Legend of the beacon

Chapter 12 Secret

Under the purple flower tree, Mrs. Yao smiled faintly: "Your guess is not good. I'm already an old witch who has lived for thousands of years!" After a pause, he continued to say, "So, Xinghe's nephew, should you also tell me your secret?"

Gu Xinghe was stunned and suddenly alerted: Could it be that Mrs. Yao has begun to speculate about his relationship with the ancestor of the rosefinch? He said quietly, "Me? What secrets do I have? Aunt Yao, since you followed his ancestor, can you tell me if the ancestor is as handsome and romantic as the legend?

"Hmm! You little slippery head." Mrs. Yao laughed and scolded, knowing that Gu Xinghe still refused to reveal the secrets in her heart easily. She suspected that there might be some kind of hidden connection between Gu Xinghe and the rosefinch. Maybe this connection was what she had been pursuing for three thousand years... She smiled and said, "The ancestor is old. They have already cultivated their minds to the extreme and have never deliberately looked good, so how can they be 'romandy, handsome and unrestrained' as ordinary people say? However, there is a very warm and peaceful atmosphere in him, which attracts birds and beasts to perch him, but it is also 'loved by everyone'!"

It turned out that since the destruction of Pangu God, six gods such as the rosefinch guarded the six directions of the world. Because they had already lost the resentment and hatred of that year, the rosefinch was no longer as cold as when he was young. Instead, he listened to Pangu's teachings and carefully studied the magic power left by Pangu in those years, and went through dozens of At the end of the year, he not only achieved success, but also his nature was very different from that in those years. He became very simple and rough, which was not expected by the Pangu god in those years! However, this is a story that has long been annihilated in the dust of history. Even if Mrs. Yao (or Yaoer) has been behind the rosefinch for more than 5,000 years, how can she know the secret that he has never said anything?

Hearing Mrs. Yao's words, Gu Xinghe became more and more curious about her origin, but before he could ask, he only heard Mrs. Yao laugh and said, "Presumably Xinghe's nephew, you must be curious about my identity. Since you have recognized each other's relationship with your nephew, these can't be regarded as secrets for you." After a pause, he continued to say, "Do you know how many changes did our Phoenix have experienced since the ancestor of the rosefinch created our world and the Phoenix race?"

Gu Xinghe knew that she was competing with herself. She thought for a moment and said, "If the younger generation remembers it well, since the founder of the Phoenix clan, it has gone through the ancient era, the ancient era of the Phoenix, the end of the ancient era of the Phoenix, and the ensuing Phoenix Palace Alliance era, and today's Zhongzhou Empire era. Know whether what the younger generation said is correct.

Mrs. Yao nodded and smiled, "I didn't expect you to study these old things. You are really right. Since its establishment, the Phoenix clan has gone through a total of five eras, and I am the fourth era - the Phoenix Palace Alliance era. I have lived for more than 8,000 years now!" However, she did not know that Gu Xinghe did not have much research on the five eras of the Phoenix clan, but when she was in the right prime minister Duanmu Mansion, she heard that Xiao, a counselor of the prime minister's mansion, also mentioned "the end of the ancient era of the Phoenix", and there were many doubts in her heart. Later, she could read the classics to know a lot.

However, at this time, Gu Xinghe had no time to think about the rest. When he heard Mrs. Yao's words "people in the era of the Phoenix Alliance" and "he have lived for more than 8,000 years now", he had always been calm. At this time, he was also full of stormy waves and stood up and stunned. I was so stunned that I couldn't speak.

But she heard Mrs. Yao continue to say: "At the end of the Phoenix Palace Alliance, the peaks rebelled, the Phoenix Palace was weak, and the building was about to collapse, and there were three fathers and ninety-two families to force the palace. That year, I was only a nine-year-old girl, how could I have much strength and mind to fight against these wolf-like invaders? A fire ignited in the backyard of the Phoenix Palace, and I knew that someone must have wanted to burn me to death in the cold palace. But even if I know that my life will not be long, how can I escape? When I gave up despair, a god-like great man suddenly came to me. He smiled at me and said words that I could understand but could not understand. I only looked at his face but didn't say anything. Later, the fire became more and more intense, and he found that my clothes had been burned with thick smoke. He smiled apologetically, and then rose up with me in his arms and left the cold and dull palace like a tomb in an instant.

At this time, Mrs. Yao smiled and fell into memories. She smiled on her face, as if she were the happiest flower in the world. She only heard her continue to say, "Before I was nine years old, I had never been so happy. I was surrounded by him. I looked at the solemn but cold palace under my feet, a little When I became smaller, I couldn't see a little bit in the end, but my body kept rising in the clouds and fog. Even the legendary giant eagle that can soar over the nine heavens can only be far away under my feet. Do you know how excited I felt at that time? I have long forgotten the destruction of my country and the death of my family. I just want to be like this, and I will always be like this.

