Wind moves the world

Chapter 96 Top 64 Promotion Competition! 1

Alfred's smile on his face was even brighter when he came out.

The three of Coster looked at each other again, because Alfred stayed in the house until almost late at night!

Three people are about to fall asleep outside!

Poor Fengxuan!

The three of them have been psychologically prepared to see Feng Xuan's miserable end and the horrible scene of being swept by a tornado in the room!

But when the three went in, they were stunned again! Once again, things were unexpected, and there was no chaos in the house!

The three of them can only spend the night in their rooms full of doubts and puzzles.

The next day is the day of the 61-strong competition!

When Feng Xuan brought the three of Coster to the competition venue, it was only seven o'clock in the morning, but the whole audience was already overcrowded! And there are also people looking forward to the competition venue!

Cost couldn't help sighing. I really don't know why a magician competition can gather so many people!

At a glance, the venue has changed!

The original 360-yuan competition venue seems to have been merged, but there are only four pieces left! It is equivalent to 40,000 square meters of a competition venue!

The 64th promotion competition of the "middle-level magic competition" is naturally divided into 32 groups, but only four games are staged at a time!

This is naturally for the needs of the audience! After all, every game of the top 64 is worth watching, and if 32 games start at the same time, people will miss many wonderful moments!

The order of Fengxuan's game is the ninth game! The opponent of the competition is the "cute queen" Fanny Yan!

Before the game, Fengxuan doesn't mind watching other people's games. The ability to learn from each other is the ability necessary to become a strong man!

Fengxuan has written down the schedule of the game, and he decided to go to the game on the No. 1 venue, because there is a woman who pays great attention to Feng Xuan!

Lulu sat on the rest field next to the No. 1 field and took a deep breath. She passed the primary battle with a record of four wins and one loss, which can be said to be the bottom player.

And this time Lulu didn't seem to be very lucky, and she was drawn as the first game!

Come on! Try your best!

Lulu tries her best to calm down, regardless of her record, as long as she does her best!

Calm down, calm down...

The endless noise in the audience outside gradually moved away from Lulu's heart...

All right!

Lulu suddenly opened her eyes, and she has adjusted her state to the best state as usual!

But as soon as she opened her eyes and was completely calm, she suddenly found a dark shadow!

It's the guy I met in the Magic Guide Book City!

Lulu recognized this teenager immediately!

She still remembers Feng Xuan's rude behavior! And through the previous events, she also knew that the teenager's name was Feng Xuan!

And there is still a trace of luck in Lulu's heart, because Feng Xuan just looked through the "High-level Warcraft's medical record". If Feng Xuan took it away, it is estimated that Lulu's little beast will not worry about his life, but at least Lulu is not in the mood to participate in this game!

Of course, Lulu doesn't know that Feng Xuan's book is indeed useful, not a prank! It's just that Fengxuan's reading speed is a little faster...

Feng Xuan passed in front of Lulu and did not stare at his Lulu.

Lulu suddenly felt a fire burning in her heart!

I was ignored! Damn guy! Not only did he not apologize, but also ignored himself?!

Lulu suddenly felt that the current state could be called an explosive state!

When I was angry, I felt better than usual!

And at this time, the game begins!

Lulu's opponent is a mid-level wind magician, a woman named "Stasia".

Saying "woman", not "girl", or "girl", or even "woman", just because you can't see what kind of woman she is from her appearance!

Because she wears a white hat that hangs straight down! There is only an ordinary white magic wand sticking out of the hat! But the skin can't be seen at all!

Pret to be mysterious!

Lulu snorted in her heart, and now her heart is still very angry!

However, Lulu has also done some research on the opponent of this competition, but the strange thing is that this opponent seems to appear out of thin air, because in the magic guide college, in the second grade or even the first grade, there is no one named "Stasia"!

Lulu frowned. Is it a disguise?

Impossible! Maybe the information on the crystal is not updated in time, but at least the name will not be wrong!

Then who is she? Is it a third-grade student?

That's impossible! Because third-grade students are all high-level magicians!

Study in the Magic Guide College, you can graduate at any time, but there are not many third-year students! Because high-level magicians themselves are as rare as luxury goods in this world!

So they are very expensive and generally do not continue to study in the Magic Academy! Of course, it doesn't rule out crazy people in learning!

But the "Middle-level Magic Competition" restricts them from participating! Because they are strong enough to get a high ranking! There is no doubt about it! it a freshman who suddenly transferred to the college? But the strength is above the middle level?

But the registration for the competition was closed a week ago! And even if you are a freshman, you can't find anyone on the crystal!

Why on earth?

Lulu decided not to worry about this problem anymore. She wants to play the game with all her strength! At least in front of that rude guy, you must not tolerate your opponent!

The referee announced that the game began!

Earth's primary magic · stone arrow!

Lulu moved her body at the first time, waved her magic wand, and released an attack magic! To test the opponent!

This is a routine used by almost all magicians!

At the first time of the game, the magic released is often not defensive magic, but attack! Because defensive magic, on the one hand, indirectly admits that it is lower than its opponent, and on the other hand, it greatly limits the scope of the magician's activities!

Of course, many magicians choose auxiliary magic at the first time, but there is no doubt that every magician puts speed first!

is the one who releases the magic first!

And once anyone can no longer release magic, it means that he has failed or even died!

The speed of the stone arrow is very fast, and obviously Lulu's strength is not weak!

Sticia, who was opposite, chose "wind practice" for the first time!

Stone arrows are very fast, but the speed of wind magic is faster!

However, Lulu obviously has a lot of experience in dealing with wind magicians!

At the next moment when the magic wand waved the stone arrow, it continued to wave without stopping. After a few breaths, Lulu released the second magic!

Earth's primary magic · five-fold gravity field!

The five-fold gravity field is the primary magic of the earth system, but with the improvement of the magician's ability, it will also increase the order accordingly! The middle level is ten times, and the high level is 20 times! And it is rumored that a hundred times the gravity field, or even a thousand times the gravity field, has appeared!

A horrible field technique!

At that time, when Garson gave the inferior space ring to Feng Xuan, he used the magic of gravity field to himself!

But that's called "weight loss"! As the name implies, it is to make the multiple of gravity smaller. For Garson, a playwd who is looking for flowers and willows, the additional gravity of the space ring is not small! What's more, he originally wanted to embarrass Feng Xuan!

As a middle-level magician, Lulu can naturally release ten times the gravity field, but suppressing the mobility of the wind magician only needs the primary gravity field for the time being!

Sure enough, Constantia's speed suddenly weakened!

This is simply fatal for wind magicians who are used to high-speed maneuvering! But the earth magician has a way to deal with the wind system, but the wind system also has corresponding strategies!

Wind-based primary magic and flying skills!

Fighting is a magic that changes the wind around you, thus changing the gravity around you!

Once the flying technique was used, Stancia's speed returned to its original state!

But this also means that the initiative of the battle falls into the hands of Lulu! Because the magic released by Stansia completely followed Lulu!

Take the initiative! OK, continue!

There was a smile on Lulu's face!

But standing quietly outside the field, Feng Xuan, who watched the game, suddenly tightened his pupils! ( Later explanation: My father is in the hospital. He has been busy recently. I'm sorry, sometimes the time may be uncontrollable, but it is still two times a day...)