming in front of her, but how could it be? These four words flashed in Sylvia's heart in an instant!

Garson's own magic has been exhausted, and he shamelessly escaped by sitting on the wind eagle. Although he was waving his magic wand, he obviously did not release magic! It's even more impossible to talk about others, such as Martin around you! You know, although Martin has lived for so many years, in the final analysis, he is still just a mercenary!

At this moment, Sylvia looked up immediately with the questions that flashed in her heart!

But what caught my eye was not the scene that I guessed instantly in my mind. The blood and fire wolf was seriously injured, and the blood and fire wolf used tricks to seduce the enemy. These scenes that Silvia guessed in an instant are not!

is reflected in front of you, but a black back!

Simple and ordinary, but without any wavering or timid back!

This back... turned out to be Feng Xuan!

Sylvia looked at it carefully several times before she believed this fact!

In front of us is indeed Fengxuan!

But even after Sylvia looked so many eyes, her surprise still did not decrease at all. On the contrary, she was even more confused after confirming that Feng Xuan killed the blood wolf and saved herself!

How could it be him?

Sylvia opened her little mouth that made everyone crazy, looked up at Feng Xuan's back, and thought doubtfully.

To be honest, Sylvia thought of many situations - maybe Garson suddenly released it back with some people, maybe other magicians found their situation on their side, or even Martin and the mercenaries' character exploded and their strength soared!

But in any case, Sylvia never thought that it would be Fengxuan!

And now Sylvia thought about it and found that Feng Xuan's back was so mysterious! And she has never seen this man who is just a "middle-level magician"!

Whether it is Feng Xuan's plain eyes, or his unpredictable reminder that he has met the enemy, and to accurately see the situation later, all of them can be easily done by ordinary people!

Even for her and Garson's two high-level magicians, it's really not good to do these three things that Fengxuan has done!

And! Another important thing is that Sylvia has only found out now!

That is - although Fengxuan has done something that ordinary people can't do, Silvia didn't think of the possibility of Fengxuan's existence when she encountered an emergency!

What does this mean?! This means that although Feng Xuan has done a lot of things that are difficult for ordinary people to do, he does not let people remember that he did it!

And in this way, you can often better protect yourself!

Because next, no matter what Feng Xuan does, I'm afraid it's hard for you to think that he did it! And will constantly guess others!

"And if... this is deliberately made by Witt... it's... it's horrible!"

A drop of cold sweat suddenly appeared on Sylvia's forehead. She looked at Fengxuan's back and unconsciously took a little fear!

And on the other side, Martin also looked at Fengxuan's back with frightened eyes!

Unlike Sylvia, the former is a little bit, while Martin is full of eyes! Moreover, Sylvia was guessing Feng Xuan's strength, but the reason why Martin was afraid was that he really saw Feng Xuan's killing of six blood and fire wolves!

At that time, Sylvia was confused, her feet were unstable, and she fell backwards!

Six blood and fire wolves saw the opportunity, took a murderous step, opened their mouths, and roared and killed Silvia!

How accurate the timing of the blood and fire wolf is, and how fast the action is! This is based on their innate intuition of Warcraft! The power of instinct!

Because of this, although Martin saw the blood and fire wolf rushing towards Sylvia, he had no ability to make any changes!

Even if Martin is one step faster than the blood and fire wolf and comes to Sylvia's side, he has no strength to fight with six murderous blood and fire wolves!

Maybe when he passed, it was just to add more blood and make the world one less life!,

So Martin hesitated a little and continued to retreat!

"I'm sorry...Silvia..." This thought flashed in Martin's mind when he hesitated.

Martin called "Sylvia" in his mind as gentle as calling his granddaughter.

Because Martin still likes and respects Sylvia, Martin has experienced many ups and downs and seen many people over the decades - whether it is the bottom beggar or the upper magician.

However, a high-level magician like Sylvia, who has the status of a noble tutor of the Magic Guide Academy, can put down his airs, discuss matters with a mercenary in the lower class of society, eat together, and act like him!

It's too rare!

So Martin felt that she was very kind as soon as he saw Sylvia... And that's why he didn't work very hard on what he promised Martin.

Martin is still retreating steadily. He knows that he is about to enter the circle of mercenaries, so that he will be a little safer. At least there are more than 20 mercenaries and a middle-level magician there - Martin has not forgotten the existence of Feng Xuan!

After all, compared with ordinary mercenaries, a magician is a miracle!

But Sylvia... Martin looked at her for the last time - the blood and fire wolves were only two meters away from Sylvia, and then they only needed a take-off, and then a rapid attack. When the giant mouth closed one by one, Silvia would turn into a pile of flesh and blood...

Such a bloody scene flashed in Martin's mind, but he didn't want to see such a gentle girl, and the final result was like that!

So although Martin is retreating, his eyes should be slowly closed...

But just as he was about to close his eyes, a black lightning suddenly crossed him in an instant, and the next moment, it came to Sylvia's body!

"What is that?! ......”

Martin was so scared that he stopped walking! Fortunately, he didn't retreat quickly, so he didn't fall directly because of inertia!

Martin's eyes widened, and then he saw the picture in his life that he could no longer forget until death...