Legend of the beacon

Chapter 8 Strange Changes

A few days later, Gu Xinghe finally came to the border of Qianqi Wangcheng again. Suddenly, his heart was moved, so he took back the long sword and turned into his body, falling lightly on the ground, pretending that ordinary passers-by walked on the countryside path.

Now that Qianqi Wangcheng has undergone such a big change, the whole army must be on standby. If you suddenly find that your sword is flying to the king's city, you will be besieged by everyone. It's better to walk on the ground. On the one hand, you can hide your traces, and it's easy to tell the truth. Love.

Along the way, there were broken arrows and remnants, and there were many displaced people. Obviously, the war in the kingdom was not long ago, the roads collapsed, farming was destroyed, the people were displaced, and the world was in chaos, but that's all.

Although Gu Xinghe is just a cloth, he has an extraordinary momentum, which makes ordinary people dare not wait to look at it. On the damaged road, there are countless exiles. They are most of depressed and distracted. Maybe their houses were burned in the war, or their relatives and children Women and parents can no longer appear in front of them because of this war. All happiness and comfort are no longer seen in this war. They can only migrate their families with sad faces, stay away from the flames of war, and find a new home.

However, this chaos in the world has been born, and war is imminent. How can we usher in the rule of the world without a great chaos?

An elderly man with a crutch suddenly stepped on the so-called "road" full of potholes. He leaned forward and was about to crawl to the ground. Gu Xinghe's eyes were fast. Seeing this scene, he immediately flew forward and fell down to support the old man.

"My father-in-law, are you all right!" Gu Xinghe asked eagerly, and his tone was full of concern.

But the ordinary people beside him and the old man retreated like meeting the plague god. Ancient Xinghe was curious. How can he know that in the hearts of these people, all the troubled times and wars are caused by their noble phoenix people who have magical powers and can escape from the sky and the earth, because Because the phoenix people are always more noble than them, so in their hearts, although they dare not complain, they are always afraid of avoiding them. In their eyes, they are half afraid and half disgusted.

But he heard the father-in-law say, "Thank you, prince. I'm fine." The voice trembled, and it was obviously very afraid.

Gu Xinghe had to shake his head helplessly. He opened the old man's body and said softly, "Fa father-in-law, please be more careful. This war will end soon."

Since the national leader Yi Jian has reached a consensus with the four-nation alliance, the war should naturally end soon!

Suddenly, Gu Xinghe's heart moved and asked the old man, "My father-in-law, I don't know if you know what's going on in the royal city at this time?"

According to the young Lang Yujun, the war should have stopped at this time, but I don't know why I saw it still looked like a war. Could it be that the war in the king city broke out again?

The father-in-law was obviously very afraid, but he did not dare not answer. It seemed that he felt the gentleness of the people around him, not as cruel and violent as those soldiers he had encountered in the past, so he boldly said, "This young man, in the king's city, is now pouring his country to fight against the alliance of the four major powers in the north. The state lord has repaired the military town of Yunling, hoping that the army of the empire will come quickly to quell the rebellion, so that we will not run for our lives!"

Gu Xinghe was shocked when he heard this. Yujun had clearly told him that Qianqi Wangcheng helped Yunling Military Town and devoted his national military strength. He had forced the Four Nations Alliance to respect the Qianqi Kingdom and formed a five-nation alliance, but why he heard the news at this time, but the Qianqi Kingdom was still Independently resisted the attack of the four-nation alliance, as for Yunling Military Town, it has not even been dispatched yet?

What exactly is this situation? Gu Xinghe suddenly felt that his brain was extremely chaotic, and obviously he couldn't figure out the situation! Is it that the war situation has not been transmitted here at this time, so the father-in-law did not know about it? It must be like this. Gu Xinghe comforted himself, otherwise, what should he explain? Did the young Lang Yujun have the ability to predict, or did he step on the wrong time and space and go back to the past again?

Gu Xinghe threw away his happy thoughts and decided to leave for Qianqi Wangcheng. As long as he saw how the war was going in Wangcheng, he could straighten out his thoughts and figure out what was going on!

After making up his mind, Gu Xinghe bowed his hand to his father-in-law beside him, and then went in the direction of Qianqi Wangcheng.

Three days later, Gu Xinghe finally came to Qianqi Wangcheng again. The last time he came here three and a half ago. At that time, he was still the bodyguard leader of the Xiyan Kingdom. With Princess Xi Qingmei, he came to Qianqi Wangcheng to ask for assistance. It was that time he encountered the danger of the siege of wild beasts. He was ordered to fight with Xuanyuanhuang. Gui and others chased the wild beast to the Ronan crater, and then to Yunling Wangcheng, and finally came to the depths of the southern dense forest through the Luonan Canyon known as the "Devil Canyon". It can be said that Qianqi Wangcheng is the starting point of all his strange journeys for more than three years, and now, he has returned here again.

