Wind moves the world

Chapter 281 Tragedy

When Feng Xuan saw the situation in his body, he couldn't help but be stunned even with his firmness.

Anyone, as long as he is a human, even a baby, will have meridians in his body. These meridians are connected in all directions, complex, and countless large and small meridians. The most common sayings are the so-called "twelve meridians" and "odd eight strange meridians".

These meridians are well known in the magic world. They are the transportation channel of magic. Magic is usually stored in the sea of gas. Once magic is needed, magic will be transported through some meridians, then reach the magic wand, and then cast magic by depicting the trajectory.

This is the principle of magic formation. This principle also shows how important the meridians in the human body are! Because without it, it means that magic cannot be transported and magic cannot be used! Even the study of Cailangs' revolutionary achievements is based on meridians.

So you can imagine the importance of the meridians.

But! At this time, Feng Xuan was dumbfounded...

The reason is very simple, because Feng Xuan was surprised to find that his body is like a chaos, such as twelve meridians, such as strange meridians and eight meridians, even the most subtle meridians, have become nothing left!

"What's going on...?" Feng Xuan was sadly lost, "If there is no meridians, how can my magic be transmitted? How to use magic? Without magic, won't you become a waste? How to save my brother? How can I take revenge?"

Countless questions hit Feng Xuan's heart and hit him in a trance.

Fortunately, Feng Xuan's firm mind played the most important and key role at this time. He just stayed for a while, and then a strong black light burst into his eyes.

"If there is no meridians, there will be no meridians! I'm not afraid of death. Will I be afraid of this situation that is far worse than death?

Feng Xuan firmly believed, immediately threw out all the distracting thoughts, and plunged into the study of the situation in his body.

And in this study, there are more and more complex looks on Feng Xuan's face...


It is no way to say that the situation in the body is so complicated that it is "not as good as life and death".

First of all, no matter how big or narrow, all the meridians have disappeared, and the magic that was originally stored in the sea of gas is like a sea, full of places in the body, muscles, blood, bone marrow, cells, as long as it is the tissue of the body, can find magic like **.

"This situation is really unheard of and unprecedented." Feng Xuan frowned.

Originally, the magic was stored in the sea of gas. The sea of gas was like a huge reservoir containing all the magic in the body, and when it was needed, the meridians were like pipes that transported magic out of the sea of gas.

But now, the sea of gas and the meridians have disappeared, which is equivalent to the collapse of the reservoir and transportation system. The countless water flows accumulated in it seem to be flooded and rushed out all over Fengxuan's body.

However, there is also a benefit, that is, the air sea in Fengxuan's body disappears, and the place where magic is stored is replaced by a larger body, which undoubtedly makes the upper limit of magic increase close to endless. For example, the original Qihai is a huge reservoir, which will always be full, so now Fengxuan's body that stores magic is like a bottomless hole, which can store endless magic without an upper limit.

But this "benefit" has not yet shown its excellence, which brings a worse situation.

That is, Feng Xuan found that after his air sea and meridians disappeared, the speed of automatically absorbing magic elements through the pores increased greatly. If the previous speed was a snail, then the current speed was simply a sli horse. This speed absorption made Feng Xuan feel a burst of fear. It can be imagined that the speed How fast.

The continuous absorption of magic elements changes into magic in the body, and the rapid increase of magic should be a pleasant point. However, Fengxuan was stunned to find that these magic scattered all over the body, whether new or old, did not listen to Feng Xuan's command at all. They just kept squeezing Feng Xuan's physical organization.

And this squeeze situation is rapidly and terribly stronger with the increasing magic in the body. If Fengxuan's body has not become extremely strong after many enhancements, then under such a horrible squeeze, Fengxuan's horrible internal organs have long been shattered.

Feng Xuan now recalls that he was in that dark before, the extremely "hot" feeling should be caused by the squeeze of magic in his body.

"No wonder it's getting hotter and hotter. It turns out that this squeeze is getting stronger and stronger." Feng Xuan's eyebrows tightened, because he found that he had not found a solution to the problem of the disappearance of meridians and found a more urgent problem.

"If this pressure gets stronger and stronger, sooner or later, it will crush the internal organs in my body and force me to death." Feng Xuan's mind turned sharply. "From the current situation, the squeeze strength in the body is directly proportional to the amount of magic. The more magic, the greater the pressure. But now, the magic has increased so rapidly that I'm afraid it won't be long before my body can't stand it.

When the time comes! An unbearable body will burst like a balloon that can't withstand more and more gas.

"Magic is not at its disposal. It's a little difficult to restore your usual strength, but to save your life." After analyzing the situation in his body, Feng Xuan was really a little embarrassed.

"If the magic in the body can be controlled by me as usual..." Feng Xuan thought of his prospects, but his eyes were getting brighter and brighter. "Then my strength is bound to increase greatly! It's not too much to say it's a qualitative leap."

Feng Xuan is right. If he can control the magic in his body, his strength will inevitably increase significantly. Because he now disappears because of the meridians and Qihai, the magic he absorbs every moment is dozens of times more than the magic absorbed by others when meditating. And if Fengxuan can control the magic in his body, how much magic can he control?

is simply a huge amount of magic! At that time, I'm afraid that although Feng Xuan is a middle-level magic mentor, I'm afraid that the magic in his body is no less than that of the top-level magic mentor.

However, this will have to solve the problems in the body before there will be great benefits!

"If you want to talk about the solution, maybe she will..."

Fengxuan remembered what the little Li fox said about the "magic spring water" just now, and then thought of the "cool feeling" after he took it before, and suddenly felt that this might be a way out.

"Okay, are they next door? I'm going to find them."

Feng Xuan did it as soon as he thought of it, and immediately got up to find the two pink fox sisters.

But he just took his steps and was stunned again.

"What is this? Could it be..."

(Uh-huh~second update~)