Wind moves the world

Chapter 120 Top 32 First Match! 3

The game begins!

On one side is Ga Johannio, a mid-level dark magician in the same class as Fengxuan! On the other side is Riobert, a mid-level lightning magician who is shrouded in a white hat!

As soon as the referee announced the start of the game, Gajonio's body and magic wand moved at the same time!

Quickly retreated in an S-shaped shape, while the magic wand of the left hand brings a wonderful trajectory!

On the other side, Riobert, who is less than one meter tall, does not move, but the magic wand outside the hat also draws a mysterious magic trajectory, but the track speed is not fast, that is, like an ordinary middle-level magician.

Joannio's magic was released first!

Middle-level dark magic · dark world!

A dark light wave, centered on Ga Johannio, invaded the surroundings in circles, but after a while, it had expanded to a range of 100 meters on Friday!

And by this time, Riobert's magic has also been completed!

Middle-level lightning magic · electric field!

The range of 200 meters around Riobert is covered with a light blue!

This electric field is the same as the one released by Alva when dealing with Fengxuan in the forbidden forest! However, the gap can still be seen from it. Alva is a high-level lightning magician, but the electric field released is only 100 meters, and Riobert is obviously a middle-level magician, but he can release twice the distance!

Of course, this does not rule out the possibility of Alba deliberately!

In the first move of the head-on competition between two magicians, the first move is often very important. Either they defeat the enemy first, or let themselves be invincible, or they increase their advantages and weaken the enemy's advantages. However, which move to choose should be chosen differently according to the different enemies they face!

And this time, Johnny and Riobert actually chose the "field" in the first move!

Two different fields suddenly appeared on the originally monotonous slate, one representing dark black and blue representing thunder and lightning on the other!

Johnnio immediately found his advantage in magic release! Take the opportunity to preserve this advantage and continue to increase it!

When the magic wand just released the dark world, it continued to wave without stopping, and immediately became another magic!

Dark First-level Magic · Magic Arrow!

The power of magic arrows is almost the same as that of magic balls, but the forms of performance are different, different, and each has its own advantages!

And the advantage of magic arrows in speed is obvious! Although it is not as fast as the wind blade of the wind system, for magic balls and magic bullets, the speed is already the fastest in its class!

And obviously, Ga Johannio is worthy of Melissa's attention, and the magic arrow released is two points faster than ordinary magic arrows!

Any magic that wants to modify can be said to be even more difficult! And if the speed of the magic arrow, which has an advantage in speed, is improved again, the difficulty does not need to be repeated all the time! Of course, it does not rule out that there may be the help of the Johnio family!

Only when Ga Johannio was released, it still caused a small exclamation from the audience watching through the crystal!

The next move after the first move of both sides of the game often needs to judge the current situation, and then release the second move according to the current situation. This is a good interpretation by Johannio. After discovering that the speed of Riobert's first move is slower than himself, he immediately releases magic arrows!

But Riobert explained another unusual second move to everyone present!

I didn't look at the situation on the field at all, so I directly waved the magic wand to release the second move!

You should know that when looking at the situation on the field, no matter how fast you observe, there will be a little time to stay, but this time is very short after all, and it is necessary to spend this time in the eyes of ordinary people!

But Riobert didn't look at the situation on the field at all and directly released the second move!

This has successfully bridged the gap between the two in orbital speed!

There were many magicians watching the game, and this group of magicians immediately found the mystery and couldn't help exclaiming!

Even Fengxuan has a little ripple in his calm heart as water!

What a wonderful way!

Knowing that his track speed is slow, he knows that the other party will definitely take action to expand his own advantage, so he directly releases defensive magic! Unexpectedly, he cleverly took advantage of the other party's psychology and his own advantages and disadvantages!

" about we make a bet?" In the first row of the VIP seat, there are still a few people. They are all representatives of the six major forces stationed in [Magic Guide]. Even if they are busy, they have to take time to come and have a look, not to mention that they are not busy.

"Oh? What bet?" The other man still looked at the field, or to be precise, Riobert with a hat on the field.

"Hey... Let's see if the 'flash' that only uses the strength of the middle-level magician can enter the top 16!"

Several people here talked and laughed, but they told the true identity of the white hat man!

Top-level magician, the title of "flash"!

And Riobert is his real name! As the top master in the world, he disdains to use pseudonym!

It is said that not many people may know about it, but the name of "flash" is known among the magicians, and everyone knows it!

The famous dean of the magic guide college!

Ten years old, promoted to middle-level magician...

In the same year, under the siege of five middle-level magicians and two high-level magicians, he successfully counterattacked!

At the age of 12, he came to [Magic Guide] and became the youngest squadron leader in the history of the anti-thug force...

At the age of 14, he was promoted to captain because of his outstanding strength. At the same time, he was hired as a special professor of the Magic Academy and became the last apprentice of the dean of the Magic Academy at that time...

19 years old, none of the high-level magicians can beat him in three digits...

At the age of 23, with amazing talent and strength, as well as a horrible record, he undisputedly entered the senior management of [Magic Guide]...

At the age of 33, he entered the list of top magicians!

Fifty years old, the title "flash"......

53 years old, became the dean of the Magic Guide Academy! [ Magic Guide] One of the two top leaders...

So far, its strength has been unfathomable! But there is no doubt that if anyone in the world can stabilize the peak of the magic continent, Riobert will be one of them!

And all the above jaw-dropping brilliance is based on the amazing magical talent of flash!

Flash, the top-level magician of the thunder and lightning department, the top-level magician of the space department!

Double top-level magician!

He has two magical attributes!

But only those who really have common sense understand that if there are more attributes, how difficult it will be to advance! It can be said that the difficulty has increased exponentially!

especially this rare magical attribute of space! It is even more difficult to advance! And now Riobert is actually the top magician of the space department!

Space magic, any one taken out, is high-level magic! None of them are below the middle level!

Although in a broad sense, summoning the magic pet also uses the meaning of space magic, the summoning magic pet does not use the space magic of the magician himself, so everyone directly ignores it!

It is because of the frightening and widely rumored high-level magic "teleportation" in space magic that he won the title of "flash"!

"Instant" is an unparalleled speed, and "flash" is a thunderous electric shock!

Flash, the man standing at the top of the world!

And now Chiyou knows that there are not many people in the white hat on the field, and they don't know what they will look like if they learn the news!

But Fengxuan obviously knows that this Riobert is instantaneous!

It's just that Fengxuan only showed the excitement of being able to see the world's top figures take action, but no other emotions emerged! And if the people in the first row of the VIP seat know that Feng Xuan has such a performance, they will definitely be very interested in what Feng Xuan's * is!

Since Riobert, who is a white hat man, will be a famous "flash", but he doesn't know who "Stasia" who once fought against Lulu and "Olina" who is about to fight against Fengxuan will be!

Gajonio on the field has been observing the situation on the field. He was also a little surprised to see that the mysterious man Riobert had directly released defensive magic, but he quickly adjusted it, and the magic arrow was still under his control and rushed straight to the flash Riobert! ......