Wind moves the world

Chapter 75 Unexpectedly!

In the forbidden forest.

With Alba as the center, the 100-meter blue electric field makes this area look mysterious.

In the electric field, there are more than 20 people on one side, centered on Garson. Their faces are very relaxed at this moment, because everyone here is well aware of Alva's strength and the power of Alva's "cloud flash"!

Even Garson, who had a ferocious face just now, can imagine the tragedy of Feng Xuan after the "third blow" in his mind! And then...

Hey hey...

Gerson's face showed that obscene smile again.

Now Fengxuan and Alva on the other side are about 50 meters apart, and the area between the two is dense, looking at the silver-white lightning rushing towards Fengxuan!

Fengxuan's two eyes were full of black gas!

Suddenly, the black gas stopped in an instant!

seems to be a signal that Feng Xuan's murderous spirit surged in an instant!

And it seems that with the increase of murderousness, Feng Xuan's strength has also increased!

The invisible muscle on the right arm suddenly tightened!

Feng Xuan abruptly shifted the magic wand placed across his chest 90 degrees and pointed to him!

The power and speed are so fast that even the lightning that has been competing with the magic wand has been thrown away!


This silver-white lightning was thrown into the fierce dense small thunder and lightning group by Feng Xuan, but with a "sneer" and was instantly assimilated and disappeared!

And when Feng Xuan waved lightning in his right hand, his left arm was not free!

Fengxuan's left hand has been hugging Sylvia's thin waist. Although he has been trembling since just now, he still holds Sylvia firmly and never let go!

But just now, Feng Xuan waved his right hand and shook his left hand at the same time!

Move with both hands!

But this swing is in the opposite direction to the right hand! Feng Xuan's left hand is thrown backwards!

He is going to throw Silvia behind him!

Sure enough, as Feng Xuan thought, Sylvia was thrown five meters behind her!

And at this time, it is the moment when the dense small thunder and lightning group will be swallowed up by the thunder and lightning thrown by Feng Xuan!

The next moment, the small thunder and lightning group has rushed around Fengxuan's body!

It doesn't take an instant to see Fengxuan's black body covered with silver and white!

At the same time, the murderous spirit from Feng Xuan suddenly disappeared! There is nothing left!!

"Witter! ......”

As soon as Sylvia, who was thrown out by Feng Xuan, lay on the ground, she saw the scene of her heart being swallowed up by the thunder and lightning group!

Sylvia suddenly felt that her heart was missing a few beats! At the same time, he instinctively shouted Feng Xuan's disguise name!

But now Fengxuan can't hear Sylvia's shouting...

I don't know when Feng Xuan has closed his eyes. Now he seems to have lost all his five senses, and he can't feel anything on his body, as if he is a person without a soul!

Outside, the dense silver-white lightning surrounding Fengxuan, like blood-suckers, beating violently on Fengxuan's skin or clothes, and then aiming at a convenient and fierce drill into the body!

A lightning drilled into the body, and then another lightning came!

This is actually the attack law of Alva's "cloud flash"! Come out of the inside of the body and back to the inside of the body!

So Fengxuan's clothes and his skin can be undamaged! So his hair is still as usual even in the thunder and lightning!

And that's why it shows the horror of "cloud flash"! Because it only attacks the inside of the human body!

And inside, it is the most difficult to defend!

As lightning penetrated into the body, the five senses of Fengxuan's disappearance seemed to be gradually recovering. This process seems to have passed thousands of years!

Gradually, Feng Xuan also felt the pain brought by the lightning in his body!

It's like entering the bone marrow! Life is better than death!

At this time, I don't know the reason why Feng Xuan's five senses are still slowly strengthening! In the back, it was even stronger than the original five senses! Also need to be sensitive!

The pain is also magnified exponentially!

This is a pain that can't be described in words!

Feng Xuan only knew that if he hadn't had five senses, he must have thought he was dead!

