Wind moves the world

Chapter 58 Full Strength Explosion! Fengxuan's strongest killing move!

The pressure is now full of Fengxuan's whole body!

You must use that trick! The strongest move of my own!

Feng Xuan's almost pupilless eyes stared at the upright two-headed cold bird in front of him. At this moment, in his mind, he was frantically calculating the strength of each other!

Quick battle!

In Fengxuan's mind, thousands of possible pictures can be calculated every second!

The possible actions of the double-headed cold bird, the possible range of movement of the butterfly dog, the remaining magic, the time difference between the two sides, the surrounding terrain, various indicators of air...

This is it!

Finally, Feng Xuan calculated the most reasonable attack location! It's three meters to the left of the double-headed cold bird!

Now, he needs to find a way to force the cold bird to that place!

Not as moving as a mountain!

Move, it is as fast as the wind!

The plan that Feng Xuan had just thought about in his mind was implemented in an instant!

Lightning forward, bringing out a series of phantoms! - This is the wind system mid-level magic, an improved version · wind practice! Plus Sylvia's "glorious blessing"!

The magic track is the life of the magician! When Feng Xuan moved his body for the first time, he began to portray it!

Fengxuan is now about 15 meters away from the double-headed cold bird! The cold bird still grabbed the branch and did not move!

However, when Fengxuan's body rushed out five meters like lightning, and only a moment passed, a magic track had been completed!

Wind series middle-level magic · wind knife chopping!

And after three meters, there is another magic track!

Fire series middle-level magic · flame chopping!

The two magics are like lightning, with the roar caused by the high speed, rushing forward and backward towards the double-headed cold bird!

Feng Xuan's action is very fast! Just two moments, it's two magic!

But Fengxuan is fast, and the double-headed cold bird is faster!

Seeing two magic killing at high speed, a trace of joke flashed in the four eyes of the two-headed cold bird. When the two forearms were rowed left and right, they saw a translucent magic ice wall as long and five feet wide blocking in front of it!

Water ice high-level magic · Thousand-hand ice wall!

At the same time as the ice wall appeared, the wind knife chopping and the flame chopping also hit the ice wall one after another, almost at the beginning and end!



However, there are two fine impact sounds, and there is no big impact as imagined. The ice wall is just a little shaken by the two middle-level magic!

On the contrary, the wind knife chopping and flame chopping that hit the ice wall at high speed were very tragic, and they were blown apart like broken bones! The main magic disappeared in the collision, leaving only the remaining magic scattered everywhere!

The power of water and ice high-level magic, the power of the double-headed cold bird, is already so great! It's not one or two middle-level magic at all, which can be defeated!

Two magic attacks, and the two-headed cold bird didn't even move! It's just two forearms!

But Feng Xuan is still waving his magic wand!

Looking at its appearance, it seems to be very unwilling to this result!

Another moment, and three meters later, Fengxuan is now only four meters away from the mountain-headed cold bird!

Four meters is already a fairly close distance!

Even the two-headed cold bird did not expect that after resisting the two magic of the "little man" in front of him, he would run in front of him!

Human beings are cunning and full of conspiracy!

The double-headed cold bird added a little more vigilance in its eyes, and it decided to strangle the danger in the bud! But just when he wanted to jump down and leave the "thousand-handed ice wall" and the little butterfly dog to kill Feng Xuan...

Fengxuan has jumped like lightning at four meters and pointed the magic wand at the cold bird!

Middle-level magic of water and ice system · Baimu ice needle cold rainstorm · double bullet!

Two hundred ice needles emitting cold light!

Suddenly appeared around the double-headed cold bird! - The front, back, left and right are all ice needles with cold light!

Start quickly in an instant!

The attack around the body is so dense! So much so that the two-headed cold bird wanted to move its body and suppress the desire to kill Fengxuan!

Because it must use the "thousand-hand ice wall" that you have just released to resist these ice needles! It doesn't want to be hurt by the "little people" in front of him!

Thousand-handed ice wall! Ice wall with a thousand hands!

When the ice needle suddenly exploded, 200 flexible ice tentacles were derived from the ice wall!

Two hundred ice tentacles and lightning appeared in the front and back of the two-headed cold bird, directly grasping the 200 ice needles that attacked!

I didn't let go of any of them!

The ice needle came so fast, but it was still stopped abruptly! Being strangled without any suspense!

