Legend of the beacon

Chapter 5 Strange people

Fly rain mixed with flying snow landed in this dilapidated city on this desolate night. A young general stood proudly with his eyes closed, quietly waiting for the slaughter of fate...


It seems that the sky can't bear it, but who can stop the murderous heart of the Yan Iron Tower at this time?

The people of the Yan Tower are as cruel as hemp and murderous as hemp. How can such a reckless man feel pity? He suddenly raised the huge axe in his hand, and the axe came to the head of the young general without mercy.


But when he heard a sudden loud noise, he saw the huge axe in the hand of the Swallow Tower flying out of the sky, and he himself was shocked to spit blood and flew straight away. This sudden scene was very surprising, and it was impossible to figure out what had happened for a moment.

Bum! Bang!

The Swallow Tower fell to the ground with a huge axe, splashed with water, and then fell straight down, as if he was in a coma or dead.

Hearing the loud noise, the young general slowly opened his eyes, but saw this great change, retreated and stood side by side with the young woman in yellow feathers, looking around gratefully and cautiously.

Who on earth has such a powerful cultivation to defeat the famous Yan Tower in the northwest with just one move? Is this person here an enemy or a friend? However, the current situation in Feiyunbao has become uncontrollable. Even if the people are enemies, how bad can they be? It's just pity for the people and soldiers all over the city!

The thunder roared and the heavy rain poured down. The soldiers and soldiers all over the city carefully looked around to find out where the mysterious man was, but there was more hope and joy in the eyes of the soldiers guarding the city, while the three thousand iron riders were a little scared and angry.

"There!" Someone shouted, and everyone followed his eyes to look there, but they saw a man holding a long sword standing at the peak of the towering castle. His clothes rolled and his skirts flew wildly in the wind and rain, like death coming to the world, and like a god descending to the earth.

However, the person who can vaguely see the outline clearly must be a master, because the careful person can already feel it. At this time, a strange breath is gradually covering here, cold to the bone.

"If you dare to ask who is, please come down and see me." The young general took a step forward and arched his hand to the mysterious shadow man. He really had a guess in his heart, but he couldn't guess who the man was at all.

But at this time, the mysterious figure at the peak of the castle suddenly disappeared, and the next moment had come to the open space, but it was wrapped in black clothes, so that people could not see his face, and could not even guess his age and life, but the cold breath he exuded all over his body was really too strong, forcing everyone to Back, this season, which has just entered autumn, seems to have reached a cold winter in just one night.

Looking at the mysterious man, the young general suddenly felt very familiar in his heart, but he couldn't remember where this familiar feeling came from for a moment, so he arched his hand again and said, "Mother Mo Yuyi, dare to ask who is the senior?" It turned out that this young general was actually Mo Yuyi, the son of the imperial general's mansion. He saw that the mysterious man in black was really profound, so he called him "senior" and watched him answer to judge the enemy and me.

However, the mysterious man in black nodded faintly, but did not answer his words. Instead, he walked step by step to the Yan Iron Tower, which did not know life and death. With a gentle wave, an iron sword in the puddle had already flown to his hand. He saw that his long sword pointed to the head of the Yan Iron Tower. It seems that he is ready to kill him here with a sword.

"Do not touch my general!" Seeing this scene, several of the 3,000 iron riders immediately came out side by side, firmly protecting the body of the Yan Iron Tower behind him, holding a spear and looking at the mysterious man in black.

The man in black still did not reduce his walking speed. He only waved the sword in his hand, and immediately several people were shot away with spears and fell to the ground in a coma. The strong man with his cultivation must disdain to fight with these soldiers!

However, the rest of the people are still protected in front of the Yan Tower, with a hot and angry light in their eyes. If their eyes can kill people, I'm afraid that the mysterious man in black has died thousands and hundreds of times.

Obviously, the man in black was a cold-blooded man. He waved the sword in his hand again and said lightly, "A group of idiots who don't know the depth of heaven and earth." The voice was hoarse, but cold and piercing, as if it were the roar of demons from the abyss of hell, which made people panic.

The soldiers who protected the Yan Tower were so scared that they took a step back, but they immediately took a step forward in front of the tower and unswervingly protected the general who guarded them at the cost of life and blood.

"Are you... going to die for him?" The man in black pointed the long sword in his hand at the location of the Swallow Tower and asked gloomically.

Under the oppression of his strong breath, the soldiers could not speak at all, but they all nodded firmly. Although they went to die, they did not regret it.

