Wind moves the world

Chapter 341 This chapter is doing well

Powerful power, fanatical in Fengxuan's body, endless stormy waves surged up.

Under this power, Fengxuan is like a mosquito in the storm, which may be torn into dust at any time.

But at this moment, Fengxuan's heart seems to sink into an ice cave, which is extremely pure and calm.

The body was extremely violent, but the heart was as calm as water. An extremely contradictory feeling appeared. However, Feng Xuan did not feel anything wrong at all. It seemed that everything should be like this.

I don't know how long this state has lasted.

Finally, the extremely violent power in the body began to slowly settle down.

Gradually, Fengxuan felt that the magic he could mobilize was growing crazily at an amazing speed.

It's been a long time.

The last trace of magic was completely mastered by Feng Xuan.

Feng Xuan suddenly opened his eyes!


The whole valley was razed to the ground in an instant...


"Is this the place where Pascal, Johnio, Carl and Sean stay? They are doing well!"

Feng Xuan looked at the narrow road in the mountains in front of him, which can be said to be a must-have place for soldiers, and smiled.

Next to him stood Pascal, Fitz, and Xiao Li.

And the prison camp went to "day and night training" according to Pascal's requirements.

At this time, Feng Xuan's plan has been realized. He has completely controlled the magic in his body, and not only that, Feng Xuan has also benefited from misfortune and his strength has greatly improved.

Now, if Feng Xuan is against Ruyou again, I'm afraid that Feng Xuan only needs a slap to kill her.

is a high-level magic tutor standing in front of Feng Xuan. Feng Xuan feels that he can fight.

However, it is unknown how strong Feng Xuan is, and he still needs a battle to verify it.

"Hey, the third brother is not only good! These four people mixed together and built a 'wind camp', which not only seized this important land, but also recruited warcraft and became a famous gang!" Cranford smiled and said, "The idea of doing this is very simple, that is, they hope to wait for us to 'deliver home' to meet them with the help of such a key part."

"The location of this place is really good, but how can it be obtained by Pascal?" Feng Xuan was a little confused.

This place, known as the "Gemini Mountains", is the merger of two huge mountains. This is indeed the important place for military divisions. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The important thing is that it borders many major forces, and if these big forces want to hold their territory or open up land outside the court, they must pass through here, so this has become a must-have place for military families.

Historically, the bloody cases here are enough to stain every inch of land. In order to compete for this place, 10,000 monsters are killed and injured here every day, which is a small number.

But why was Pascal and others take over such an extremely important place?

"Hey, these guys are also extremely lucky. They did set up a small wind camp, but their strength is not as huge as they are now. However, 300 miles to the east, a few months ago, a green tomb came out, attracting all the troops of the major forces that had been desperately fighting here. In this way, it also made this place a three-indifferent place, and it was also exploited by Pascal and the others. So, Pascal's gangster was getting bigger and bigger. Of course, they also encountered attacks from other gangs, but in the end, Pascal took control of this place. Cranford explained, "Of course, this is also because the major forces have left, otherwise they will come back casually, which will not be what Pascal can resist now."

Feng Xuan nodded and understood the reason. After all, what Pascal has formed now may be that the wind camp is a little tougher, but the bandits in the gang must be a mob. It is impossible to expect them to fight against the enemy in front of the elite division of the big forces, so Pascal will not be the opponent of the big forces at all. However, although a large force is enough to take down the Twin Mountains, no one wants to have a big force other than themselves to get this place. Their mutual containment also gives Pascal a safe environment.

"Ha ha, I don't know what they are doing now." Feizi smiled.

"Then give them a surprise. Anyway, there is a free guide who will take us to them." Feng Xuan smiled faintly.

"Free tour guide?" Xiaoli beside him was very puzzled, "We stopped just now. Is it because we are waiting for the tour guide to come to us?"

"You will know later." Feizi smiled.

And just as she finished saying this sentence!

Around the group, dozens of monsters immediately appeared and surrounded them.

Is this the tour guide in the wind? Xiao Li was shocked by the monster in front of her, but she saw that Fengxuan and Lanfu Feizi were all calm and did not shout.

But is this really a tour guide? It's obviously a group of bandits!

"Hey hey! I opened this mountain, and I planted this tree..." Among the bandit warcraft, a warcraft that was obviously the leader and looked like Xiong Er shook his head and said.

"If you want to live from now on, stay and buy money." Cranford thought he was too slow, so he directly grabbed the words and finished the second half of the sentence for him.

Huh? What kind of monsters are you? How dare you grab my topic!" The leader was angry and roared with a red face.

"Hey, if I say I'm your eldest brother, and this is your eldest brother, do you believe it?" Cranford pointed to himself and Fengxuan and replied with a smile.


Suddenly, all the monsters around laughed so loudly that they almost had a feeling of dying.