"However, this feeling was still paused after all. I don't know when I fell asleep. When I woke up again, it was in a huge and soft grass. The strong man stood beside me and looked at me with a slight smile. He smiled like that, like the sun in the sky. Generally, it was warm. He said that he would let me live with him in this place in the future, and I nodded happily and agreed. It was not until later that the original place of this grassland was the legendary heavenly palace, and he was the ancestor rosefinch that people praised from generation to generation. But what does all this have to do with me? As long as I am with him, even if I can only look at him, I will be very satisfied! Later, he taught me a lot of magic, taught me to play chess and have fun, and traveled around the world with me in my spare time.

On Mrs. Yao's face, there was a happy smile, but there was a faint sadness. I only heard her continue to say, "I thought that such a time would continue until that day, a demon-covered dragon came to the place where he lived with him. He said that it was the demon god Qinglong from outside the region, and it was also that he had Jing's brother Shenwei Qinglong sent me out of the heavenly palace, blocked me with the boundary, and protected me from any harm in the boundary. Then he and the demon god Qinglong began a war that I had never seen before. It was not too much to describe it as time destruction and the collapse of the world. He seemed to have known that this day would come. Unexpectedly, he used countless great magic power to cultivate the palace like an artifact. Even if the battle between the two of them was earth-shaking, it could not interfere with the lower world. . I stay in the boundary outside the Heavenly Palace. I can't hear or see it. I can only wait for the result helplessly.

"I don't know if hundreds of thousands of years later, the boundary that blocked me finally collapsed. I immediately flew to the place of the heavenly palace, but found that I could no longer approach it. It seemed that there was an invisible force blocking me outside the heavenly palace. Then I saw countless chess pieces falling from the heavenly palace, which was the chess pieces that I used to play with. I chased the chess pieces and landed in the world again, but after that, I could no longer get close to the heavenly palace, and even its trace could not be found!" Mrs. Yao smiled sadly, picked up the cross in her hand, nodded and said, "This one is one of the many chess pieces in those years." Then he looked up at Gu Xinghe and whispered, "Do you have such a chess piece on your body?"

When he saw the jade-like black chess piece again, Gu Xinghe was shocked. Suddenly, he thought of the black stone that he saw together with Princess Xiyan Gufeng and Princess Xi Qingmei, which later caused the whole empire to change color in the southeast. Although the shape is different, the charm is very similar. However, the stone with extraordinary aura in those years had already been melted by him and refined into a peerless divine soldier when he was in Chang'an, the imperial capital. At this time, it was lurking in his own blood.

Looking up, seeing that Mrs. Yao was still looking at herself, Gu Xinghe didn't know what method she had used. Unexpectedly, he knew that he could not escape the relationship with the black stone, and he must have been able to escape! He nodded and said loudly, "In return, I did have such a stone in my hand, but a few years ago, I had said that I would destroy it and melt it." After a pause, he turned out the short blade of the ruins and said, "This weapon has been cast."

When he saw the short blade of the return to the ruins, Hua Bo suddenly opened his eyes. Obviously, this divine soldier left a deep impression on him in the war that year. At this time, he knew that such a divine soldier had such a tortuous history.

Seeing Mrs. Yao gently waving her hand, the short blade of Guixu had already flew into her palm. The jade hand gently stroked the knife body. After a long time, I only heard her shake her head and said, "I can feel that it is jumping in such a weapon, but why is it not imprisoned? Instead, it makes me feel some strange joy. Comfort?" After saying that, he raised his head to look at Gu Xinghe and said, "Xinghe's nephew, since I have told you my secret, can you tell me your secret?"

Hearing this, Gu Xinghe nodded faintly, but did not talk to Mrs. Yao. Instead, he turned to Hua Bo and said, "The word 'Hua Bo' must be a disguise of the predecessor. Can the younger generation know who the predecessor is?"

Hua Bo opened his eyes faintly and said, "Don't you still have another magic soldier in your hand?"

Gu Xinghe was stunned. It seemed that in order to confirm his guess, he quickly turned out the dream sword and held it on his hands. Seeing that Hua Bo waved gently, the dream sword immediately jumped up and flew into his hand in an instant. He stroked the smooth body of the sword and said leisurely, "This long sword is my sword back then!"

Gu Xinghe was shocked and took two steps back before he stopped. After a long time, he was surprised and said, "Senior, it's hard to understand you, you are..." He actually choked and couldn't speak.

Huabo nodded lightly and said, "I am the former master of this Yishui Sword and the founding monarch of Qianqi Kingdom." Although his words are plain, they can't hide a little domineering, which makes people know that this rotten old man was once a peerless figure who dominated one side.