A romantic and rich woman

Chapter 36 Painting

Things finally came out. Such a farce happened at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, and everyone could not help sighing.

In particular, Zhu Fugui kept thanking Dai. The pair of "Fairy Desperation" finally proved that it was not a haunted ancient painting, but he did not want this painting, saying that he was unhappy to see it.

He pulled off the painting and wanted to tear it off in front of everyone.

"Wait a minute!"

This sudden scream is none other than Dai Zhi, who really became a hero tonight.

Of course, she didn't regret that such a painting was destroyed, and she didn't know that this painting was a valuable thing, but...

She saw a phenomenon that made her strange!

The side of the picture suddenly burst into colored light that only her special eyes could see!

The colorful light was very dazzling, and the colorful light in her eyes couldn't wait to fly over after discovering the dazzling light in the cracks of the painting, as if she was very hungry to see the delicious food.

This is definitely not an ordinary phenomenon, and only Daizhi's eyes can see it. Other people's naked eyes can't detect it at all. To be honest, if Zhu Fugui hadn't impulsively torn off the painting, she really wouldn't have found this secret!

Zhu Fugui looked at Dai Zhi puzzledly and called him, "Miss Dai, you don't have to pity that although there is no problem with this painting, it has caused so many disturbances, and it was sold at the beginning."

"No! There is something wrong with this picture!" Dai Zhi was too excited and incoherent.

Everyone looked at her inexplicably, and even General Zuo was puzzled. He also found a clue about the haunted thing, but it was a step later than Dai Zhi, but this time, he really didn't know what Dai Zhi was going to do.

Dai Zhi didn't say anything, but took the painting from Zhu Fugui's hand. As soon as his hands touched the reverse side of the painting, there was an amazing special reaction!

She pressed her heart so excited that she couldn't wait to jump out, carefully put the painting on the table, and then asked Zhu Fugui, who was more and more confused, for a knife. In front of everyone, she divided the painting that caused a lot of disturbance into two!

Everyone was stunned. They didn't expect that "Fairy to the Bottom of the earth" were two paintings. No, it should be said that there is still a picture hidden under "Fairy to the earth"!

So, she only touched the front of the painting before and did not respond, and the thin "reiki" was not from the "Fairy Map to the Bottom of the earth" itself, but from the painting hidden under the painting. At this time, the hidden painting was completely exposed in front of her, and the "reiki" swimming in the painting "It makes her more and more sure that this is an ancient painting of absolute value!

"How could this happen!"

"There is still a painting hidden under this painting!"

Everyone stared at this scene with incredible eyes, and even Marshal Zuo and Mr. Fei were stunned!

Mr. Fei is a well-informed senior. He quickly reacted and asked quickly,

"Mr. Zhu, do you know that there is such a picture under your "Fairy to the Bottom of the earth"?"

Zhu Fugui was dumbfounded and shook his head blankly.

Mr. Fei looked a little excited. He found this kind of thing for the first time in the antique street for so many years, and he didn't expect that the two flawless pictures of such glued were actually seen by the little girl and played a good way to divide the two pictures that had been glued together for a long time. Open.

Dai Zhi was also a little afraid. The two pictures were glued too convincingly. I don't know if it was because of her special left hand or sheltered by those colored light. There were no obvious scratches, and the second picture was completely divided.

"I guess the person who first sold this picture to Mr. Zhu made the paper of this painting, that is, the silk of the Song Dynasty, look more textured, so he drew a picture and pasted a picture on the back. So it seems that the paper of "Fairy to the Next to the earth" is not the real Song Dynasty silk."

In this way, it explains why Dai Zhi did not respond to The Fairy Map.

Everyone also understood Mr. Fei's words and immediately laughed at Zhu Fugui for buying a worthless fake painting.

Instead, General Zuo became interested in this painting. He went forward to have a look, frowned, and meditated for a moment before saying to Mr. Fei,

"Fai Lao, do you think this painting looks like "Immediate the Statue of a Tang Dynasty in Dunhuang Mural"?"

As soon as this word came out, there was another uproar!

Anyone with a little common sense knows that the value of copying the statue of a Tang Dynasty in Dunhuang mural is immeasurable.

"Mimation of the statue of the Tang Dynasty in Dunhuang murals" was made by Zhang Daqian, a famous Chinese painting master. Later, it was given to the great painter Huang Junbi, and the painting later lost its whereabouts in the chaos. There are many legendary versions among the people. This painting seems to be seamless and is a rare boutique. If this is really " If you copy the Dunhuang mural statue of the Tang Dynasty, it is definitely a complete treasure! Unexpectedly, Zhu Fugui, a fat man, had bad luck.

Dai Zhi hurriedly beat the drum in his heart. Originally, this painting was accidentally found. If General Zuo didn't say that sentence, maybe Zhu Fugui would not care and sell it to herself as an ordinary calligraphy and painting at a low price, then she could rely on this painting!

But now such an immeable iron rooster knows the value of this painting and will definitely make a price.

"Mr. Zhu, do you sell this painting?"

It was not Dai Zhi who asked this question, but Yao Li who couldn't wait.

Since this painting has been identified by Marshal Zuo as "Impersonation of the Tang Dynasty Statue of Dunhuang Murals", if she buys it, she can be involved with General Zuo anyway, and this is also to raise the face of Zuo Marshal. Of course, she will not miss this kind of killing two birds with one stone.

Zhu Fugui didn't expect things to turn around like this. The brain, which has always been good at computing, began to operate quickly again. Of course, he was reluctant to let go of this opportunity to make a fortune. The eyes turned,

"I didn't expect to have this painting. Well, I bought it for 500,000 yuan at that time. I won't make a penny for Miss Yao. I'll sell it to you for 500,000 yuan!"

"Dai Zhi stood aside, a little anxious. If you really let them make a deal, don't you want to make a deal?

She originally planned to buy a house to pick up Aunt Ma and Uncle Ma's family, and then find a good school for her second child. Although the antique street matter has been settled, it is difficult to guarantee that Shen Feng will not make any tricks again.

And Heliandong's money must also be returned. This is such a good opportunity, she can't watch her wealth be cut off like this. If the opportunity slips away, it will never come back...