"You? You? Is it our boss's second brother? Is he our eldest brother? The leader looked at Cranford with a pitiful look. He thought that Cranford's head had been burned with a fever. "If you are really such an identity, then I am the owner of the emperor's zodiac palace!"

Cranford shrugged his shoulders and told the truth. Why don't these guys believe it?

However, this is also because Feng Xuan and his party are too low-key. First of all, the members of the 500 Prison Camp did not bring it, and secondly, Feng Xuan's current outfit is like an ordinary warcraft.

"Okay, that's enough of laughing. Take us to meet your boss." Feng Xuan said lightly.

"What? Take you to see the boss!?" The leader and the bandits around them laughed even more loudly when they heard this. The leader laughed wildly and pointed to Feng Xuan and laughed, "Do you know what kind of monster you are facing now? We are the biggest bandits in 300 miles, and you are the targets we are going to rob now! Just you, do you still want to see our boss? Hahaha! This is a big joke! Not to mention you, we have only seen the boss once in afar!"

"Once? It turned out to be just a little boy. Feng Xuan said lightly.

"Hey! So it's just a little boy. How can Pascal do this to us? The price is too low! Even if you want to send Warcraft to rob, you have to send a big master and a second master or something! Is it that my talented and elegant Cranford doesn't attract Warcraft to rob? Cranford beside him was extremely sad and sighed.

"Since it's just a little boy... Xiao Li, it's up to you to solve them. Anyway, you also ate the roll of Pi sheep, and your magic has improved. Now this time, I have the right to be your practitioner." Feng Xuan said, "Just leave half of your life and continue to be our tour guide."

After Feng Xuan and Cranford finished speaking, Xiao Li next to him had not taken action. As a result, the monsters around him had been stunned!

What kind of people are these!? When other monsters are robbed, they are afraid of stronger monsters, let alone if they come to the big or second! If the latter really comes out to rob, it is estimated that as long as the tiger's body is shaken, he can let the robbed obediently pay his whole body.

But this group of people is good! Not only are they not afraid of being robbed, but on the contrary, they feel that the higher the status of the Warcraft robs them, they have more face!

"Your brain was struck by lightning, right?" The leader opened his mouth and looked at Feng Xuan and Cranford like an idiot.

But just as he and the bandits around him were stunned, Xiao Li had obeyed Feng Xuan's order and launched his own magic power!

She also took some curly sheep, and the magic is now at the point of a magic guide in a star. However, the real situation is still worse. After all, it has not gone through actual combat.

But even so, Xiao Li's strength is obviously not something that this group of Warcraft bandits, who are just the highest-level magic mentors, can resist!

"First-level light magic · holy light burning skill!"

As soon as Xiaoli came up, she directly released a full-range attack of the primary magic. Unfortunately, her battle was almost zero, so as soon as this technique came out, it only damaged the eyesight of the monsters.

And if it is used as Fengxuan of the same strength, the power of this magic is enough to burn 100 meters of animals and plants into ashes in an instant.

However, Xiaoli's magic has obviously also received the effect. After all, this is also a first-level magic, so although he did not kill the bandits, he stunned them and only knew how to cover his eyes and howl in pain.

"The first-level bright magic · the light of the scorching sun!"

is another first-level magic power of a full-scale attack. As soon as the light of the scorching sun comes out, I immediately see that the hair on every bandit is burnt.

Xiao Li also had a lot of fun. She felt that the magic in her body could not be used up with dozens of primary magic, and this group of bandits, like targets, allowed her to toss around. This made Xiao Li, who was still a little girl, immediately sensed an extremely wonderful entertainment time.

She immediately released ten large-scale magics in one breath.

"The first-level bright magic · bright moonlight is busy!"

"First-level bright magic · Sun and moon meet!"

"Early light magic · starlight!"

"First-order Bright Magic..."

Shund of a sudden, under ten consecutive primary magics, the bandits and monsters around them did not even breathe, but felt that their body hair was burned, their whole body was frozen and frozen, and their hearts were destroyed...

Under multiple blows, Xiao Li quickly achieved the training goal given to her by Feng Xuan.

"Oi, Xiao Li, stop it." Seeing that it was almost done, Feng Xuan stopped Xiaoli from continuing to release Motong. "Although your Motong has been released, the effect is still too poor. In the next period of time, we will be in the Twin Mountains. You can take this group of bandits and practice more."

Xiaoli, who was originally addicted to playing and was stopped by Fengxuan, was still not satisfied, but as soon as he heard what Feng Xuan said, his eyes immediately lit up and nodded excitedly.

Seeing Xiaoli's expression, the bandits, who had been tossed and felt that their bones were about to be removed, suddenly changed their faces.

"Do you have to practice more? Oh my God! Devil, Devil, Devil is coming..."

After listening to Feng Xuan's words, the leader was full of cold war and shaking, and he burst into tears.

"Wow! Don't bully Warcraft like this... Wait, I'll go to my mother to teach you a lesson..."

