Wind moves the world

Chapter 98 Sean's Wind Blade!

Shawn's attack method is actually extremely simple.

Wave the magic wand like lightning, releasing an unresponsive wind blade, so the opponent died without any action!

It can be called a must-kill!

And such magic will obviously have great inconvenience in actual combat, especially in scuffles and even group battles, but as Sean himself said, he is an avenger. There are many ways to kill, and assassination is one!

If Sean's unresponsive wind blade is used to assassinate, I'm afraid it will be unfavorable!

And Fengxuan Snack was surprised to find that Sean's wind blade speed was still higher than last time!

The first reaction, Feng Xuan's mind was what he said: What the world never lacks is genius!

Obviously, Sean is a genius, even a genius among geniuses!

Because in order to release magic, it is necessary to depict magic tracks, and different magic tracks create different magic!

But it doesn't mean that casually drawing a symbol can release a magic. It is likely that it will waste magic after portraying, and it has no effect!

It is well known that the wind blade is often used as a wind magician to quickly interfere with the enemy's magic. Its magic trajectory has been compressed to the extreme by successive magicians, and its speed has been difficult to be significantly improved. Even if it is Fengxuan, more optimized in the number of wind blades!

But Sean has optimized the wind blade! In Fengxuan's view, the attack power of the wind blade released by Sean may not be high, but its speed is horrible. With the addition of speed, the attack power of the wind blade has also become extremely dangerous!

Optimize and speed up the wind blade compressed to the extreme by successive magicians, Sean's talent can be seen!

The game is over.

A wind blade!

As a result, the enemy died!

It's extremely cruel!

There was a boo in the audience!

This is not to say that they will be angry about the death of some players, but because the game ended too soon! It's just fast, but it's still too fast for people to see clearly!

Don't you think that the audience spends time watching the game just want to see the rare magic battles? Isn't it just a pleasure to see the dazzling magic? Don't you just want to talk more about it after dinner?

As soon as the referee said it was the beginning, he said it was over!

The only thing that is more interesting is that there is an extra bloody groove on a person's throat!

Alas, I lost money...

This idea flashed to almost everyone who was watching Game 3.

"Ha ha... It's a funny kid. Maybe he will like it!"

In a separate rest room, the same man wrapped in a hat said with a smile.

Looking at his figure, it is only one meter, but the 1.8 meters tall man beside him respects him.

The tall one is also wrapped in a bucket hat and can't see his figure clearly.

"Are you talking about him? Indeed... a magician who also pursues the speed of magic release! Is it said that he is studying that?

"Ha ha, yes! Once successful, I'm afraid it will cause a magical change! ......That's right! He has been in the second grade over the years to get inspiration from young people! Hey... This guy still participated in the 'Middle-level Magic Competition' as usual!"

"Yes! At his request, he will meet this student named Sean in the next game!"

"Hmm! Oh! By the way, my game is coming... I have to go!"


The tall man nodded respectfully. When I looked up, the old man in front of me had disappeared, as if he had disappeared out of thin air! However, the tall one did not show any surprise, and was obviously used to it.

At the same time, in the first row of the VIP seat.

"This little guy is very interesting! Unexpectedly, the wind blade has been optimized! Hey..." The representative of a certain force said with a smile.

"I prefer the learning style of the Magic Guide College, and the system that anyone can come in..." What another person said doesn't seem to match at all.

"Well... That makes me extremely admire the decision of Emperor Chiyou in those years!"

"Cut! There is no need to be so hypocritical! If Emperor Chiyou hadn't left something for [Magic Guide], I'm afraid this place would have been swallowed by us! Will you still stay?"


After a burst of silence, the power and influence of [Magic Guide] have indeed been gradually decreasing. If it hadn't been for some enlightened policies and things left by Emperor Chiyou in those years, I'm afraid [Magic Guide] would have really disappeared from history!

Everyone knows this! Even the top character of [Magic Guide] has to admit this fact!

