Wind moves the world

Chapter 212 is a little bad

Thousands of knives on the mountain.

The scene presented in front of Feng Xuan surprised him greatly.

"This is..."

Fengxuan stared at the sky above Qiandao Mountain.

There, it should have been straight through by ten thousand blades.

But now, I see that every peerless knife emits a faint light. These lights gather in a place in the sky, unexpectedly forming a huge book completely composed of light without physicality!

Ten big golden characters are eye-catching on the surface of the huge book skin.

The Complete Collection of Middle-level Magic Training Methods!

Feng Xuan opened his mouth wide. The scene in front of him was really beyond his imagination.

First, why does this "Middle-level Magic Guide Cultivation Method" composed entirely of brilliance appear in Qiandao Mountain? I didn't give Qiandaoshan any idea at all, saying that I would summon this book.

Second, the owner of Qiandao Mountain is himself. According to common sense, any changes in Qiandao Mountain should be in his own feelings. However, Fengxuan has no feeling at all when this huge book with glorious circulation appeared.

This is simply an unsolved mystery without an answer.

However, Feng Xuan was quickly relieved, because he thought that this Qiandao Mountain was originally a mysterious magic weapon. Even if he got the information that went into his head when he got it, more than half of it had not been decrypted. I'm afraid it was reasonable to understand this change.

Feng Xuan changed back to his usual indifferent appearance, and he tried to summon the "Middle-level Magic Guide and Practice Methods" in Qiandao Mountain.


As soon as Feng Xuan's idea moved, a simple book of two people jumped in front of Fengxuan.

"It seems that there is something different?" Feng Xuan frowned slightly and stared at the "Middle-level Magic Guide Practice Method" in front of him, with some doubts.

The intermediate function of Qiandaoshan claims to be able to simulate all things in the world, but in fact, its simulation of the "true self array" is exactly the same, but the huge book now presented in front of Feng Xuan seems to be a little different from the one in the real world!

Fengxuan can't say what the difference is, but Fengxuan feels that the "Middle-level Magic Guide Cultivation Methods" presented in Qiandao Mountain seems to be more powerful than the outside world.

"How is this possible?" Feng Xuan smiled and shook his head, opened the first page of the book, immersed himself in it, and did not continue to go deep into this idea.


The big black words on the first page suddenly exist. And the murderous intention also came to the face.

Fengxuan fell into three quarters of an hour again.

"Qiandao Mountain is worthy of Qiandao Mountain. The simulation function is not blown, and the killing words on the first page really exist! I just don't know if there will be handwriting after the second page? Feng Xuan recovered from his murderous intention and turned over the second page with some emotion and excitement in his heart.

Feng Xuan has never seen anything after the second page in the real world. I don't know if it will exist in Qiandao Mountain. Whether you can read all the contents of the "Middle-level Magic Training Methods" in one day in the real world, the success or failure will be in this move.

The results will be announced soon...


The light cyan characters on the second page came into Fengxuan's eyes.

A natural and boundless breath directly enveloped Fengxuan's heart!

After exactly five quarter of an hour, Feng Xuan woke up from the feeling brought by the word "natural". Of course, Feng Xuan just woke up, but did not fully understand that feeling.


Feng Xuan took a big breath. Although his face was full of sweat, his face was full of smiles.

It worked!

Since there is handwriting on the second page, the number of other pages must also have the same handwriting, which shows that all the contents of the "Middle-order Magic Guide Practice Method Collection" have been simulated by Qiandaoshan!

Infinite desire surged out in Feng Xuan's heart. At present, even if the time was magnified a thousand times in Qiandao Mountain, he did not waste at all and reached out again to turn the next page directly.


"No desire"!





After turning pages, the handwriting on each page is different, and the feeling brought is also different. Feng Xuan has to spend a lot of effort to get out of that feeling. At most, it may take a few days, and at least three quarter of an hour. In this way, I don't know how many days later, Feng Xuan finally turned to the Mid-level Magic Guide. One-half of the huge book of the two people.


Two big letters that look like black and not gray are jumping on the paper, but the handwriting is different from all before. At first glance, it looks like the word chaos, but after a closer look, it seems that they are just two tadpoles.

