Legend of the beacon

Chapter 3 Fierce Battle

The imperial calendar 868, September 19, night, Feiyunbao.

Yan Tie Tower held a huge axe and stood proudly outside the broken iron gate. He looked at the young general grimly. After a long time, he said gloomily, "Good boy, dare to attack and kill my brother. Today I will definitely teach you blood and blood!"

"Hmm!" However, the young general only shook the long sword in his hand and said coldly, "Since ancient times, when the two armies met, there is no reason not to die or hurt!" Behind him were the soldiers who quickly gathered to guard the city, but compared with the tiger and wolf division opposite, they were particularly thin.

Yan Tie Tower heard such words and scolded angrily: "But how can there be a precedent for you to rely on cold arrows to attack and try to fight?"

The young general shook his head slowly and said, "There is no such precedent." In fact, there is nothing he can do in his heart, but he has to rely on such a method to delay the time. Otherwise, if tens of thousands of enemy troops attack the city, the consequences... are probably unimaginable!

"In this case," Yan Tie Tower held the handle of the axe with one hand and said loudly, "Then don't blame me and let this city take responsibility for your mistakes!" After saying that, he raised the huge axe and said loudly, "Children, get ready! Let these cowards who have scared the courage to see how we slaughter the city!"

"Kill!" A general behind the Yan Iron Tower raised his blade and roared to the sky.

"Kill!!!" All the soldiers jumped on horseback and waited for the final sprint order of their generals.

"tu cheng?" The young general was shocked. He held a long sword and hated to fly forward. He was weak, but there was a strange stability. He only heard him shout loudly: "Yan Iron Tower, you are also a famous general, but you have done such a beast like slaughter!"

"Famous General? That's just the name of ordinary people! How can I claim to be a famous general?!" Yan Tieta sneered and refuted the words of the young general, "Have you ever heard that I have been stationed on the northwest border for 45 years, but how do I treat those who dare to make trouble?"

The young general was stunned and then said, "But... those people are just fans after all! And the people in this city are the same imperial people as you and me?

But when he saw the Yan Tie Tower with a strange smile, he said gloomyly, "Fan? The people of the empire? What's wrong with these and dung in my eyes? It's just a group of stupid people who can cry and cry!"

"Why do the people in the world live up to it, but they are slaughtered by you for no reason?" The young general held the long sword and said angrily.

"Hahaha!" But when I heard the Yan Tie Tower laugh a few times, as if I had heard the funniest joke in the world, he said angrily, "Just because I have a knife in my hand, and they don't have a knife, and even if you are unique, I will die here today!" After saying that, the young generals were not allowed to argue again and roared: "Children, come with me!!!"

"Prepared!" The young general held high the water-colored sword in his hand and calmly issued an order, trying to stop the three thousand tiger wolves opposite him with the timid defenders behind him.

"Kill!" The sound shook all over the wild, and the earth trembled. Three thousand fierce horses were carrying 3,000 iron-blooded soldiers, like hell demons in ancient times, rushing towards the place of young generals and other defenders of the city. Like a wind and rolling clouds, like a tiger roaring mountains and rivers, even the crescent moon above the sky and the stars seem to be frightened by this shocking murderous atmosphere, even hiding behind the black clouds and dare not come out.

"Dang!!!" The first loud noise was the collision between the long sword in the hands of the young general and the huge axe of the Yan Iron Tower. The two had their own unique magical power. Unexpectedly, they immediately fought in one place as soon as they fought, and the rest of the situation also ignited the flames of war. For a moment, the smoke of gunpowder was everywhere and the blood was endless.

"Boom!!!" With a loud noise, a huge stone door fell down at the dilapidated iron gate, obstructing the moving enemy outside the city, but it was the world-famous "city guard stone" of Feiyunbao, the legendary giant gate made of a pure cold iron stone. With the fall of the city stone, the situation changed subtly for a while: although the Yan Iron Tower and 3,000 iron riders were brave, they were only 3,000, and they could not get the support of the enemy outside the city in any case. However, the side guarding the city made another argument. Although it was trapped in the city and was not allowed to go out at this time, after all, there were still tens of thousands of soldiers. Even where the outer city was located, there were more than 10,000 soldiers. It was no choice but to leave the Yan Iron Tower here!

I only heard the young general raise his arms and shout: "Sergeants, raise the blade in your hands and destroy the ferocious enemy!"

"Bum!" The Yan Tower hit the long sword in the hand of the young general with an axe and roared: "Children, what are we?"

"We are the iron blood of the invincible Yan family!" A clever soldier standing not far behind the Yan Iron Tower immediately answered.