When Feng Xuan wanted to step to the next venue, someone came to tell him that his game was coming!

The match with summoning the magician Fanny!

Game venue: No. 1 venue!

The game that just ended is the match between Stansia and Lulu! So far, the two have spent the longest time in the game!

When Feng Xuan was still on the road, Fanny had already jumped on the stage!

Looking at his expression, he is obviously very excited about the next game! The face is eager to try!

It's finally time! ......

Fanny's true thoughts.

She waved to the audience excitedly, and her lovely expression was clearly transmitted to the public.

There were bursts of cheers from the audience!

Its voice is so loud that even Fanny standing on the field can be heard clearly!

"Xiaoyan! Xiaoyan!"

"Xiaoyan! It's Xiaoyan! ......”

"Little Yanyan, the lovely queen! Oh, oh, oh..."

"Sweat! I support the cold king Fengxuan!"

"I'll fight! ......”

"Idiot! The cold king is Harrison, okay? ......”

"The four heavenly kings don't know! It's time to..."

Poor the only fan who supported Fengxuan was instantly beaten by the people around him...

The same scene also happened scatteredly in the audience. Feng Xuan's previous performance has successfully attracted a small number of supporters.

Unfortunately, there are not many games that really let Feng Xuan make moves, and a slightly better game was also covered by the water mist on the court. Otherwise, I'm afraid Feng Xuan's fans will have more supporters now!

There is no doubt about the charm of the queen! What's more, it's the beloved Fanny!

The ratings of the No. 1 stadium soared in an instant!

Fengxuan appeared.

Fanny Yan saw Feng Xuan on the stage and didn't say anything. She just "hummed" like a child, and then pointed the magic wand at Fengxuan.

If you haven't seen Fanny's magic wand, you absolutely don't know that there is such a scene in the world!

Fenny Yan looks like a seven- or eight-year-old child, but the pink magic wand she holds with her pink little hand is actually two meters long!

And the tail of the stick is as thin as a finger, but the body of the stick is gradually getting thicker. At the head of the stick, the diameter has reached a horrible half meter!

I'm afraid it will be difficult for ordinary adults to pick up a magic wand of this size! But looking at Fanny's movements just now, it seems to be holding a hair! This can't help but make people wonder whether the magic wand is strong outside.

"Haha... Xiaoyan actually took out the 'Bonnie stick'!" Next to the No. 1 game, the sunny girl Shirriel stood there, looked at the magic wand that was extremely inconsistent with Fanny's body, and smiled.

"Hmm! Yes, yes..." Alfred looked depressed, as if he had collapsed, and nodded numbly.

"Why am I so unlucky! Come and watch Fengxuan's game, but Cheryl saw it halfway! ...Alas! Alas!" This is a recurring thought in Alfred's heart.

"Huh? Harrison? ......Hey! Harrison! Here, here!" Shill didn't know how to find it. Anyway, she saw Harrison coming towards the No. 1 stadium in the distance.

Harrison, like Feng Xuan, is dressed in black, but wears a magic robe. Harrison looks extremely cold, especially those sword eyebrows, which make people shudder!

If Fengxuan sees that everything in the world is extremely plain, then Harrison is extremely cold!

Harrison ignored Cheryl's shouting and directly found a place to stop and looked at the field coldly.

Sheryl pouted and looked at Harrison helplessly. She had no choice but to vent her with Alfred next to her!

Poor Alfred was hammered again! Hammered by a magic wand!

"Woo..." Alfred wants to cry without tears! It is said that the four queens are good, but in fact, only as the "kings" know that one of them is more ghostly and horrible than the other!

"Wait, wait... That's a stone! Stone! Hurry up..." Just as Alfred was hammered, he suddenly saw hope!

In the distance, there is another "king"! The nickname is "Stone"!

Sherril looked at it. Sure enough, there was a big man in the distance, but just as Cheryl was excited to wave, the man turned his head and ran away...

A few seconds later, Alfred's scream suddenly resounded through the world! ......

At the same time, the game begins!