The thousand-handed ice wall deserves the name of thousands of hands!

But even so, it has to let time pass for a moment! In an instant, Fengxuan has rushed forward three meters!

There is only one meter left from the ice wall of the cold bird!

Just when the ice needle was caught, Feng Xuan's magic track had also been completed! The magic wand head once again aimed at the double-headed cold bird!

Plant middle-level magic · Ten-handed tree man!

In an instant, start!

The two-headed cold bird and the butterfly dog are now wrapped inside the ice wall with 200 more hands. The image seems to overlap, and at this time, the branch on the right side of the ice wall suddenly changes!

A tree man with a height of three meters and a lower body connected to the branch caught by the cold bird suddenly drilled out of the branch!

And more importantly, such a tree man has five pairs of giant hands two meters long and half meters wide!

Five on the left and five on the right! The tree man appeared as soon as he appeared and surrounded the front and back sides of the ice wall with his own huge hands!

Then, I saw the tree man put his huge hands together fiercely!


The deafening noise! At the same time, with wood chips flying!

But there is nothing in the giant hand!

When the double-headed cold bird was about to slap over, it moved one meter to the left with the butterfly dog and the ice wall!

One meter, just dodged the attack of the giant hand!

But in fact, it is effortless for the ice wall of the two-headed cold bird to block the giant hand! But the double-headed cold bird still chose to dodge!

Because of Fengxuan's series of magic, from wind knife chopping, to flame chopping, to Qianmu ice needle cold rainstorm, to ten-handed tree people, it has given the double-headed cold bird an illusion that if you stay in place, you will continue to be continuously attacked by Fengxuan!

And it was this illusion that made the two-headed cold bird instinctively choose to dodge first!

And Fengxuan, that's what you need!

But the double-headed cold bird is still two meters away from the best attack site of Fengxuan! That is to say, Fengxuan still has to force the two-headed cold bird out of two meters!

At this time, Feng Xuan's body turned without physical rules in mid-air and stood on the shoulders of the ten-handed tree man!

This time is just a moment! The distance is exactly three meters!

Feng Xuan stared at the two-headed cold bird, and the magic wand also aimed at it at the same time!

Middle-order magic of the earth system · meteorite!

The meteorite, the evolutionary version of the primary magic "flying rock" of the earth system, is twice faster, five times heavier, and ten times more lethal!

It is equivalent to ten "flying rocks" condensed into one!

The meteorite appeared a meter in front of the ice wall out of thin air, and then landed like a meteor and crashed forward fiercely!

Fengxuan's magic is so coherent, the speed of the meteorite is so fast, and the timing is so accurate that the double-headed cold bird that has always wanted to fight back can't fight back at all!

Only passively suppressed by Feng Xuan! But even so, even if Fengxuan has been releasing magic, and the double-headed cold bird has been at a low level, Fengxuan has not even broken a defense magic of the double-headed cold bird!

So in fact, Fengxuan is very dangerous now! As long as the two-headed cold bird survives this stage of continuous blows, or its heart reacts slightly instead of relying on instinct, Fengxuan will fall into an eternal crisis!

The meteorite hit the ice wall in an instant!


A thunderous noise!

The thousand-handed ice wall was smashed out by two meters! But even so, it is still intact!

In contrast, after the meteorite collided with the ice wall, it was obliquely bounced out! It hit the ground and didn't stop until three giant trees were knocked down!

This is the gap!

But Feng Xuan had never thought that a mid-level magic of the earth system could clean up a double-headed cold bird that was at least the highest peak!

His purpose is to force the double-headed cold bird to the best attack site! And now, Fengxuan's goal has been achieved!

So far, Fengxuan has released a total of five attributes of magic!

Wind system, fire system, water and ice system, plant system, earth system!

If someone is here, not a warcraft that can't speak human words and doesn't know the details of human magic, he will definitely exclaim loudly and faint in shock! It's terrible!

A five-series magician?!

At most, there are four series of magicians that have appeared in history! That is still the greatest person in history, Chiyou himself!

And now, a person has appeared. In terms of magical attributes, he surpassed the first person in history - Emperor Chiyou for the first time, which is simply...

Indescribable shock!

And now, this young man who made history is still disguised as a middle-aged uncle, and a long-lasting black light rises in his eyes...

"It's now!"