Legend of the beacon

Chapter 15 Bloody Battle

Tribal Plains, Ke's tribe.

"For the glory of the race, for our dignity, warriors, go!" An old man who is still strong looks up to the sky and roars!

He is the current patriarch of the Ke tribe. Although he is in his 50s, he is still inflicable existence of other warriors. His name is Ke Long, a legend among a tribe in the Great Plains, but he is destined to die today.

"Kill! Drive the shameless invaders out of our homes! Let's fight for the race!" Behind the patriarch Ke Long, a warrior with a stone sword roared in the sky and shook everywhere.

Behind him were thousands of warriors. When they heard this sentence, all the warriors raised their weapons and roared hard.

On this day, their tribe will encounter the most serious war in history. If they can't win, they can only exterminate the clan, and then all the living will become slaves of their clan. They will live humiliately for life than death.

For glory and dignity, they will win this war anyway.

And on the side of the Mu tribe, it has been prepared for half a year. The patriarch Mu and his warriors are full of **, trying to truly lay the foundation for their reputation for hundreds of miles and dominate one side with this battle, which is their dream for a long time.

So this war will be extremely fierce and tragic!

In fact, all this has nothing to touch on Gu Xinghe. All he has to do is to ensure the victory of this war, as well as the life of Mu, the father of Yunyan and the patriarch of Mu's tribe. For him, everything else is just a passing cloud. What does it have to do with him?

"Kill! For wealth, for women, for the glory of our Mu tribe!" Mu held a spear, ran ahead and howled angrily. Behind him, countless warriors also raised their spears, with bloodthirsty red light in their eyes, and endless fighting spirit and murderous intent!

"Bum!" Mu held a spear and suddenly waved it. He poked a huge hole in the gate of the Ke tribe camp, and then + suddenly picked it up. The whole Ke tribe was like a girl who had been stripmed off. What awaits her will be endless bullying and humiliation.

In Gu Xinghe's heart, there was a trace of intolerance, but only in an instant, this trace of intolerance has disappeared from his heart. In his eyes, there was only coldness and indifference.

The coldness of war and indifference to life.

"Fight! Fight!!!" Among the Ke tribe, there was a sound of resistance, and it was obvious that they could not bear to be humiliated.

A teenager in animal armor, holding a spear and looking at the rushing Mu, suddenly ran over with a spear. In his eyes, there was a light of revenge. Hatred made his heart dark and no longer have any light. There was only killing and blood. This will be a bloodthirsty warrior. Only blood can Let him move forward, or stop, and stop forever.

"Dun!" When the distance was only two or three feet away, a clear loud noise completely stopped his pace. Then he could only watch the cruel smile on Mu's face, and a trace of blood flowed from the corners of his mouth. He fell down unwillingly. His eyes stared at the sky and lost the light that the teenager should have forever.

"The bow and arrow camp listens to the order and pull out your long bows! Mount your arrows!" Mu stopped the mount, pulled out the long bow, and roared. Behind him, the special warrior immediately pulled out the bamboo bow in his hand with the roar, put on the arrow, and shook the cold and sharp tip of the arrow at the warrior of the Ke tribe.

"shoot! Let the long arrows in your hands, the majesty of the gods, give these traitors who dare to blasphend God, majesty, killing, and destruction!" Mu Yin sang ancient poems, holding bamboo bows and long arrows, "Dow~!" With a sound, a long arrow shot fiercely in one of the many warriors who were running towards him.

"Bum!" The helpless man could not resist the attack from the air. Before he approached the enemy's body, he was immediately pierced through his heart by a long arrow. He had no choice but to fall to the ground and look at the gradually dark sky, which was the last soul that God was taking away from him.

"Fight!" In the Ke tribe, a warrior looked up to the sky, and all of them rushed forward. As soon as the warrior who had just fell to the ground closed his eyes, he was immediately stepped on by everyone. In an instant, his flesh and blood was blurred and blood stream.

"Oh~! Wow~! duo~!!!" Countless arrows, like black clouds, quickly enveloped the warriors of the Ke tribe. Before they could react, all the arrows had plunged into their bodies, heads, bodies, or limbs.

