Legend of the beacon

Chapter 5 Young Yujun

"Bum!" In a loud noise, Gu Xinghe fell into a coma again and fell to the ground.

Xuanyuan Huanggui and Yuwen Zhuyan were still on guard, so they saw Gu Xinghe's body falling straight to the ground. The two immediately came to him. Xuanyuan Huanggui held his body together, with one hand on the pulse and the other under his nose. A moment later, in Yuwen Zhuyan's eager eyes, Fang slowly He said, "Fortunately, Brother Xinghe just lost too much blood and fainted for a while, but there was no danger to his life. However, after waking up, he inevitably had to endure a period of recuperation.

Yu Wen Zhuyan didn't say anything, but quietly stared at Gu Xinghe, which seemed to be a blood man. After a moment, Fang said, "Brother Huang Gui, what happened just now?" In her heart, there are too many questions!

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Huanggui immediately lowered his head to look for the life wheel of the strange beast, but found that he could no longer find it this time and disappeared for no reason. Thinking that when he was in the imperial capital more than five years ago, the imperial high priest whispered, there was a sense of powerlessness in his heart for no reason. Yuwen Zhuyan still had very doubtful eyes, raised her chest with a shallow smile, and told her about the accident.

Although Yuwen Zhuyan is different from an ordinary imperial girl, she is a strange girl who is used to withstand the bloody wind. Otherwise, she would not have fought among the wild beasts with a long whip dragon bone at the time of the strange king city. However, at this moment, she heard Xuanyuan Huangjing quietly talking about the painful struggle of the ancient Xinghe River, and there was a trace of pain in her heart for no reason. I felt that I turned my head to the ancient Xinghe, but I saw that he was still dreaming in a coma, and I couldn't help adding a little more worry.

Fortunately, when the sun rose the next day, Gu Xinghe finally woke up from a coma again, but he could no longer stand and walk. The three of them were in this dense forest in the south, and behind him was the threat of the witch people and the magic dragon, which added a trace of worry. Gu Xinghe was naturally a smart person, although However, this fashion is in recuperation, but I have been a bosom friend with Xuanyuan Huanggui and Yuwen Zhuyan for more than three years. At a glance, I immediately knew the worries in their hearts and couldn't help saying, "Brother Huang Gui, Sister Zhuyan, don't worry too much about me. Although I can't bear to see it at this moment, but If it gets better, it will be very fast, but now..."

His eyes looked to the south, and his eyes were full of pain and self-reproach...

Suddenly, he was shocked and immediately said in a trembling voice, "Brother Huang Gui, the life wheel of the beast?"

Xuanyuan Huanggui shook his head and couldn't see his expression clearly. He only heard him say softly, "You are still injured. Don't worry about me. As long as you recuperate. As for the rest of the things, there are me and Zhuyan!"

Gu Xinghe nodded, closed his eyes and meditated. He has never been as eager to recover his strength as at this moment, because the situation has really reached an urgent point. Not to mention whether the delay plan can work, it can stop the witch people from cheating the demon dragon for a day, but when they send If the three of them had already run away, they would chase them in a corner. More likely, they would directly pass through the forbidden place of the magic dragon without regard to Yuanzu's advice. As for the magic dragon, it is also an unpredictable hot goat. Even if this place has been separated from its action territory, the ancient Xinghe three people can't guess. If it is still within its range, then the three people will be miserable!

What's more helpless is that the three people of Gu Xinghe have been tracking all the way from the Qianqi Kingdom to here, and finally find the life wheel of beasts that "relieve" the danger of the southern barbarian beasts, but they finally failed at the last moment, and only took the last step to fail in this south. That's good. Why don't three people feel sad?

Although Xuanyuan Huanggui and Yuwen Zhuyan are both people of profound righteousness and will not have any resentment towards Gu Xinghe, Gu Xinghe knows that the disappearance of the beast's wheel really has a lot to do with him. If it hadn't been for his momentary curiosity, how could it lead to its disappearance?

In the dark, everything has its own will. How can the three of them know it?

You can only do your best and listen to fate!

The exhausted power of the ancient Xinghe River tried to repair the scars on his body. After a few hours, he was able to stand up and walk, but he could not run quickly, let alone the imperial sword flew away from here. In desperation, Xuanyuanhuang had to return to the imperial sword to carry him. The three were ready to find a secluded place first, and then ancient Xinghe recovered quietly there, and Xuanyuan Huanggui and Yuwen Zhuyan replaced each other. One stayed to take care of Gu Xinghe, and the other explored the movement of the dense forest along the way to see if they could find the traces of those witch people or magic dragons.

A few days later, Gu Xinghe finally fully restored his own vitality cultivation, and there seemed to be a possibility of "getting to the next level", but in his heart, he seemed to have buried an unprovoked doubt. Whenever he sat quietly, he lowered his head and meditated but never had no answer.

