Wind moves the world

Chapter 122 The Dawn of Victory!

God out of ghosts, dark high-level magic. After using it, the magician can really have the power of gods and ghosts!

At least, with the naked eye and the 200-meter blue electric field around Riobert, it is absolutely impossible to detect Gajonio!

From this point of view, it seems that Gajonio has been invincible! It seems that from the moment when he was invisible, only Ga Johannio bullied Riobert, and there was no chance for Riobert to fight back!

But Fengxuan absolutely does not believe that things will end so simply!

Fengxuan, who fought with "he", knew that Instant flash would never fail so simply!

Although you can't see Ga Johannio's figure, the two are already far apart. Now even if Ga Johannio runs to Riobert at twice the original speed, Riobert has at least time to release another middle-level magic!

However, in battle, never underestimate the enemy is the most precious criterion! In history, I don't know how many people died among the enemy!

Of course, he will not let himself underestimate the enemy! So all his assumptions now are based on his ability to only release another medium-level magic!

This game has reached a critical time! Whether Riobert can save his inferiority depends on the current middle-level magic!

Riobert in the bucket hat still smiled. He "looked" at Ga Johannio, who rushed to him, and was very happy that his school could have such a talent.

As the strongest man in the world, even if he does not release magic, he can easily detect the position of Ga Johannio, whether he wants to or not!

Of course, it is also because of his strong identity that Riobert will naturally not use the ability beyond the middle-level magician! So now even if he "sees" Ga Johnio's figure, he can only think he can't see it!

At this time, Riobert can only think about what he would do if he was a middle-level magician in the face of such an almost irreversible situation!?

Soon, in a very short time, Riobert decided on the strategy!


This is the most common method that middle-level magicians can choose in this situation!

As soon as it is decided, Riobert will take action immediately! This is the same as Feng Xuan!

The magic wand, with a wonderful jumping situation, is like an elegant elf dancing the most wonderful dance in the world!

This scene was faithfully conveyed to all the viewers! Suddenly, there was a continuous exclamation!

If Riobert's track speed is the speed of an ordinary middle-level magician, now his track speed can only be achieved by those top-level middle-level magicians!

But it seems that every move of Riobert seems to be ordinary, and the audience can see every stroke clearly!


Feng Xuan, who has been staring at Riobert's movements, naturally found this! In fact, whether it is him or the person who controls the crystal, it is difficult not to find it! After all, Riobert's whole body is shrouded in a white bucket hat, and only the ordinary purple magic wand is exposed!

Feng Xuan's heart immediately rippled! In fact, it's not just him, but everyone who saw Riobert's performance was shocked!

Feng Xuan has only seen this hand in theory before! That was decades ago, a master called "Saxon" developed a lifelong method to optimize the orbital speed!

This kind of unique learning is naturally named after the inventor, so it is called the "Saxon excellent track method" by the world!

But it's a pity that Saxon only completed it at the last minute. According to facts, this excellent track method was written by Saxon on a piece of paper before his death. If it hadn't happened to be obtained by those who knew the goods, I'm afraid it would have disappeared into the vast historical river!

But even if it is found, Saxon's excellent track method can only see the name in books, but it can't see its true meaning!

And if it is used by people, it is even rare!

Feng Xuan's eyes fixedly stared at the magic wand in Riobert's hand, and his originally faint eyes now look indescribably focused!

Unfortunately, the people around them are also firmly attracted now, otherwise they will be shocked when they see Feng Xuan's performance. They think Feng Xuan is the kind of poker face that has remained unchanged for a hundred years!

Feng Xuan will always have an indescribable focus on things that can arouse his interest and improve his strength! But unfortunately, the Saxon excellent track method performed by Riobert is just the tip of the iceberg!

Because Riobert has released the middle-level magic! And such a short time is certainly not enough for Feng Xuan to see through all the information about Saxon's excellent track method!

Middle-level magic of lightning system · Sanyang thunder protection!

The magic wand in Riobert's hand drew a beautiful circle, and he saw three blue-purple thunderballs about the size of a human head, forming an equilateral triangle with each other, surrounded by Leobert's body a few meters away, constantly circling!

It looks like a patrol in front of a general's door patrolling and guarding!

On the other side, the place where Johnio is invisible on the visual crystal.

After using "Ghosts", Gajonio did not stop, but continued to wave his magic wand, gave himself a first-level magic in speed, and then quickly ran to Riobert in a Z-shaped shape!

Even if he is in a stealth state, Giovanni still uses the Z step, which shows his cautiousness and strong will. Even if he is in an advantageous state, he is not arrogant and impatient!

When he saw the "Sanyang Thunder Protection" floating around Riobert, Johnny's eyes narrowed slightly and flashed a trace of light. His feet were still exerting strength, and his body still rushed towards Riobert, and his speed did not decrease!

At this time, the two are only 150 meters apart!

Johnnio has stepped into the electric field, but as he expected, Riobert did not notice his existence!

There are still 50 meters left! Johnio carefully calculated the distance, and the magic wand that had never moved in his hand began to wave at a normal speed!

When Johnio was 100 meters away from Riobert, the magic track in his hand was just completed!

It's another black elementary magic!

But this time it is no longer a magic arrow, but a magic ball!

The magic released by Johnny's did not become invisible as its body. When the magic arrow was released at the first time, it was discovered by Leobert!

According to the thinking of the general middle-level magician, Riobert naturally wants to release a preliminary thunderbolt to attack the place where magic just appeared!


Leonbert's heart is full of contradictions now! A refreshing and unpleasant mentality, full of the heart! Especially when you see through the purpose of Ga Johannio, who is now deceiving himself, waving his magic wand!

However, according to common sense, according to the level of middle-level magicians, Riobert can't see Ga Johannio's movements at all! Naturally, I can't see through the trap designed by Johnio now!

However, he is at the peak of the world, and he can naturally "see" Johnny's plan at a glance!

But now even if he sees through it, he can't show that he sees Ga Johnny's movements!

This kind of feeling can be said to be strong and unable to exert force, which is really uncomfortable! Fortunately, Riobert was the strongest man in the world, and his mentality quickly adjusted.

He has decided to face failure calmly!

The thunder and lightning released by Riobert naturally did not hit Ga Johannio. In fact, when the lightning came, Johnio had already changed several positions disorderly!

As for the magic ball released by Gajonio, it has been controlled high in a high sky, drawing circles around Riobert, but it doesn't attack! But Riobert did not dare to release thunder and lightning to attack, because Johannio, who is 100 meters away, has theoretically given him a certain psychological pressure on him as a "middle-level magician", so that he can't deal with this small dark ball!

This little guy is a thief!

When Ga Johannio's three sun thunder protection was only ten meters away from Riobert, Ga Johannio's magic was also completed at the same time!

Dead fire!

Dark middle-level magic that has been used for thugs! The fire of the dead reappears!

When the erratic undead fire appeared outside the Sanyang thunder protection, Riobert rationally let the two sun thunders attack the undead fire! At the same time, leave one as a means of defense!

But at this time, the dark magic ball previously released by Ga Johannio was an urgent acceleration towards Riobert's body from high altitude!

Joannio knows that victory is coming!