The five senses are still strengthening at this time! Perhaps, if Fengxuan successfully survives under this attack and escapes, he will retain this unexpected strength! But...

I'm afraid that as long as you are alone, you can't bear the pain of Fengxuan! At this time, I'm afraid I've been living in pain to death!

But it seems that only Fengxuan can feel this pain! Because ordinary people are instantly electrocuted into particles by the small thunder and lightning group!

In this way, Feng Xuan seemed to feel his consciousness and spent a hundred thousand years fighting against the pain! But...

In the eyes of outsiders such as Alba and Garson, from the lightning surrounding Fengxuan to all the lightning drilling into Fengxuan's body, time has passed two moments!

Two moments later, the last lightning also penetrated into Fengxuan's body!

But what's left is still Fengxuan!

Looking at its appearance, it is no different from before being drilled in by lightning! He still holds the magic wand in his right hand and three space rings in his left hand. His hair is still so long and black, and his clothes are still the same! Only those eyes are closed!

Feng Xuan is motionless now. Judging from his appearance, he doesn't know whether he is alive or dead!

Garson and others looked at Fengxuan and suddenly looked at each other in connocent! Even Alba, as the caster, has a dull face!

What's the situation!?

He... was not directly decomposed!?

Dead? Shouldn't it be?!

These thoughts flashed in everyone's mind. They couldn't figure out how to understand the attack power of "cloud flash". How could Fengxuan, who obviously has no defense, not be directly decomposed into particles!


Fengxuan suffered the attack, but in two moments, Sylvia just got up from the ground, and tears were still flowing silently, but she also rushed to Fengxuan with all her strength!

Silvia doesn't know why she rushed over. Maybe it's just her instinct. Maybe, subconsciously, she just wants to be able to hug him...

And that shout was also shouted by Sylvia's instinct!

But I don't know if it was a coincidence or just such a shout, Feng Xuan's eyes suddenly opened!

The dark eyes are still as usual!

Gerson's face became extremely ugly in an instant! It was as gloomy as if two lightning would shoot Fengxuan fiercely in an instant! Just now, his brain still cares about |**, but now he finds that everything is daydreaming, which makes him extremely annoyed!

As soon as Alba saw Fengxuan open his eyes, he immediately guessed the change in Garson's face! And in his heart, the chill and murderous intent of Feng Xuan also increased instantly!

"Damn it!" Alva shouted and cursed fiercely, and then waved the magic wand fiercely to Feng Xuan and shouted, "The fourth blow, cloud flash with flash!"

A half-foot-wide silver-white lightning, like a ribbon, was brought out by a magic wand and shot at Feng Xuan's head head!

"Damn it! I don't believe that I won't kill you!"

Alva thought viciously in his heart!

But Alba just said that Fengxuan only "tasting" the first three blows of the cloud flash, but now it is the fourth blow! It seems that in the dark, Alva's sarcasm was broken by Feng Xuan!

Half-foot wide silver-white lightning is actually five feet long! This time, it is obvious that Alva himself has also made great efforts!

In the face of Fengxuan, who opened his eyes and did not move, Alva actually chose to release such a fierce magic!

In this situation, it is obvious that Alva's heart has been left a shadow by Fengxuan! His chill towards Fengxuan has risen to a high level! A height that makes him feel that only by releasing enough magic can Fengxuan be destroyed!

The silver-white lightning is faster and more powerful in the blue electric field! Looking at the momentum, it is a silver dragon!

The goal of the mad dragon is very clear, which is to directly blow Feng Xuan's head!

And here, Sylvia, who rushed to Fengxuan, also saw the silver lightning flying to Fengxuan!

"We must knock Witt down!"

This idea flashed through Sylvia's mind in an instant!

At this time, Sylvia is still four meters away from Fengxuan! And the ribbon lightning is still 35 meters away from Fengxuan!

Lightning flew over, but it happened in two moments!

In two moments, Sylvia must rush to Fengxuan! So let the lightning hit the air!

But can she do it!? ......