On this day, Yuwen Zhuyan went out again to spy on the situation, leaving Xuanyuan Huanggui to take care of Gu Xinghe. In fact, Gu Xinghe was in good health, but Xuanyuan Huanggui and Yuwen Zhuyan were afraid that there would be any discomfort in his body, so the care was still the same, and only a few days later they flew back to the territory of the Zhongzhou Empire.

Xuanyuanhuang returned to Gu Xinghe with a sad face and said with a smile, "Brother Xinghe, what are you worried about in your heart?"

Gu Xinghe shook his head, and said after a moment, "Brother Huanggui, if I didn't expect anything wrong, it seems that the life wheel of the beast has not disappeared, and it seems that it has disappeared from this mortal world forever!"

Xuanyuan Huanggui seemed to understand. He shook his head and said with a smile, "Brother Xinghe, your words are too mysterious. I don't quite understand them. Can you explain them to me?"

Gu Xinghe stood up during meditation and stood under the dead wood with Xuanyuan Huanggui, looking at the endless tall trees around him, and then said, "I seem to feel that the life wheel of the beast melted into my body that day, because for these days, whenever I fall asleep, Or when meditate, the sun, moon, mountains and rivers and the scenery of characters on the wheel of life of the beast will appear in my dreams from time to time, so I say that it 'doesn've never disappeared' and 'seems to disappear from this world forever'! It's just that I ran Yuanli to explore my body, but I couldn't find any trace of it, so this made me very confused.

Xuanyuan Huanggui heard such a strange thing, even though he had never been surprised and had to be stunned for a while. After a moment, he said, "Brother Xinghe, what you said is really amazing. Well, why don't you go to the imperial capital with me? Let's go to the imperial high priest to ask what's going for you."

Gu Xinghe pondered for a moment and nodded: Anyway, sooner or later, he will go there, but he doesn't know where he is at this time.

Xuanyuan Huanggui also whispered, "For the cultivation of my generation, it is most taboo to fall into dreams and go crazy. For my brother, I'm afraid that you will be mistakenly confused by the magic barrier, so I will meditate less every day!"

At this time, Gu Xinghe was still thinking about the life wheel of the beast. Hearing Xuanyuan Huanggui say so, he only nodded gently to show that he already knew it.

Xuanyuan Huanggui shook his head gently and stopped talking.

A few days later, Gu Xinghe, Xuanyuan Huanggui and Yuwen Zhuyan finally flew with the sword and galloped all the way north. Ten days later, they finally returned to the territory of the Zhongzhou Empire again.

In 1984, at the junction of the Kingdom of Yunling, the Kingdom of Baiyun and the Southern Wild Forest, the ancient Xinghe and his party stood on the branches of a huge ancient wood.

Gu Xinghe recalled that in more than 20 years since his rebirth, he had encountered far-reaching opportunities and hardships in his previous life. He couldn't help shaking his head and once again feared the vast Zhongzhou Empire, but in an instant, he was replaced by another lofty ambition:

If you are a man again, you will definitely live a different wonderful life!

Shaking their heads and looking south, after a moment, the three Gu Xinghe finally decided to slow down Qianqi Wangcheng first, and then took the way to the imperial capital. Unexpectedly, at this time, suddenly bursts of calls came from afar, clear and powerful, and the three of them did not stop walking.

However, under the ancient wood, dozens of feet away, a figure is running quickly here, calling something while running. Xuanyuan Huanggui has never practiced Shun's magic power and the eyes of heaven. Naturally, he can't really see it. Although Gu Xinghe has a slight success in practice, he is finally not as good as Yuwen Zhuyan, who has been practicing for more than ten years. Both of them turned to look at her.

I only heard Yuwen Zhuyan say, "That should be a young man, shouting 'three, stop', nothing else!"

The two were amused and had to smile helplessly, and then all three of them floated down and quietly waited for the arrival of the young man.

When the young man got closer and closer, Gu Xinghe could finally clearly see his appearance. He was not very tall. This was indeed a rare alien among the tall phoenix clan everywhere. He was handsome, dressed in gorgeous clothes, bare-handed and without weapons, but he walked like flying. Obviously, he was a person with profound magical powers.

Waiting closer, Xuanyuan Huanggui said, "I don't know why you shouted at us?"

The young man finally came to the three and said loudly, "I don't know if there is a prince named 'Huanggui' among you?" His eyes wandered back and forth between Gu Xinghe and Xuanyuan Huanggui. Obviously, it was impossible to confirm which one was "Huang Gui's son".

Xuanyuan Huanggui held his fist and said, "Someone is Huanggui. I don't know what advice?"

The young Lang repeatedly arched his hand and said, "I dare not give advice. My name is Luo Yujun. I'm a general of the Kingdom of Baiyun. You can call me Yujun. I'm here with a message." After saying that, he took out a sealed envelope from his arms and handed it to Xuanyuanhuang.

Xuanyuanhuang returned, gently tore the envelope, took out a piece of silk with phoenix characters written from it, looked down for a moment, and suddenly changed his face.

Xuanyuan Huanggui has always been calm in his death, but his face has changed so much at this time. Gu Xinghe is very curious about what it is.