"Okay, then I'll do as you wish!" The man in black took back the iron sword in his hand and raised it gently. There was a faint electric light on the iron sword, which was obviously an extremely powerful swordsmanship, and a bloody slaughter would begin.

At this time, I saw the young general Mo Yuyi and the young woman in yellow feather clothes walking forward a few steps and said loudly, "Please show mercy." His tone was firm, and his hands were on the hilt of the sword.

The man in black gave a soft "hey", but did not take back the iron sword in his hand. He just turned his head and said, "They are your enemies and are going to slaughter the people in your city, but you are going to plead for them?"

Mo Yuyi nodded firmly and said, "They are like ants in front of their predecessors. Why should they kill them?"

"Killing?" The man in black sneered and said, "If I hadn't been here today, and if you hadn't asked for death today, then they would not be ants, but murderous butchers! This city must be filled with blood!"

"Thank you for coming to help!" Mo Yuyi arched his hand and said gratefully that the man in black was really the one who came to help, but he still said firmly, "But I still ask my seniors to show mercy and let these soldiers go." If he didn't know, he must have thought that he had colluded with the enemy in private. However, the soldiers here and the people in the city were shocked when they saw the scene of his sacrifice, but no one could figure out why he pleaded for the enemy this time, so they would look at him and hear him like What to explain.

"Why do you have to save their lives? Aren't you afraid of being called treason for glory?" The man in black asked coldly.

Mo Yuyi shook his head slowly and said, "Those are just names outside the body!" However, if my predecessor kills these soldiers here today, I will be uneasy all my life, but I have to say it. Please forgive me.

The man in black said coldly, "I killed them, but why are you uneasy?"

Mo Yuyi just shook his head with a bitter smile and did not answer the mysterious black man's series of questions.

The man in black smiled and said, "If you want me to stop, you can raise the sword in your hand. If you can catch my three moves, I will promise you a condition. At that time, you can make another request, or you can also ask for something else." There is clearly something guiding in his words.

Mo Yuyi thought about it secretly for a long time before he slightly guessed that the man in black actually wanted him to choose between 3,000 enemy troops and helping him defend the city.

Where on earth did this mysterious man in black come from? In Mo Yuyi's heart, he guessed again, but said firmly, "The younger generation is rude. Please forgive me!" After saying that, he held the water-colored sword, stood up and stood far away opposite the mysterious man in black. The atmosphere was extremely tense again for a moment.

At this time, he only heard a loud laugh. The swallow tower, which fell into a coma, suddenly roared. His right hand suddenly felt forward and held the huge axe. A few jumps came to the place where the mysterious man in black confronted Mo Yuyi and shouted, "You can give it to me this battle! No matter what the victory or defeat is, I will retreat!"

"General..." Behind him, thousands of soldiers shouted, but they saw him raise his left hand and said loudly, "None of you say anything more. Don't you know that my decision has never been obstructed by anyone?" After saying that, he raised his eyebrows and said to the man in black, "I don't know if the senior can allow me to fight with you. If I lose, I will promise you a condition. How about you promise me a condition if you win?"

"Hmm, I don't know the sky is thick!" The man in black sneered and said, "With your cultivation, do you still want to beat me? I promise you that if you can make three moves against me, I will promise you a condition!" After saying that, he stood with his sword and waited for the attack of the Yan Tower.

There was a fierce light in the eyes of the Yan Tie Tower. He stopped talking and only shouted loudly. He raised the huge axe in his hand and fought for his strength to attack the man in black. There was a faint blood light on the huge axe, showing the world the strength of this blow.

Mo Yuyi, not far away, sighed secretly in his heart, knowing that the Yan Tie Tower must not want to accept his favor, but he chose to fight to the death.


Above nine days, the thunder roared. The dark night seemed to be cut off by a sharp thorn, and a bright light flashed by. With the roar, a heavy object fell on the ground fiercely and mud splashed everywhere.

The Yan Iron Tower tried its best, but it still failed! The three moves are only the first move, and he has been defeated by this mysterious man in black, which is a mess, and he can't even see how the man in black made a move, which is the saddest!

The man in black walked slowly in his direction again, his eyes were cold, his sword was like frost, and he said coldly, "If you are not dead, stand up and continue to make moves!"

"Cough! Cough!" Yan Tie Tower spit blood and stood up relying on the huge axe. His eyes were like fire and fierce as a tiger. He held the huge axe in his hand and shouted again in the direction of the mysterious man in black.

Rumble!!! Another shocking lightning flashed by...