The head's tears and runny nose rolled on his face. He glanced at Fengxuan and his party timidly with very afraid eyes, then got up from the ground, and fled crazily.

"Looking for his mother?" Cranford was stunned, and the smile on his face immediately became ambiguous. "Is it possible that one of the three brothers has married a wife these days?"

"Dizzy! Even if you marry a wife and give birth to a son, it can't be so big, can it?" It is Fei Zi who is talking.

"Hey! It's hard to say. Maybe the third brother married a pregnant female beast as his wife..."

In the escape of the rest of the Warcraft, Cranford's treacherous smile spread to their ears and scared them with goose bumps again...


"Woo-woo...Mom! There are monsters bullying me!" The previous bandit leader burst into tears and jumped into the arms of a female warcraft.

"What? Who? Who dares to bully my son like this!" When the female monster saw that her son's hair was gone, she was angry and roared.

"Two men and two women! I have written down their appearance, Mom, you must avenge me!" The leader cried loudly.

"Don't worry! Three hundred miles, under the guidance of Lord Pascal, there are no monsters that have bullied us and won't come back!" The female warcraft was indignant, "When I call my brothers and sisters, I will beat him up!"

"Lord Pascal?" Obviously, the leader has just heard this word from his mother.

Huh? A moment of anger and slip of the tongue! This is not supposed to be known by your low-level status, but now that you have heard it, you might as well tell you, your mother and my boss, his real name is Lord Pascal!" The female Warcraft said proudly.

"Ah! It turns out that my boss is called Lord Pascal! By the way, mom, the two men and two women also call Lord Pascal, but they are so arrogant that they didn't add the word 'adult' and say that they are the eldest brother and second brother of the adult! This is simply disrespectful to Lord Pascal! Damn it! Mom, hurry up and call your brothers and sisters who are in the 'wind camp' and destroy them directly! Hahaha..." The leader smiled complaously, obviously because he found another reason for his mother to deal with Fengxuan, and he was very happy.

"What!? What did you say?! What do you think they are?" The female warcraft suddenly changed her face, grabbed her son urgently, and then roared.

"Yes, it's the eldest brother and the second brother..." The boss was scared by his mother's appearance and said groanly.

"Is that the warcraft of Lord Pascal's eldest brother? Is it a black dragon with black dragon scales and red eyes!?" The tone of the female Warcraft was even more urgent.

"It's true that the appearance is like this, but I don't know if it's a black dragon! Mom, why do you care about these messy things? Why don't you immediately worry about your brothers and sisters in the camp? The leader looked at his mother with a changed face and asked doubtfully.

"Bat your sister's ass!"

The female warcraft's face changed wildly, and her face was immediately cold. She directly took action, lifted her son, and hit him on the buttocks fiercely. Suddenly, there was a thousand red ass.

"Wow... Mom, are you going to kill your own son?" The boss was so painful that he was about to urinate and howled.

"Kill you? Your grandma's! I really want to kill you with a knife! What's wrong with Warcraft! How could you offend those two gods?! Me. Fuck. Your mother! You are still my own son. Mom, I don't know you at all! In the future, don't tell other monsters that I'm your mother! Mom, this is simply a disgrace. If I don't make you colorful, you don't know why the flowers are so red?

After saying angrily, the female warcraft directly took her hand and beat his son's buttocks crazily.

Moreover, the more she fought and thought about it, the more angry the female Warcraft became, and her hands became heavier. Immediately, the little leader, like a wither eggplant, squat.

"Oh, oh, oh... Mom, stop beating, my buttocks are about to turn into balloons... Who am I offended? Whoo-hoo..." The leader was completely crying without tears. While he was beaten and howling, he was intermittently sad.

"Who have you offended!?" The female warcraft viciously took out a waist-thick beef tendon and began to tie up her son like wrapping dumplings.

While tying up, the female Warcraft scolded her in anger.

"Do you know the wind camp? The most elite warcraft under the old hand may not be able to enter?"

"In the wind camp, you and I are just an ordinary member! And above, there are also captains, captains! Battalion commander!"

"Do you know what position Lord Pascal holds?"

"Deputy battalion commander! Give 300 miles to the unified Lord Pascal and several other adults, who are just deputy battalion commanders!"

"That battalion commander! Who is it?"

"That's the boss of Lord Pascal, your mother and my boss! That black dragon Lord Red Dragon!"

"Your mother! What kind of warcraft did you say you offended? Who do you think you offended? Humph! Now, I finally know what I have offended for!"

The female Warcraft is furious.

"Camp leader? He, he, Lord Papapaska... There is really a big brother..."

The little leader who was wrapped with only a pair of eyes exposed was completely stunned, and his head was like dropping a nuclear bomb...

In this case, the leader directly chose to be in a coma, and the last thought before the coma was--

Mom! You'd better kill me!