Legend of the beacon

Chapter 31 Surrounded by Ten Sides

Chapter 31 Surrounded by Ten Sides

"General Mo, please come out and see me!" Gu Xinghe held Yishui's long sword, stood in front of the clouds and fog, and said coldly.

Around the wooden house, among thousands of soldiers, a magnificent figure was suddenly given out. Naturally, he was one of the greatest generals of the Great Mu Kingdom, known as the "remainly-faced general"! He rode a tall mount and slowly came out of the soldiers.

Rumor has it that in the era of the Mu tribe, General Mo was already one of the most brave warriors in the clan. Because in the process of fighting with the tiger, half of his face was smashed by the tiger's claws, so he was called a "remain-faced general". However, he was extremely brave. Although the tiger was powerful, he finally died tragically under his golden spear. Since this incident, he has been appreciated by Mu, the patriarch at that time, and has been following Munan's expedition to the north, creating the great foundation of the Great Mu Kingdom. Although he is ugly, he has never been laughed at. Instead, he is extremely admired by people. He is also known as "the first fierce general under King Mu".

Looking at his behavior today, it is not difficult to find that his wisdom is not bad compared with his bravery. He didn't get off the mount, but arched his fist and said with a smile, "Mr. Xing, little princess, Prince Xiwu, someone is polite here!"

He is polite, modest and polite, not like a general, but like a Confucian!

What's more, Xiwu should not have appeared here, but when he saw Xiwu, there was no surprise on his face. It seemed that he had already expected him to appear, and the soldiers behind him had already surrounded the three people, forming a ten-sided encirclement and did not give them a glimmer of life.

Gu Xinghe went further and said with a sneer, "General Mo, you are really majestic. You are really worthy of the word 'general'. In time, you must be the strongest general on the plain!"

General Mozhi was in armor. Hearing this, he pressed his hands and flew down from the mount and said with a smile, "In terms of the word 'general', I am naturally far inferior to King Mu's. Even if you want to compare with Mr. Haoxing, you are also slightly inferior. In the battle of the Ke tribe, Mr. Xing, your name is ringing. Throughout the west of the Great Plains.

Gu Xinghe said with a smile, "How dare you! How dare you! General, you are serious!"

At this time, in his heart, he was thinking about the way to relieve the siege. Although he had already known that someone would find him again, he did not expect that it was General Mo Zhi who led tens of thousands of troops, so no matter how strong he was at this time, he could not kill these countless soldiers. When his power was exhausted, it can't be said. It's time for the three of them to be different! Unless he can fly away from here with the clouds and fog at this moment, then the army guarding below can only be out of reach! However, his power at this time is not enough to support the extremely power-consuming magic spell of flying the sword.

If I had known that there would be an army to capture him, I'm afraid that after he killed all the orcmen that day, he would immediately leave here with clouds and smoke!

However, how could he expect that King Mu would go silently when he was in his prime?

It's really not as good as God! Gu Xinghe shook his head mockingly and stared at General Mozhi in front of him.

At this time, General Mo was very sure about the capture of Gu Xinghe, so he was not in a hurry for a moment, just staring at him like a cat and a mouse to see if he could come up with any way.

For Gu Xinghe, Mo Yi has always been afraid and jealous. It is difficult for him to understand Mu Wang's various respects for him. He doesn't know how excellent a person can make Mu Wang be called "Mr." When Gu Xinghe first came to the Mu tribe, he was just a small slave. He could die in any words. However, only more than two months later, the status of Gu Xinghe in the Mu tribe was no longer what he could shake! The arrival of the ancient Xinghe has also made the Mu tribe develop to the current level in just four years, which makes him not pay attention to the existence of the ancient Xinghe. What's more, when King Mu was dying, he named Gu Xinghe to supervise the country. Although he had violated the edict of King Mu at this time, with the passage of time, his fear of Gu Xinghe became deeper.

Thinking of this, General Mozhi stood down, stared at Gu Xinghe with fear, and said loudly, "Mr. Xing, I won't talk much nonsense with you. This time, on the order of King Yun, I invited you and the little princess back to King Mu to worship the deceased King Mu who went to."

Gu Xinghe said coldly, "Oh? Is it true that you only worship the remains of King Mu?" His eyes stared coldly at General Mozhi, and the Yishui sword in his hand glowed coldly.

General Mo said slowly with a motionless look, "It's true!" It seems that he has never heard the words of King Yun to burn the ancient Xinghe.

Gu Xinghe clearly knew that General Mo was confused, but he was struggling to find a way to escape. At this time, General Mo had been more vigilant against the three of him and seemed to raise the spear in his hand at any time to let the soldiers behind him swallow them.

