Legend of the beacon

Chapter 12 Ziyi

"Mountain of Clouds!"

"The Ancestor Boundary Monument!"

Eight big characters were lying in front of the ancient Xinghe, allowing his mind to fly like electricity. At this time, he was also infatuated there! Did you come here after running for a day and a night?

It is said that in this place, because the people of the Phoenix people respect the gods of the ancestors, there are heavy troops to guard it. At the same time, it is also to prevent the people of the Phoenix people from stealing into the plains of the human tribes through the mountain of clouds. The Lily Military Region is set up here, and a large part of it is for this reason. But at this time, Gu Xinghe found the figure of a soldier in the tribe, but he didn't know why, or because he went here in a panic. It was really too remote!

He never knew that his speed could reach this level. In terms of the distance from the King City to the Mountain of Clouds, I'm afraid that the speed has surpassed the Boeing planes in his previous life! I really don't know whether to be proud or helpless and funny.

At dawn, Gu Xinghe suddenly thought that he had never watched a sunrise since he left the Mousse Forest. I really miss that time when he could stand on a tall tree every morning and watch the sun rising in the far east. At this time, he was right in the easternmost part of the Zhongzhou Empire. Is the rising sun here bigger and rounder than other places?

Although the experience of his previous life told him that standing on any point on the planet, the rising sun he saw should be of the same size. Even if he was in the easternmost direction of the empire at this time, he only saw the sunrise earlier than other imperial people, but it was impossible to see "bigger and rounder" Some sun. However, after living in this world for 22 and a half years, he has decided to deliberately forget the marks left on himself in his previous life. He wants to completely change himself and become a real imperial people. With his hands and ambitions in his chest, he will walk on the world of this Zhongzhou empire and build a good life. Unrivaled meritorious deeds, let future generations always remember their names!

The eastern sky is gradually shining. Is that where the sun is about to rise?

Gu Xinghe looked up and finally found a tall tree. Then he was like an ancient ape. After a few leaps, he was already at the top of the ancient wood, with his hands on the branches, and looked up at the far east, where the sun was about to rise.

The sky in the east is getting brighter and brighter. Suddenly, a touch of bright red jumped out of the sky, reflecting the whole eastern sky red, and the clouds were also stained with a touch of red, like a silk dress on a beauty, soft and gorgeous, making people eager to fly back to the sky.

After a few breaths, the whole sun completely jumped out. At this time, the sky was completely bright, and a wisp of golden sunlight suddenly filled the world, shining on the endless mountains and rivers.

After a long time, Gu Xinghe jumped down from the tall ancient wood, which was still a game when he was young: his legs bounced lightly without any help. When he fell on the open space, the more stable he became, the more powerful he became.

This big tree is far taller than the jungle trees in Musi Forest. The ancient Xinghe standing at the top and looking at the stone tablet not far under the tree is as small as a thumb. I know that I am standing at such a high height now. If it were in my previous life, it must be in a ten-story high building. Go ahead.

In the previous life, this was undoubtedly suicide, and in this world, this is the way to exercise yourself.

Gu Xinghe shook his head and felt very sarcastic. Suddenly, he was very dissatisfied with himself still reading "the previous life". He tried to drive these two words out of his mind, let go of his hands, looked at the ground, and suddenly jumped down.

Like a wind and lightning, the wind was whirling in his ear, but Gu Xinghe actually felt that the falling speed was far less than the speed of his sword flying, so he actually used a thousand pounds of magic power to make himself fall faster and faster...

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the ancient Xinghe landed safely and stood straight on the ground. Obviously, he did not have any damage. At this time, his cultivation was many times higher than that in those years.

But his feet actually sank half a foot deep into the ground. It turned out that he was playful for a while and kept increasing the speed of his landing. Finally, when he fell to the ground, he didn't have time to close and smashed people on the ground.

If Yuwen Zhuyan is beside him at this time, he must have laughed at him a lot!

The ancient Xinghe River, which jumped from the trees, was not in a hurry to explore the secrets of the ancestor boundary monument, but kept looking west along the foot of the mountain of the mountain of clouds, trying to find the existence of the imperial people. Since this is the location of the Baihe military town, there must be the people of the Phoenix people.

However, when another dark night comes, the ancient Xinghe walking at the foot of the mountain of clouds still has not found any trace of the imperial people, let alone the existence of the White River military town.

