Wind moves the world

Chapter 271 Secrets

In the eyes of tens of thousands of people, even many of them still have great hostility, but the firmness on Feng Xuan's face has never changed at all.

The strong black light in Fengxuan's eyes has dissipated because of Grant's attack. What is revealed is the black pupil and unparalleled firmness that he did not know when he had shrank to the extreme.

Gratis had been talking about her investigation of Feng Xuan before, and Feng Xuan seemed to have become an audience, quietly listening to the other party's narrative.

But is that true?

"Grant wanted to kill me openly without leaving any blame for his reputation, so this was the time that he asked Gladys to tell the secret of three years ago, but this is just in line with my goal, because I originally wanted to make that matter public, but I said it myself, and my prestige was too low. , and it would be great for [Honghuang] to say it himself. It doesn't take any effort." Feng Xuan understood what Grant meant in his heart, but he didn't care, because if he was afraid of death, Feng Xuan would not come out of the dean's protection and face Grant alone.

Moreover, Gladys's complaint will only make Feng Xuan take a step forward towards his goal.

If it really dies next, how could Feng Xuan choose to die at such an juncture? Because Feng Xuan knew that he would not die! Otherwise, if he really wants to die, won't he choose an opportunity within three years?

Unfortunately, only a few people present can imagine this.

Even Grant himself didn't think of it!

"Are you from Feng?" Grant's sound of thunder echoed in Fengxuan's mind. Unfortunately, Fengxuan was already prepared. The Qiandao Mountain in his arms emitted a thick black light, greatly weakening the power of the sound.

"To be precise, it's the wind survivors who were mutilated by you." Feng Xuan's tone was flat, as if stating the most common fact.

"Bold!" After Feng Xuan finished speaking, one of the men who surrounded him jumped up and shouted, "Little beast, how dare you slander my reputation as [Honghuang]! Three years ago, the Feng clan was basically because they planned to rebel and wanted to seize the throne of [Honghuang] and then swallow the world! That's why the world knows the fact that he was killed for the crime of rebellion, and no one knows who knows it! How can a beast talk?

"Oh?" Feng Xuan glanced at the man faintly, as if he were looking at the clown. "Looking at your appearance, why do you seem to be talking about it?" If you didn't have a ghost in your heart, how could you say that?



Feng Xuan's voice was not loud, but whether in the sky or on the ground, there were many genius demons and seniors of various forces, so everyone heard the dialogue between him and the [Honghuang] people. Suddenly, someone reacted quickly and laughed directly.

"[Honghuang] The man said that the beast was talking. Originally, he wanted to scold Fengxuan, but Fengxuan directly fought back, saying that he was talking, that is, secretly scolding him as a beast and let him scold himself! Haha!" Someone on the ground laughed and looked extremely loud in the silent scene.

The old face of the man who jumped out suddenly turned red, and his throat seemed to be stuck. He stared at Feng Xuan in a stunned way, but he couldn't say anything.

"Waste! Get off! It's simply a loss to my [Honghuang] face!" Just then, Gladys spoke coldly and drank the man down.

"Since you admit that you are from the Feng family, so it's you who messed me up three years ago?" Gladys looked at Fengxuan coldly, as if an emperor was looking at a civilian. She seemed to be sure that Feng Xuan would be difficult to fly today, so when she spoke, her tone was extremely arrogant.

"Why did I tell you?" Feng Xuan didn't pay attention to Gladys at all and replied faintly.

"You...huh!" The cruelty in Gladis's eyes flashed, and the chill on her face was deeper, and her tone was aggressive, "Ok! Even if you don't say it yourself, I and everyone know that you were the only one who survived the rebellion three years ago. So the person who caused great losses to me three years ago must be you! It's just... your strength today is far from the level of three years ago! And I investigated that a month ago, you didn't even know what the magic weapon was, so there must be some secret about the source of your strength three years ago! Come on, what's the secret? How can you kill several top-level magic mentors and hundreds of middle-level magic mentors in one afternoon?


What are you talking about?!

On the ground, even the [Honghuang] and others standing in the sky showed a shocked look on their faces, and everyone looked at each other as if they had hallucinations.

"I, did I hear it correctly?"

"She actually said that three years ago, Feng Xuan killed hundreds of middle-level magic tutors in [Honghuang]!?"

"There are also several top-level magic mentors!"

"Oh, my God! This strength is probably almost the same as the title of strong man!"

"And this was only three years ago. If this was Feng Xuan's strength at that time, he would probably be less than 15 years old! Oh, my God, how talented should he be?

"No, it's impossible! Didn't you hear Gladys say that Fengxuan didn't even know what the magic weapon was a month ago?

"It is also possible that Fengxuan used to be very strong, but he lost his memory!"

"Or Fengxuan has some kind of secret method to improve his strength!"

The tide of words on the ground exploded, and for a moment, everyone realized the value of Feng Xuan.

If Feng Xuan really has some secret method to improve his strength, there is no doubt that it will be appalling! Because I have never heard of any secret method that can make people upgrade so much! This is simply the way against the sky. Even if any force gets this secret method, it is impossible to sweep the magical world.

And the knowledgeable people on the ground also understood at this time that the reason why Zeus Grant, the controller of [Honghuang], knew that Feng Xuan was a Feng's survivor and did not immediately kill Fengxuan was probably because he wanted to know the secret method on Feng Xuan's body.

"He is really the man three years ago!"

"It turns out that the teacher died at his hands!"

"How can he kill so many top-level magic mentors?"

"What if he uses the secret method now?"

Just around Feng Xuan's body, hundreds of [Honghuang] magic mentors who had been tightly surrounded him. As soon as they heard the secrets of Gladys, their faces suddenly changed. They actually took ten steps back without any hesitation and distanced themselves from Fengxuan.

No one can be sure whether Feng Xuan will release the secret method, but almost everyone is sure that Feng Xuan has that secret method, because if it is not the case, everyone can't figure out why Feng Xuan dares to keep his face unchanged in front of many [Honghuang] masters.

"What? Don't you say it? Do you think you could escape from my father three years ago? Can you still do it now? Gladys also had a lingering palpitation for Feng Xuan. She had been outside the crowd from the beginning and could turn around and escape at any time.


Gratis's revelation is equivalent to pouring a meal of oil on the raging fire! The people on the ground blew up completely.

Kill several top-level magic mentors and hundreds of middle-level magic mentors. This record can be done by a strong man with a title and give him time, but in front of the first strong man Zeus, he can resist 30 moves...

There can be such a powerful title in the world, and one finger can be counted!


As soon as Gladis spoke, the faces of the [Honghuang] people, who had already retreated ten steps, changed, and immediately burst back another hundred steps!

The circle that was originally tightly surrounded by Fengxuan was suddenly empty and full of loopholes. But at this time, no one cares about this, because nothing is more important than his own life.

Good boy! That's the person who can resist 30 moves and escape in front of Zeus! In case he used a secret method, I don't know how to lose his life...

Before, countless people looked at Feng Xuan as if they were looking at ants, but at this moment, no one dared to look at him like this.

However, Grant, who had been allowed to let Gladys tell without interference, finally took action!

Don't say? Then type it out." Grant stretched out his hand faintly and saw a huge light and shadow palm covering the sky, covering Fengxuan's head.

Top-level magic · capture the palm of the gods!

(Second update~Ask for red tickets and collections~)