Legend of the beacon

Chapter 8 Past

However, it is said that Mo Yuyi and Nishang finally placed more than 64,000 soldiers properly, and then immediately the exhausted imperial sword went in the direction of the inner city. At this time, they had to worry and fear that if Gu Xinghe killed again and directly removed the inner castle owner together, the consequences would be unbearable. I imagined it!

Ten years later, Gu Xinghe is still the same as before. After his white hair, he is dressed like snow, and his sword is as indifferent as frost. Even the sneer at the corners of his mouth is exactly the same as before, and everything seems to have never changed. However, everything has finally changed a lot. Today, Gu Xinghe is a super strong man in the master's realm. His cultivation is much higher than that in those years, but his personality has become more indifferent and bloodthirsty. At that time, Brother Xuanyuan said that he carried an inexorable dead air. I'm afraid that the death is even more powerful now. !

When the two came to the residence of the fort owner's mansion, they saw the fort owner Xuanyuan standing tremblingly, while Gu Xinghe stood behind his hands, as if he had never felt someone coming behind him.

"Second brother!" Second brother!" Mo Yuyi and Nishang arched their hands and said with a smile. Seeing that Xuanyuan was silent, Mo Yuyi finally breathed a sigh of relief and quickly said, "Master Xuanyuan Fort, our brothers are reunited. I don't know if we can borrow your precious land?"

Although Xuanyuanmo is an extremely luxurious and enjoyable person, he doesn't understand Mo Yuyi's words and colors. He only heard him say in a hurry and said, "You can talk about it here. I'll order my servants to set up a dinner party!" After saying that, he ran out in confusion.

Gu Xinghe shook his head faintly, turned around and said, "Alas! Yuyi, you are still as kind as before.

Mo Yuyi nodded and said, "Sir, you still know me best!"

Gu Xinghe smiled helplessly and pointed to Nishang and said, "It's not me who knows you best, it's her." After a pause, he then said, "At least we also have a worship. You two didn't wait for me to get married. Fortunately, I taught you a few swordsmanships in those years, alas!"

Mo Yuyi said helplessly, "I have only married Nishang, and it has only been two years. My father is critically ill. I can't follow his will so that he can embrace his grandson in his lifetime."

Gu Xinghe nodded faintly and said, "General Mo is critically ill. It is indeed the misfortune of the empire! Otherwise, how can several small countries in the northwest and southwest have the courage to rebel? The chaos in the world is all chaotic with them. I really can't wait to kill them all with one sword and return peace to the world!"

Mo Yuyi heard this and agreed, "Sir, what you said is that we worshipped in those years, didn't we also do to return the peace of the world? If the universe recovers and the world is peaceful, even if I die, it is worth it! I hate that I am gentle and weak. I have studied together for several years in marching and governing the army, but I am not a material to lead a war, which is not as decisive as my husband.

Gu Xinghe shook his head faintly and said with a wry smile, "Fourth brother, you are wrong! Do you think I would like to be so cruel and kill thousands of people with one sword? If this battle is inevitable, I'm afraid that at that time, not only the city of Feiyunbao will be destroyed, but also the soldiers and people of the city, I'm afraid few will survive! Even if it is the enemy, I'm afraid that the number of people who will die after a series of fierce battles will be more than these few thousand?

Although he said so, Mo Yuyi always felt that something was not right, but he couldn't find a reason to refute it. When he was thinking hard, he only heard Gu Xinghe say again: "Besides, if I don't use such a thunderous method, how can I solve the siege of Feiyunbao? I came here as the commander of the Imperial Expeditionary Force, but have you ever seen half a soldier behind me?

Mo Yuyiqi said, "Can't you... You are actually a bare general?"

Gu Xinghe said with a wry smile, "Although it is not said, it is not far away! At this time, the battle in the northwest is not in the northwest, but on that court, if the court loses, I'm afraid..., alas!" Although he hasn't finished his words, Mo Yuyi and Nishang know his worries.

After a while, Nishang smiled gently and said, "Sir, what has happened to you in the past ten years? Can you tell us?"

Gu Xinghe said with a smile, "Why not? If you want to listen, I will listen to you carefully from beginning to end!" After saying that, the three sat down around a wooden table and only listened to Gu Xinghe talk about the past ten years...


However, it is said that in the valley side battle, in order to protect the rest of the people, Gu Xinghe fought against the mysterious black monster with the strength of one person, but the enemy's cultivation was too strong. Gu Xinghe was finally shattered, and even Xuanyuan Huanggui fell asleep.

