Legend of the beacon

Chapter 10 There are enemies in all directions

Under the bright sun, he was wronged in vain. The coldness in his light eyebrows and the doubts in the prince's eyes made Gu Xinghe's heart cold in an instant.

"Bang!" With a loud noise, the lord of Qianqi Kingdom broke into the door. Behind him, there were countless soldiers of the kingdom.

Since the civil strife of the four-nation alliance and the confrontation between the imperial capital triggered by the Kingdom of Galo, the major kingdoms have begun to ignore the orders of the emperor and accumulate their own troops in order to support themselves. Qianqi countries have already accumulated a lot of troops. Now, by taking the opportunity to fight against the four northern four alliances, they openly use them to fight against the enemy. Therefore, the people of this strange king city can see more than ten times more soldiers in the city these days than before. At the beginning of the establishment of the empire, the founding emperor set a rule: the kingdoms did not allow the emperor to raise soldiers, and those who raised soldiers without authorization were based on the theory of conspiracy. A few kingdoms could only raise soldiers with the permission of the emperor, but without the emperor's order and edict, they could not use soldiers without authorization. ( Note: For details, see Chapter 6 of the first episode, where there has been a deep description, and there is not much to say here!)

The heart of the strange country has become obvious, but Gu Xinghe did not feel any surprise in his heart. At that time, when the barren beasts attacked the city, when those warriors with giant bows appeared, and finally more than a dozen elders in white appeared, he felt the huge ambition hidden in the calm of Qianqi City. In his previous life, he was already used to the "Three Kingdoms at the end of the Han Dynasty" and "Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms", and he was not shocked by the ambition of Qianqi Kingdoms at all.

It must be known that the feudal system is the easiest system to cause rebellion. At the time of governing the world, the kingdoms are respected by the emperor who lives in Chang'an, the imperial capital, and there is no harm. However, when chaos comes, the princes with political and military rights in their hands naturally intend to separat themselves and become kings. . In the previous life, the formation of the Spring and Autumn Warring States Period, the Three Kingdoms at the end of the Han Dynasty, the Northern and Southern Dynasties of the Two Jin Dynasty, and the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms were more or less related to the feudal system, especially the Spring and Autumn Warring States Period in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.

"Bang!" Yi Jian broke into the door and shouted, "Why not?"

Gu Xinghe looked at him angrily and did not regard him as his former master at all. He only said coldly, "In this way, please ask the lord to say it, otherwise how can I be convinced?"

Yi Jian ignored him, but looked carefully at the young man standing on one side, and then turned his eyes to the little princess in Xi's arms. Only then did he show a gentle look in his eyes.

Gu Xinghe also stopped talking and watched coldly. After a long time, Fang mocked, "Wolf's ambition is also compassionate?" The meaning of this is that it is easy to judge the human face and beast's heart!

Sure enough, Yi Jian immediately withdrew his gentle expression on his face, stared at Gu Xinghe coldly, and suddenly said with angrily, "I won't argue with you much. General Gong, you'd better lead the army to catch him up and force him to hand over the strange treasure of the day with the great punishment of the army, hum! Pingbai let the Qianqi Kingdom bear the anger of the heroes of the countries, but your boy fled to the southern barbarian land with a strange treasure, and now he dares to appear openly outside the royal city. It seems that you are going to die!"

Gu Xinghe said coldly, "Old man, do you think these mob can trap me?" He also called Yi Jian "old man" like a white-clothed demon who carried strange soldiers and did not return.

Sure enough, the "old man" Yi Jian finally changed his face and "choked" and turned into a long sword in his hand. He said coldly, "What about me?"

"No!" It was the prince's voice. Gu Xinghe and Yi Jian both turned their heads to look at him and listened to what he said, but they heard Yi Pianqi say, "Father, as the lord of a country, if you do it easily, it will inevitably lower your identity, or let me do it!"

Yi Jian sneered and said, "You are indeed a 'good boy'. I'm afraid you want to help me deal with this thief, but to help him escape from here!"

The prince's face changed a little, and finally returned to normal. Fang continued to say, "Father, you are so worried. How can the child have such a heart? If I intend to let him escape from here, I just need to tell him at the gate that he must leave. Why do two thankless things at this time?"

Yi Jian made up his mind not to let him participate in this matter. He held a long sword in his hand and said coldly to Gu Xinghe, "Kid, let you and I fight, so that you can see how deep you are."

When Gu Xinghe heard the prince's words, his heart was cold, like frost. Hearing Yi Jian's words, he only said coldly, "So, it's very good!"

"Sking~!" However, he turned out of the long sword Yishui and flew out of the house with his sword to fight against Yi Jian, the lord of Qianqi.

