Wind moves the world

Chapter 303 is going to make a fortune!

Pang's headquarters is in complete chaos!

Each of the hundreds of prisoners who were originally imprisoned in the heavenly prison tower had great resentment and murderous intent towards Pang. They couldn't wait to completely demolish every inch of Pang's land.

They are like an unstoppable torrent, plunged into the central area of the Ponzi who is still intoxicated and not awake.


A series of loud noises directly announced the arrival of the whole Pang's chaos.

Countless Ponzi members, even in the drunken enjoyment, did not even have a trace of fighting consciousness, and were directly torn apart by the army of prisoners who were freed.

Countless Ponzi houses, like paper paste, are directly destroyed.

At this moment, Ponzi immediately suffered an incalculable loss.

This loss alone is enough to make Pang's strength go back ten years!

However, after all, Ponzi did not eat for nothing, and they immediately launched a counterattack!

At the beginning, it was the Ponzi elders who were sitting in the hall! They flew out of the air and stood in mid-air overlooking the earth, roaring repeatedly.

But immediately, on the prisoner's side, there were also several strong men flying into the sky and facing each other coldly.

It is the leading Golden Lion King, the Green Shaman, the Medusa Queen...

A war between the strong and the strong opens!


Fengxuan is like a mass of air. He is perfectly hiding in the night, quietly walking in the already completely chaotic Pang's headquarters, quietly waiting for the opportunity to give Pang a fatal blow.

The so-called seven inches of snake, and Feng Xuan is looking for the seven inches of the Ponzi snake at this time.

This prison tower is one of the seven inches of Pang's. Although it was taken down by Feng Xuan to protect the safety of the Li Yueer sisters for a period of time, it is still a little far from the fatal blow to the Ponzi.

So Fengxuan has to look for another seven-inch part!

To be precise, Feng Xuan hopes to find another of the two major places of Ponzi in the chaos based on the information obtained before.

Fengxuan believes that that place will be one of the seven inches of Ponzi! And if you take it down, you may be able to make Ponzi completely fall.

With a goal in his heart, Feng Xuan also knows how to act.

He quickly stared at a metamorphic beast that seemed to be in a high position. His face was full of panic, and he seemed to have something in his arms, and beside him, he was also closely guarding twelve strong metamorphic monsters.

It can be seen that the warcraft surrounded in the middle is protecting what is in his arms. But they rushed to a place that had been run over by a torrent of prisoners and destroyed nearly half of the houses.

Why is this?

Feng Xuan's heart moved, and his faint figure crossed the air and hung tightly behind the team that attracted his attention.


"Hu..." Mickey looked at the house that had been collapsed and breathed a sigh of relief. Then he looked carefully to the left and right and ordered the twelve Ponzi members around him, "You are so optimistic about this place. Don't let any warcraft approach here!"

After saying that, Mickey drilled in directly.


He quickly found a floor tile in the room, pulled it up, and then saw a wide underground passage quietly appearing.

Miki didn't hesitate. He got in with a short body.

However, he didn't notice it at all. Shortly after he got in, Feng Xuan's faint figure quietly appeared.

"Dead guards? I haven't reached the extreme speed, so I came in like this, but the twelve Ponzi Warcrafts still haven't noticed it. Feng Xuan looked at the Pang members who were staring at the outside with caution outside, smiled faintly, then looked at the ground that had returned to its original state, and confidently guessed, "If I guess correctly, the place where this warcraft entered should be another heavy place of the Pang family. Ha ha, he was in such a hurry that I'm afraid he went there to move rescuers, which gave me a big opportunity. OK, let's go and have a look."

Fengxuan pulled up the floor tile like that Mickey, and then jumped down the underground passage.


"I didn't arrive. There is no hole here." Feng Xuan's speed was very fast. After passing a long secret passage, he felt that he had reached a very deep underground place. At this time, he was hiding behind a corner and secretly looking at the situation in front of him.

Just after this corner, there is a huge cave. Outside the cave is a huge square. This end of the square is connected by a secret channel, and at the end is a valve. Next to the valve are three long-haired old men, each of whom is actually a strong man at the level of Chiraby. In the unobstructed square, there were twenty teams patrolling back and forth vigilantly.

After a few counts, it is found that there are no more than 200 powerful people in this cave.

"This is really the heavy land of the Ponzi!" Feng Xuan saw this scene. Instead of being afraid, he was very happy. "And it seems that it is far more important than the heavenly prison tower. I don't know what it is to protect. There are so many transformed monsters. There are three monsters in the realm of the first-level magic mentor."

At this time, Feng Xuan saw that Mickey, the transformed beast sent for support, took out a dark token from his dead arms. The token was set with two large golden characters, which could be seen from afar. It was the word "Pang Mi".

"You mean that the chief sent you to mobilize the troops of my Ponzi secret treasury because the beasts in the prison tower outside escaped? But do you know that this Ponzi secret library has countless secret treasures accumulated by our Pang family over the years, and these days have been collected countless, in order to pay to the 'Chaoque League' for our development. If your information is false and another tragedy happened to my Pang's secret library, can you take responsibility for this major crime? The three white-haired elders didn't know what kind of warcraft they were. As soon as they opened their mouths, they heard their voice echoing throughout the square.

"I dare not take responsibility, but this is indeed the chief's order. This is the token given by the chief. Mickey knelt down respectfully and handed over the token in his hand.

"Well, this is indeed a long token. Shi Chang is very diligent and extremely shrewd. It is not wrong for him to do so. OK, now I will lead ten teams of children to hang the beasts in the prison tower that day!" One of the white-haired old man flew up and shouted, "Second brother and third brother, you are outside this Ponzi secret library. Guard it well!"

"Yes, big brother!" The other two old Pang laughed with one voice and said, "With my two brothers, the Golden Lion King, I'm afraid that as long as they hear our reputation, they will pee directly in their pants. Who dares to come?"

And at this time, on the square, ten teams of Ponzi transformation masters, the whole team turned out to be neat and uniform, which can be called the ace force.

"Hahaha! What the second brother and the third brother said is not wrong. With us, even if they give them a thousand guts, they dare not come to brush the tiger's beards such as me! Hahaha... Er, who are you!?"

The boss was standing in the air, laughing ambitiously. Suddenly, he saw a figure standing up lightly.

His laughter suddenly seemed to be filled with his throat by the wind, and he was stuck directly, and he could only ask in a moment.

"People who come to make a fortune."

Feng Xuan glanced at the many monsters that gathered their eyes on him. He was not afraid and made a quiet sound.