A romantic and rich woman

Chapter 34 P find out the "female ghost"

At 11:50 at night, General Zuo appeared in the living room of Zhu's mansion on time, as well as Mr. Fei, who had a lot of seniority and experience.

Of course, there is also the big outbreak of Yao, who is fighting against people, and Yao Li, the eldest lady who follows the left marshal wherever he goes.

But I haven't thought about it all morning...

The number of people who appeared at night is still very objective. Although some people are timid and didn't come in the end, most of them are still curious about what's going on. Can Marshal Zuo, a collector, really deal with this matter? Are there any ghosts and gods in the world?

The wall always ticked, and there were many people outside the door who pretended to have nothing but were inevitably afraid. Every second, their hearts also beat, and everyone's eyes subconsciously fell on General Zuo, who was sitting quietly in the hall.

And the painting is now hanging in the original hanging place in the bedroom according to the instructions of General Zuo.

As for why he did this, Zhu Fugui didn't understand, and others didn't understand.

Since you know that there is something wrong with the painting, why not put it generously in the hall to see if that kind of supernatural event will happen in the sight of so many people.


The time seems to go very slowly at this moment. Although there were many people around the door, no one made a loud noise, and the scene was so quiet that they could hear their own heartbeats...



It makes the already tense scene more and more strange. At this time, as long as someone suddenly screams loudly, it will definitely scare everyone.

The miserable crying...

The creepy screams...

It's not really so evil, is it?


The scene became more and more silent. Some women couldn't even help trembling and subconsciously leaned on the people around them. Their minds were full of those horrible scenes from horror movies they had seen before. Now I regret why I came here to watch the fun.

Men laugh at their timidity, but they are just crying, and no female ghosts appear. What are they afraid of?

Zhu Fugui's bedroom is not far from the hall, and you can see the painting hanging in the room from the living room.

At the last minute, Marshal Zuo suddenly got up and walked towards the bedroom...

"Ah! Brother Zuo, what are you doing..." Yao Li screamed first and even reached out to pull him. The people at the scene also began to feel nervous.

The left general has long hands and long legs, and he walks to the door in three or two steps. At this time, he always points to the twelve o'clock position!

What made everyone look pale—

The miserable cry really sounded!

For a while, I was about to cry, and I cried until my bones were creepy. For a while, I cried until my heart was heartbreaking, and the scream went straight to everyone's heart!

Some women who had been nervous for a long time were so nervous that they fainted by the completely unacceptable ghost crying. Even the men were so scared that their faces turned pale that they even hugged their heads and rats. The scene was chaotic, screaming and noisy.

In the originally silent night, it completely collapsed because of this sad ghost crying.

Yao Li was also really scared. She suddenly kept her father and trembled all over. Even Yao, who was used to seeing the big scene, was pale and did not dare to look at the strange painting. Mr. Fei frowned and looked at the bedroom.

On the contrary, Zhu Fugui was the most calm. He glanced at General Zuo standing at the door and said, "I didn't lie to everyone!"

"It turns out that there are really ghosts in the world!"

"It's still a ghost! Zhu Fugui, have you done something unreasonable?"

Everyone was so scared that they were at a loss. Half of the people had already run away, and some people were bold to see what would happen in the end. General Zuo was still here. They were still standing outside the door. Even if there were ghosts, there should be no danger.

"There is indeed a 'ghost', but it is a living 'ghost'!"

At this moment, a beautiful and pleasant sound suddenly interrupted the ups and downs of the scene. At this time, the voice of this young girl, which sounded very clear, quieted the scene full of sighs, and immediately stunned everyone...

Everyone instinctively looked at the birthplace of that sound--

A short-haired girl with beautiful facial features stood calmly in the crowd. Her dress and appearance were not outstanding or amazing, but she was just seen at a glance.

The dark eyes of the large and watery pupils made her temperament very different. From the beginning, everyone smelled a faint fragrance of flowers, but at the beginning, everyone's eyes were on the painting. Even if they smelled it, it was only because of the refreshing fragrance of flowers blowing in the wind in the spring season, but at this moment Looking at this quiet and smiling little girl, she felt that the illusory natural flower fragrance seemed to be clearer and more fragrant.

This makes her temperament more and more mysterious, especially... different.

There is no domineering look, and the clothes are also very ordinary. At first glance, they are not rich, but their special temperament makes people unconsciously have an unexplained good impression.

And behind the girl, there was a man about 30 years old, who lowered his head and followed Daizhi.

Everyone doesn't understand what's going on.

"Dai Zhi, how could it be you!"

Yao Li, who has not noticed the existence of Dai Zhi as the focus, found Dai Zhi now. Seeing this dead broom star, she roared angrily.

And last time in Aojia Century City, she not only did not gain the upper hand, but also made this poor woman who had been riding under her win so much applause and enjoyed the cheers of everyone. Why did a thief who stole her Swiss watch enjoy all this?

Also, she is obviously a male, female and feminine tomboy. The last time I saw her, I found that her temperament had changed, but in a few days, even if she didn't want to admit it... Why is her temperament more and more outstanding?

There is even a momentum to surpass her.

No! She will never let this happen. She is the daughter of the Yao family. Beauty care products and some minimally invasive surgery fees alone are not the numbers that ordinary people can earn in their lifetime. How can she lose to this poor man living at the bottom?!

With so many factors combined, Yao Li, who didn't pay attention to Dai Zhi at all, suddenly hated her to the bone.

Dai Zhi glanced at Yao Li, who was dressed in a famous brand, ignored her, but went straight into the door of Zhu's mansion, stood in front of Zhu Fugui, pointed to the man behind him and asked,

"Mr. Zhu, do you know this gentleman?"

Yao Li is so angry that her nose is about to fly away!

Her grand lady talked to a dead girl who couldn't move from the table at all. Not only did she ignore her, but she didn't even bother to watch it!

Where does this put her face?

If General Zuo hadn't been here, she would have rushed to teach this stinky girl a lesson!

The onlookers lowered their voices and sneered. They had long seen that Yao Li, who was holding chicken feathers as an arrow, were unhappy. At this time, the eye-catching little girl who came out of nowhere frustrated her spirit without a trace, but made them very happy and couldn't help liking the girl with a special temperament.


Zhu Fugui, who was also a little confused, reacted. He shook his head hurriedly and said doubtfully, "I don't know him, but... why does he seem to be a little familiar?"

Dai Zhi seemed to be in control of everything and smiled.

And the man who has been standing aside, more dazzling than the hero in Korean dramas, quietly evoked an imperceptible smile...