Wind moves the world

Chapter 297 Magic Guide! The end of spiritual change!

The extremely powerful ice force almost completely frozen Fengxuan into ice cubes.

Blood, skin, bone marrow, cells are all turned into ice, and even thinking has not been rotated at this moment.

The four-silk magic spring water has made the firm Fengxuan roar, not to mention twice that the eight-silsen magic spring water can be taken together. What's more, the four magic springs in the body have not been completely digested. They echoed and suddenly reduced the ice to a terrible freezing point.

So, Fengxuan was almost completely frozen into ice.

However, this is almost the same.

Fengxuan's whole body still has two places that have not frozen into ice! One of them is his face!

And there is a dark gold mask!

This mask gives Feng Xuan a very familiar feeling. Although he doesn't know what it is, he also guesses that it is likely to be the change of the last spiritual ring. Now, under the strong ice force, because Feng Xuan's face wears a mask, no matter how cold the cold force in his body is, Feng Xuan's face is still intact.

And the other place is Fengxuan's eyes!

There, slowly and firmly swallowed the strong black light. This black light shot out in the depths of Fengxuan's eyes. I don't know what it is, but it gives people a feeling that it is more mysterious than the dark gold mask.

Neither of the two places has been frozen by ice, and not only have they not been frozen, but on the contrary, strange and mysterious changes have taken place.

The black light shot out, suddenly slowly withdrew into his eyes, turned into an extremely fine black line, and drilled into the dark golden mask. Suddenly, the mask, which was as usual, emitted a faint dark golden light.

At the same time, a trace of dark gold with black silk and black gold thread drilled out of the mask and began to swim in the body of Fengxuan's frozen world.

In Fengxuan's body, every small tissue has been frozen into ice, but there are still extremely small gaps between these ice cubes, but these gaps cannot be found if Feng Xuan or other strong people want to find them.

But under the wandering of the thin black gold line, those gaps were outlined extremely clearly.

The black gold thin line swims away quickly. It seems to swim away from the gaps in Fengxuan's body, and is not interested in the body tissue that has formed into ice at all.

So, soon the black gold thin lines were covered all over Fengxuan's body.

At a glance, Fengxuan's current body is like a faint blue iceberg, and the iceberg is surrounded by countless thin black gold lines inside and outside. More importantly, these thin black gold threads look like a living thing attached to Feng Xuan's body, and they are slowly jumping together, just like the heart of the human body is beating.

However, the jumping frequency of the black gold thin line is extremely slow, and the range is also very small. If you don't observe it carefully, you won't know it at all.

But after all, it jumped! Just as it jumped, the blue ice that covered the whole body melted as fast as it met the hottest flame in the world. And just as they melted, the ice gradually integrated into various tissues of Fengxuan's body.

In a blink of an eye, the ice power that originally filled Feng Xuan's body disappeared and was absorbed by all his body tissues.


The magic that was originally frozen became violent again, but this time, their speed was obviously slowed down.

Then, Feng Xuan suddenly opened his eyes.

A fist clasped.


The ice slag that originally blocked the space around Feng Xuan's body was instantly wiped out by this power.

Feng Xuan moved his feet and immediately disappeared from this place.


Fengxuan walked fast in mid-air. He did not fly with magic, but simply used the speed to walk, but his speed was too fast so that he could not fall into the void.

"What a powerful force, more than 20 times stronger than the previous state. It seems that I have indeed broken through to the realm of the first-level magic mentor again, and it is different from the realm of magic guidance imagined, which is the feeling of great success. Feng Xuan's speed was exerted to the extreme, and he simply felt that his whole body was comfortable and had an endless sense of power.

"But just now, it was really dangerous. I felt that I was almost completely frozen into ice. It was dark around me. It seemed that countless years had passed in such an environment, but when I really came out, I found that it was only 30 seconds." Feng Xuan had some lingering lingering when he thought of his situation just now, but he also knew that if he had not faced the situation of life and death, his current breakthrough would not have been as huge as it is now.

"With this strength, I will immediately go to Ponzi's headquarters. Even if I can't catch them all, I can at least make a scene and make them suffer heavy losses, so that they have no time to take care of me and Yueer for the time being." Feng Xuan is now full of confidence in going to the Ponzi and his party, and he feels that with his current strength, he has the capital to settle down in this powerful Chiyou tomb.