Yi Jian stood in the open space with a sword, but did not make a move. He stared at Gu Xinghe and said coldly, "Since you are conceited, I will let you make a move first. Don't resist the old man's two moves like the white demon three years ago. If you lose too fast, you can't say that you don't have the luck like him this time!"

Gu Xinghe also said, "You'd better tell your good son to prepare a good coffin for you. At that time, you will die under my sword. I'm afraid that the coffin is not ready yet, and your body has rotted!"

Yi Jian was not moved, but said coldly, "Don't talk too much. Cut off your tongue and feed the dog later."

It turned out that he was not angry, but was extremely angry by Gu Xinghe's words, but he became more and more calm.

"Hmm! Old man, you asked me to make a move first. Look at this move, the sun and moon in the sword!" Gu Xinghe held a long sword, raised his head high, and shouted, attracting everyone's eyes to look at him. At the top of his head, the slender sword emitted a dazzling light at this time, like a small sun. This move was to copy the life wheel of the beast. The light contained a strong, soft, cold and The hot power is called "unexplicable energy". Once it is used, it is indeed as dazzling as the sun and moon. It is not too much to call it the "Sun and Moon in the Sword".

Yi Jian held the long sword of Qiushui and stood quietly on the ground, waiting for the ancient Xinghe to accumulate strength to reach the highest point. When his moves are issued, it is time for him to fight back!

"Boom~!" A dazzling light went straight to the sky and scattered the layers of white clouds in the sky, and then all the light dissipated. In everyone's eyes, there was only the sword light like the sun and the moon. At this time, it was holding in the hands of the ancient Xinghe. He raised the sword in his hand and waved forward fiercely. All the light was like arrows from the string. , easy to shoot to the ground.

Yi Jian's eyelids jumped gently, and he could feel that at this time, the cultivation of the ancient Xinghe was much higher than that of the white-clothed demons in those years. I really don't know what adventure he had, and he could reach the current level in just three years. If ten years, twenty years, decades, hundreds of years, So his cultivation is still not good? I'm afraid that after two or three hundred years, he will surpass the emperor's high priest, and he won't be able to do it!

In this case, it must be eradicated!

In Yi Jian's heart, there is no love for talent at this moment, but it is full of the idea of "cutting grass and rooting".

"Bang~!" The sword spirit as bright as the sun and moon has come to Yi Jian's side. Yi Jian raised the long sword in his hand and fiercely split the sword spirit. A sharpness emanated out. Two swords, one is bright and the other is sharp. In this way, countless houses collapsed.

After the thick smoke dissipated, everyone did not see the figures of Gu Xinghe and the national lord Yi Jian. They looked up at the sky one after another. It turned out that both of them flew into the air, holding swords and did not use magic power. They only tested swordsmanship and magic power, which was actually a hard situation.

The prince looked at the two people fighting in the air, and his heart was helpless. No matter who won or lost, he felt uncomfortable, because he knew that winning or losing must be separated by life and death. He suddenly hated himself and should not bring Gu Xinghe to this palace for his own selfishness. He was convinced that Gu Xinghe It won't be the person who stole the strange treasure of that day, because...

On the sky, the ancient Xinghe holding the Yishui long sword seems to have forgotten everything at this time. He only sinks his heart into the understanding and hatred of heavy swordsmanship. The betrayal of the prince and the cold eyes of his eyebrows are all things that he can't accept. He has always regarded the two of them as his friends, and he returned with Xuanyuanhuang. A good friend like Yuwen Zhuyan.

However, now he is suspected and abandoned by his good friends, especially one of whom was once his deep crush. His heart is like blood.

"Ah!!!" Suddenly, with a loud shout, Gu Xinghe held Yishui's long sword and stabbed straight through with a sword, but was dodged by Yi Jian's dexterity, so he raised his body again and stabbed Yi Jian again with a sword.

"maoless boy, it turns out that your swordsmanship is nothing more than that. Look at my move, the sword points to the world!" Yi Jian held the long sword of Qiushui and suddenly stabbed at a high speed. His momentum was extraordinary. When he went forward, he actually died together.

But Gu Xinghe and the prince know that Yi Jian will not die with him at all. He just has to defeat Gu Xinghe with his strength.

Gu Xinghe is a talented and intelligent person with two-life memories. He saw through his intentions at a glance, but he was born with an unyielding temper. Knowing that there was a tiger in the mountain, he leaned towards the tiger mountain, but he actually "hummed" heavily, and then increased his speed and resolutely bumped into Yi Jian.

"Boom!!!" With a loud noise, most of the soldiers on the ground were shocked to the ground, and many maids were directly stunned. It turned out that it was the Yishui Long Sword in the hands of Gu Xinghe and the Qiushui Long Sword in Yi Jian's hand. The huge sound caused by the two collided with each other.