Wind moves the world

Chapter 312 The Emperor's Twelve Palaces!

"Lord Feng, you are here. Our landlord has been waiting for a long time."

When Feng Xuan just appeared in front of Wanjing Building, a waiter said respectfully to him, as if he had been waiting for a while.

"How long have you been waiting? How do you know my whereabouts? Are you spying on me? Feng Xuan opened his mouth faintly, and there seemed to be some dissatisfaction in his tone.

The waiter's face showed panic, hurriedly bent down and said quickly, "I dare not, dare not!" It's just that Wanjing Building also has some eyeliners in Fengyue Village. They saw that you might come, and they received instructions from the upper level before, so they immediately came to inform them. Please don't misunderstand.

Feng Xuan's face was covered with a dark gold mask below. The waiter could not see his expression and did not know his joy or anger, so he couldn't help but panic.

This is a Lord who can't be offended! Even the original poster has to wait! And let's talk about surveillance... Oh, my God! A few days ago, a brother did monitor the master, but as a result, the brother had to resign directly after he came back. It is said that he found that the master was too strong to offend him.

The waiter was afraid, like walking on thin ice, and did not dare to say anything.

Fengxuan nodded slightly. He also knew that Fengyue Village was not big, so as soon as he went out, the other party might be able to judge which side he was going, and Feng Xuan did not hide it at all when he went out this time.

If Feng Xuan really sneaks, then Feng Xuan believes that even if Wan Jinglou has a warcraft to monitor him, the other party will not notice any trace of himself.

However, Feng Xuan was still a little vigilant. According to Li Yueer, the owner of Wanjing Building, is at least a middle-level magic mentor, but a strong man like him is actually waiting for himself in the building. If there is nothing strange about this matter, it doesn't make sense.

However, Fengxuan was not afraid. As soon as he came, he was safe and immediately stepped into the Wanjing Building.

"Hahaha!" As soon as Feng Xuan entered, there was a heroic voice, and people arrived before the sound arrived.

Feng Xuan looked up and came a middle-aged man with a bright smile on his face. The man was slender, his hair was very strange, and his roots were black, growing from head to feet, and upright, like a hedgehog.

"Brother Feng, you are really here. Let me introduce myself first. I am the owner of Wanjing Building in Fengyue Village, and my surname is Jin Huang. Brother Feng is young and talented, and he is indeed a generation of demons. The golden building owner stood in front of Feng Xuan and introduced himself.

Feng Xuan nodded and said directly, "Master Jin, why are you waiting for me here?"

"Haha! Brother Wind is really a straightforward Warcraft! Well, since Brother Feng has asked, I take the liberty to say it directly. Jin Huang smiled and said, "Brother Feng has killed 18 Ponzi Warcrafts outside the house. We have heard about Wan Jinglou, so we would like to take the liberty to invite Brother Feng to participate in a task on behalf of me, Wan Jinglou. Not to mention completing this task, as long as you participate, there will be two rewards. First, Feng Brothers can buy any item at half price in any Wanjing Building, and the second is to directly let you become an amethyst customer of my Wanjing Building. In the future, if Feng Brothers shop in Wanjing Building and meet what he likes, and have its own His Warcraft comes to bid for it, so as long as his customer level is lower than the Wind Brothers, the Wind Brothers can buy that thing first, which is valid in any Wanjing Building.

The conditions given by the golden yellow are extremely attractive. The first one is equivalent to directly sending countless crystals, and the second one is an identity. With this identity, Fengxuan does not have to worry about shopping in Wanjing Building, and there will be other monsters to bid for him.

Because after all, the things in Wanjing Tower are often very rare, and there are many rich monsters in this world, so it is very likely that two forces or even multiple forces look at a treasure at the same time. Wanjing Tower deals with this situation by bidding to buy it. Whoever pays more money will get the treasure.

But before this, there is also a premise that all parties participating in the bidding and purchase must be the same level of customers. This customer is divided into copper, silver, gold, amethyst, black crystal and other customers from low to high. If a gold customer and an amethyst customer like one thing at the same time, there is no need to bid for the purchase. Buy, because at this time is based on the principle that whoever has a higher identity can buy first, so even if the money paid by the amethyst customer is only the original price, and the gold medal customer pays dozens of times more, the winner is still an amethyst customer.

This is the benefit of identity.