When the ancient Xinghe woke up again, it was in a world of ink landscape. The mountains and rivers were black and white, and there were no other tones, as if he was living in an ink painting at this time, and he didn't know who was watching and playing outside the painting. At this time, Gu Xinghe became weak because of the war, and did not even have the power to stand upright. Although the tone here was strange, it was full of aura. When the injury was better, Gu Xinghe began to meditate cross-legged, repairing the broken meridians and broken bones. At this time, the scarred sword Lie horizontally in front of him.

Time flies by like running water, and years have passed in a flash. When Gu Xinghe woke up again, his beard had already been like a savage, but he didn't know where this place was. He thought it must be a strange boundary, but he was not afraid to be seen and laughed at. When Gu Xinghe picked up the ground When the sword was about to cut off the messy beard, he suddenly found that the sword was worse than he thought. The cracks and fragments made him heartbroken, but he had no choice.

Because he regretted this love sword, Gu Xinghe even tried to inject the Yuanli in his body into the dream sword through the strange round wheel in his body, in order to achieve the effect of repairing, but the Yuanli can only nourish the magic soldiers. It will take at least hundreds of years to return it to perfection.

At this time, Gu Xinghe does not have much time, not to mention that the Zhongzhou War is imminent and he has a special mission, in order not to make Xuanyuan Huanggui and others worry about him. At this time, he must also find a way to leave this strange place as soon as possible.

However, in this strange ink world, there is no door to the outside world. When Gu Xinghe was looking for a way out, he accidentally found a secret book of cultivation. He had no intention of practicing, but the methods on the secret book were all related to the restoration and forging of magic soldiers. Only then did Gu Xinghe know that this magic book The secret book must be that someone deliberately came here. The purpose is to let Gu Xinghe pick it up. However, he doesn't know whether this person is an enemy or a friend. What did he do to imprison Gu Xinghe here?

This is a cultivation method of fire attributes. Although Gu Xinghe is cold, the "Star Secret Method" he practiced is the method of fire attributes, but this secret book is more difficult to understand. Although he is intelligent, he can only understand a small part of them, and the rest is finished. It is completely unresolved and transparent. Therefore, he gathered his whole mind into this magical secret book. Unconsciously, time was like running water, and endless time hurried away in a blink of an eye.

After several years of cultivation and study, the cultivation has already reached the peak of the integration of nine grades. At the moment of a certain mind's understanding of the secret books, Fuzhi's soul broke through to the realm of the master's realm and became the sixth master of the empire today, but he is also the youngest master. ( The six masters of the empire are: Gu Qianshan, the first master in the world, the antique master royal sword ancestor hidden in the depths of the royal family, Ji Xun, the high priest who lived in the temple of the imperial capital, Xiao Yedi, who was loyal to the Zuo Xiang's mansion, and Gao Mingyue and Gu Xinghe, who were newly promoted to the realm of masters.)

The ancient Xinghe, who was promoted to the realm of the master, only knew the vastness and magic of this ink world. This ink world is clearly a boundary, but it seems to be a real world. Gu Xinghe actually gave birth to a ridiculous real feeling in it. Fortunately, he was determined and held a trace of clarity in his heart to prevent his consciousness from sinking.

After four years of repair, the once-powerful dream sword has finally regained its former light. However, except for the hidden danger, there is no enemy at all. Even if it is sharp, it can't be used at all in this strange and unpredictable ink world.

When his cultivation reached a boundary point and no longer progressed, Gu Xinghe chose to give up his practice and then began to find a way out again in this strange world. At this time, he has long forgotten how long time has passed, as if it was just a moment, but it seems that millions of years have passed.

This is a vast and magical world, as if it is designed to exercise the ancient galaxy. When he walked out of the place of healing and cultivation, he found that the calm and quiet ink world of monsters was endless. He guessed uncertainly in the continuous battle and gradually explored a possibility. The exit of this ink world, perhaps At the end of the infinite monster.

It seems that someone did it on purpose. When the ancient Xinghe gets closer to the depths of the monster, the more he feels that the monster is gradually strong. When he pulls back, the natural monster becomes weak. If the guess is good, there must be a huge existence in the depths of the monster, and that existence is the ink world. Key.

In this way, in order to return to the original world, Gu Xinghe had to defeat the stronger and stronger enemies in advance. Naturally, he also had to become stronger and stronger, so that he could escape from this strange cage.

All this can't be said to be the secret structure, but who the person is, Gu Xinghe guessed in his heart, but he couldn't get a trace of an answer...