And more importantly, Feng Xuan knew that after dealing with Pon's affairs, he could finally leave Fengyue Village to find Pascal and others.


Feng Xuan's eyes suddenly became a little suspicious. He stopped and fell into a quiet courtyard, and his heart was full of strangeness.

"What's going on with this mask?"

It was originally a cold mask. Since Feng Xuan woke up, it has become abnormal and warm. Wearing it on his face, it seems to be attached to soft skin somewhere.

Feng Xuan was so puzzled that he subconsciously stroked the dark gold mask with his hand.

When I bought it, it was no longer cold, but felt warm and extremely silky, as if I were touching the skin of the moon...

"Cough! How could there be such an idea..." Feng Xuan immediately interrupted his thoughts, and he wanted to pull back his hand touching the mask, but at this moment, the change suddenly emerged!

A strong suction comes from the mask. No matter how hard Feng Xuan exerts, he can't move his palm from above! Even Fengxuan's 20 times more powerful power can't produce any effect.

It's like this palm, which has now merged with the mask.

Feng Xuan was secretly shocked, but at this time, the change reappeared!

A powerful breath suddenly penetrated into his mind from the mask!

At the same time, countless messages flashed through Fengxuan's mind. Most of the information was hidden after a flash, and a few stayed in Fengxuan's mind for him to see.

"The end of the spirit nineization, the first transformation, [the end of the spirit change]! Under this transformation, it is easy to change shape, cross the void, see through all kinds of illusions, and automatically take the magic of other beasts for its own use, like the sea and rivers, like a hollow valley..."

A charming sound resounded in Feng Xuan's mind. The sound was extremely charming. Listening to the sound alone made people involuntarily indulge in it. It is even more difficult to imagine how charming and enchanting the owner of the sound is. And this voice, even if it is as firm as Fengxuan, has an irresistible feeling after listening to it. The only fortunate thing is that the content of this voice is not long. If it is really longer, Fengxuan may really be lost.

"Amazing!" Feng Xuan was very impressed, "The voice alone can make people indulge in it. If I hadn't experienced too many things and tempered my firm mind, I'm afraid I would have become the puppet of this voice for her to drive at this moment."

"But now, I can be very sure! This dark golden mask is indeed the change of the last spiritual ring! And listening to this voice, this last spiritual ring and the so-called 'end spirit nineization', this first transformation is [end spiritual change], which can actually change my appearance and body, cross the void, and see through all kinds of illusions!"

Fengxuan was extremely happy. Not to mention anything else, the easy-to-see shape alone is extremely useful for Fengxuan, because he will go to Pang to make a scene later, and if his identity is recognized, it will not be good, so this spiritual change is too timely.

"Use it." Feng Xuan decided to confirm the function of the end of the spiritual change, and immediately meditated for a while according to the method of the charming voice, and then shouted, "The end of the spirit change!"


Suddenly, a sound of bones came out, and Feng Xuan felt that his body had become extremely burly.

He immediately found a water source and looked at himself in the reflection.

"Yes, this changed appearance is the same as I imagined." Feng Xuan looked at himself in the shadow of the water and immediately smiled happily.

In the water shadow, Feng Xuan's face no longer has a mask, but a Chinese character face. His eyes are no longer black, but red, and his body has become burly and strong, and more importantly, it is covered with a layer of black dragon scales!

"Black Dragon, this is a warcraft that I and Pascal and I were supposed to make up, but unfortunately my space ring has fallen off, so I have not been able to turn into it, but now, Mo Linghua has directly solved this problem for me."

Feng Xuan is very happy, because he is ready to use the identity of this black dragon to make a scene in the Pang family! The bigger the better! Because this will not only solve the crisis of Yueer, but also spread the reputation of the black dragon and red dragon!

In this way, maybe Feng Xuan hasn't set out yet, and Pascal and others have found Feng Xuan first!

Thinking of this, Feng Xuan's heart was suddenly a little excited. He thought about the ability brought by the end of the spiritual change for a while, and then stopped hesitating, looked at the direction, and immediately emptiness!

The final spiritual change can also walk in the air!

Feng Xuan's goal is to point directly to Ponzi's headquarters!