"King of Clouds? Is this the year of Brother Yunsheng? Yunyan muttered behind the ancient Xinghe.

Xiwu clenched his fist and stared at General Mo Zhi, who was dozens of feet away. The hatred in his eyes seemed to spit out fire. He only heard him answer with hatred, "Well, this is indeed the year of Brother Yunsheng. Brother Yunsheng's heart is really so fierce that even we and my brother-in-law have to be arrested."

In his heart, he has never been close to Yunsheng, but he still underestimates his "Brother Yunsheng". King of Yun does not want to arrest them. King Yun's purpose is to remove them all so as not to threaten his throne. How can all family affection match the taste of power?

The sun in the east has risen high. Although it has a dazzling light, there is no warmth at all. The winter in Zhongzhou mainland is so cold that it is unimaginable that even family affection cannot be felt.

General Mo seemed to not allow Gu Xinghe to think more. He only heard him shout, "Mr. Xing, since you don't want to go to Mu Wangcheng with me, you can't blame me for not being polite!" After saying that, he turned over the horse, raised the golden spear in his hand, roared, and pointed the spear forward: "Children, let's sprint to our heart's content!"

"No!" A response resounded between heaven and earth. With his shouting, thousands of soldiers raised their spears in their hands and then lined up neatly to run forward. Their journey was fast and fierce!

"No, this old man attacked us immediately!" Gu Xinghe shouted secretly and protected the two behind him and slowly retreated to the rear. However, he did not expect that General Mo Zhi's unreasonable move came from fear of him.

"What should I do? Mr. Xing, what should we do? Xiwu is just a teenager. When encountering such a scene, he can only helplessly ask Gu Xinghe for help.

But Gu Xinghe couldn't come up with any way. He could only shake his head helplessly. While protecting the two to retreat, he quietly waited for Mo Zhi's army. He clenched the long sword in his hand and took Yunyan's hand. After the chaos began, he immediately fought to death and was bound to protect Yunyan's sister and brother to leave here. Li.

Today's predicament is actually the most dangerous one he has encountered in more than 20 years. In the past, even if he encountered any difficult the difficulties, he could always find a glimmer of life. However, this time, he could not find a chance to come out. General Mozhi is really too cautious and careful!

"Boom!" Thoughts were only in a flash, but those of the most elite soldiers of the State of Mu, led by General Mo, approached quickly from all directions. Even the small cabin where he and Yunyan lived quickly collapsed in the vast torrent and then broke into wood chips.

"Hmm!" Gu Xinghe snorted coldly, suddenly raised the sword in his hand, poured all the power into it, and roared: "The sun and moon in the sword!"

In an instant, countless gorgeous lights burst out from the long sword of Yishui, as dazzling as the sun and moon in the world, so that everyone can no longer see anything else.

"What is that?" Countless soldiers stopped sprinting and shouted in surprise.

"Is that divine light?" Many soldiers panicked and were in awe of the gods, which made them no longer dare to take half a step forward.

For a moment, the vast army suddenly stopped its pace of progress. Even General Mo, the leader, also strangled the mount in surprise. At this time, he was less than ten feet away from the ancient Xinghe River, but Gu Xinghe's abnormal behavior forced him to re-examine this "Mr. Xing"!

"Recomm on!" With a roar, Gu Xinghe suddenly stabbed the sword in his hand forward, carrying supreme power and was about to destroy the sky and earth. All the soldiers went to the rear in panic, but many people were still helpless to be affected. For a moment, there was a lot of sadness and blood flowed into rivers.

However, compared with the time of the dense forest in the south, Gu Xinghe's current power is like fluorescence compared with the sun and the moon, no matter how powerful this move is, now he barely uses it, it is just a waste of power! Although those soldiers were scarred, none of them died. After exerting his magic power, Gu Xinghe was powerless and retreated backwards. He repeatedly inserted his long sword in his hand on the ground before he sat on the ground.

General Mo is indeed worthy of being one of the strongest in the State of Mu. Although he stood in the front of the army, he protected his body and the mounts under his seat in time, so he did not suffer much harm. He squinted his eyes and stared at the Gu Xinghe, waiting to find that the soldiers behind him were almost No one died, but in the thousands of lights, I saw the decline of the ancient Star River, so I felt a little clear in my heart and suddenly said loudly, "Children, this is just magic. Let's capture him and pay tribute to our great god!"

"Use his blood as a memorial to the gods!"

Although he is not an excellent speaker, he has encouraged most of the soldiers to stand up again and line up neatly. Everyone raises the spear in his hand and stares at the three ancient Xinghe surrounded by ten sides.