The ancient Xinghe, which had nothing to find, had to go back along the way. Unexpectedly, he confirmed that there was no existence of the imperial people. He was not afraid of being recognized by others. He openly transformed into the Yishui long sword, and then quickly flew the sword to the place where the ancestral boundary monument existed.

Since the ancestor boundary monument is one of the ten secret places and one of the most sacred beings among them (Note: another existence is naturally the tomb of the ancestor), it has been 22 years since he came to this world. He has heard the most myths and stories are the ancestor who created the world and created the Phoenix clan. The praise of the god, he can't help but feel infinite curiosity about it, and when the life wheel of the beast was destroyed, the figure of the man in blue who still exists in the depths of his mind can't help but doubt it.

Why on earth did you travel through rebirth to this era?

What did you come to this era and why did you come here?

This has always been his doubts. She believes that everything must have his root, but he can't make a trace of explanation for his rebirth, but he is convinced that his existence and reincarnation must have something to do with a blue figure, and it can be said that it is great with the god of the ancestors. Relationship.

A huge stone tablet, more than a few feet high, engraved with two lines of fighting words with swords - "Mountain of Clouds" and "The Ancestor Monument". According to legend, this should be one of the few relics left by the ancestors. Therefore, it is convenient to become a forbidden place for the people of the empire, in order to show respect for the gods of the ancestors. , prohibits any imperial people from going here to prevent blasphemy.

Gu Xinghe was a crazy person and was never afraid of ghosts and gods, but he felt great awe of the existence of the ancestor god. Therefore, when he stood in front of the ancestor boundary monument, he first knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times before standing up. Zi, with words in his mouth, can't say anything like "Buddha's blessing, God bless". After the so-called "prayer" was completed, he was ready to lift his feet to the boundary marker and carefully look at what the boundary marker looked like.

Suddenly, a loud noise sounded in his ear, and he immediately thought of Huanggui's words in those years: the ancestor boundary monument prohibited people from going. On the one hand, it was to fear the gods of the ancestors. In fact, there was a deeper reason. At that time, the Phoenix slaughtered too many people, witches and demons. Later, the god of the ancestors up a mountain peak. The tribal plain where the human race lives is encircle, and any creature dares to approach it.

At that time, he thought it was just a rumor, but now he suddenly thought that he had violated the rules set by the god of his ancestors and was counterattacked by the imprint of his ancestors? But he stared at the stone tablet and found that it was just a purple scabbard that made a loud noise. The scabbard hit the stone beside him, and there was a loud noise, which made him think that it had been counterattacked by the ancestors!

But where did this scabbard come from?

Gu Xinghe immediately turned around and stared closely behind him, but saw a purple figure. At this time, the sword was galloping from not far away. Obviously, the scabbard must have been this person, but he didn't know who this person was, and why did he suddenly stop him?

Wait for the man to fly closer and use the slightly small heavenly eyes. Gu Xinghe has been able to confirm who that person is. It turns out that he was also Xiao Ziran, who guarded Qianqi Wangcheng together in those years.

Thinking of the four words "old acquaintance", he couldn't help but be dark on the surface of the ancient Xinghe River, and then remembered the princes and the Qingmei Princess in Qianqi King City. One of them betrayed his friendship, and the other was very resentful of himself. He thought it was that a noble friendship that could no longer be restored as before!

When Xiao Ziran was still a few feet away, Gu Xinghe raised the scabbard in his hand and said with a smile, "Brother Ziran, what do you want to teach me?"

Xiao Ziran put away his sword and held it in his hand, and then said with a smile, "I'm here naturally for you! Otherwise, with my courage, how dare I come to this forbidden place?

Gu Xinghe's heart moved and continued to smile and said, "I don't know why Ziran came here for me?

Xiao Ziran put away his smile and said in a low voice, "I came here naturally to seek justice for my brother. He took you well, but you betrayed, stole the treasures of heaven and earth without permission, and let Qianqi Kingdom and the couple bear the name for you, but I don't know if you still have the shame?" In the end, there is no gentle image of a gentleman.

Gu Xinghe is still calm, and his heart is full of surprise: he has only been here for a day. How did Xiao Ziran find him in such a short time? And why did everyone say that he "stealed the treasures of heaven and earth"? And on the imperial road, what the young Lang Yujun said was as if it had never happened. What is all this?

Gu Xinghe had too many doubts in his heart, but he said with a quiet sneer, "Brother Ziran, do I have the face? I don't need you to care, but you threw the scabbard to stop me from going up the mountain, but why?"