Wind moves the world

Chapter 77 The energy of Zeus!

Stephen Brandt!

These simple six words, a simple name, almost made Alba collapse directly!

Stephen Brandt, who really stands at the top of the world! The city owner of the six major forces! The pinnacle of [Zeus]!

And his name does not simply represent the energy of a certain six leaders!

is the energy of the strongest power on the magic continent!

You should know that even among the six major forces, there is a difference between strengths and weaknesses! Among them, the weakest is the [magic guide] once founded by Emperor Chiyou!

This can be seen from the * around this [Magic Guide]! Persimmons are soft and easy to pinch!

The weakest is [Magic Guide], and the strongest is [Honghuang]!

There was even a famous big shot once said that even if the other five forces dealt with [Honghuang] at the same time, they may not be able to beat it down!

From such a sentence, you can understand the status of [Honghuang] in this world!

"Heaven and earth are yellow, and the universe is flooded"!

- There may be many magicians who don't know the motto of the [Magic Guide] College, but even those who have just become magicians will know these eight words!

Because these eight words are the most realistic portrayal of [Honghuang]! No matter who, where, and when, when it comes to [Honghuang], the first sentence must be these eight words!

And now, the reason why Alba did not collapse directly is just "almost" because he saw the crazy Apa's playful smile!

Obviously, the crazy Apa is teasing Alba!

Suddenly, a burst of anger and a trace of luck rose from the depths of Alba's heart!

"hoho..." Alba smiled fiercely three times before replying, "Zeus Brandt? ...Hum! If you would be Zeus like this, then I would be Emperor Chiyou!"

Alva seemed to want to fight back against the crazy Apa, but his voice was heard in other people's ears, and he didn't know if he was affected by the fluke, and his words seemed to be a little reluctant.

"Hahaha..." The crazy Apa looked up and laughed, and then suddenly straightened his face, and his eyebrows were full of the momentum that only big shots could have. He said sonorously:

"You wait for Xiaomin! How dare you be presumptuous! Unexpectedly, I doubt the identity of Zeus!"

As soon as the crazy Apa said this, Alva suddenly dared not speak again!

Because Alba fully understands that the momentum from the crazy Apa is not something that ordinary people can have! Only those bigwigs who have led tens of millions of people will exist!

Is it...isn't he really Zeus...

Alva's back was soaked with sweat again! When he almost collapsed before, he got wet once, and that time, he even wet his crotch!

"Fuck! I don't care who you are!"

Just when everyone on the side of Alva was shocked by the crazy Apa, Garson suddenly rushed forward with a ferocious face!

Garson really can't stand it!

He was not shocked by the crazy Apa at the beginning! Because when the crazy Apa spoke, his eyes had turned to Sylvia, who hugged Feng Xuan!

Then, Garson's face became more and more ugly! More and more gloomy! Finally, such a ferocious and twisted appearance was formed!


Garson's speed, another rare outbreak!

It seems that whenever Garson is highly concentrated, his personal ability will surpass ordinary times!

In fact, this is easy to understand! Because everyone is like this! When you focus on a goal, powerful energy will burst out!

But just as Gasson rushed ten meters away from the crazy Apa, the crazy Apa suddenly snorted coldly!

"Get out!"

With just one word, Gasson was bombarded back to Alba's side!

Even if he surpasses his usual Garson, he is simply bombarded! He couldn't even block it, so he was directly blown away. At the same time, he was in a coma and didn't know life or death!

The gap in strength can be seen at a glance!

Alva suddenly felt that his whole body was cold! It's like being in a mass grave at midnight!


Alva's throat moved with difficulty, but he wanted to swallow a mouthful of saliva, but he found that there was no saliva secretion in his mouth at all!

If the madapa appeared in the electric field at the beginning, and Alba did not notice his appearance, there are other reasons to explain, such as the performance of the madapa after a long preparation.

However, now, when Garson rushed over, Alva also didn't see any signs of a crazy Apa's action!

Even in Alba's eyes, the crazy Apa's body has not changed except for an angry shout!

One mouth... unexpectedly bombarded Garson... This strength...

Is it that he is really "Zeus"!!! ......

Alva suddenly felt that his whole body seemed to have no strength!

And since he, as one of Gasson's strongest people, has performed like this, not to mention more than 20 other more rubbish attendants!

At this time, it is easier for the crazy Apa to kill them than to kill an ant!


Apa, the madman, took a look and was comfortably held in Sylvia's arms, but his eyes did not close. He still looked at Fengxuan on Alva's side without blinking, with a smile on his face and thought to heart:

"Hey...little guy, I'll create another chance for you! Let you take a good look at this magic..."

Thinking about it, the crazy Apa showed a playful smile on his face.

I saw him walking with his eight-character legs and his hands behind him, staggering slowly to Alva and others.

As he walked, the crazy Apa laughed and said, "What's wrong? Hey hey...are you all scared? Come on... Guys, let's attack again! Let me have a good taste..."

After listening to this, the last trace of wings on his face has been lost!

Because the word "tasting" is what he said to Feng Xuan before! Now, "Zeus" said these two words to him, which means that "Zeus" and Feng Xuan are together! At the same time, it means that begging for mercy has no effect at all!

But Alba is so likely to give up his life like this!

Previously, I clearly saw that he was going to kill Feng Xuan, and then return triumphantly! And now, how can you stand to say that everything has failed just because one person ran out!

Anyway, Alba will have a final struggle!

shi shi can be killed, not humiliated! In any case, Alva will fight with his own "cloud flash"! Even if he is Zeus!

My cloud flash, and the last blow!

Alva's face is ferocious in an instant!

"Fifth blow, cloud flash · piece flash!"

When the sound fell, I saw the magic wand held tightly with all his strength, and suddenly vibrated slightly!

Then a fan-shaped silver-white lightning with a radius of at least 15 meters suddenly appeared three meters in front of Alba!

At this time, it was time for the crazy Apa to walk three meters in front of Alva! Alva, the magic was not released until the crazy Apa came here!

So when the lightning appeared out of thin air, it just swallowed the crazy Apa completely!

Success? ......

Alva's whole body has been completely out of strength. After all, he has to resist the approaching of "Zeus" and release the pressure of magic when "Zeus" comes only three meters in front of him!

Now Alba knelt on his knees, sweating all over his face, and there was no small lightning on his body. He reluctantly raised his head and watched the silver-white lightning gradually shrink and dissipate.

Finally, the last bit of silvery white also disappeared from sight!

The man who called himself "Zeus" has no trace! was killed! It was killed! Zeus was killed by me!

Just as Alba endured the pain of convulsions on his muscles and lowered his head and thought excitedly, a middle-aged man's voice suddenly appeared in front of him!

"Good magic!" The crazy Apa's voice was full of sighs, as if it was sarcastic, and then looked at Alva, who was already stiff and motionless, and said:

Unfortunate, there are only five strikes! Um... straight flash, branch flash, fork flash, with flash, piece flash... It should be an unfinished magic! Let me think... Hey, maybe there will be 'domain flash' and 'boundary flash' later! Hey hey...that's right!"

The crazy Apa suddenly turned around, looked at Feng Xuan, who was still open, and muttered:

"I don't know how this little guy has learned..."