Wind moves the world

Chapter 62 en ren? Grace?

The two-headed cold bird looked up to the sky and shouted excitedly, then bent down, stretched out its empty forearm, picked up the honest squatting butterfly dog on the ground, and gently grabbed it on the palm of its hand.

The butterfly dog was grabbed by the double-headed cold bird and seemed to "squeak" helplessly, but it was just a sound. Then he lay his head honestly on the palm of the double-headed cold bird, which seemed to indicate that he was at the disposal of the double-headed cold bird.

The two-headed cold bird shouted excitedly, as if it was very satisfied with the performance of the butterfly dog. Then it saw a thin diamond-shaped ice crystal with a thick adult index finger flying out of its mouth.

The ice crystal circled like lightning in mid-air and floated next to the body of the butterfly dog. The sharp end of the ice crystal is facing the butterfly dog and slowly wraps around it to see its appearance - it's like looking for a good place to start and cutting a cut of the butterfly dog!

Is it...

Feng Xuan looked at the series of movements of the two-headed cold bird, and there was a faint guess in his heart, but he was surprised by his inner guess!

Is it... that the double-headed cold bird wants to get the blood of the butterfly dog!?

Feng Xuan's inner guess, even he can't believe it! After all, the butterfly dog will choose to come to the place of the double-headed cold bird at the time of life and death. Obviously, there is an extraordinary relationship with the double-headed cold bird! However, now the double-headed cold bird will take out the blood of the butterfly dog that has an extraordinary relationship with it for the sake of its previous enemies!?

It's really impossible!

However, the facts really surprised Feng Xuan! Also shocked was Sylvia, who had just come around and saw this scene!

The ice crystal slowly surrounded the butterfly dog, and finally seemed to find a place to scratch the right thigh of the butterfly dog like lightning!

Its speed is so fast that even if it is like Feng Xuan's eyesight, it can only see a little white shadow vaguely!

The ice crystal crossed a few feet away like lightning in an instant, and then turned around cleverly, a small coiled, and pointed its head at the butterfly dog, lightning-like rowing back!

However, the target of this ice crystal is not the butterfly dog itself, but ten centimeters below the part that has just scratched!

I saw the ice crystal come there in an instant, and then quietly and cleverly turned into a transparent ice test tube!

At this time, the right thigh of the butterfly dog, which had just been scratched by the ice crystal, showed a small wound, and from the wound, slowly dripping bright red blood drop by drop!

Blood dripped from the wound, and then accurately dripped into the ice crystal-changing ice test tube, not drop!

When Feng Xuan saw this, his two pupils shrank slightly, and four words flashed in his heart: ice is not cold!

The ice crystal caused by ice scratched the right thigh of the butterfly dog, but did not freeze the wound. This is "ice but not cold"!

Ice but not cold is an important indicator to judge the magic control level of water and ice magicians!

However, the magic control of the double-headed cold bird is obviously not only "ice but not cold", but more smart: the right thigh scratched by the ice crystal is just a small wound, but this small wound is now dripping blood, not healing!

Obviously, when the ice crystal of the double-headed cold bird just passed, it did not forget to suppress the recovery mechanism of the butterfly dog!

So now, the blood of the butterfly dog will fall drop by drop until the ice test tube is filled!

And at the moment when the blood was full of the test tube, the butterfly dog's wound also healed at the same time!

The double-headed cold bird shouted excitedly again, and then sent the butterfly dog and Feng Xuan to the ground together, and the ice test tube floating in mid-air slowly followed Fengxuan when it landed and came to him.

It's down-to-earth, but Feng Xuan now says in his heart that it's impossible not to be surprised!

The friendly attitude of the two-headed cold bird has been obvious! However, what is the reason that made the opponent who was originally in the battle of life and death become like this?

Is it that after an advanced level, the head becomes stupid!?

Of course, Feng Xuan will not believe this reason, because looking at the appearance of the double-headed cold bird, not only did he not become stupid, but his IQ rose was not a stage!