With this shout, all the soldiers shouted, "We are the invincible and invincible iron blood of the Yan family!"

"Then, rush!" The Yan Iron Tower shouted again, and the huge axe in his hand suddenly chopped in the direction of the young general. The 3,000 iron riders around him all roared at the sky with spears in their hands: "The iron blood of the Yan family is invincible, and the attack is invincible!"

With few enemies, it has always been a good play of the Yan army. It must be known that most of the life of the Yan Tower is dealing with barbarians in the northwest. The barbarians are more cunning. They often set up an ambush to attack the Yan army, but the number of times they can succeed are very few. For the reason, one is that the iron-blooded army of the Yan family is too He was too brave and defeated. Another reason is that the Yan army marched rigorously and the ability of the Yan Tower was extremely strong! Therefore, even if he dealt with tens of thousands of possible people with 3,000 iron riders this time, he did not have any timidity in his heart, but the more brave he fought, the more competitive he became.

"Kill!" The Yan Iron Tower roared, and the huge axe hit the sword of your general again. However, after all, the young general was prepared this time. Although he could not tell the winner in a short time, he could entangle the enemy general and buy time for his own response.

It's just as smart as him, but it still underestimates the iron-blooded strength of the Yan family, and at the same time overestimates the decisive heart of his own soldiers. In just half an hour, the enemy's 3,000 iron riders immediately divided into several groups, and each group of three or five people fought back to back. Although they were at a disadvantage, they were not afraid. However, even if the defenders on their side are more stable than the other, they fight separately. Even if they have command, it is useless. They are actually oppressed by the enemy and retreat to the inner city.

"Hear me!" The young general heard the screams behind him, stared and shouted angrily, but no one was willing to listen to him at this time. They were frightened by the iron-blooded name of the Yan family and the tiger-like enemies and rushed to the gate of the inner city.

A fierce bloody battle is actually developing in such a sad and ridiculous direction. Tens of thousands of soldiers can't resist 3,000 iron blood...

"Puff!" The young general shouted, and a blood arrow gushed out, while the sword in his hand exuded an increasingly crazy momentum, but extremely violent and disordered. Yan Tie Tower is one of the most belligerent people in the world. Seeing this, he did not command his subordinates, but only stared angrily and suddenly attacked the young generals.

"Bum!" In the dull loud sound, the divine soldiers in their hands communicated again, and the young general was excited. Unexpectedly, another mouthful of blood gushed out, which was shocking.

Not far behind him are more than 10,000 soldiers surrounded by 3,000 iron horses at the gate of the inner city, and thousands of corpses on the ground, bleeding into rivers and incompleteness. Fang Shen, the general of the inner city, is the owner of the Feiyun Fort. Although he is a military family, after all, he has enjoyed happiness for many years. At this time, he is sticking to the inner city and insists not letting the soldiers of the outer city enter.

But at this time, a white rainbow suddenly flew down from the inner city, but it was a woman in a goose yellow feather coat, with clothes flying like a fairy down to earth, and the white rainbow was actually a long sword with silver-white light, which was cold and piercing.

"What a beautiful beauty!" Yan Tie Tower praised loudly, but knew that the woman must have come to help the young general, but he was not afraid and waited quietly with an axe.

"Drink!" The woman shouted coldly, and the sword in her hand hit the place of the Yan Iron Tower like a poisonous snake, trying to force him to retreat. With the long sword attacking at the same time, there were countless fine pure black cold arrows, silent, but fierce snakes and scorpions.

"Good swordsmanship!" The Swallow Tower shouted and did not retreat. The huge axe in her hand smashed at the long sword in the woman's hand. However, the woman was not ready to fight hard with him. She only kept retreating and dealing with him wisely, and the young general also attacked from behind.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the huge axe of the Yan Iron Tower waved and swept down all the cold arrows all over the sky, and then retreated two times, standing opposite the young general and beautiful young woman.

"Is this your confidant?" Yan Tieta looked at the beautiful young woman and asked the young general in a strange voice.

The young general nodded faintly and said, "It's Zhu Jing."

"Sure enough, they are the virtuous husband and wife! But this time, even if you can trap me, you can't save this city!" The color of the Yan Tower changed, and he shouted angrily, "You guys, work hard. If you can attack the inner city, each person will be divided into 100 gold ingots!"

Hearing such words from the Yan Tower, the young general and the beautiful young woman immediately changed color. Sure enough, the 3,000 enemy troops, who were like tigers and wolves, seemed to be crazy, attacking the more than 10,000 soldiers guarding at the gate of the inner city, and shouted again for a moment.

This bloody war seems to have just begun...

PS: There is another update before going to bed at night. Please support me. The update is gradually stabilizing.