A romantic and rich woman

Chapter 20 Three-color

Dai Zhi did not see the winding "reiki" on the three-color magnetic surface mentioned by the shopkeeper, so he touched it with his left hand, but there was still no strange phenomenon when he touched the old clock for the first time. Not to mention the number of years composed of colored light in front of him, not even any special reaction appeared.

Then she looked at the plain three-color. The plain three-color ware in the Kangxi dynasty of the Qing Dynasty was very famous. She inherited many of the three-colors of Chenghua, Zhengde and Jiajing and Wanli color overlapping processes, but she also invented the patterned wheel line on the plain tire, painted with pictures and painted with glaze. Its process is innovative, rich and diverse, simple. Elegant, yellow, purple, beige, tiger skin glaze, etc. are used repeatedly, which is unpredictable and quite ingenious.

If it is really the plain three-color of the Kangxi Dynasty, the price is at least tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands. The real Kangxi Dynasty plain three-color, yellow purple and green dragon pattern bowl, inheriting the official products created by Wanli, has been burned to this day. Kangxi's utensils are the most exquisite. The white plain three-color peony dark dragon bowl and the white plain three-color three-grained dark dragon plate are all created from Kangxi. During the period, its shape is solemn, the tire is fine and clean, the outer wall is engraved with dragon color, the color is bright, the layers are clear, and the craftsmanship is very exquisite. It is the best of Kangxisu's three-color device.

Look at this white plain three-color. Although it looks very old and the color is relatively bright, its shape is not solemn enough, and the chassis is not round enough. The biggest injury is that the bottom is too stiff, and some of it seems to have just been carved.

This analysis, coupled with her no reaction to this thing, so it is basically certain that this is an imitation.

Of course, no matter whether you think it is true or not, you can't say it in front of others. This is the most basic knowledge between buyers and buyers. If you don't buy it yourself, if you mislead buyers who are interested in antiques, it will be a big taboo.

Dai Zhi pretended to look at it and returned the imitation of the plain three-color to the thin and tall old man. "I'm not sure. Let's look at something else."

The boss also tacitly understood that this girl was indeed an insider.

Shu Ya also understood that Dai Zhi denied the Su Sancai, covered her mouth and smiled softly, and said to the boss, "Boss, I'll say that my sister is an amateur. Don't think about fooling me anymore. Take out your real treasure and have a look, or I will patronize the one next door."

The shopkeeper touched his chin and looked at Daizhi differently. Finally, he knew that he was not good-looking and had a love for talent. He hoped to meet buyers who knew the goods. After all, he didn't see the baby himself. So he went into the store and touched it for a long time, took out a bag, and then put the bag on the stall solemnly. "Look, my baby is here!"

Shu Ya quickly opened the bag and looked for it excitedly. Soon, she found a beautifully made porcelain cup, which looked gorgeous. As soon as the shopkeeper saw that Mrs. Zhao took something, he immediately sold it eloquently.

"Mrs. Zhao is so winked. I found the best baby here at once. This is a porcelain cup that Yongzheng used. I spent a lot of money to get it back!"

Shu Ya's eyes immediately shined, just like her reaction after being sold by a swindler at the fair yesterday. She was flattered as soon as she was flattered. She immediately asked,

"Boss, please give me a price!"

The boss was happy, but he still pretended to be generous and said, "Mrs. Zhao, you are a regular customer, and I won't offer it, 100,000 yuan!" If you like it, you can take it away!"

Dai Zhi took a breath, but Shu Ya was obviously moved. However, after learning from yesterday's experience, today I brought an ansman and quickly asked Dai Zhi in a low voice.

"Xiaozhi, look, is this thing real?"

Daizhi's eyes did see some strange phenomena. The surface of porcelain is attached to a thin layer of fog. According to past experience, it is indeed a symbol of antiques. Dai Zhi took it in her hand and tested it again, but she didn't feel strange, which made her strange...

What's going on?

How can you see the "Reiki" but not feel its year?

Dai Zhi frowned and couldn't understand.

Use the color light in your eyes to test the "reiki" on the porcelain cup. The color light is absorbed very pleasantly and is not polite at all.

In this way, it seems to be more certain that this porcelain cup is indeed an antique.

But why doesn't the left hand respond...

Dai Zhi carefully analyzed that her left and right were first to feel an ancient bell in the villa. The age was 200 years ago. She could clearly see the year of its unearthing, and the Yongzheng dynasty was obviously more than 200 years old, so she did not respond?

That is to say, her current power can only detect the year of the unearthed antiques about 200 years ago...

However, these are just her guesses, and there is no basis to confirm it. Now it is certain that this porcelain cup is indeed an antique, but the age is hard to say. It is even more uncertain whether it is used by Yongzheng. The shopkeepers are generally bragging and can't be trusted.

It's really good to say that if it's not such an old antique, it's just a modern antique, 100,000 yuan is not a small amount, and she doesn't dare to be a dog-headed soldier casually.

Dai Zhi thought for a moment and had to say, "Sister Zhao, this thing does look like some years, but 100,000 yuan, it's too expensive."

Shu Ya blinked her eyes. She came to Taobao at basically the same price, and the shopkeeper also knew this, so according to this price, if the porcelain cup was indeed from the Yongzheng period, then 100,000 yuan was not too expensive.

Seeing what else Sister Zhao wanted to say, Dai Zhi quickly took something to show her, "Sister Zhao, how about this?"

Daizhi took out a square porcelain from the sack. This thing is irregular in shape, and ordinary people can't see what it is. It is roughly square, with four bases, and a total of eight different kinds of pastel fish are painted on the four inclined walls: mandarin fish, silver carp, carp, catfish, bass, mandarin fish and other Daizhi The fish that can't be named is very vivid.

The mouth of the device is traced along the original gold, most of which has been worn out over the years, but the whole device is intact.

Dai saw the lingering "reiki" on the surface of the porcelain, and then touched it with his hand and felt some very vague numbers. It was not very clear, but it must be an antique.

Shu Ya picked it up and looked left and right. She still couldn't understand what it was, so she asked Dai Zhi, "What object is this?"

Dai Zhi explained, "This device is a pen for writing supplies." It should be a masterpiece of folk kilns between the middle and late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. However, Dai Zhi didn't say this sentence. If the boss heard it, why didn't he ask for a high price?

The greatest pleasure of collecting is to pick up leaks. Of course, you have to spend the least money to buy the most valuable things.

Dai Zhi's eyes turned around, and there was already a countermeasure in his heart.