Feng Xuan heard about these common sense from Li Yueer, so he also fully understood how valuable the conditions given by Jin Huang were, but Feng Xuan was not directly stunned by what he said.

Many people often rush forward directly after seeing the benefits, and never expect that there are traps in front or behind the benefits to clean up your life.

Feng Xuan remained calm enough and asked faintly, "What is the task you are talking about?"

Feng Xuan did not say whether to participate or not, but he was also interested in the reward, otherwise he would not ask.

A trace of praise flashed in Jin Huang's eyes. He nodded and said, "Of course, there is a reward means that the task is also risky. Presumably Brother Feng has also heard of the 'Yellow Emperor's Twelve Palaces'..." Jin Huang paused for a moment and seemed to see Feng Xuan's reaction. Unfortunately, the latter wore a mask on his face, and those eyes were even from the beginning. A look has never changed since then.

Jin Huang immediately went on and said without a trace: "The audition of the entry-level disciples of the emperor's twelve palaces every five years is about to begin in a month. I think the wind brothers also know the grand occasion of the audition. This can be said to be one of the biggest events in the world. There are countless young monsters participating, and the emperor's zodiac is worthy of it. For the world's superpower, it is extremely domineering. As long as you get started, you can ensure that you can enter the list of beasts.

As soon as Jin Huang said it, Feng Xuan remembered the information about the emperor's zodiac.

It is said that the forces of this magical world are divided. For example, Fengyue Village is not flowing, while the Ponzi is barely third-rate, and Blackwater City is counted as second-rate, and even higher, it is first-class, and the top is super-stream forces. The emperor's zodiac is the power of the trend.

The emperor's zodiac has to recruit students every year. It is to recruit students in the face of the whole Chiyou tomb. The scene is extremely vast. Almost think that young monsters with their hands will participate, but there are very few monsters that can enter it. However, once you enter, the emperor's zodiac will guarantee that you will be able to enter 10,000 in the future. Beast list, become a master of a generation.

The list of beasts is a list composed of the strong men in the world of Warcraft. Each strong man above carries a ten thousand beast waist card. This waist card is unique in the world, and the one who has won the Tao means that he can list tens of thousands of beasts.

When Jin Huang specifically said this, it was obvious that his so-called task was related to the emperor's zodiac.

"And our task is to point to the emperor's zodiac." Sure enough, Jin Huang continued to say, "Of course, we will not do anything to damage the emperor's zodiac. However, we Wanjinglou hope to open a branch of Wanjinglou in the country to which the emperor's zodiao belongs, so as to recommend some young elites. I hope you can meet the entry requirements and finally win Get the top ten."

Jin Huang said the purpose of Wan Jinglou's mission, and Feng Xuan understood what they were referring to in an instant.

Although Wanjing Tower is also a big force and a huge thing, it is still much worse than the emperor's zodiac. At best, it is only a first-class force. This can be seen from the fact that they have not been able to open branches in the territory of the emperor's zodiac so far.

Now, Wan Jinglou wants to please the emperor's zodiac, so he sends the young heroes he recommends, hoping that these junjie can perform outstandingly, let the emperor's zodiac know that it is his credit, and then open a breakthrough to open a branch.

Of course, Wanjinglou will certainly not use this alone, and he will definitely use other plans, but obviously this is very important in the emperor's twelfth palace, otherwise Wanjinglou would not have offered such a large price.

It is beneficial to participate alone, not to mention the reward after completing the task.

However, Wan Jinglou does not dare to openly announce this task and can only look for it secretly. After all, if it is too public, on the one hand, it will be a waste of money and resources, and on the other hand, it will damage the face of the emperor's twelfth house, with the intention of trampling him under his feet.

At that time, it will be too much, like flattery on a horse's leg, and the consequence is to be kicked to death. Therefore, Wanjing Building came up with this method and was recommended by each building owner.

Feng Xuan understood these situations as soon as he thought about them.

"It turns out that in the eyes of Wan Jinglou, my qualification has passed." Feng Xuan smiled faintly and had made a decision.

"I won't participate." Feng Xuan's faint opening made the golden heart sink, but then, as soon as Feng Xuan opened his mouth, it shocked the golden yellow fiercely and then excited.

"But I can ask a Warcraft who has a very good relationship with me to participate. He is a black dragon, and his age has not exceeded the standard.