I still remember that when he left, he was the deputy commander of the bodyguard of Qianqi Wangcheng. He stood outside the gate and looked at the people who came and went, as well as those soldiers who held Changge and carefully inspected them. After a little thought about it, he took out a gold token from his arms and looked carefully for a moment, which was written in official characters. Behind the two big characters of Qianqi are the three small words "Deputy Commander" and the seal of the Lord of Qianqi, which is the representative of his identity. At this time, it is naturally convenient to take it out.

Walking two steps forward with a token, Gu Xinghe said to a pawn holding a long go, "I am the deputy commander of the royal city bodyguard. Please let the soldiers go."

The soldier didn't know him. Hearing his words, his face was full of suspicion. He took the golden token and looked at it for a moment, but he still couldn't judge whether it was true or false. He only heard him muttered, "Isn't the deputy commander of the bodyguard? Why is there suddenly a man holding the token and said that he was also the deputy commander?"

In the military system of the Zhongzhou Empire, soldiers are generally human soldiers, and the soldiers with military ranks above them are all the people of the Phoenix people. Therefore, when the soldiers meet the "commovernor" or "deputy commander" or higher ranks, they are respectful and dare not dare to make any mistakes.

Gu Xinghe only stood there, smiling and looking at the Qianqi Wangcheng three years later, which was still the same as when he left, but he knew that there were countless sword arrays sleeping in the belly of the mountains in many peaks near the royal city and the Qianqi main peaks surrounded by the royal city. If one day, these sword arrays fell asleep again He still remembers the earth-shaking scene of the outbreak.

The soldier finally stopped looking over and over again with the golden token. He handed the token to the pawn beside him and whispered a few words. After the pawn ran away, Fang turned his head and said, "Your Excellency, I can't tell the authenticity of the token. Please wait for a moment. After Lord Gong came, everything was distinguished.

Gu Xinghe nodded and agreed and asked with a smile, "It has been three years since I left, but I don't know who Lord Gong is?"

When the soldier heard that Gu Xinghe had "left for three years", a clear expression suddenly appeared on his face, and then said, "Lord Gong was a warrior who returned from Yunling Wangcheng with the king of the state more than three years ago. It is said that he was a soldier from Yunling Military Town. Because it could not be reused, so With the Lord coming to our kingdom!"

Gu Xinghe couldn't stop sneering. It seems that the national lord Yi Jian had secretly communicate with General Linghu of Yunling Military Town three years ago! Presumably, this time, it must have been as Yujun said. With the help of Yunling Military Town, the Qianqi Kingdom was suppressing the four-nation alliance, and then the two sides merged to form a five-nation alliance, respecting Yi Jian, the lord of Qianqi.

After half a column of incense, the pawn with a token trotted back. Behind him was a soldier in silver armor. Gu Xinghe did not know him, but did not prevent him from arching his hand and said, "Is this Lord Gong? I am the deputy commander of Gu Xinghe. You must have heard my name!"

The general surnamed Gong did not say anything. He took out the golden token from his arms, looked at it carefully for a moment, took out a portrait from his arms, and looked at the appearance of Gu Xinghe carefully. Suddenly, he said coldly, "Gu Xinghe, of course I have heard your name. Generals, take him down!"

Not only was Gu Xinghe surprised, but also those soldiers holding Chang Ge were at a loss. Looking at the expression of the lord surnamed Gong, the golden token is naturally not fake. Then Gu Xinghe, dressed in cloth, must be the deputy commander of the bodyguard of Qianqi Wangting, but why did he capture it?

Seeing that a group of soldiers just surrounded the ancient Xinghe, but there was no next step, Lord Gong sneered and said, "Do you regard my order as farting?" The language is very vulgar.

Forced by the order of the superior, the soldiers raised the long ge in their hands and wanted to besiege Gu Xinghe, but they saw that Gu Xinghe suddenly transformed a cold sword from his hand and carefully narrowed the encirclement, but no one dared to take the lead in attacking.

When the soldiers surnamed Gong saw the soldiers like this, they just couldn't stop humming: "In that case, I will do it myself!" With a choke, a thick sword with golden light turned out, so he wanted to throw himself into the encirclement and directly capture the ancient Xinghe.

"No!" A quick cry came from afar, but it was a familiar and inexplicable sound. Gu Xinghe held a long sword and looked up at the place where the sound was made.

But I saw a white dress coming from afar like a flying cloud.