A contradictory and non-contradictory feeling shrouded Feng Xuan's whole body, and even the deepest thing in his heart was not missing.

This feeling has troubled Fengxuan for 100 days.

Feng Xuan doesn't even feel anything now, but in fact, his current situation is extremely bad.

Countless sweat gushed out of the pores of Fengxuan's limbs and bones, constantly flowing to the ground, washing away the thick layer of white crystal fine salt on the ground, and then after half a day, the fine salt will rise again. This increasing fine salt layer is caused by the sweat of Fengxuan in the past 100 days.

If it hadn't been for the Qiandao Mountain, if Fengxuan hadn't been for the spiritual body, not the real body, then Fengxuan would have died of sweating alone.

However, it is obvious that this situation will not always be better, because even if Feng Xuan's spiritual body is lost in that chaotic feeling for too long, I'm afraid that even if he can really recover in the end, Feng Xuan's spiritual strength will be greatly reduced, which will directly affect his strength, and even directly beat Feng Xuan. It is possible for him to return to his original form without any strength.

It is more likely that Feng Xuan will become a vegetable or a big idiot because of the damage to his spiritual body!

Time flows slowly, but Fengxuan shows no sign of recovering from the loss.

The situation seems to be getting worse...


"Have you been looking at the first page?" The elder came to the monitoring room and asked Elder Vernon.

"Oh...oh!" Elder Vernon was awakened by the voice of the elder, looked around in a dull way, and unconsciously said twice.

The elder was a little helpless. He knew that Vernon was in this situation, mostly because Vernon met someone he couldn't see through again, and this person, there was no doubt, Fengxuan who was watching the Collection of Middle-level Magical Cultivation Methods.

What's the secret of Fengxuan? How can Vernon see through it over and over again?

The elder couldn't help but be a little curious.

"Huh? Elder, are you here? Vernon seemed to have just woken up from his sleep, with hazy red eyes and looking at the elder in a daze.

"Cough! I've been here for a while. I just asked you, has Feng Xuan been reading the first page..." The elder was also a little unaccustomed to Vernon's situation and coughed awkwardly.

"Oh! Yes, indeed, since you lent him the original "Middle-level Magical Cultivation Method" and he opened the first page, he has been looking at this page. Although Vernon suddenly couldn't see through Fengxuan, he did not forget his job.

The elder nodded to show his understanding, looked at Feng Xuan, who had been staring at the word "kill" in the crystal, and then muttered in a low voice, "So lucky? The 'kill' road on the first page is actually the most suitable element for Fengxuan? Um..."

After meditating for a while, the elder suddenly smiled: "No matter what he chooses, it's better than getting lost because of reading too many elements! Ha ha, I just lent him a day of reading time. I don't know if Feng Xuan will think I'm stingy..."

The elder smiled with relief. He knew that the original "Middle-level Magical Cultivation Methods" had advantages and disadvantages, so he only lent Fengxuan for one day for the time being.

This original version is summarized by Chiyou Emperor's personal organization. The advantage is that the reader can directly feel the feeling of handwriting, and the disadvantage is that there are too many elements, so if you read too much at once, it will 100% make your spirit lost in it and permanently unable to Come out.

This spirit is lost. In those years, Emperor Chiyou once specially reminded people who used the original "Complete Collection of Middle-level Magic Guidance and Practice Methods", claiming that once lost, Emperor Chiyou would be extremely difficult to save. In this way, you can imagine how much trouble it would be if he really lost.

Therefore, the elder will only use Feng Xuan one day to read the original "Middle-level Magic Guide Practice Methods" first, because the elder knows that in a day, he will turn over dozens of pages, even less than 1%. Naturally, he will not say that he has read too much at one time and falls into spiritual loss.


The elder smiled complaedly. However, the elder did not count, but did not count that Feng Xuan would have a magic weapon "Qiandao Mountain" that could modify the time! And this Qiandao Mountain can simulate the "Middle-level Magic Guide Cultivation Method Collection" with the same effect!

This made Feng Xuan read more than a thousand pages in one breath?

In this way, he has lost his mind for a long time!

How bad the situation is...

(Second update~please collect~)