Legend of the beacon

Chapter 4 Grotto Horror

Holding the streamer knife in his hand, 001 moved lightly to the body of the man in the black suit, one step, two steps, three steps, getting closer and closer. In a short distance of seven or eight meters, he walked for nearly five minutes.

It's not fear, but timidity.

No matter how short the road was, he finally came to his side. He squatted down and still looked up at his face. Although the muscles on his face were not rotten, they began to yellow and decay.

If he fails to come here, presumably, in a few years, his body will gradually rot like the burial group on the bank of the river ditch, and his body and hair will be wiped out, leaving only a pile of white bones.

I can't wait to think about it. The only thing he can do now is to transport his body outside the grottoes. Even if there is endless wealth in the depths of the earth, or the power given to Xuan He I, what does all this have to do with him?


The man code-named 001 tied the body behind him, untied the cloth bag on his back, tore it into a strip shape with a piece of cloth inside, swallowed everything he could eat into his stomach, and threw everything he could throw on the ground.

The last bottle of mineral water left, he thought for a moment and tied it to his right waist with a cloth strip.

Then tie most of the cloth to him and him, tied tightly and couldn't be pulled. Although he broke a hand, it was not difficult for him. After being tied, there were still a lot of cloth ribbons left on the ground. After thinking about it, he wrapped these ribbons around the torch that was about to burn out.

At this time, the torch was still tied to his left arm. He took out the lighter and gently lit the torch. Because it was not a special fixed fuel, he thought that the remade torch should not last too long.

A bean firelight slowly rises from the darkness, but it can't hide the crystal light emitted by the coffin. There must be treasures such as the night pearl in the coffin!

He did not look up at the jade coffin, but only tied the corpse that was more important than his life and quickly walked to the ditch.

" miso"

A soft sound sounded behind him, and his back immediately looked like goose bumps. Although he was not afraid, if he encountered something strange and unexplained, he still couldn't help but raise doubts and fear from the bottom of his heart.

However, as a left-handed knife, he has a strong will honed from life and death. Even if he meets the legendary gods and demons, he must make him move his eyebrows at most.

He didn't care about the noise behind him, only carried the body of the man in black, and then jumped to the other side of the ditch.


Behind him, in the circle surrounded by the river ditch, in the crystal clear jade coffin, there is a body that is intact at this time, slowly sitting up from it. It is a human-like creature, but it will never be human.

Because it is much bigger than the human body, almost the legendary giant. It should be a beautiful woman in her life. At this time, she is sitting upright. Although she is well protected, she is still covered with corpses. Its two empty eyes stared at the direction 001 ran away, as if it had the memory of its previous life, sitting there thinking about something carefully.


A strange cry like a bird came out of its mouth. The sound was extremely small, but in an instant, it suddenly caused the underground world that had been quiet for tens of thousands of years.

At this moment, the board head 001 did not notice the strange man behind him. He held high the torch tied to his arm and ran forward in the empty ground. He is racing against time, and he has to climb to the surface before the torch goes out.

Even if there are thousands of doubts in his heart, he can only ignore it at this time, and let the doubts ferment in the bottom of his heart. Why does this underground world appear? Why did the man in black on his back die here for no reason? Half of his face is lost and half happy, and why? What kind of thing is there in the jade coffin, a corpse or a treasure?

All these questions appeared in his heart one after another, but he couldn't stop thinking carefully and could only take steps and run to the intersection of the inclined path.

There was a breeze blowing gently in his ear, which was driven by the airflow driven by running.


A loud noise exploded one meter in front of him. He quickly kicked his feet and then flashed to the side to avoid the secret attack very lightly.

The torch flashed in the dark. His sharp eyes were as sharp as a knife, and it was very easy to find the source of the attack. It was the monster skeleton. I don't know when it untied the chain around his body. At this time, it was like a squatting King Kong on his way.

"Shasha" "Shasha"......

Countless strange voices sounded behind him, and the bones did not know when to stand up and gather towards him from the open space.

He tightened the cloth belt tied to his body, clenched the knife in his hand, and squinted at the monster skeleton...


There is a blockade in front and a pursuer behind, which is the most realistic portrayal of 001 at this moment.

