Wind moves the world

Chapter 148 Promise to give up your life!

The speed is too fast!

Even though Fengxuan's five senses have made a qualitative leap, when he detects the crisis, there is only a moment left for magic!

In such a short time, ordinary people can't even blink.

However, Fengxuan must resist the attack!

In an instant, even an idea can't be formed in my mind.

Under great pressure, the instinct formed after years of fighting and training plays the most important role.

Feng Xuan didn't think about it and immediately waved his magic wand.

Wand shadow, reappear!

There is not much space left for a moment, and the magic wand can only make small changes. To this extent, it may be difficult for Fengxuan to reach before entering the Dragon Pavilion, but after the battle of Hundred Rats, Feng Xuan's ability has been improved, and he can barely succeed.

The magic wand moved slightly in the small space at an unimaginable speed. From the outside world, the magic wand at this moment seemed to have increased a little out of thin air.

Feng Xuan's attention has never been focused, and his rail speed has been exerted to his limit!

A moment of time, instant!

The pressure from the green column has suddenly increased ten times!

But at this time, Fengxuan's magic is still unfinished! It's still short of the last small move! The micro-shifting space of the magic wand is too small. At this critical time, Feng Xuan tried his best and still slowed down a little.

However, even so, Feng Xuan still did not panic at all.

The speed on the magic wand does not stop at all!

Although, in many cases, a little slowness in the battle between magic often means the separation of life and death. However, halfway, it has never been Fengxuan's style.

Because even if he doesn't think, Feng Xuan also knows that if he gives up, it means that there is no hope, and if there is no hope, he can at least win hope!

Green pillar, brazenly bumped into Fengxuan and Pascal!

The pale gray-white film formed by thousands of bases on the two bodies disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The internal organs in the body, under this head-on blow, suddenly turned upside down.

The magic wand that was originally held tightly almost flew out of his hand! The magic wand to depict the last magic track seems to be difficult to take a step forward at this moment.

The dark light in Fengxuan's eyes suddenly flourished!

The clothes on the arm burst violently!

Blood veins!


There was a small fracture sound on his wrist. Feng Xuan didn't even hum, and the magic wand had been turned by him.

Trajectory, done!

Magic, now!

Plant high-level magic · staggered!

The huge vines originally tied to the giant spirit cat suddenly emerged from countless broad roots and slapped fiercely towards the cyan beam of light from all directions.

hiss! Hiss!


The root of the tree is like a moth on fire. As soon as it touches the green pillar, it doesn't hold on for a moment, and it turns into fragments all over the sky.

But at the same time, the power of the green pillar is also rapidly consumed!

At this time, there were countless tree roots, coming one after another, hitting the green pillar from all directions for a moment!

Thousands of bases and green pillars are being consumed at the same time!

The colors of both are gradually fading.

At this time, it depends on who disappears first! If the green pillar disappears first, or disappears at the same time as the earth, then Fengxuan also believes that he can survive on the top of the trees of heaven and earth!

If it hadn't been for the sudden attack of the other party this time, Feng Xuan had already taken the lead.

If you survive, you can turn defeat into victory!


Thousand bases are broken first!

In addition to cracks appear on the green column, but there is still no crack!

At first glance, the green pillar is about to hit Fengxuan and Pascal's chest!

Fengxuan's face has not changed at all, and his eyes are still shining with black light. His right hand is temporarily unable to move, let alone release magic because of the previous release of the disk and root stagger. At this time, it is too late to exchange the magic wand with his left hand.

At the moment of the moment, Feng Xuan did not think about it and suddenly dodged in front of Pascal!

Feng Xuan has always attached importance to promises. He understands that if he can't even fulfill his promises, how can he achieve his goals? Before, Feng Xuan said that he would take Pascal out of the Dragon Pavilion! Therefore, Feng Xuan didn't even think about it and stood in front of him.

Even if you die, you can't let the promise die!


The blue light was accompanied by debris all over the sky, and traces of blood burst.

The dust is gone...

The vision is suddenly bright!

Unconsciously, two people, an eagle and a cat, have reached the top of the tree of heaven and earth.

There is also no fog on the top of the trees of heaven and earth. This is actually a square that can't be seen at a glance. There is nothing above the square, which looks extremely lonely. Its ground is all paved with gold bricks and looks particularly magnificent.

The Haster eagle lay comfortably on the gold brick floor. In the attack just now, it has been carrying two cats, but it has not been affected at all.

In the comfort, Haster's eyes showed deep warmth, which was extremely comfortable for him, like a wanderer who had been wandering for many years and returned to his mother's arms.

There is also a fat giant spirit cat that is not affected by the attack of the green pillar, but it simply faints at this moment. The reason is very simple! When it saw the vines tied to it, countless huge tree roots emerged, and it thought that Feng Xuan was going to kill himself. He was so scared that he rolled his eyes and fainted directly!

At this moment, Feng Xuan was motionless and half squatted on the Haster Eagle, with his arms vertical and did not know whether he was alive or dead. The dark magic wand rested quietly at his feet.

Behind him, Pascal, who had just wiped the vomit on his mouth, looked up and saw Feng Xuan's appearance, and a clear gratitude flashed in his eyes.

The attack of the green pillar just now was very sudden. Although Pascal did not react at the first time, he easily felt the threat from the green column. At this time, Feng Xuan's instinct was to resist and survive, but Pascal, who had been troubled by the top of the tree for decades, was boundless fear. Fear!

Pascal was stunned!

However, this did not prevent him from witnessing Feng Xuan's series of actions against the attack.

When he really understood that the attack disappeared, he reacted, and the first reaction was to bend over and keep vomiting.

Recalling what had just happened, Pascal knew that it was the thin teenager in front of him who protected himself at the most critical moment.

Even if he hasn't had social experience for decades, Pascal also knows that at that time, as long as Feng Xuan has the slightest hesitation, he can't flash in front of him!

Although Pascal knows that Feng Xuan and himself are only using each other and are just interests, Pascal also knows that Feng Xuan really deserves his big brother!

Brother Fengxuan...

At this moment, Pascal suddenly felt the dim light and suddenly looked up in shock!

A Haster eagle that is big enough to cover the sky and the sun!

Compared with it, this one under my feet is equivalent to a three-year-old baby and a 40-year-old strong man!

The huge Haster eagle flapped its wings silently, and its eyes were like two bright moons. Pascal could clearly feel the cold eyes ejected from it.

At his feet, the little Haster Eagle seemed to notice something. He suddenly looked up, and his eyes suddenly showed deep love. He opened his mouth and roared, and his body couldn't help restlessness.

The big Haast eagle's eyes were happy, and then glanced at the two cats on the little Haast eagle. His eyes flashed with a fierce murderous atmosphere. Two horrible wings gently flapped, and hundreds of dense cyan blades were born out of thin air!

The wind blade roared and rushed towards Fengxuan and Pascal!

Pascal looked pale and raised his head without any movement.

Seeing, the wind blade group is about to chop Pascal and Feng Xuan into meat sauce...

At this moment, Feng Xuan, who had not moved, suddenly opened his eyes!

Killing, ice all over the world!
