A romantic and rich woman

Chapter 28 Beautiful Counterattack!

The neighbors who saw that Mrs. Shen could get compensation so smoothly also took advantage of this emptiness and chaos to follow.

"And our family, Xiaozhi, you should remember your father's afterthoughts. Our family has paid and contributed to it. Since you are doing well now, even the capital and profit are not too much, right?"

"Yes, don't forget me. I also paid!"

However, after hearing Dai Zhi's reaction, everyone was stunned...

"Who said that I broke up with Shen Feng?"

Even the little old lady who had begun to prepare to count the bills did not react.

However, she quickly came to her senses and immediately slandered Dai Zhi, "Good boy, I said, why are you a shameless woman? You, a girl with watery Yanghua, stole people and made the whole street a household name. You even dare to let go of our family's peaks. Are you beautiful or rich? Rich country, where can't our Fengfeng do it? If you wear a green hat and pick up other people's broken shoes without saying a word?

The snobbish Obasan said so, but he was calculating quickly in his heart. If this girl really didn't withdraw from the marriage, wouldn't the rich woman her son just know be pornographic? In case she goes to make trouble, the daughter will be unhappy and kick her son, won't she lose her wife and break the army?

She has made up her mind not to do so. Now she just wants to make trouble, she just hopes to extort some benefits. Her son needs funds to fall in love, and the daughter of a rich family is not so easy to greet. She wanted to cheat some money from this girl to support her son's "prosture", but she never expected that this bone shelf was not The grown-up girl can make such a move.

And what this old lady was thinking, how could Dai Zhi, who had tasted all kinds of life in just a few days, not understand? It was because she knew what she said so.

Shen Feng is now hooking up with Yao Li. Naturally, he can't wait to dump himself clean as soon as possible. Don't have anything to do with him. In this case, why do you need to reverse right and wrong? Do you think she is still the little girl who didn't know how to fight back?

Dai Zhi smiled coldly and then looked at the onlookers,

"Uncles and aunts, you all watched me grow up. How is my character? How can you know that I be ungrateful and vain? The thing about the big money is basically fabricated by Shen Feng's ugly things!"

Everyone sighed.

Dai Zhi's voice lowered and continued,

"My father is still not cold. For decades of neighbors, I believe you won't really dig graves. I also know that it's because you listen to Shen Feng's mother's nonsense. I don't blame you." Dai Zhi said to Uncle Wang, who had just stood opposite and took the lead in coaxing,

"Bun Wang, do you still remember a year when you suddenly had a heart attack and there was no one at home. My father was in a hurry to send you to the hospital to pick up your life. Sister Li, last year, your little Dong went to junior high school and didn't do well in the middle school entrance examination. You had to pay 20,000 yuan to go to school. Your family can't take it out. It's my father saved himself without saying a word. I lent you the money from my teeth to let Xiaodong go to school. And Uncle Lin, your house was renovated the year before. He couldn't afford to hire workers and did it by himself. My father didn't say anything and didn't care about his getting worse health to help. At such an old age, he climbed up and down with a ladder and didn't ask you for a dime. I was stunned and rested for a month before recovering... There are other people, I don't say anything. You should know how many people my father has helped. In fact, I have also complained about my father. I don't accept old age and don't cherish my body well, but do you know what my father said? He said that everyone is a neighbor. If you can help, try your best to help. They will always remember your kindness.

Dai Zhi is a little choked. This man, always teaches himself the truth of life with his short life.

The neighbors were silent, as if they all remembered the old Dai, who had a strange temper but was kind and helpful, more or less helped him. When Dai said this, they all looked like children who had made a mistake and lowered their heads.

Dai Zhi took a deep breath and finally said,

"I am very grateful to you for your money and powerful efforts when my father left. Of course, I will definitely return a lot of this money to you."

She took out a stack of money from her bag and sent it to the neighbors who had paid and helped her one by one. "Wang, I remember that you borrowed 500 yuan at that time, and now I give you 2,000 yuan back. I know that your grandson is about to go to college and will cost money."

Wang Bo was full of tears and rolled around his eyes. Finally, he just looked at Dai Zhi and said nothing.

Yes, I'm ashamed to say thank you...

Daizhi returned another handful of money to his neighbors with profits, and the interest has more than doubled several times.

The originally boiling street is silent at this moment.

Shen Feng's mother didn't expect things to turn out like this at all. Seeing that everyone had more or less divided the money, and in just a few days, she would get several times the interest. She was jealous and unconvinced, and she suddenly jumped up.

"You bitch! He also said that he didn't have a lot of money. Where did you get this money? Didn't you give it to your rich boss? Do you still want to buy people here? Humph! Let me tell you, since it's a fact that you are rich and a fact that you have lost face to our Fengfeng, don't think it's over! Our Shen family will no longer recognize you as a daughter-in-law. I advise you to get to know each other and compensate for the loss of our Shen family!"

Aunt Mei, who was still sitting on the ground and rolling, suddenly rolled a carp, then jumped up, pushed Shen Feng's mother away, pulled Dai Zhi, the "daughter" who suddenly became a rich man, and smiled flatteringly,

"Xiaozhi, at least I have taken care of your father for so long, you won't care about me..."

Dai Zhi pushed her away and only felt disgusted. Although she had betrayed her father and killed her father, she was her father's legal wife, which could not be changed in any case.

"Aunt Mei, I don't want to care about what you have done before. You are my father's legal wife, and I will naturally do my duty to support you." Dai Zhi drew another pile of money. Aunt Mei stretched out her hand happily. Dai Zhi withdrew her hand and looked at Aunt Mei with firm eyes.

"In the future, I will give you 2,000 yuan of alimony every month. I don't care about this money, whether you eat, drink, gamble or raise a little white face, but..."

Dai's dark pupil reflects a cold light,

"If you dare to bring a man home... in the future, you will not only get a penny, but also get into trouble..."

** Naked threat.

Aunt Mei shuddered and looked at the weak girl in front of her, who was no longer the same as before. She trembled and nodded.