Not far away, Sylvia opened her mouth wide, and her sexy lips trembled slightly up and down.

Silvia was shocked when she saw the mutant double-headed cold bird! And when she thought of the damage caused by the wide range of water and ice magic around her, she immediately determined to cause that kind of damage, including this double-headed cold bird nearly ten feet tall!

However, when she came to such a conclusion and was shocked by the strength of the two-headed cold bird, a double-headed cold bird actually got the blood of the butterfly dog for Fengxuan!

In Sylvia's opinion, it is the double-headed cold bird getting the blood of the butterfly dog for Fengxuan! She even guessed that the scene of fighting around was caused by the double-headed cold bird and the butterfly dog!

But what surprised her most was how Feng Xuan could make such a powerful double-headed cold bird serve him!?

Of course, Sylvia didn't know. In fact, a few minutes ago, Feng Xuan and the two-headed cold bird were still thinking about killing each other in their heads!

And just as Sylvia was shocked by a series of actions of the double-headed cold bird, the double-headed cold bird finally made time to deal with Sylvia, a suddenly visiting human.

Just now, it was the two-headed cold bird that wanted to get the blood of the butterfly dog. Although it found Sylvia at that time, in order to show respect for Feng Xuan, it still moved back the matter of dealing with strangers and finished Feng Xuan's matter first.

And now, the double-headed cold bird has finished taking blood. Of course, there is time to deal with Sylvia, a stranger.

The two-headed cold bird still looked at Fengxuan with one head, and the other stared at Sylvia, with a demonstrative "ga" sound.

Just as he wanted to take further action, the butterfly dog beside him, after jumping on the ground and confirming that he had no sequelae, shouted excitedly, as if he was glad that he had not been killed.

When the two-headed cold bird protested and shouted at Sylvia, the butterfly dog also saw Sylvia at the same time. It "squeaked" at the two-headed cold bird and seemed to say: This woman is with him.

He is naturally Fengxuan.

The two-headed cold bird heard the "squeak" call of the butterfly dog. The one stared at the nostrils on Sylvia's head and hummed a cold air coldly. Then it stopped paying attention to her and turned to a smiling face and looked at Fengxuan.


The two-headed cold bird called Feng Xuan affectionately. One forearm pointed to the ice test tube in front of Feng Xuan, and the other pointed to the lively butterfly dog.

Feng Xuan looked at the movements of the double-headed cold bird and roughly understood what it meant. It was to ask if there was enough blood in the ice test tube.

Of course! It is not only enough, but also twice the original capacity!

Sylvia also gave Feng Xuan a test tube containing the blood of the butterfly dog in advance, which was placed in the inferior space ring, and now the volume of this ice test tube is twice as large as the test tube given by Sylvia!

And, it seems that the double-headed cold bird is very comprehensive. The ice test tube actually has the function of preserving blood fresh and unchanged!

So, very rational, Feng Xuan nodded, indicating that the blood in front of him was completely enough.

Feng Xuan's head makes the three heads of the two-headed cold bird and the butterfly dog excited!

The butterfly dog is because it doesn't have to bleed again, and it can save its life! Previously, when Feng Xuan was about to wake up, he complained reluctantly for a long time. You know, at that time, the double-headed cold bird actually said to him that if Feng Xuan wanted his body, he had to sacrifice his life to repay his "savement"!

And of course, the butterfly dog knows that the double-headed cold bird is not joking! If that human really wants his body, I'm afraid that the double-headed cold bird will really kill himself. Although it will be very painful, the human's "kindness" to the double-headed cold bird is too great...

The reason why the two-headed cold bird is obviously excited is that it has slightly rewarded its "nefactor" for its "gratitude"!

It's just that what kind of "gratitude" can make the two-headed cold bird personally attack the butterfly dog that has an extraordinary relationship with it!?

And when did Feng Xuan give such a "gratitude" to the two-headed cold bird?

If you ask Fengxuan about this, I'm afraid he won't be very clear now...