The skeleton monster is like a King Kong. It is more than three meters tall and stands there, holding two iron chains that are thicker than the arm of King Kong. It does not move at this time and seems to be looking for a fatal opportunity. Countless bones behind were encircled and approaching, and dusty leaves fell from their bodies, causing dust in this quiet space.

The moment when the dust finally falls, this endless and crazy silence will eventually stop.


With a soft sound, 001 tied the man in black behind him with one hand, and then flashed away from the clumsy monster skeleton. Although the monster was fully prepared, it could only work for nothing. It was so angry that it lifted two chains and threw them at the only living thing in his eyes. The chain seemed to be a thousand pounds of weight in its hand. The extreme of the wild.

001 ran forward flexibly in the chain pursuit. He half bent and galloped forward at the fastest speed, not daring to relax at all. Behind him was a huge skeleton, plus countless dead bones.

It's just that the curved path is too narrow, and the skeleton body is really too large, so that after about ten minutes, only the monster skeleton can continue to chase behind 001. Although it is huge, it can only crawl forward in this narrow curved path, but it is so fast that it forces 001 to run upward at full speed.

It is easy to go down the mountain and difficult to go up the mountain. This sentence also applies to this place. What's more, on his back, there is a body weighing more than hundreds of pounds.

001 raised his only right hand, wiped the fine sweat on his face with his sleeve, then looked back at the skeleton monster dozens of meters behind him, and then ran forward. He meditated in his heart that he must get rid of it, otherwise even if he climbed outside the grottoes, the group of people would not be unarmed and could not resist the demon's attacks.

Although he is used to doing his own thing, he still remembers the happy time when everyone was together. What's more, these people are still his subordinates and brothers. He thought that he would never want to see them injured or die!

In any case, he must send his body out of the grottoes, and the fallen leaves return to the root is the desire of these Jianghu guests buried in the deepest part of their hearts.

He continued to run up for about two hours, and the torch was finally burned out. He untied the cloth tied to his arm, and then threw the torch backwards vigorously. Whether it is useful or not, he must create any possibility to stop the monster from moving forward. I don't know why the monster's clumsy body climbs so fast.

"Bang" "Gudong"

The chain in the monster's hand came quickly, easily blocking the torch, and then the torch fell down the path.

Running up for nearly an hour, he finally felt exhausted, and the monster who didn't know what was working hard was still chasing him. The distance between the two is shortened little by little...

Listening to the approaching wild steps behind him, 001, which has always been known for its calm and cold blood, shouted fiercely, and then ran up desperately, no longer caring about the rest. The wind gently circled in his ear, feeling a little comfortable. The monster skeleton roared behind him, an endless rush and chase.

This is a life-and-death rush. He just wants to send the body of the man behind him to the surface.

As for the rest, let's talk about it then!

After about half an hour, 001 can feel that the air is getting fresher and fresher, which means that it is getting closer and closer to the surface. Although he was exhausted, he suddenly seemed to have infinite power at this moment. His steps under his feet were bigger, and he ran faster, and he actually opened the distance between him and the skeleton.


It was the sound of the wind. He raised his drowsy head, and a glimmer of light came from nearly 70 or 80 meters above the oblique. Finally, he ran to the surface.

Finally brought him back, whether it was life or death.

"Big teeth!" A loud roar came from his throat as if the hiss of a beast.

There is a trace of ** immediately above, which should be audible!

50 meters, 30 meters, 20 meters, 10 meters, 7 meters, 5 meters, getting closer and closer to the surface, and the distance from the monster behind me is also nearly 50 meters. He had already untied the cloth belt tied to his body. When he was five meters away from the exit, he shouted loudly and threw the black man's body upward.

"Cover!" Another roar.

"I know!" There was also a loud shout from the exit of the grottoes.

After the body of the man in black was thrown above, he stopped running, but did not come out of the hole together. At the hole, there were 16 or 17 people, all heroes and his former good brothers. Behind him is the approaching monster skeleton, and the bloodthirsty body is running towards him.

He knew that even if he took the lives of all the people above, he might not be able to get rid of the monster.

In this case, why go up?