Legend of the beacon

Chapter 6 The Twelve Family of the Empire

The wind is gentle, and the clouds are flying.

Mousse Forest, outside the wooden house, the ancient Xinghe, with white clothes like snow and white hair, walked to the depths of the forest. Beside him was a Yuwen candle in emerald clothes.

"Xinghe, where are you going?" Yuwen Zhuyan asked curiously.

Gu Xinghe still walked to the depths of the forest without delay, but he seemed to bow his head and meditate for a moment. Fang raised his head and said with a smile, "It's a place where I have lived for more than ten years."

"Where have you lived for more than ten years?" Yuwen Zhuyan was puzzled and meditated for a while. Finally, he couldn't help asking, "Didn't you leave the Mus Forest at the age of 18? Why did you live there for more than ten years? Isn't it possible that you didn't live in your own house when you were a child?

Gu Xinghe nodded with a wry smile: "When I was very young, I dreamed of being a strong man, so when I was less than ten years old, I went to the depths of the forest to practice myself alone. Later, I met my master there. His name was the teacher's way. His temper was very strange and he never met him with his true face. The sound is also unpredictable.

Speaking of this, Gu Xinghe seemed to remember something. He looked into the distance with a leisurely look, but heard Yuwen Zhuyan next to him say, "So, you never expected it. In fact, he is your father?"

Gu Xinghe nodded and said with a wry smile, "He once said that he promised someone else a condition, so he could teach me magic, but I never expected that his so-called 'that person' was actually himself. He just used such a blindfold to confuse my eyes!"

Yuwen Zhuyan covered his mouth and smiled softly and said, "I always thought that the great master of Gu Qianshan must be a heroic hero and hero, but I didn't expect that he would make such a joke with his son for decades. However, he should have his own difficulties. As you said, he doesn't want his identity to cause trouble to you, so he hides his name and even teaches you magic spells in the name of others.

Gu Xinghe nodded gently, "um" and then said, "From his letter, I think it should be like this, but he has never asked me what I think. In fact, no matter what his real identity is, as long as he is my father is enough." At this time, his eyes seemed to think of the previous life. At that time, he and the old beggars depended on each other and begged for a living on the street every day. Isn't the most eager for a warm home?

It's just that things in the world are often too ridiculous. I was accidentally reborn in this world and have a new body, as well as my own father and mother, but in this life, I am eager to become the ridiculous strong man. When Yunyan died, when my father and aunt stayed away, I suddenly became alert again. Valuable.

"Look! Is that where you lived with the ancient master? After walking for a few hours, Yuwen Zhuyan's Qianyu finger suddenly shook to somewhere in the forest, where there was a small wooden house, looming.

Gu Xinghe nodded gently and said with a smile, "That's it!"

So, the two walked together in the direction of the cabin. After a short time, they came to the place where Gu Xinghe practiced swords. Everything was still the same as before, that is, the small bamboo bed on the wooden house, which was still the same as before.

However, everything has changed!

Gu Xinghe sat cross-legged in the open space before the wooden house. That year, his father, his master's way, gave the Yishui sword to his hand, taught himself magic power and magic practice, and once made fun of himself and scolded himself.

A silver light slowly rose from his right palm, but it was the extremely sharp Yishui sword. Gu Xinghe put the Yishui sword in front of him, as if he saw the black masked figure again on the sword body.

"Xinghe, don't be too sad. They have left here and will meet again in the future." Yuwen Zhuyan comforted him.

Gu Xinghe nodded gently and said lightly, "I know, but I came here to make myself sad enough at a time. From then on, I can no longer have such emotion!" At this time, his hands were stroking the blood-red jade pendant pinned to his waist.

Yuwen Zhuyan stood silently behind him, half speechless.

However, Gu Xinghe suddenly held a long sword and danced in the empty place. It seemed that it was on the wooden house, and there was a master who was not respected. At this time, he was drinking a little wine, and then he looked at himself from time to time.

Everything is the same as before, but the way of the teacher is no longer there, and now I am not the same as before. How can I return to those years after experiencing so many things?

After half axiang, Gu Xinghe suddenly stood still, put away his long sword in his hand, slowly walked far away, and said as he walked, "Let's go!" In the afternoon, he set off for Chang'an, the imperial capital.

Yu Wen Zhuyan nodded gently and hesitated for a moment, but she still couldn't stop the doubt in her heart and asked, "Xinghe, can you tell me about your wife? Why did you become what you are now?