Some people were killed by an arrow and died before they figured out how they died; some people were stabbed like hedgehogs, rushing forward bravely, but still had no choice but to die; while some people were not hit by the point, but could only fall to the ground, struggling in pain, hissing for a moment, and the rest ran behind The uninjured warriors all looked like ghosts, holding weapons and carefully staring at the enemy in the distance, but did not dare to cross the mine pool.

"Let's go! For the glory of our tribe, for our dignity, even if we lose our lives, we must not let these enemies attack our camp. For the sake of our wives and children, let us fight to the death!" In the Ke tribe, there are still warriors who have not been frightened shouting angrily.

"Warriors, raise the bows and arrows in your hands and bring the punishment of the gods to our enemies!" Mu threw the long bow in his hand to a warrior beside him, pulled out his spear, and roared up to the sky again.

When the warriors of the Koshi tribe approached again, another black cloud flew quickly. Before these warriors could resist, the "black cloud" had come to their heads.

"Oh~! Wow~! duo~!!!" Countless arrows hit the irresistible enemies again, piercing their skin fiercely. Sharp and sharp arrows, like the poisonous teeth of poisonous snakes, desperately bite into their bodies, pierce their heads, bones and internal organs, take away their blood and lives, and bring them terror and fear.

"You are demons! You are demons!!!" Among the Ko's tribe, a warrior who was obviously scared and stunned roared so loudly that his spear was still on the ground, and his whole body kept trembling, as if he had made a decision. Suddenly, he took steps and struggled to run to the rear. He had been scared by continuous death!

"Dong!" Before running two steps, his clumsy pace had stopped, and then he could only reluctantly fall to the ground, and a touch of blood flowed from the corners of his mouth and died.

Kelong put away the spear in his hand and said coldly, "Warriors, for the sake of our homeland, we must resist to find a way to live. If anyone else tries to escape without fighting, I will kill them immediately without leaving any mercy!"

"For the sake of my home, resist to the death!" A warrior roared loudly, and then the warrior he used roared with this sound, and the sound shocked the world in an instant.

"Exvict the enemy from our home!!!" The warrior roared again.

"Exvict the enemy from our home!!!" All the warriors looked up to the sky and roared together.

Mu looked at the enemies in the distance and continued to order with a sneer: "Warriors, lift the bows and arrows in your hands, let our enemies continue to taste the punishment given to them by God, and let them pay the heavy price of blood for their mistakes. Their wealth will become something in our pockets. Their Women will also become our concubines. In order to win, shoot the long arrows in your hands!!!"

"Oh~! Wow~!!! duo~!!!" When the Ke tribe continued to ignite, another black cloud composed of arrows flew at a high speed, and then did not give them any time to resist. All the arrows plunged into their bodies again, and were more fierce and more accurate.

"Demon! They must be demons, they must be demons!!!" Many people were chilled and broke their voices.

After killing several people who dared to escape, Ke Long raised his spear again and roared: "Warriors, even if they are demons, we will definitely kill them. Trust me! Victory belongs to us!!!"

But not many people are willing to believe him. All the people look at the enemies opposite with fear and watch them push them step by step.

The two sides have not fought head-on, but one side has begun to collapse, and the balance of victory tilts to the west, which is the direction of the Mu tribe.

"I will follow the will of God and use the weapons in my hand to destroy your clan!!!" Mu held a spear and couldn't help roaring.

All the warriors of the Koshi tribe had already been scared. When they heard the word "God" again, they all clenched the weapons in their hands tremblingly, but there was no longer any fighting spirit!

"Kill!!!" Mu roared and took the lead and quickly ran forward on a mount.

"Kill! For our tribe, for our homeland!" Ke Long raised the spear in his hand and howled angrily.

"Oh~!" A long arrow covered with animal blood plunged into Kelong's chest. When he was still struggling to sprint, when his words had just ended from the corners of his mouth, this long arrow had taken away his life and all his glory. Poor such a warrior failed to die under the enemy's spear, but he could only Humiliated died in the dark arrow.

"Let's go!!!" The two warriors finally fought to the death.

At this moment, there is no so-called glory, no so-called home, and some just work hard to kill others and leave their own lives.

War is just a life-saving game!

However, this game is always so bloody and crazy...