Gu Xinghe suddenly stood still and looked back at Yu Wen Zhuyan. After a while, he said, "Ten years ago, I arrived at a very far away place, and then met her. Later, we experienced a lot of things together, and then we became husband and wife. When I thought we would always be happy. At that time, I was attacked by others. At that time, my strength could not recover. She was hit with an arrow for me and then died. My hair, just a few days after her death, has become what it is now.

His voice was very flat and could not hear any emotional tone, but Yuwen Zhuyan knew that he must be very sentimental at this time.

Boone stood silently and had no words.

After a while, I heard Gu Xinghe say, "Let's go!" After saying that, he walked quickly out of the forest, and Yuwen Zhuyan immediately followed him.


In the winter of the empire in 1985, a warm afternoon was sunny and cloudless, and the sky was as clear as a mirror.

Gu Xinghe and Yuwen Zhuyan walked on the road on foot. The two did not choose to fly to the imperial capital immediately. Although it would arrive faster, it was much less fun to enjoy all the way. Since his birth, Gu Xinghe has lived in this strange world for 32 years, but the places he has visited are only the Musi Forest, Qianqi Wangcheng, Luonan Canyon, the southern dense forests and the endless tribal plains. These places are not dangerous for the people of the Zhongzhou Empire. The dangerous existence is just that for Gu Xinghe, he has never been to any other place except these places.

The beautiful mountains and rivers of the Zhongzhou Empire are everywhere. With those wonderful natural beauty, it is the imagination of a lifetime, and it is impossible to outline the scene. Although the ancient Xinghe is not a person who wanders around the mountains and rivers, it is also very good to see more beautiful scenery. Moreover, when he is going to Chang'an, the imperial capital this time, he knows nothing about Chang'an. At this time, he can listen to Yuwen Zhuyan explain it carefully.

Yuwen Zhuyan said softly, "Xinghe, do you know that in the era of the Phoenix Palace Alliance before the empire, there were legends of the twelve families at that time?"

Gu Xinghe nodded gently, and he still knew about this.

But when Yuwen Zhuyan asked again, "Do you know which twelve glorious surnames are these twelve families?"

Gu Xinghe shook his head. She did not know this, but he slowly said, "Presumably Xuanyuan must be the most glorious one in today's royal family!"

Yuwen Zhuyan nodded gently and then continued to say, "In the era of the Phoenix Palace Alliance, under the Phoenix Palace, three ministers and nine princes assisted the Lord of the Phoenix Palace to govern the world together. Later, the position of the Lord of the Phoenix Palace gradually changed from the Zen system to the hereditary system, and the position of the three ministers and nine princes has gradually become home since then. It's passed! The owner of the Phoenix Palace is only the surname of a family, while Sanqing Jiugong is a twelve huge family. The power they hold in their hands is getting bigger and bigger, gradually surpassing the strength of the Phoenix Palace. By the end of the Phoenix Palace Alliance, the palace owner has only become the object of their arbitrary control!"

When Gu Xinghe heard this, he nodded sadly, but heard Yu Wen Zhuyan continue to say, "After the end of the era of the Phoenix Alliance, the Xuanyuan family, the most powerful of the twelve families, has ascended the throne of the empire since then. Since the first emperor of the empire ascended the throne, he has been trying to weaken the other eleven generations. The strength of the family, and the eleven families are naturally very unwilling. They use various methods to * the emperor. But the founding emperor of the empire, the last uncle of the owner of the Phoenix Palace, was indeed a very talented man. He finally let the patriarch of the Eleventh family bow his head in front of him and bow down to him.

Gu Xinghe sighed, "Such a figure is indeed the hero of a lifetime, but only today's empire?" In his heart, he was very confused.

However, Yuwen Zhuyan continued to say, "However, since the death of His Majesty the founding emperor, the successive emperors of the empire have rarely been as courageous as him. Therefore, these eleven families have gradually changed their minds. However, the royal family of the empire is by no means the palace owners in the era of the Phoenix Palace Alliance. Therefore, although they have been Constantly taking the power of the empire, but the highest authority of the empire has always been the emperor of the empire. It's just that this situation has gradually lasted for a long time! Today's empire has come to the time of wind and rain..."

PS: If you think this story is okay, please collect it. Thank you! I will continue to tell this story until the end.